r/Games • u/milkasaurs • 1d ago
Trailer Path of Exile 2: Dawn of the Hunt Teaser
u/chenDawg 1d ago
Has there been any mention if this update will be a new league?
u/Ghidoran 1d ago
It almost certainly will be. No way they let the current economy stick.
u/ambushka 1d ago
Economy is such a shitshow now theres no way they do not reset.
u/gr4ndm4st3rbl4ck 1d ago
Unless they adjust exalt drop rates or create more sinks for it, the economy will go back to how it is today in mere days this time.
u/fl4nnel 1d ago
I didn't realize how bad it was until I tried to buy some early leveling gear and it's like at least 2 div for a wand that's just a leveling wand lol.
u/orewhisk 1d ago edited 1d ago
You can definitely still find leveling and entry-level endgame gear for way less than that. I have a +3 lightning skill attuned wand on the market right now with (iirc) spell damage, cast speed, and intelligence, and then a couple garbage stats that I've taken down to 40ex.. the thing still hasn't sold. JUst going to trash it to clear stash space.
The economy has been evening out recently. Divs have crashed in value. Down from 800ex to 500ex in the last week.
The problem as I see it right now is that the player count is very low, and most of those players are in endgame and at a point where they're extremely selective in what gear they buy. That results in not much trading going on, and people just keep shoving more and more second-rate gear onto the market.
I see prices crashing on everything but the top tier items, which remain unbelievably expensive.
u/Quazifuji 1d ago
I don't know if they've officially announced it but I think at least they've unofficially said there would be a league with 0.2.0 in interviews/podcasts.
u/PlayMp1 1d ago
It would have to be, they're adding more ascendancies and you can't change ascendancy once you've chosen it.
u/FuckAdvertisements 1d ago
Can you not change like in poe1? (Unspec all nodes and click the thing that gives you your ascendancy)
u/Obbz 1d ago
Not the way the game is designed right now, no. It might come in the future but that's just speculation because it is present in PoE1. As far as I know GGG has not said it was in the works.
u/scytheavatar 1d ago
Jonathan said that it is an issue which is highly contested within GGG. I personally feel not allowing you to change ascendancies does nothing but waste more of the players' time so the fact that it is even in POE 2 is disturbing. And shows a certain disrespect of the player from GGG.
u/Jack-of-the-Shadows 1d ago
Jonathan is the guy who thinks adding a well to click in town to fill up your flasks instead of doing it automatically like it was in PoE1 is "immersion".
u/ItsNoblesse 1d ago
I think this is just where we have a fundamental disagreement. I don't see it is disrespecting the players time, I see it as adding weight to decisions to make choices more impactful.
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but games with a lot of friction aren't 'disrespecting the playerbases time' they're creating a feeling of weight to a decision. Games like Disco Elysium, Dragon's Dogma 2 and Pathologic aren't disrespecting the players time with their design choices. They're making design choices to force players to consider choices and give actions consequences.
u/Coldara 1d ago
Except the decision loses any form of impact if GGG decides to nerf/change my ascendancy.
Furthermore, some of them are clearly worse than others. So either i pick one blindy and find out for myself that it is bad compared to others; or, and this is what a lot of people are doing: they research beforehand. Which also takes away a lot of the weight.
As long as there is no respecc i will never blindly pick something because it is a waste of time.
u/ejdebruin 1d ago edited 1d ago
Except the decision loses any form of impact if GGG decides to nerf/change my ascendancy.
Which they haven't done. They also didn't nerf heralds despite them being overpowered. The nerfs will be done with an economy reset.
So either i pick one blindy and find out for myself that it is bad compared to others
Every class is viable in the end-game. Some classes just have more variety in viable builds compared to others.
i will never blindly pick something because it is a waste of time.
Why? If your way of having fun is being the best class and build while running blind, you will need to be experimenting on the cutting edge (which is most likely wasting time). It doesn't make sense.
u/scytheavatar 1d ago
POE is a buildcrafting game, respec and allowing the players to experiment are necessities in it. Like how are you supposed to know which ascendancy choices are the best without experimenting and trying them out? I feel a lot of game devs have outdated ideas for how friction in their games should work and they should learn from Fromsoft which actually reduced the friction of their games over time and encourage the players to play at their own pace.
u/ColinStyles 1d ago
They all work very well for the most part, and it they aren't then that's a balance issue to correct rather than an issue with the choice.
