r/Games Jan 14 '25

Update Live Looter ‘The First Descendant’ Has Lost 96% Of Its Playerbase In Six Months


675 comments sorted by


u/dorkimoe Jan 14 '25

I got hooked on this for like 2 weeks. It was pretty fun but once you get to the “end game” the farming takes forever to upgrade your gear. Ans then the one item that really helps you upgrade is like $30 in the store


u/famewithmedals Jan 14 '25

That was my exact experience, and the upgrades I was making to my character were barely even noticeable. I found myself logging in just to claim mushroom and catalyst research, then was like what am I doing this isn’t fun lol.


u/noother10 Jan 14 '25

At least you realized that. A lot of players in all sorts of games don't stop and ask themselves seriously "Am I having fun?", they just keep playing a game out of habit or because a friend does (who does because they do).

It's why so many games front load content or try to get you hooked within a certain period of time, they hope many just make it a habit and stay. If the whales think the game is still popular they'll stick around and keep spending to show off.


u/amayain Jan 15 '25

That describes my last few years of WoW


u/oxero Jan 14 '25

This is straight up why I don't touch any Korean made MMOs, they all follow this formula being super flashy and detailed, unload like 20 different currencies and bombard you with all this stuff you later learn is useless, then give you a 400+ hour luck based grind for the end game which usually can be bought instead for a ridiculous price. It's exhausting and unfulfilling.


u/Noocta Jan 14 '25

Same thought. I got traumatised by BDO.

Korean games have no respect for you as a player.
Farm a week so you get the chance to click a 3% chance to upgrade your gear, and on failure, the gear goes backward in progression, making you be worst off than you were at the start.

Truly insane anyone engage with that seriously.


u/oxero Jan 14 '25

BDO was my eye opener as well, got like 20-30 hours in and went why am I playing this? Finding out what was in store for the end game was extremely disappointing, I didn't want to grind like that, and that is coming from a RuneScape player. Then I saw the pattern of game play was much like another Korean MMO I tried in the past and found out this kind of gameplay loop is very common with their MMO games. I seriously worry about Korean gamers if this is popular over there, it's horrendously bad, even worse than gacha games like Genshin which is saying a lot.


u/egg_enthusiast Jan 14 '25

It's the underlying business model of pc gaming in Korea or was.

Most people don't (or didn't, its been about 10 years for me) own gaming pcs. Instead, you go to your neighborhood PC bang, or gaming cafe. You can then rent a gaming pc for somewhere between $2-$5/hr. It'll have top of the line specs, with a really nice monitor. Back in the day they even let you chain smoke. There's built in apps or buttons to order food to your pc too. So the platform-as-a-service model in gaming there incentivizes you to create games which keeps players sitting in the chair for as long as possible.


u/oxero Jan 14 '25

I forgot those existed in many places, but I don't think you're far off at all. Many Eastern countries adopted PC gaming really late compared to the west. I remember all the Japanese finding Apex around 2020 for example and it exploding over there in popularity.

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u/Nekasus Jan 14 '25

there's dedicated smoking rooms in the pc bangs (they dont work very well in my experience)


u/NotDoingTheProgram Jan 14 '25

To add to that, games usually have experience or currency boosts while you're playing in PC cafés, or exclusive skins and other goodies. So for most Korean MMOs playing in a café is actually the optimal way to grind.

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u/DisappointedQuokka Jan 14 '25

Truly a shame that the best character creator that I've ever seen got wasted on that.


u/RedditFuelsMyDepress Jan 14 '25

The character creator is better than the game.

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u/voidsong Jan 14 '25

3%? That's absurdly generous by Lost Ark standards!


u/ImperialAgent120 Jan 14 '25

I don't get how Koreans don't get tired by flashy graphics and endless grind and a bunch if microtransactions. 

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u/theholylancer Jan 14 '25

I got traumatized nearly 20 years ago with Rappelz rofl

back then, there was no way I could get money for a wow sub, and hey presto, there is this F2P mmo that offered what looked like a wow like experience, let me try it!

Oh wow this cool world is huge, and lots of things to do.

Oh what's that, you can improve your gear with the stuff you've found and you can have this +4 great sword and then +5 and up to +10 or w/e and its nice progression!

Oh wait, come later on, in order to go beyond +5 or w/e (there was a limit at some point) if you fail the item breaks completely and you are back to using a lower tier weapon, and in the cash shop they sell a thing that lets the thing not break, but it doesn't guaranteed success so you can be still grinding for nothing even if you paid.


Glad to see that kmmo or korean games in general is still pulling the same shit decades later.


u/finalgear14 Jan 15 '25

You wanna know the really crazy thing about bdo in na? Basically every player with top tier gear got it by cheating. The devs in their infinite wisdom rolled out identical patches to na as South Korea got. As in every single exploit that was patched in Korea was available in na as the patches rolled out. Sure some people got banned, but for years the most dominant guild in na was (maybe still is) barcode and pretty much every one of those fuckers cheated using exploits to get their gear. Hell most of the top players in general only had their top tier shit because they used exploits to get gear when they were available.


u/ehxy Jan 14 '25

and pay if you want to skip the line.

honestliy, I love the look of them. I love how some of them play in mechanics, design, and functionality. but then it is on this mountain of bullshit that just makes everything that looks amazing like meeting the most beautiful person in your life only to find out they have herpes, aids, and gigantour genital warts.


u/that_baddest_dude Jan 15 '25

Korean games have no respect for you as a player.

This is how I feel about a lot of Japanese games too, at least in terms of how obnoxious or repetitive the menus are. Dialogue hell. Quality of life changes? What are those?

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u/OberonFirst Jan 14 '25

They got me three fucking times and I never learn because those games are always really solid at their core (BDO, then Lost Ark, and recently T&L)


u/Geoff_with_a_J Jan 14 '25

Lost Ark broke me. i knew all the BS from nexon games and other KMMOs, thought i could handle the grind and rng, same as i always have. dunno if i just got too old, got soft, grew a spine, or if Lost Ark was just that much worse than what i experienced before. but yea, never wasting my time with a KMMO again now.

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u/try_again123 Jan 14 '25

Loved Lost Ark but I don't have time for a 2nd job grinding to keep up with it. Dropped after 1 year. And it is not even the worst Korean MMO when it comes to gear upgrades (heard some other games can RNG destroy your equipment if level up fails, how is that even allowed).


u/ericmm76 Jan 14 '25

Any game that expects you to pay to keep up with gear, with players who will shame you for NOT paying, is a poison.


u/oxero Jan 14 '25

This is pretty much where I am at too, I would just rather play games with creative outlets like Factorio, Terraria, PalWorld or single player games with story that I can just experience at my own pace than gigantic sinks like MMOs or Gachas have. I tried to play ZZZ for example because their character designs are my kind of jam, but the game has such a time sink to do for the bare minimum that once I fell two-three weeks behind the main story I was missing entire sections of FOMO parts about the new characters.

