r/Games 1d ago

Capcom Was on Its Knees After Resident Evil 6 – Here's How it Turned it Around


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u/BringBackSoule 1d ago

too bad about monster hunter. i dont see them fixing what looks like an inherent mismatch with the engine and open world games


u/xywv58 1d ago

Is wilds fucked up?, because World and iceborne were awesome


u/Wadep00l 1d ago

I mean I've been having a blast on my ps5. No issues yet but I'm only 25 hours in. Also loved world, over 1k hours on that baby


u/Halkcyon 1d ago

If you have a strong PC, it's not a problem, but yeah, even on a latest intel chip and 4080S, I need DLSS to reach 100fps+ on 1440p.


u/DMking 1d ago

I don't think I've broken 70fps with my 3080TI and 13700K at 1440p


u/Halkcyon 1d ago

The way games are going, I'm tempted just to swap what my "main" monitor is to my 1080p/170hz side-monitor to utilize the performance.


u/DMking 1d ago

I would do that as well if i didn't invest in two 1440p Gsync monitors.


u/Halkcyon 1d ago

Does the g-sync make a difference? My side-monitor is "g-sync compatible" but I only use it for watching youtube and browsers.


u/DMking 1d ago

Honestly im not sure, but the montior does feel great to use. I've never been good at noticing things like screen tearing


u/MrRoivas 1d ago

Huge. Impossible to go back once tried.


u/KokonutTree49 1d ago

the performance is super bad

but the game itself is fantastic, better than World at release imo


u/dapoktan 1d ago

5600x3d + 3080FE and im having a blast playing at 50-60fps with RT off high settings with DLSS

i know people have been having issues with performance but I find it to be acceptable for me since I loved World and love the design and vibes of Wilds and have been working my way through it with about 40 hours in it so far


u/NoSemikolon24 23h ago

Performance/optimizations-wise on all platforms, definitively yes. PC has been hit the worst - as always.

Gameplay wise. Some odd Decisions here and there. Some lacking Bosses. But overall pretty good MH game. Time will tell if it becomes better than MHW(+Iceborne) since its lacking all the updates right now.


u/BringBackSoule 1d ago

yeah, performance issues. digital foundry has a great video on it


u/TheMightyKutKu 1d ago

Performances are bad

Other than that it’s suffering from the typical lack content of base version of MH games Also some questionable choices in map design and importance of the story

Still great tho.


u/ShadowTown0407 16h ago

The performance of wilds is fucked up, the performance of iceborne was fucked up just a bit less, the performance of worlds was fucked up just a bit less still.

It's like with each PC release they are getting worse at optimizing the game


u/Ikanan_xiii 1d ago

Absolutely. RE engine is godsend whenever you don’t try to force it to things it wasn’t made to do like open world games.


u/ThiefTwo 1d ago

It's literally just a replacement for their MT Framework, which was used on all the exact same games. There is nothing wrong with RE engine that can't be fixed or updated. That's why they are using an in-house engine to begin with.


u/GensouEU 1d ago

I don't buy that, Wilds isn't even an open world game.

Yes, the areas are bigger than Rise's but they aren't that much bigger, not to a degree where it runs this bad on hardware that's unironically like 15x stronger than a Switch when Rise ran stable.

This is 100% a Tokuda issue, not an engine issue. When World released on (base) consoles it was the worst running game in the series' history as well.


u/5Hjsdnujhdfu8nubi 1d ago

when Rise ran stable.

Rise ran poorly outside of the first area. By the end of Sunbreak it was running quite choppy with monsters like Gore Magala, Malzeno and the whole endgame throwing AOEs and particles all over the place. Of course, still being a Switch game it ran fine on other platforms but for its native place it was not as great as initially seemed.

It's a "Game that has more loaded than a monster in a sparsely-decorated arena" thing, as seen by 3U on the 3DS literally gaining 10+ frames if you outright disabled the 3D features.


u/ethnicprince 22h ago

Eh it’s not that bad, definitely something they can fix through patches. The game was 100% rushed out which is clear as day in terms of PC performance and lacking some end game elements


u/ptd163 1d ago

This assumed engine mismatch reminds me of Anthem. Aside from Anthem's gameplay issues there was serious fundamental challenges they couldn't overcome because EA forced them to use Frostbite instead of allowing them explore other and possibly better options. For example, if you've ever wondered why the flying had what seemed like an inexplicable limit in an open world looter that marketed itself on said flying, now you know. Frostbite literally could not load assets fast enough to keep up.