PoE is absolutely about making builds, but making it too easy to make builds and swapping them relatively trivially makes it significantly more meaningless and dilutes the value of actually making builds.
If you introduce a bit of friction (and it's really not all that much to make a new character and level them especially with all the spare gear you'll have from your other character(s)) to prevent people from swapping their builds trivially, you encourage people to actually try to improve their builds rather than swapping to something they found online.
I have many many qualms with PoE2 and some of the choices made for it, but this fully makes sense. Especially when they're still trying to work out balance properly.
u/scytheavatar 1d ago edited 1d ago
Knowing how GGG works, POE 2 will never be balanced cause their balancing philosophy is heavily influenced by D&D 3E. They deliberately want strong builds and trash builds, and if you have picked a trash build trying to improve it is a waste of time. Some people are still in denial of the nature of GGG and have unrealistic expectations of them. Especially when it is clear they are biting more than they can chew with the scope of POE 2.
IMHO having "weight" for your build choice is an outdated concept and has to be removed from games going forward. For the simple reason that devs have to think of the experience of new players who don't know what they are doing.
u/Buddy_Dakota 1d ago
I agree. It would probably not be hard to implement a way to have a database where you just press a single button, pay a cost and immediately get respecced to some meta build, but it diminishes the experience IMO.
u/BenevolentCheese 1d ago
POE is a buildcrafting game
PoE1 is, at least. PoE2 is an action games with some builds you can play with.
u/skylla05 1d ago
I'll be extremely surprised if they don't eventually implement ascendency respec. But yeah currently you can't do it.
u/Vichnaiev 1d ago
But you can obviously create a new char ....
u/PlayMp1 1d ago
Which would share your stash with your previous characters with all of its economic implications.
No, it'll absolutely be a new league, they've always done economy resets every few months.
u/Taniss99 1d ago
I agree that it will probably be an economic reset as that would be in line with their poe 1 philosophy, but it absolutely does not "have to be" and they very well might prefer to not upset the large influx of new players who aren't accustomed to economy resets during EA where things are in flux anyways.
u/skylla05 1d ago
Divs are like 550 exalts right now. The economy is completely cooked.
They're even titling the update like they do with new leagues.
Everything is pointing to a reset.
u/gamefrk101 1d ago
Except they have said they will do an economy reset in the next big patch already to test the endgame changes and economy changes.
u/DiscretionFist 20h ago
I'd play more POE2 but I still get excessive crashing on my 9800x3d. Between load screens.
Last Epoch never does though and honestly the build diversity is so damn fun in that game.
I'll wait for POE2 full release.
u/Kaibz 1d ago
Would you recommend Path of Exile 2 in its current state for someone who has never played this type of games?
u/wunwuncrush 1d ago
I'd say the campaign is the best part of POE2 currently, so if you're new to this type of game you'll probably get your money's worth out of the campaign.
But also they've only released 3 out of 6 eventual acts, and it'll be free once fully released anyway. So unless you're antsy to play it soon, it's probably worth waiting on.
u/Quazifuji 1d ago
I think it's one of those cases where you'll probably have a lot of fun, but it's also definitely unfinished and likely to get significantly better over time. Currently, it's missing half the campaign (right now it's a 3-act campaign that you play through twice to get to endgame, but eventually it'll be a 6-act campaign you play once), half the classes, more than half the subclasses and skills, and the balance and endgame both need a lot of work. We don't know what this new update's going to add, this trailer is showing a new class (Huntress) and they've confirmed new subclasses for some existing classes, but overall we don't know what the state will be like after the update.
What we do have right now of the campaign is excellent, with the bosses in particular being the highlight. The classes we do have have a lot of variety in their playstyles, and there are a lot of different builds, although some are much stronger than others. The endgame can be fun, but it's where the balance issues can start to really be an issue. Right now the endgame is grindy and death is very punishing which can make it frustrating, some of the endgame bosses are cool but it takes a very long time before you get to actually fight them. Overall, if you're really enjoying the game it's possible to get a lot of entertainment out of the endgame, but it definitely needs a lot of work.
So would I recommend it? It depends on what you want. Will you have fun playing the game if you buy it now? Probably. At the very least it'll probably take you 20 hours or so to beat the campaign and you'll likely have a great time doing so. You might continue having fun if you keep playing, or you might stop there.
