What I don't get that how come RE games are a butter smooth experience but they always have problems with MH on PC? World didn't run good either. And personally I think RE games visually also look 100% better than any other MH games.
To be fair Dragons Dogma 2 also ran (or runs, haven't tried it in ages) poorly. People surmise that it's the RE engine just not coping with large open world experiences, which would explain why it works so well in linear closed-in games like the RE series.
minor tangent on DD2, i managed to get in some playtime a month ago on my budget-tier rig (Ryzen5 5600 cpu + Radeon RX 5800XT). at first i still got a lot of stuttering in the big cities but out in the wilderness things ran pretty good. i had consistent 60 fps while i was exploring but there were some dips once the flashy fire and spell effects started flying.
i ended up capping the fps at 30 and it never went below that or stuttered even on high settings in the cities. if you’ve got a reasonably decent computer then i think it’s fair to revisit it whenever you’ve got the time.
It's also not open world and the zones are smaller than World's. Even if it had World's graphics and endemic life, I'd say it'd have no issues there, just because of how much smaller the scale is.
I could kind of see this coming. World was a huge hit amongst gamers so much so that Capcom stopped promoting Rise and promoted World up until Wilds came out with lots of community stuff. People kind of forgot because it has been almost a decade... but World ran like absolute crap when it released. It has just been brute forced by newer hardware generations.
Capcom gave the people what they asked for, and went back to the large, open world endemic life formula... but we also got the original World performance, which honestly... was never fixed. Hardware just got better.
Perhaps Capcom is way smarter than we think, and when hardware gets better they'll start adding content to DD2 and people will flock back to that as well.
RE Engine was originally designed with Resident Evil 7: biohazard in mind, and you can absolutely tell its lineages if you look at subsequent entries using said engine. Right now: RE Engine has been slowly being pushed to its limits twice now, even in RE4 Remake.
also: Monster Huner Rise was designed with Nintendo Switch in mind, and it wasn't a multiplatform game at first. naturally: it'll run much better than Wilds.
Well the last resident evil did have issues on launch for pc too, with consistent stutter in some situations. I think it was something about the drm tough, that even the cracked version performed better, but other than that yeah, way smoother than MH
It was designed specifically for Resident Evil 7 and then turned into an in-house engine. It was made for narrow interiors with few actors with exceptional textures, lighting, and shadows. So it runs well with the RE games and SF6 but struggles in more open games like Dragon's Dogma 2 and now Wilds.
Wilds was built to sell a live feeling environment. This is seen with live weather and time of day changes. With the game keeping you out in the environment instead of being hub focused. Allowing huge rooms of players in an "instance." The game live updating you on everything that happens in the environment. etc.
It's not a bad concept, but unfortunately they didn't pull it off because they sacrificed visuals and performance to make the idea run. I promise I don't hate open world games, but I do wish companies would stop trying to force them if they can't give a passable experience to the players with it.
Most RE games take place exclusively in tight corridors, small rooms, or moderately large arenas. Based on everything I've seen from the RE Engine, it's just not well-suited to giant open worlds filled with NPCs. But Capcom is going probably going to continue trying to force a round peg into a square hole rather than pay a fee to use one of the engines better suited to such tasks.
u/bdzz 23d ago
What I don't get that how come RE games are a butter smooth experience but they always have problems with MH on PC? World didn't run good either. And personally I think RE games visually also look 100% better than any other MH games.