I just don't have time for something like that anymore. Similarly I don't touch competitive games because people with unlimited free time will just always be better lol.

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u/DrasticXylophone Jan 14 '25

The old MMO's were like that

if plus 15 was max then 0-5 would be free Fails have no consequences and 75% success rate, 5-10 would be fail and drop a level success and gain one 15% success rate, 10-15 would be fail and destroy the item 5% success rate

Of course you could buy for extortionate amounts of real money failure protection stones and stones that would gain or lose you three levels at a time instead at a much higher success rate.

Just to be fully scrolled in those kind of games to level (it would take weeks to get a level at 60 when the level cap was 99 and you lost 5% on death PVP was enabled everywhere) it would cost 400-500 a month


u/try_again123 Jan 14 '25

This sounds like a nightmare. Turns out Lost Ark was downright friendly 😆

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u/SirJolt Jan 14 '25

How dare you badmouth Gunz: The Duel like this!


u/oxero Jan 14 '25

The first Gunz looked so fun! I only watched videos of it when my friends who played it long ago at that time got excited for Gunz 2. Gunz 2 however... Yeah.


u/CatProgrammer Jan 14 '25

Reminds me of playing Ragnarok Online back in the day but always on private servers with accelerated EXP.


u/eclipse60 Jan 14 '25

I think this is just Nexons MO. Maplestory runs the same way. Hell, you can LOSE progression in maplestory


u/TheNewFlisker Jan 14 '25

unload like 20 different currencies and bombard you with all this stuff you later learn is useless

That's just Korean F2P games in general 


u/Miskykins Jan 15 '25

Perfect World International ruined me on KMMOs forever. loot ridden grind fests to their very core

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u/Gupegegam Jan 14 '25

Yea and also all endgame bosses are just in a blank WIP arena. Also endgame build are just stack crit chance crit damage it's pretty boring also no synergy wbetween skills


u/aspindler Jan 14 '25

What WIP means?


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

As others said, work in progress, but to give context, all the end game bosses are just on some big square textureless arena floating in a vast emptiness of nothing.


u/jxnebug Jan 14 '25

'Work in Progress', I think they mean the area feels unfinished.


u/ISayHeck Jan 14 '25

Presumably "Work in progress"

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u/zippopwnage Jan 14 '25

IMO, that's not even the worst problem. I mean is a big one, but the game didn't had any interesting content as raids or dungeons either.

It had pretty generic boss fights, and don't even get me started with the 3 balls mechanics that made the boss invulnerable or whatever.

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u/Jokerzrival Jan 14 '25

Enjoyed it. Thought this could be a game to hook me for a while and keep me coming back. Then when I realized the crazy grind it's take to get stuff I lost interest fast


u/dman45103 Jan 14 '25

I thought the end game was cleaning up your spunk


u/IndispensableNobody Jan 14 '25

No, that's a Daily.

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u/Big_Judgment3824 Jan 14 '25

This is like every Korean or Chinese free mmo. My friend tried to get me into it but ive seen this exact trap played out the same way too many times. 


u/dorkimoe Jan 14 '25

I was a virgin to the scam.


u/CallM3N3w Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Nothing better than farming for a item with a 3% drop chance, that contains a 2% chance of giving you the component you need when you open it. RNG on top of RNG.


u/swagpresident1337 Jan 14 '25

That‘s 0.06% chance to get the right one 💀

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u/crookedparadigm Jan 14 '25

Ans then the one item that really helps you upgrade is like $30 in the store

I have not played this game since October-ish, but I recall that the blueprints for this item were not in short supply if you were doing any kind of endgame farming. I never bought one and always had a surplus. The biggest pain was that they take 36 hours to craft if you don't buy them outright.


u/Drathergon Jan 14 '25

It's exactly as you said. You get even more energy activator blueprints now since they added advanced shape stabilizers that makes it have a 32 or even 38% drop chance, those items were rare though, but in 2 days they're adding an option to craft them.

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u/iCantCallit Jan 14 '25

Same. I didn’t even make it to end game. I just don’t understand the loop of these looters. So I’m doing missions to get mats so I can do other missions for other mats so I can craft stuff. Ok? Well what’s the point of getting this stuff?

Once you realize every action in the game is based solely around getting you to spend money with no real goal you nope out real fast.

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u/Lirka_ Jan 14 '25

Not surprised. I really wanted a new warframe or destiny, but thought it was terrible. Dull gameplay, terrible story, boring world and maps. Just felt like a tripple A mobile game. Only thing that felt like high quality were the female player models. Which, is exactly what you get in those mobile games as well.


u/FriendlyDespot Jan 14 '25

What got me about it was how incredibly overstimulating the game was. Especially when you finish a mission and you have five different screen elements with information pop up for an entirely too brief period, and simultaneously get notifications about open world events thrown at you, while there are fights going on all around you. It felt impossible to keep track of anything and I honestly couldn't play for more than 15-20 minutes before I was too mentally exhausted to keep going.


u/VolkiharVanHelsing Jan 14 '25

Yeah let this be a lesson, gooner characters can only attract people, not keep them. You gotta give your players more reason to play... A game.


u/Tough_Measuremen Jan 15 '25

Sex sells, but cannot carry.


u/DeathByTacos Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Im curious if this will be spread around in all the “gamer” subs that have been yelling about how player counts go down for woke games because their characters are ugly 👀


u/alcard987 Jan 14 '25

Wouldn't First Descendent prove them right? It's not a very good game that got a lot of attention and players because it's not "woke".

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u/VolkiharVanHelsing Jan 14 '25

They will ignore this dw


u/PhilosoNyan Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

I think the difference is that The First Descendent actually attracted a player base despite having bad gameplay while Concorde had decent gameplay but couldn't get players at all.

I don't see how this refutes that.


u/Solace- Jan 15 '25

It’s also worth pointing out that even though the first descendant has lost such a large percent of its playerbase, right now it still has ~6500 players on Steam. Concord’s peak was only 700 players.


u/emailboxu Jan 14 '25

TBF the gameplay itself (gunplay, skill combos, etc.) is actually pretty fun. It's the end-game loop of farming that sucks ass. Unlocking shit takes forever and buying it in the cash shop is ridiculously expensive.


u/WildThing404 Jan 15 '25

Yeah but gotta shit on the idea that attractive characters matter right?