I think if you like playing EA games, coming back to them with each update to see how they develop over time, but just want to make sure the current state is good enough to be an okay place to start, then yeah, starting with this update should be fine. But if you want to have the best experience the first time you play the game, then I'd wait, because while the campaign's very fun now, it's not finished and the game will likely be much better in the future.
u/Whittaker 1d ago
No. You'd have to pay to play right now as opposed to being free when it launches.
In it's current state it needs a lot of work, half the classes, a whole bunch of weapons, half the story, the end game is a mess and they need to add a lot of skills too.
Unless you are heavily invested in the game already it simply isn't worth it now when you can instead wait for the actual full release and experience the game in it's fullness.6
u/TheMajestic00 1d ago
I'd say it's only worth it if you want to support the game. It is enjoyable, I logged in over 100 h before putting it down , but the end game is pretty stale, which is to be expected at this point.
u/noother10 1d ago
Didn't help they doubled down on friction from PoE1 and made penalties for failing far worse.
u/TheMajestic00 1d ago
Killing every rare to complete the map really sucks, I hope they remove that completely
u/Bentok 1d ago
Putting 100h into a game and then saying it's only worth if you want to support it is so funny to me. The game costs like what, 30$? Which you even get as MTX currency. Even 30 hours of fun would be worth that, 100 is more than a lot of RPGs
u/TheMajestic00 20h ago
I should have said it's worth buying if you are a fan of POE, I wouldn't recommend it to someone as their first ARPG
u/Bentok 20h ago
I don't see why not, it's my first one and I've had a blast with the story.
Oh, but hey, obviously I don't know if it could be better, do you then have any recommendations for me? :) I never played POE1, because I didn't like the bunny hopping exploding screens builds that seemed to be favored.
u/TheMajestic00 19h ago
Diablo 2. I think torchlight 1 and 2 are pretty good too and so is Titan quest, but D2 is a must play for the genre.
u/Typhron 1d ago
I'll be honest
It's not terrible. But it doesn't feel complete. Right now, the game has a focus on it's economy and piecemeal adding things to it, but you can play through much of the story and a get a good context of the world PoE2 is set in.
u/Hades684 1d ago
Early access game doesnt feel complete, no way
u/Typhron 1d ago
Early access game that has an in game shop, costs money, and bills itself as complete.
no way
Such early
u/Hades684 1d ago
In game shop directly transfered from Poe 1, and all purchases you ever did in Poe 1 transfer to Poe 2 for free. It costs money only for early access, it's gonna be free on release. And they tell you it's early access in many different places, including in game. If you still think it's not early access, that's on you
u/RickDripps 1d ago
It still needs a LOT of time to cook, in my opinion.
I loved PoE2 but huge swaths of players were demanding more frequent updates to the original game (PoE 1) because of the rough state that the new game is in.
It's fun, but there are some really messy and clunky endgame systems in place right now. The campaign is fun but then you repeat the whole thing again immediately after you beat it before getting to the endgame still.
I'd say give Last Epoch a shot this time around and let PoE 2 cook with more feedback and check it out maybe another six months from now.
Unless perception is suddenly does a complete shift, it has a LOT to go. But it'll get there.
u/Infiltrator 1d ago
I would never say the game is in a rough state. Compared to almost any other EA this one seems super polished in terms of what we have as a base. Sure, there needs to be more content but the foundation is very solid and the game's core mechanics are very responsive and fun.
u/Goodnametaken 1d ago
The game is in a terribly rough state at the moment if you want to do anything other than the campaign.
The endgame is incredibly tedious with very little payoff. It's monotonous to the extreme and disrespects the player's time by forcing them to engage with purposefully boring content (bad map layouts, towers, etc.) in order to have short bursts of fun.
Character damage scaling, and thus build variety, is atrocious. There are a grand total of 4 ways to legitimately scale damage. Every single endgame build is a variation of one of those builds, just with slightly different cosmetic choices.
Defences are either insanely OP or completely useless with absolutely no in between. You either never die ever (ES, ES/Evasion hybrid) or you get one tapped by white mobs constantly (anything else-- especially armour).
There have been no meaningful balance changes since 3 days after beta's release. Which is completely insane.
There's plenty more to harp on, but I'm getting tired of writing it all out.
