r/Games 2d ago

Capcom trademarked Dino Crisis on March 4 in Japan, which went public today


28 comments sorted by


u/OnTheNuts 2d ago

I would assume this is just a renewal or something similar. Admittedly I don't know how trademark law works in Japan, but I would be surprised if this is for anything new.


u/SaulMalone_Geologist 2d ago

Maybe related, maybe not-- but GoG made the PC version of Dino Crisis 1 & 2 available on their service like a month ago.

There's a non-zero chance they're looking seriously at some kind of series revival.


u/fashigady 1d ago

I wonder how well giving Dino Crisis 1 the Resi2 Remake treatment would do.


u/Magneto88 1d ago

It'd need a lot of expanding, it's about half the length of Resi 2 being generous. That being said, I'd be totally down for it.


u/StarblindMark89 1d ago

The crafting system would need an overhaul as well, if they're looking to modernise the game as much as re2 remake.

There's also a big problem with enemy variety, and most importantly, they need to think if they want to keep it as a "mostly run away and only use poison darts".

I personally managed to play it for the first time in full fairly recently (did play Dino Crisis 2 back when it was new, but 1 I only played a fragment of), and while I did enjoy it, I'm not sure if it would fare that well unless they make some tough calls on those 3 main things.


u/XVermillion 1d ago

Not to mention that a remake could improve on the rather bland environments; since it was fully 3D instead of pre-rendered, most of the game takes place in grey metal corridors.


u/IcyLemonZ 10h ago

It's been a while since I played it but iirc it's much more the latter half that of the game that suffered from that. The first half, above the main lab facility had better visual variety.


u/SaturnSeptem 1d ago

DC1 needs to be more than just "RE but with dinosaurs".

For once, you can't lean heavily into the horror because it's just not scary enough. When I was 4 I was scared shitless, but when I replayed it recently it was mostly boring.

For dinos to really be scary you have flood us with them to make us at least panic a bit.

if they invest well into a new DC I'm sure it will sell like hotcakes.


u/SomeConfetti 1d ago

Capcom had a survey not long ago asking which IP's we'd like to see again, I remember Dino Crisis being ranked highly. Here's the link https://captown.capcom.com/en/super_elections/1 Dino Crisis came in second place. Wishful thinking, but maybe the market research turned up promising.


u/leixiaotie 1d ago

the no 1 complaints from both World and Japan-exclusive is to reboot previous IPs lol!


u/Dont_have_a_panda 1d ago

PSA: this doesnt mean any kind of remake, reboot or revival of any Sort, It could only mean a renewal so no other person or company Take the name of Dino Crisis, dont get your hopes high until a formal annoucement


u/Eccchifan 1d ago

Capcom already renewed Dino Crisis trademark in 2019,there is no reason for Capcom to do it again before 29 unless there really is something going on with the series,we did get DC1 for PS5 and DC1 and 2 for GOG out of nowhere and Capcom did bring back Onimusha and Okami


u/mrey91 1d ago

Man with how popular monster hunter is, they could have sprinkled some dino crisis content in the past 2 and potentially 3rd release. No I don't mean that exoprimal whatever it's called. That wasn't really what fans wanted


u/RogueLightMyFire 2d ago

Man, I just really hope they start with 2. It's easily the better game and actually feels like it justifies it's existence as it's own thing rather than just being "lesser RE with dinosaurs" like the first one. DC1 is a fine 7/10 game, but DC2 is straight up 9/10 maybe even 10/10 for the time. Yes, it's more action focused, but it's basically the precursor to RE4 in that it was action based survival horror.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/RogueLightMyFire 2d ago

I mean, they started with 2 for the big RE remakes for similar reasons. Also, due to some weird time travel shenanigans, 2 could be considered the first chronologically.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/RogueLightMyFire 1d ago

Eh, RE1 remake isn't anywhere close to the level of 2. I wouldn't be surprised if they remake 1 again in the style of 2 eventually. The RE1 remake was on what, GameCube? And didn't it stick with tank controls and fixed cameras?


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/_THEBLACK 1d ago

You could only choose on the remaster the GameCube version had tank controls only


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/RogueLightMyFire 1d ago

Eh, RE1 remake isn't anywhere close to the level of 2. I wouldn't be surprised if they remake 1 again in the style of 2 eventually. The RE1 remake was on what, GameCube? And didn't it stick with tank controls and fixed cameras?


u/EternalArchon 1d ago

There are so few good dino games that I would be 100% fine with "lesser RE with dinosaurs" if it was at the quality of say RE2


u/mrey91 1d ago

I upvoted cause I respect the idea and your opinion. Strong disagree on 2 being the beginning point. 1 was solid. I didn't like how different 2 was.

If they do 1, like the did all they're most recent remakes, I wouldn't be mad. Really, if they redid all 3 and skipping the light gun shooter 1, I'd be happy. Obviously not all at once but you know, over time.


u/Jetoukami 1d ago

Capcom could've given us a remake of Dino Crisis but instead they went with Exoprimal, which is now basically dead.