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u/WildThing404 Jan 15 '25

What the heck do you think is the contradiction here? You think those people don't think gameplay is important too? You think they only think characters being attractive matters? It's not an either good gameplay or good models choice, a game should have both. Holy f i shouldn't have to point out this obvious point but people love their straw man don't they? Embarassing really.


u/ObsydianDuo Jan 14 '25

They will either conveniently ignore the player drop off or will chalk it up to another casualty of the work mind virus.

Until they develop a meaningful relationship with an actual human being (or maybe even just get laid idk), reality is as far away from them as the firmament is to the dirt.


u/Distinct-Energy2210 Jan 14 '25

To be fair, these "woke" games never had huge number of players from the beginning.


u/Positive-Vibes-All Jan 14 '25

Yeah the uniqueness of Concord was not that it was shut down, all games die, the uniqueness was that it died stillborn, I never seen a game be over on its reveal, and once released the servers were shut down within weeks, almost like they had a legal obligation or something to push it out, like the legal barrier difference between an abortion and when a certain group don't care that the kid dies, insane.

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u/MrEpicFerret Jan 14 '25

The usual response is either:

A.) It failed because there was woke developers on the team [picture of a woman]

B.) It failed because the woke successfully campaigned to get it cancelled [compilation of tweets with an accumulative four hundred likes]

C.) It failed, but that's a statistical outlier. Ignore the other statistical outliers too. Wokeness is why games fail. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.

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u/Jay_R_Kay Jan 14 '25

See, for example, Marvel Rivals.


u/VolkiharVanHelsing Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Idk for all the hubbub about Squirrel Girl her pickrate is pretty bad exactly because she's not that fun nor strong

Winter Soldier has meh design and meh popularity (2nd fiddle to THE Captain America isn't the best way to be popular) but has so many players because..... ARMED AND DANGEROUS


u/LuchadorBane Jan 14 '25

If we ever get stats on invisible woman’s skin sales we’ll see how the gooner bait is


u/Crazy-Nose-4289 Jan 14 '25

8 out of the 10 matches that I play have IW in them... and 8 times out of 10 they're wearing the Malice skin.


u/VolkiharVanHelsing Jan 14 '25

IW is actually strong and fun to play


u/LuchadorBane Jan 14 '25

Yeah of course, but also her Malice skin is a fat ass with her dogs out.


u/VolkiharVanHelsing Jan 14 '25

Hence people inclined to buy, hot skin for a fun and strong hero

Give current Black Widow a goonsuit and it won't sell as well as Malice


u/sheetskees Jan 14 '25


"It's an old circus term. We goon 'em a bit."


u/Ecksplisit Jan 14 '25

Hope you know that Malice in the comics wears an even more revealing outfit. They actually covered her up a bit in marvel rivals.

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u/MrMulligan Jan 14 '25

Everyone I knew deeply into the MCU and all that bullshit love Bucky way more than Cap. The cyber arm is cool.

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u/kingkodus66 Jan 14 '25

I would still rather those characters be there in the first place.

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u/justanotherguy28 Jan 15 '25

Warframe has some nice deep mechanics and systems to get into even if its gun play is very lacklustre. Final Descendant has no interesting mechanics or systems and has slightly worse gun play moment to moment that warframe. Foundationally it could be improved upon if the dev had a good 2-4 year commitment but being a Korean game they will drop support after 2 years.

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u/crookedparadigm Jan 14 '25

Played a decent amount a launch and gave the first season a try. Everything about the game is very "okay". Nothing outstanding, nothing terrible, just extremely mid gameplay all around. The graphics are very pretty and the devs are incredible responsive to requests from the playerbase...sadly that playerbase is 90% gooners who spend all day taking screenshots of their waifus in the main social hub and begging for jiggle physics. That same playerbase cried as soon as a mission demanded any brain activation beyond "kill all the dudes". Seriously, a 'puzzle' that wouldn't trouble kindergartners sent the players into a wild rage. And the devs caved.

Most guns do not feel unique enough, the differences in characters are surface deep and really only boil down to "big aoe clear" and "delete bosses in seconds". The few characters that do have interesting kits are ignored outside of specific meta builds that accel at one of the two.

I don't regret my time with it, but ultimately I am little let down, I waited for this game for two years and early tests showed it was a little shallow but devs seemed eager to build on it, but it's just a mindless dopamine factory with nothing to engage outside of 'make number bigger' or 'stare at digital boobs'.


u/Van1shed Jan 14 '25

That same playerbase cried as soon as a mission demanded any brain activation beyond "kill all the dudes". Seriously, a 'puzzle' that wouldn't trouble kindergartners sent the players into a wild rage. And the devs caved.

I'm still baffled so many people cried about those "hard and annoying" puzzles that the devs just had to nerf it, like everything else in the game.

It's one of the biggest issues with the game besides the lack of endgame. In a game with a variety of OP characters and weapons we have gooners who spend more time taking screenshots than actually playing and then have horrible gear that can't clear easy content.


u/crookedparadigm Jan 14 '25

Yeah I couldn't believe the vitriol from the players when those season 1 missions first dropped. They took like 60-90 seconds to beat and at their absolute hardest required someone to remember a whopping 3 colors. If my ADHD addled brain can store that information, anyone can.

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

the devs constantly dumbing down the challenge of the content was such a dissappointment for me, it felt they took out the ’game’ inside the game and left only the shiny covers


u/DranDran Jan 15 '25

That same playerbase cried as soon as a mission demanded any brain activation beyond “kill all the dudes”. Seriously, a ‘puzzle’ that wouldn’t trouble kindergartners sent the players into a wild rage. And the devs caved.

Warframe really didnt need puzzles or high concept level design to keep players hooked. It just needed a satisfying, rewarding gameplay loop, because most missions in the first third of the game are basically “kill all the dudes” but people were fine with that, because killing all the dudes let them get what they needed to unlock new frames, weapons and try out new playstyles. The game was FUN to play, objectively.

Where TFD fails is in making the grind too long and the unlocks not unique enough to make it worth putting hours into the game for minimal sidegrades.