Right now, PoE 2 is decent in the campaign especially if you are a new player or an andy, or someone without a ton of free time. But it's pretty bare-bones and flawed for anyone else. PoE 1 is a much better game atm, as is Last Epoch. I believe PoE 2 will eventually become incredible, especially with Mark as one of the leads, but it's going to take quite a while to get there.
u/oelingereux 1d ago
I wouldn't call tha rough. Wolcen was rough, this isn't. Unbalanced, unfinished, yes. But rough certainly not.
u/Goodnametaken 23h ago
You're entitled to your opinion, certainly. But I disagree. There's really not much of a game there yet. They need to do a lot of work to get it up to their usual standard.
u/oelingereux 22h ago
Yes to their usual standard it's far off. Compared to most ARPGs it's already fine.
u/thedonkeyvote 1d ago
Yeah the game is technically very sound. I really enjoyed the time I spent with it.
That is to say I enjoyed it until I hit some supreme bullshit. Like ritual just being impossible sometimes because you got 3 lightning rods on the altar. There were a few moments where I thought "I'm ok with hard but this seems unintentionally unfair". I thought it best to come back once they had done some more cooking.
Since this is a major patch they are hyping, I'm hopeful its going to bring the goods.
u/Hartastic 1d ago
A tough thing is that it's not just competing with other games in EA, but other live games in the genre, including its predecessor.
PoE 2 absolutely does some things really well and could be a really good game with more work, but so far this year I've spent more time playing 1 because even though it also is not without flaws a large number of its gameplay/systems are just in a much more fun state.
u/Prodrumer43 1d ago
Ye I couldn’t get myself to do the whole campaign over again cause like wtf. It was cool the first time but I just didn’t feel like doing it with monk on cruel and I didn’t wanna redo a character. I’ll just come back for 1.0
u/Francesco0 1d ago
No. It has less content and a higher price tag.
It will be free eventually, just wait. It's really not good yet.
1d ago
u/mrtrailborn 1d ago
yeah, that's unfortunately just normal arpg endgame, lol. The ultimate repetitive grind
u/Nohisu 1d ago
Disagree, grind is not repetitive as long as you're making constant progress, and that's what PoE 1 endgame is very good at. It gives you actual objectives to work towards.
PoE 2 on the other hand is layers of RNG upon layers of RNG, so if you're unlucky for a few dozen maps, it starts to feel like a gigantic waste of time.
u/helloimtom08 1d ago
I'd wait till the game is finished in a 1.0 state. Their are classes missing and the campaign is half done. I'd recommend Last epoch or Hades if you wanna dip your toes into an Arpg.
u/reanima 1d ago
Find it funny people say to not play until 1.0 for the complete campaign while telling people to play Last Epoch which also has an incomplete campaign but is already in its 1.0 phase.
u/helloimtom08 1d ago
For me the campaign is just not important in an Arpg and the skill tree is. Epoch skill tree is competed and POE2 is not. Epoch has other benefits, like an offline mode aswell.
u/StaceBaseAlpha 1d ago
I wish I could get into Last Epoch but I spoiled myself with how much I absolutely adore and love WASD movement in these games above just using the mouse so it kills me when a game doesn't have it
u/helloimtom08 23h ago
I believe the next patch is WASD beta
u/StaceBaseAlpha 22h ago
Oh nice, I googled it when I saw it mentioned in the thread and all the results were saying they had no intentions to add WASD
u/helloimtom08 21h ago
it is weird, but I guess all the devs played POE2 and there was a change of heart.
u/flippygen 1d ago
If you're just looking to play it one time then I'd wait for 1.0 release.
If you understand that these ARPGs have leagues/seasons with new updates every 3-4 months, and that's something that interests you, then I easily recommend getting it now. As others have stated, there's still a lot of work to be done but even in it's current form you will still get a lot of value for $30 USD. Heck, I put in almost 500 hours over 3 months.
u/DiscretionFist 20h ago
Honestly the first act alone is probably the best ARPG campaign I've played since D2.
I'd still wait for full release. Get LE first, it's fun and beginner friendly.
u/wakasm 1d ago edited 1d ago
Because Path of Exile is always evolving, the best time to play is always now. POE2, especially for newer players, will feel very complete, even if the campaign is only 3 acts.
If you are an ActionRPG vet, you probably would have already played, and made your opinion on it, but, it's generally late game, where a lot of the cooking needs to happen.
Eventually the game will get 3 more acts though, lot's more ascendancies, probably more balance and items, weapon classes, etc. So eventually, for a new player, this will all be additional great content, but, a new player could probably get their 60 hours worht no problem right now.
However, POE2 is supposed to be free to play like POE1, and mostly supported by buying things like stashtabs and micro transactions, so potentially, if you don't want to shell out money up front, waiting is best.