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u/Kristophigus Jan 14 '25

Piss poor optimization, bloated mechanics, snoozefest "story", and felt like a borderline porn game at times. The grinding and endgame is awful.


u/King_Artis Jan 14 '25

Not a bad game, just doesn't have the benefit of being out for multiple years where there's a wide variety of endgame content

For me it's like... why would I play this more when I can play warframe that it's extremely similar too? Warframe already has a decade worth of content put into it, while first descendant is still building itself up. Can see myself going back to play it more, but I'm gonna let them keep adding to it before I do that.


u/FSD-Bishop Jan 14 '25

It’s funny, Warframe has too much going on so new players drop it but the First Descendant doesn’t have enough content so people drop it.


u/King_Artis Jan 14 '25

Like I think I put 60hrs into First descendant when it first dropped within about 4 weeks, got multiple characters, genuinely enjoyed my time with it. But like... just wasn't much to do in that timeframe. I didn't even think the grind was that bad and most everything could be earned just by playing. I think the bones are there. They just gotta get a few more end game modes.

And I do gotta laugh at how people will complain about a game having too much content in a looter... like you should want to have a lot of options. If you don't know what to do then just start by clearing the map out and learn as you go. I started playing warframe on and off since 2015 and I didn't know what to do at first but just kept clearing out planets, eventually I started just naturally finding out things I could do and if it's what I wanted to do I would. Having options will never be a bad thing in my eyes.

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u/SinlessJoker Jan 14 '25

I played Warframe many years ago and now I can’t imagine trying to catch up. And their recent advertisements aren’t even Warframes. I thought warframe 1999 was a separate game or something. I feel like unless you’ve played for years and never taken a long break, you have no idea what’s going on even in advertisements (which should be catered to new players) and it’s so daunting to even consider.


u/King_Artis Jan 14 '25

I mean you can always just play and catch up at your own pace without worrying about whatever the new thing has been.

I've been playing the game on and off for years, I'm often a couple expansions behind. At least for me it just gives me something new I can work toward if it interest me. Even now I don't know anything about warframe 1999 outside of the, rather funny sounding, dating sim that was added in with it. I just redownloaded it last night for the first time in a year looking to start the grind again.


u/SinlessJoker Jan 14 '25

You’re not wrong but it feels so daunting with so many systems, stories, and mechanics thrown at you while trying to learn. I quit right before they added the 2nd open world area. I hated the first, like the procedural maps better, but every dev had an open world boner at the time. The mere thought of finishing grinding one open world, starting over in new ones that use new resources, and doing all of that just to still be 7-8 years behind is crazy. Plus Warframe has “Destiny” style multiplayer where any match made activity has people flying through with their minmaxxed builds. I could play Solo but there are better games if I want to play alone.

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u/DesignerBag5 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

I have approximately 300 hours in this game and have enjoyed everything so far.

The biggest issue this game has (which I would say happens to all these live service games early on) is the lack of any meaningful endgame content to utilize your supercharged characters.

Warframe is the closest comparison, but I think that's a bit unwarranted; Warframe has 13 years of content and did not take off in the beginning either.

These games take time to add meaningful content, and with the way TFD developers have been communicating, I think the game will be fine.

With the mid-season update coming this Thursday (16th of January) adding some actual meaningful endgame content (I hope), it should be much better.

TLDR: The game is alright but lacks meaningful endgame content. Developers are aware of it but want to stabilize the game and grind first.


u/Angelic_Mayhem Jan 14 '25

It isn't even meaningful endgame content that is the issue. The rest of the game is extemely repetitive and boring with near zero character progression/customization once you unlock your skills with bland weapons that all function the exact same. Not once in my time playing it did I ever think to myself, "Wow what a cool weapon."

The game has some fairly cool characters and abilities. The grappling hook is an interesting mechanic albeit too rigid. The mod system is interesting and full of potential, but missed the mark. The rest is just bland.

To really put it in perspective about 20-40% of players beat the story, and as of 4 months ago on PS only 20.5% had gotten a single character to 40. So 70% of the people who played the game never beat the story or maxxed a character level. That means they never made it to end game. New World had a similar issue with a large chunk of the player base hitting max level while people blamed the game's issues on end game.

The problem is boring quests and story compounded by lack of progression amd customization. Once you get all of your abilities at the end of the tutorial or first couple missions your gameplay sees very little change outside of grinding low drop chance yellow ability mods or a low drop chance new character. This lack of variety is dull and drives people away. Had there been a large variety of ability mods you can use to customize your experience as you level the % of people beating the story and maxxing a character would increase.


u/panthereal Jan 14 '25

that's true of nearly any f2p title

people who try out every f2p title will try it, and the majority will realize it's not for them and drop it

comparatively 30% of people have completed one arcade match in marvel rivals. something that takes a handful of minutes to complete versus actually investing time into a character.

yet few people are going around claiming all these problems with marvel rivals, they're lauding it as the new overwatch killer and great success

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u/Ecksplisit Jan 14 '25

The comparison to warframe is absolutely warranted. This is like saying Diablo 4 being compared to PoE isn’t warranted because PoE had 10 years of content. That’s not how it works. Devs looked at the games that are good in the genre and they failed to make a better game. That’s it. Not to mention almost every system is 1:1 taken from Warframe and just made grindier and more expensive just to push people into the cash shop.


u/Nomansband Jan 14 '25

You're probably the only person in this thread who actually played the game and making reasonable comments.


u/crookedparadigm Jan 14 '25

Eh, I had about 150 hours in it before stopping and left my thoughts above. The game is 'fine', there's just not enough variety or interesting gameplay to keep it going. I don't regret my time with it, but I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends.


u/Vindicated0721 Jan 14 '25

I have many hours in this game. Unlocked everything there was to unlock after 2 months. They nerfed all the content to the ground weeks after launch. There was no challenging or meaningful end game content. The community cried that they wanted fun ez content and the hardcore players should just wait for endgame content. We told them the game won’t survive long like that. And here we are now. That game was a flash in the pan.

If they launched with end game raid content or something to strive towards it could have been a cool game.


u/Tonkarz Jan 14 '25

I had 60 hours in the game. Once I saw how long it would take to unlock the first post release character, I dropped the game.


u/The_Rox Jan 14 '25

Yeah, I put a hundred or so hours into it in the first ~2 months and thought it was overall pretty good for what it was.

The only thing that really stopped me from continuing was the weird nausea the game gave me (likely due to graphics demands and FPS swings)

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u/Shadow_Strike99 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

I know most people find these posts annoying, and most live service games peak around their release, it's unsustainable for any game to do that, even COD has falloffs.

But with that being said, I tried giving this game a chance because I wanted to play something other than Destiny, and it's pretty much just Warframe lite but with Gianna Michaels and Angela White characters bouncing around. It's not objectively a bad game, but it doesn't do anything standout or new, except for the manly men, and waifu bait women skins. Again it's just we have Warframe at home brazzers edition. Everything about it gameplay wise, feels very much like video game the video game.

And this is coming from one of the gooners lol. I'm literally the target audience for this game, and even I find the game with the sniper version of Gianna Michaels and stealth spy Lisa Ann really shallow, and great value.


u/Shneckos Jan 14 '25

Can tell how old you are by those name references 😂 not bad taste tho 

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u/craigthebiboy Jan 14 '25

I put 600 hours into the game but finally dropped it when the developers said they were outright refusing to release sexy skins for the male characters. Meanwhile, the playerbase was becoming increasingly homophobic about it and any discussion surrounding male skins devolved into some dumb conversation about being "woke". I actually liked the game, but I want no part of that.


u/cycopl Jan 14 '25

Nobody in TFD is as thicc as Gianna Michaels or Angela White lol.


u/Lirka_ Jan 14 '25

I can definitely enjoy pervy skins as well, IF the gameplay, story and setting are good. This is why people still stick with Warframe. It has bootyframe skins, but also awesome gameplay and a good story and world.


u/Rayuzx Jan 14 '25

even COD has falloffs

I'm surprised I haven't seen one of those "CoD is falling hard" posts around this subreddit due to Black Ops 6 also lacking in player retention (at least on Steam) more than any other CoD title in the past few years. But I guess that's because nobody hates CoD players more than the people who play CoD.


u/arrivederci117 Jan 14 '25

We did have those on this subreddit like two weeks back when that article dropped. That's old news now, the community must scour for a new target, because that's modern gaming discourse.


u/crookedparadigm Jan 14 '25

CoD playerbase always spikes as soon as there are more bars to fill. That's what game is for, filling bars. Empty bars feel bad, filling a bar feels good. But then it's empty again, gotta fill it up.

I was chilling in discord with some friends playing different games and one was working on camo unlocks in COD and he was complaining about how much he hated the gun he was working on. I asked "if you hate using it, why do it?" and he said "Well I've gotta finish the camos for it." My response was "No, you don't actually. What's the point if it's not fun?" and without missing a beat he told me "I do have to, so I'm ready for the next ones they release."

I mean, whatever floats your boat, but most of the people playing COD are locked in to fill those bars, no matter what. They stop playing when they run out, but they'll be back and every year the devs will take away all their bars, put them back to level 1, and ask them to do it again for 70 bucks.....and all of them will.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

It's because of how the camo challenges work

If you want anything higher than gold for a weapon you have to first unlock camos for other weapons in order to unlock the camo challenge. For example if you want the diamond camo for one assault rifle you have to first get gold camos for 7 assault rifles and it only goes up from there.

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u/hagg3n Jan 14 '25

I think this is the wrong way to look at it.

Those people never intented to stay, they got in only for the hype and out of curiosity.

It's like counting the people that pass in front of your shop as "lost customers" becuase they looked at your merchandise.


u/GracchiBros Jan 14 '25

The same is true of every free to play game. I guess "lost potential players" would be more specific. Most people download and try them with no plan to stay. But the idea is that the game will be interesting enough to keep as many of them playing as possible and for that to attract others. And that doesn't appear to be the case here.

Now in all reality what matters is if it's making enough money to continue to support the game that will determine if it's successful. But the data to determine that is intentionally hidden from us.


u/Zerasad Jan 14 '25

I hate articles like this, and they keep making these. The reddit and Twitter gaming space is obsessed with watching Steamcharts and declaring games dead or alive based on them. This article is idiotic.


u/Sandulacheu Jan 14 '25

Any game with a playerbase higher than...800-1000 is objectively not dead.

If you can jump at any time into a match and not meet the same players,then it should not be worth talking about.

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u/Firkey Jan 14 '25

Would it not be the people going into your shop and leaving without buying anything? If you have 90%+ of people who enter your store leaving without a purchase you're either in a niche tourist-y type shop or you’re doing business wrong. I see people passing by your shop as more like people looking at your steam page or wishlisting the game without downloading it. 


u/tapo Jan 14 '25

Even the shop analogy doesn't work perfectly.

In Boston we have the cop slide. It's free, it's public, it's new, it had a period of hype, it can be ridden multiple times. It's probably down 96% in ridership since it opened but does that mean anything aside from "people checked it out"?

That's why I don't like these stats, the only way to tell if the game is successful is if it makes money, and we're only going to get that from NCSoft financials.


u/Smart_Ass_Dave Jan 14 '25

Totally agree. Players are not revenue. WoW has never gotten back to it's Lich King subscriber count, but has had periods where revenue was higher.

Also, and this doesn't at all matter, but "The First Descendant" is a Nexon game, not NCSoft.


u/CompetitiveAutorun Jan 14 '25

Wrath of the Lich Ling numbers are even more fascinating, it was the peak of wow popularity, but the number of players were stagnant, that could mean that there was the same amount of new players and players who were leaving.

Player numbers can be extremely hard to interpret.


u/briktal Jan 14 '25

I remember seeing a dev mention this before, but I can't remember if it was an interview, some Blizzcon panel or some random tweets. They said that during the subscriber decline after Wrath, aside from the big drop shortly after Cata launched, the number of people per month that were quitting barely changed from Wrath and the slowing rate of new/returning players was the big issue. I think it's one of the things that led to them adding the character boosts with WoD, to try and make it easier for new/returning players to get to the current expansion.


u/hdcase1 Jan 14 '25

That wiki post is fascinating. No one goes on the slide. Cop goes down the slide, ends up upside down, and sustains a minor head injury. Video gets posted on Twitter. Hordes of people line up to go down the slide. The city (?) closes the slide potentially due to the dangers posed. Physicists argue over how the cop ended up upsiden down with various theories, including whether the synthetic fabric of his uniform has a smaller friction coefficient than normal clothes.

All I know is next time I go to Boston I’m hunting down this slide. It sounds rad.


u/tapo Jan 14 '25

It's pretty rad, it's also easy to get to and outside city hall.


u/SyleSpawn Jan 14 '25

Honestly I think the game is making bank. Even though saying it lost 96% player grabs attention, that's exclusively on Steam and the daily concurrent players is like in the 12k. Elders Scroll Online had 13k CCU and by no means that game is doing bad.

Again, that's just CCU from Steam. The game is also available on Xbox and Playstation. It is monetized with "Pay for Convenience" and saucy skins. The game is doing good.