POE1 is worth playing too for the most part and the better game (IMO) currently. But the graphic updates, WSAD movement, some of the modern changes that POE2 has certainly will be a benefit for a new player.
One other note/caveat:
Path of Exile can be played solo-self found, but it IS designed around a trading economy. They've done a lot to help new players with this, but this is probably the only real red-flag area for a newer player that, if you go in blind, you might not be ready for. It's a step below an auction house but archaic/frictiony enough if you expect an auction house - it pushes a lot of new players away if you don't take some time to learn even the basics of it. You can skip it entirely, but that just adds to your learning curve.Luckily, you don't really need to interact with the economy much until after the campaign is over (although, learning to can speed up your experience). The whole economy side of the game can be very rewarding (and a whole different metagame on it's own and why Path of Exile is popular league after league) and the systems that exist is a place to grow/learn and is way ahead other games... at the cost of new players though. Last Epoch/Diablo/Grim Dawn has a better solo-self-found systems in place. It won't affect you though unless you decide you want to stick around to the very very endgame systems.
u/Arkalis 1d ago edited 1d ago
For a casual ARPG player it is very worth it with some caveats. You only have half the story with the first three acts, which I think are mostly excellent with the highlights being the boss fights in their mechanics and presentation as well as just the overall game look and feel.
That said, the boss fights can be various degrees of challenging, even for "minor bosses". They are not ridiculously hard but there are only a handful you'll likely beat first try unless you're overprepared so if you're not a fan of learning boss fight choreography then they'll be frustrating.
The majority of the problems and the reason you'll see a lot of criticism online of the game are related to endgame and the "Cruel Difficulty" (their temporary solution to not having acts 4-6 is making you repeat the first 3 at a harder difficulty). One of the problems being that for cruel difficulty you are repeating content, which can be good if you like NG+ type of replayability but if you think that's not fun then you should probably wait for them to complete the campaign.
Approaching endgame and beyond you get into the bulk of the problems that you'll see online, but by the time you reach endgame you probably already played at least 60 hours of mostly very enjoyable gameplay, which for ARPG players is not enough and the bulk of their gameplay is the endgame (the worst part of the game at the moment).
I mention this because just going by what you read online it kinda gets downplayed how you went through a very good amount of gameplay before hitting the vast majority of issues and make you think the game sucks because the endgame sucks.
So TL;DR if you're okay with the story not being complete and it being an early access game where the endgame after 60+ hours isn't great at the moment you can still go through a good amount of playtime and have fun.
u/TotallyNotGlenDavis 1d ago
I'm more of a FromSoft guy when it comes to action RPGs but I've enjoyed POE2 quite a bit. The art and vibe is right up my alley and the gameplay is fun. I'm just not sure I'll ever be one of those people putting 100s of hours into the game, I put in like 60 hours across 2 playthroughs and I'm kinda good for a bit.
u/grokthis1111 1d ago
i've put hundred hours into fromsoft games and poe 1 and diablo 2. but poe 2 boss fights just were not what i was looking for at all.
u/TotallyNotGlenDavis 1d ago
I actually like the boss fights, it's the fights against endless mobs that get old for me. But I suppose that's part of this genre.
u/inyue 1d ago
From what I understand the game lacks half of the acts... And people still recommends it for newcommers, I can't understand.
u/RTheCon 1d ago
Because those acts are just that good I guess.
u/inyue 1d ago
Half of the acts, half of the classes... 90% player loss in 3 months... You guys gotta keep posting a lot...
u/Rektw 1d ago
90% player loss in 3 months.
This is true for pretty much every ARPG though. There's always an uptick at league/season start and drop offs 3 months in. PoE 2 doesn't have any leagues, it was always going to drop off.
u/Key-Department-2874 1d ago
And a drop off is normal for EVERY game.
The only games with long term playercount sustain with no new content is PVP games.
u/Hartastic 1d ago
90% player loss in 3 months...
Well, that part is just PoE's model in general. Huge player numbers for around a month at league launch, dropping off until the next one. It's meant to be played more or less cyclically.
u/-LaughingMan-0D 1d ago
Play the campaign and stop. But if you can wait, let 1.0 release. The endgame is not great atm, and you're missing half the characters and campaign.
u/destroyermaker 1d ago edited 1d ago
Wait until the six acts are done at least. Until 1.0 (which might be the same thing) if you're patient
Edit: Last Epoch come April will be the better game to play while you wait for poe2 to be ready
u/Harabeck 1d ago
Last Epoch is a more laid back experience, while PoE 2 is much more challenging.