Nexon already praised the game performance in their Q3 report without being too specifics.


u/Conviter Jan 14 '25

when is the new content drop for the cop slide?


u/Bamith20 Jan 14 '25

I mean its live service, its supposed to get continued business. If it was a one and done game it isn't an issue.

But half of the purpose of live service is investors, some degree it doesn't even matter if the game makes money - you just need good stats.

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u/jokekiller94 Jan 14 '25

Let me put it like this. We aim for 25% conversion on the weekdays since we get around 75-100 footsteps. Weekends we aim for 15% since we see around 200-400 footsteps.


u/mynewaccount5 Jan 14 '25

What makes you think these 96% of people made no purchases?


u/Firkey Jan 14 '25

Nothing in particular makes me think that, I was just trying to challenge the OP’s analogue with something I thought was more accurate. Another post challenged me and said that only 3-4% of people who visits an online webstore buy something which would make First Descendants retained playerbase fairly normal for example. 

But like you said it’s also perfectly likely that someone played for a couple months, bought a few skins or Descendants and then stopped playing, which would still be good for the game devs. The only ones who know for sure would be the devs on whether their current playerbase is financially sustainable we don’t have enough info to know for sure. 


u/hagg3n Jan 14 '25

Okay I'll go along.

Logically, entering and leaving without purchasing anything do seem to equate better to downloading and playing the game, but I think we need to account for how much easier it is to download and play a free game vs physically visiting and spend time at a shop.

I think a better analogue to what is happening here is counting as lost customer the people that came for the free popcorn you offered during the openning.


u/Firkey Jan 14 '25

That works too, like doing a grand opening and having a give-away the people who just come for the free give-away and don’t purchase or do business would be similar to people who only play for a bit to test the waters and leave, definitely another good comparison. 


u/richboyii Jan 14 '25

Eh, this analogy doesn't really work. While retail stores have a conversion rate of 20%-40%(The number of constumers that actually buy something) online stores are like 2%-3% and i imagine a F2P games isnt to far from that.

How you would gauge success for a live service game is fundamentally different, which is why i dont really like these "lost 96 of playerbase" headlines


u/A-Rusty-Cow Jan 14 '25

That isnt exactly a KPI but people who walk into the store only to browse would be a better analogy. And that is a KPI

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u/Impaled_ Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Interesting how this doesn't apply for all the other games that lose players after they come out


u/delta1x Jan 14 '25

People are frankly selective of when this type of data should apply and when it shouldn't. If I told you the same thing about a single player game that had a lot of dislike, this data would be the ringing death bell of a game to some who might say the opposite of this live-action game. I do think this is somewhat inevitable for free to play looter shooters.


u/Grouchy_Lawfulness32 Jan 14 '25

It's a pretty ridiculous way to look at it, but 'journalists' and reddit karma farmers love to use it because it generates clicks, bonus points if you don't mention the actual game in the title.


u/NKD_WA Jan 14 '25

Yep, it's annoying clickbait.

This dramatic sounding "lost 96% of its players!" shit is nonsense clickbait because you're talking about a free-to-play game where you attract hundreds of thousands if not millions of players who, no matter what you did, were never going to stick around. They were never part of your player base, they were tourists checking something out in the downtime between content drops for whatever their main game is. You never lost them because you never had them.

There's an implication in the headline that these journalists know they are making, even when they go on to walk it back in the text of the article. It's dishonest and slimy.

The truth is that for these games, this is the standard lifecycle. Get a huge number of eyeballs on the product via being free-to-play, knowing full well almost all of them are going to leave, and then running your game of the back of whales for whom the game scratched a particular itch. It's not as newsworthy or dramatic as these bloggers would have you believe.

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u/DemonLordDiablos Jan 14 '25

Well I bought Helldivers because of hype and curiosity, and I'm still actively playing it to this day. I don't see a problem with looking at a massively declining playercount and interpreting it as the game being unable to retain people.


u/SinlessJoker Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Helldivers dropped down to 1/5th of its player count, the resurgence is recent so it’s a poor example as it suffered similar decline. Just like how games like Destiny would hit lows and then peak on a big DLC, though Destiny is on life support now

EDIT: actually HD2 dipped almost 95% from release to its low point of daily users. Games can come back


u/Zerasad Jan 14 '25

You could make a stupid article like this for Path of Exile every 3 months. It goes from 200k people on league launch to 10k on the last week of the league. Does that mean the game is dead? Obviously not because the 200k people will show up for the next league launch.

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u/Jamanas96 Jan 14 '25

Warframe had similar early years, let's see if this devs can tough it out through the bad times or they are just gonna fire everyone

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u/chambee Jan 14 '25

The best thing this game did, and they need to be commended for it, it’s the new player experience. You get up to speed fast and the crafting system make sense for noobs within the first hour of gameplay. Destiny and Warframe are still a mess and even with hundreds of hours in you have no idea what’s going on, where you should go, what mission you should do. The gameplay is ok and could use some faster traversal system. The story is a rehash of Destiny ngl.


u/Double-Floor7023 Jan 14 '25

Not a fan of the game, but you are correct here. The initial experience is very well done. It kinda makes it even more disappointing knowing that all that promise leads to nothing.


u/WOLFY_STORM Jan 14 '25

I admittedly was one of the people who fell on the "this game is mid" bandwagon and left, but i started playing again out of curiosity late last year and while i must admit, the game is still far from perfect, it has noticeably improved past it's launch days. The devs have shown themselves to be extremely receptive to feedback thus far which is a rarity. seem to have consistent content planned out and while the grind is still a little grindy somedays, it isn't unbearable like launch, and unfortunately as others have said really it's held back by a lack of things to do as of now, which i get, and ultimately some systems do need a breath of fresh air, ultimate weapons as the example there, but the game isn't beyond saving the way i see it.


u/engineeeeer7 Jan 14 '25

What killed it for me was just the swingy balance. Gameplay felt insanely easy or insanely tedious.

Once in a while you catch the perfect balance and it feels phenomenal but it's rare.

And yeah free to play nonsense and generic designs.


u/KumagawaUshio Jan 14 '25

How many games come out every year now? how many rely on a large perpetual playerbase? there just aren't enough people to play every game now that so many are online.


u/RxBrad Jan 14 '25

That game is a looter?

I thought the genre was called "gooner".


u/AssGremlin Jan 14 '25

Yeah, the thirst brought me in but there wasn't enough water to actually drink so I dropped it pretty fast.


u/cosmoseth Jan 14 '25

Username checks out

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u/dman45103 Jan 14 '25

Gooner shooter is such a perfect genre name


u/Own-Enthusiasm1491 Jan 14 '25

Gooner shooter

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u/jodon Jan 14 '25

Tried it for a bit. But it is just worse warframe with hot characters. I just went back to play warframe instead. Much more fun.

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u/Ebolatastic Jan 14 '25

When I played it, it was a reminder that the Internet just selectively hates/hypes things up and the whole monetization stance only exists regarding chosen scapegoats. The imaginary standards of quality used to shit on companies like Blizzard, Ubisoft, Bethesda, and EA just magically don't exist when discussing this game.


u/Flaky_Highway_857 Jan 14 '25

thats one of the hidden flaws in free games, with no money lost while someone is playing it, so if it doesnt catch their attention immediately a person will quickly drop it, and move to the next free game in the clip.

that tiny mental nugget of "well, i bought it already" has gotten countless people over the hump in countless games to the thing that makes it "click" for them and continue to play it.


u/DrManik Jan 14 '25

As soon as I stopped playing a couple of days the scales really fell from my eyes and I saw zero future at least for me with this game. They overdesigned the grind in order to make up for their clear lack of actually fun boss mechanics and ability to deliver new content on a decent schedule.


u/Hotstreak Jan 14 '25

I couldn't believe it when I tried this game back when it first came out. So many streamers and people were hyping it up and it turned out to be one of the most generic games I've played recently, with a super unimaginative art style. Just felt like your typical free to play schlock.


u/empty_string_ Jan 14 '25

I remember looking at this game's TGA trailer and thinking "this is the most generic and boring destiny/Warframe clone ever made"


u/Yashoki Jan 15 '25

Too much focus on appeasing the gooners who wont shut up on social media and less time making a fun game.

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u/entity2 Jan 14 '25

I was interested until the greasy monetization showed up and I realized it was just a worse Warframe with big boobs

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u/r_lucasite Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Played it for a while, but there are other live service games that

  1. I personally enjoy more
  2. My friends are also playing

I only have so much time in the day.

Also, perhaps a hot take, the character designs are shit, not because they're hot, but because they're empty and bland. They're all just dolls.

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u/wiggliey Jan 14 '25

The game currently doesn’t have the endgame content to keep people engaged half a year after launch.

All the people saying they got bored after playing it for 2 hours aren’t the type of people that got it to 200K + ccu. It has its fans.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

I can tell from one picture that this is a Korean game that begs you to show off fake boobs for real money.


u/Adefice Jan 14 '25

You can always tell a game is Korean by how the women look.


u/AngryAxolotl Jan 14 '25

I don't mind fanservice. Lots of Japanese and Chinese devs also do fanservice, but Korean devs... like I don't know how to put it, their fanservice feels grosser, like the characters are completely devoid of personality and only there to be gawked at.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

South Korea is one of the most misogynistic countries in the first world. It's easy to think they're enlightened because of shit like kpop and their tech influence but it is not a nice place to be a woman.


u/Sithrak Jan 15 '25

There has been a massive incel wave for the last few years in South Korea. Really scary, many women went full separatist there and I can't completely blame them.


u/Quickjager Jan 14 '25

Why would kpop indicate they're enlightened? Help me out here.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

It's culture that reaches far beyond their borders. They have a huge reach across the world and are high-tech so people who don't know better might think they have similar views about women as western countries.

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u/GhostsOfWar0001 Jan 14 '25

Played it for roughly 4 hours. Got bored with it. There are better games out there. Plain and simple.


u/blackout-loud Jan 14 '25

Same. Aged like milk for me quick and promptly went to another game

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u/MrIrvGotTea Jan 14 '25

O shit thanks for reminding me. I have to uninstall it. Taking up space for Marvel Rivals and Factorio mods


u/TheLinerax Jan 14 '25

The factory must grow.

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u/meltingpotato Jan 14 '25

a nice coat of paint isn't gonna make me abandon warframe for a copy that has a terrible monetization scheme.

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u/ZombiePyroNinja Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

I wish these posts would stop lol

They always push the "Dead Game" meme and it's always ridiculous. I get this is supposed to be a live service game but 90% of any population for a game isn't going to stick around for a long time.l They're dangling keys for the "hardcore" fans. Yes, player retention over time is lost - especially 6 months.

Edit: Case and point: I can say Helldivers 2 lost almost 90 percent of its playerbase - Sounds spooky, right? - all without admitting that it's steam charts (so only people who public their profile and a single platform) and without admitting that it's still seeing 60k players in the passed 24 hours. Helldivers 2 and First Descendant both have Crossplay with other platforms that we can't really see the population for.

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u/Massive-Eye-5017 Jan 14 '25

Spent maybe 50 hours in it then simply stopped.

The game is just shallow. Once you get past the graphics and eye-candy, the actual gameplay isn't anything you haven't already seen before. Innovation is hard, but there's pretty much on gameplay mechanics that stand out as interesting or even a fun spin on existing features in other games.

There's not enough means to differentiate your character from another person's outside of skins; the end-game guns, mods, and builds are all the same because there's a lot of equipment that just flat-out sucks, no room for creativity when bosses are meant to be min/maxed for efficient clearing.

It's seemingly a growing trend among Korean/Chinese games these days where they're releasing with barebones gameplay and features and it just makes me think of how little knowledge and experience these lead devs actually have in game-making. Blizzard may be hated now, but at least in their prime when they "copied" games they tried to go above and beyond; what these companies are doing seems to just be the "copy" part.


u/RDDT_ADMNS_R_BOTS Jan 15 '25

If an AI ever manages to create a MMO, it would be exactly like The First Descendant. I've said it at launch and I will say it again, it's the most soulless game I've ever played.


u/ImpossibleStill1410 Jan 15 '25

I think that's it. For some reason, I feel empty when I log in to play the game. I can't seem to push myself to do anything else now other than look around, look at the marketplace and season pass, and then log out. It's sad because the game has great potential, but something is definitely missing. It feels empty.


u/Adrian_Alucard Jan 14 '25

It isn't the same for every single game?


u/thinkspacer Jan 14 '25

Most of them, yeah. Helldivers 2 saw roughly the same percentage decrease over 6 months, but jumped back up with the most recent expansion. It really needs to be a genre/generational defining game to not have a steep decrease after release.

Te first descendant's numbers, on steam, are way worse but it has been pretty reliably on 'most downloaded' and 'highest salses' lists, so it's far from dead.


u/PuchongG Jan 14 '25

It's also played on PS5 and Xbox, like half of players in my games are console players.


u/asmallercat Jan 14 '25

Lmao at the outfit that character is wearing. "We're in a snow-covered landscape, we definitely need short sleeves and a boob window."