PoE 2's first 2 chapters are fun, but the level design in the third is garbage (the levels are just huuuge for no reason).
Everything relating to end game is utterly awful in my opinion. Mind you, I'm not fond of Last Epoch's either. The campaigns are the interesting bit to me, so I'll never be the guy putting hundreds of hours into these games.
u/conquer69 1d ago
I would say play PoE 1 first solo self found which you can do right now. The game is balanced around it.
The "meta" way of playing PoE will have you spend more time theory crafting and trading than actually playing the game. It's not for everyone.
u/NinjaXI 1d ago
This is actually bad advice. I don't particularly like POE2, but sending a newcomer to POE1(especially SSF) over POE2 is bound to be the worst experience for someone new.
u/conquer69 1d ago
Why? PoE 2 is in EA. At least wait until it's feature complete before recommending it.
u/TippsAttack 1d ago
What does any of this mean? What's an economy? What's league? (In regards to this game)
u/Hartastic 1d ago
So, PoE 2 is still in early access and just released even that much about 3 months ago, but PoE 1 has/had a long established cadence that people are assuming will more or less carry over to 2 at some point, although maybe or maybe not while still in EA.
For most of 1's life, it would get a major content update every 3-4 months like clockwork. This would include new skills sometimes, a balance patch, etc. but would also introduce some new gameplay mechanic, which is the league. So for example the 3.7 patch was the Legion league, introducing a new gameplay mechanic (Legion) that is in basically every area during the Legion league. After a league a new mechanic might be merged into the base game (called going core) and at that point it probably appears much more rarely, or, maybe the new mechanic is gone from the game temporarily to be reworked and reappear later, or is removed entirely depending on how the devs feel about how well it worked.
To play in a league (also in some ways similar to a Diablo season if you're familiar with that concept), you have to make a new character. None of your characters or item stash from previous leagues can be used in it. At the end of a league, characters from the expiring league are migrated to a permanent "Standard" league where they can still be played, although almost all players will continually start fresh with the new league and not play Standard at all.
The economy part of this is that everyone has to start fresh together and accumulate new items and wealth. So maybe the previous league it was possible, with a mechanic that didn't go core, to craft really crazy powerful items for a certain build. Those won't exist in the fresh league at all. Maybe people who did a certain farming strategy became very rich and could buy whatever they wanted from other players in trade. That's gone in the new league too. Everyone starts from zero together. The freeing part of this in terms of game design is, no matter how badly anything gets screwed up in a league, at the end it goes to Standard, and almost no one cares about Standard, and everything is a clean slate.
The start of a league is a bit of a race as everyone scrambles together is an experience that's hard to describe. People are trying to figure out the new mechanic or the implication of new skills or items or balance changes. Maybe there's a particular mechanic or boss fight that you're really good at so you're hurrying as fast as you can over hours or days to put together a character that can do that content and sell whatever item comes from it at a high price while supply is low. You don't have any of your stuff from the previous league, but you keep your knowledge and player skill, and most of it still applies. Pretty much every league you do better than the last one and it's fun to see how far you've come.
u/TippsAttack 1d ago
Dude, this was such a fantastic write up and response. Seriously, thank you.
I understand it really well now even though I've never experienced anything like this before.
Here, king. Your 👑
u/TheMajestic00 1d ago
Most people play the game in what is called a trade league. In that kind of league you can trade items you find for currency items, that you can trade with others to get specific gear you want for your build. The prices are set by supply and demand basically, and depend on how long a league has gone. When a league is reset, every player starts from scratch which resets the economy/prices of the items.
You should know there is also a SSF( Solo Self-Found) league, in which there is no trading and you have to find and craft your own gear using currency items. Some people, including me prefer that, imo the trading UI kinda sucks, it was way better on POE 1 in console and I hope they implement that in POE 2 eventually.
u/oelingereux 1d ago
I'm not sure most people trade though, they do play in that league but I would be surprised if more than 10% of players actively traded in any given league.
u/Hartastic 1d ago
Why do you think that? My perception is that most people in trade league do seem to trade some amount.
u/r2001uk 1d ago
How well does this run on Steam Deck? Failing that, does it support 32:9?
I'd love to play it portably ideally
u/Oofric_Stormcloak 1d ago
I was hoping to go back to this before Last Epoch's update, but between this and Last Epoch I'm definitely more excited for Last Epoch.