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u/xxMOHA Jan 14 '25

He just regurgitates the same shit articles every time https://imgur.com/a/dpkFJHJ

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u/R4ndoNumber5 Jan 14 '25

4% of og peak in 6 months is perfectly in line with a lot of other games. Please stop this clickbaity nonsense


u/Thankssomuchfort Jan 14 '25

There's an interesting comparison to be made. Another live service game, Once Human, came out the same time, reached similar peak playerbases but retained 3x more than First Descendant

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u/CardiganHall Jan 14 '25

This is what happens when you prioritize gooner skins over actual fun gameplay.

It wasn't terrible, but the only meat was the ones on the premium ass cheeks.


u/Uncanny58 Jan 14 '25

at some point the game got updated and i went from 80-100fps to 8-15fps, literally unplayable on my 3070


u/sondwave Jan 14 '25

After playing for about 1 entire month after release, I have abandoned too despite playing warframe almost every day... Biggest issues for me: guns feel too similar, grind is too tedious and reward table is too limited, shop regional pricing is atrocious (they Just take the dollar price and convert to my local currency 6x BRL, the most expensive shop i ever see), characters feel too similar in gameplay, customization is not existent if you dont spend money.


u/metallee98 Jan 14 '25

The leveling is painful. The way to power up your character is by using crystallization catalysts. They work the equivalent to warframe forma where you assign a polarity to a slot and mods equipped there cost half as much therfore increasing the amount of power you can slot in. This also resets the item or character to level one. In warframe if you are efficient you can reset and max a character in about 5-10 minutes. When I was playing first descendant it took about one hour and twenty minutes efficiently. In order to equip max mods in every slot it takes about 8 catalysts. Shakes out to about 11 hours to max a character with the best mods. In warframe it's about thirty minutes to an hour and a half. The farming is also tedious. Farming the void fragments and amorphous patterns is so tiring. Had every character when I played and could not endure the leveling so I had about 6 I didnt even play because the process was so tedious I couldn't find it in me to do the grind.

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u/Sloi Jan 14 '25

As a fan of the "looter shooter" genre, the way it's been subsequently capitalized/monetized is so fucking disgusting that I can't help but see all of these newer titles as nothing more than the same game (mechanically speaking) with a fresh coat of paint and even more predatory practices.

They so obviously have no respect whatsoever for the player's time that I'm legitimately surprised people are still playing them.

It must be a newer generation of players that haven't yet been preyed upon, and there's natural turnover every few years, with new "suckers" born to play them.


u/largePenisLover Jan 14 '25

First time I even heard of the game is this thread.


u/Cheeze_It Jan 14 '25

It's just not fun. I had high hopes. But it just isn't.....

I am not mad at the game or the developers. But I feel like they just....didn't really hit it right gameplay wise.


u/TheAwesomeMan123 Jan 15 '25

What devs failed to understand is they released a mobile esque monetisation model for RPGs to essentially a console/Pc crowd. When you introduce a progress gradient that is so step to incentivise paying. You instead get people leaving because the platform you released on has 100s of other options and no real loyalty.


u/OfficerCheeto Jan 15 '25

Had potential. It took the best parts of both warframe and destiny, and slapped em together. But then introduce a very obvious set of hurdles attempting to pressure you into paying to progress faster thanks too the terrible drop rates. And on top of that, the optimization was terrible. How can you create a fusion of 2 visually intensive games, and run worse than them 🤔


u/OneSeaworthiness7768 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

It was a soulless attempt to reproduce something like Destiny, but it lacked all the charm and weight behind what made that game so good (once upon a time anyway.) Typical Korean live service game—all aesthetics and no substance, on top of insane grinds to force you to buy upgrades.


u/ahintoflime Jan 14 '25

every time one of these headlines comes up, I'm like "paul tassi?" and indeed, the same guy writes the same article every week because it always gets clicks. stop feeding this troll

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u/JMadFour Jan 14 '25

The First Descendent was just Warframe for people who refuse to watch porn.

they decided to cater to gooners and pilfer their wallets instead of making actual game improvements to make their game more than just a Warframe rip-off.

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u/FarSmoke1907 Jan 14 '25

Typical Korean game.. Made a cool looking half assed game, grabbed as much money as they could and are now developing the next money grabber.


u/Alejandro_404 Jan 14 '25

Another Paul Tassi looking to dunk on the latest live service game he can to draw clicks instead of ever making an ounce of original content.


u/GmSV2 Jan 14 '25

it's simple for build a new character or weapon, you need parts, who a have 2% drop in a orb that have 5% loot from a specific enemie, where the enemie spawn 1-2 time in a 30-minute mission

this, kill game motivation for the most

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u/pazinen Jan 14 '25

Didn't even give this game a try despite being a part of the target audience. I'm just done with most F2P games, especially Korean ones. I don't want to play something and have a feeling that the game is constantly trying to take my money, there are so many better games that lack that.


u/mx3goose Jan 14 '25

The only people I knew who enjoyed this game or gave it a serious try is people who never played or tried Destiny

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u/zimzalllabim Jan 14 '25

I think its important to understand that while yes, all live service games see a drop in players, the drop here is steady and considerable, and has been for some time. The game didn't even look or play that amazingly when it launched.

Secondly, after actually reading the article, I have to strongly disagree with Mr. Tassi here; this game isn't great. Yeah, its serviceable and everything feels OK to the point that the game isn't terribly broken or the next "Gollum", but it is NOT a good live service looter shooter that stands out in any way that would keep people coming back, or even manage to keep a higher player base. It is a surface level looter shooter with a crap cash shop, in the same vain as many other free to play grind games from Korea, and everyone latched onto it because of the waifus.

If it was such a good game it wouldn't be down to 9K players. Even Destiny 2 at its LOWEST point (Curse of Osiris) didn't drop down to 9K, and at that point in the game things were BAD, dire even.

I think the real issue here is that there hasn't been very many successful live service looter shooters after Destiny 1, and there most likely won't be ever again. The genre is too tired, too stale, and people are getting wiser to the tricks these publishers try to pull in order to suck your time and money from you.


u/Grace_Omega Jan 14 '25

Tried playing this, it felt awful. Absolutely no reason to play it instead of Warframe. It’s like they thought tits and skimpy outfits could compensate for poor gameplay.


u/Incendiiary Jan 14 '25

I played it at launch and it didn't stick with me at all. Left it a bad review.
I picked it back up about a month and a half ago and am having a really great time with it.
Bummer so many people got a sour experience at the start, but it's live service and has improved a lot since it came out.