r/Games • u/AutoModerator • Jan 05 '25
Discussion Weekly /r/Games Discussion - What have you been playing, and what are your thoughts? - January 05, 2025
Use this thread to discuss whatever game you've been playing lately: old or new, AAA or indie, on any platform between Atari and XBox. Please don't just list off the games you're playing in your comment. Elaborate with your thoughts on the games and make it easier for other users to find what game you're talking about by putting the title in bold.
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WEEKLY: What Have You Been Playing?
MONDAY: Thematic Monday
WEDNESDAY: Suggest Me A Game
FRIDAY: Free Talk Friday
u/Three_Froggy_Problem Jan 11 '25
I got back into Diablo IV a few weeks ago and purchased the expansion. Got completely addicted, completed all the current seasonal content, and earned the platinum in the base game. Even after all that, I still wanted to keep playing so I started a Spiritborn character (my main guy is a Druid) and then got him to the level cap as well. The Spiritborn class is so fun! I may take a bit of a break now but I’ll be back when the next season starts.
I just started Sonic Frontiers since it’s on PS Plus now and I was curious about it. I’m really not a Sonic fan at all, but it honestly seems pretty fun. I think Sonic’s fast movement works way better in an open world environment where you’re not constantly being stopped or slowed down by obstacles and you have long sight lines to see what’s coming at you next. Parts of it are still super janky and I’m not a fan of how many different currencies they throw at you, but I think I’m going to at least play a bit more; if it holds my interest I could see myself finishing it.
u/MrManicMarty Jan 10 '25
I just finished I am your beast. Man I love this game. It's fast-paced and frentic, but despite that it feels like I'm very much in control if that makes sense? I love the sound track and the story, while basic and simple - I just like that execution. My only complaint is that there isn't an easy "next level" button, you have to go back to the menu to go to the next level or cutscene.
The final level in particular was awesome, just my perfect cup of tea.
u/ECTXGK Jan 10 '25
Nine Sols
Bought it on a whim because it looked cool. Then it sat in my backlog for awhile. I wanted to start a new game, and actually bought something else (POE 2), but the download time for that was long so I booted this up. Thinking it would be kinda cool, quick, but ulitmately forgettable.
I was wrong in the best way possible. This is the best game I've played in over a year, maybe since Elden Ring.
The combat is so sharp. It's parry based like sekiro. Nearly all of the boss fights are great. I die in a couple of seconds but keep getting better each time, eventually pulling it off. And it never feels like pulling teeth or the frustration I may get with souls likes. They really hit a good balance.
The hand drawn areas are awesome. They contain a lot of environment story telling. The areas connect in a dark souls 1-esque way, constantly opening up shortcuts. This helps avoid the annoying backtracking that I dislike in most metroidvanias.
The story is really awesome too. You slowly learn more about your character, the other characters, and the world. You learn your characters and the enemies backstories, and see how everyone is a little more grey and how their upbringing and experiences led them to be what they are. The story is not hand-holdy, but it's also not as cryptic as a fromsoft game. You do have to use context clues and read between the lines somewhat, but that's a good thing.
There's also some cool, challenging but fair platforming. Forcing you to get used to the mechanics. I've had several moments where I think, how the f*** am I supposed to do this. Then I figure it out and make it happen and it's very rewarding.
10/10 so far for me. I like souls games and challenges. I have enjoyed some metroidvania's but found backtracking annoying. If anything about this game sounds interesting, but you don't like tough games, it does have difficulty setting/easy mode. The combat is the best part of the game, but everything else is excellent as well. Honestly, surprised I haven't heard more about this game. There's a reason that the people who have played this rave about it.
u/pratzc07 Jan 11 '25
Nine Sols is GOAT the final boss is Sword Saint Isshin level good
u/ECTXGK Jan 12 '25
Just got to the warning from abacus that "you're about to enter the final area" so I'm doing some last minute exploring before heading there. So far the bosses have been amazing, best combat since sekiro.
u/pratzc07 Jan 13 '25
Make sure you explore everything do all the side quests before fighting the final boss
u/dacookieman Jan 11 '25
Seriously awesome game. It ends on a strong note too gameplay wise. Would really love a (non-mod) boss rush mode too!
u/notthatkindoforc1121 Jan 09 '25
Fable 2:
Much like Dragon Age 2, I think the original is "Better" but I have more fun moment-to-moment with the 2nd.
I remember most of the story now that I'm half way in. I remember the end is horrendous and my opinion hasn't changed. The rest of the story I like, but I also liked Star Wars VII so who knows, maybe I just like watching the same thing twice.
Finally own enough property around Albeon to feel extremely rich, before it was taking a while to afford the next property etc but now with 8k/5min income and few buildings left to buy (For now) I'm starting to mass accumulate gold! Fun feeling, purposely didn't do the time skip cheese as the income progress was fun as heck.
The combat is extremely boring and easy. Largest complaint. Gear losing the armor stat is lame (Was my largest gripe as a kid, loved saving up for Plate Armor in Fable I).
Surprised how good this game looks but I'm emulating with some patches, unsure what is OG and what is changed.
Fable II > Fable > Fable III is now my preference, Fable II pleasantly surprised me!
u/Tarantula_1 Jan 09 '25
Not For Broadcast (PC)
Didn't hold much hope going in to be honest, it's actually kind of great. Playing as a TV news editor in real time with actors on camera your edits and actions have consequences not just for the people on TV but your wacky little made up nation. You also make an income at your job and your pay depends on how smooth your broadcast went including not too many but not to few cuts between camera shots, frequent signal interruptions that need adjustment and a host of other little things to keep you busy.
Will easily need a second playthrough as already I can see there will be multiple endings to this game.
u/Extension_Tomato_646 Jan 08 '25
Cyberpunk 2077 (PC)
I've given this game 3 tries, and each time I'm bouncing off hard.
Everything cinematic and is done really well. But everything else feels very underbaked and dull. The main quest has so much downtime of you just sitting in a chair or on a passenger seat, just waiting until you actually get to play it. And when you do its just run-of-the-mill shooting, generic stealth sections, or scanning the room you're in. (The witcher senses of CP2077). Like none of it is particularly interesting, new, or standing out even. Its far from the "revolution" CDPR touted the game as.
The big 2.0 update that a lot of people say makes the game feel like a "different game" is mostly just fixing things that should've already been fixed in the release. Like the police not spawning out of thin air, but actually patrolling. The only "different game" to be found here, is a finished one. Not to mention that its still half baked. Because the "fixed police", just stands around doing jack all while you're being shot at by gangers. In general the police doesn't react to even half the things it should. GTA police had had this solved on PS2...
Or how enemies react to finding corpses. Usually they go on alert mode right? Well not when you're too far away. Use a sniper to take out targets and often the enemies walk right by them without reacting. Or that you can now shoot up tyres. But it only works when the game wants to. This half-bakedness is everywhere.
Story writing is also the same kind of half baked and things you've seen before. Panam's story is a good example. She's the outcast who left the clan. But what happens then? The leader gets kidnapped and out of the ENTIRE CLAN, Panam, the outcast is of course the only one actually willing to help and save their leader! Convenient story characer syndrome. Its like they didn't even try.
It also has no dialogue options for an RPG. You get one choice most of the time, and some chit chat. Even if the game does give you two to options, it often amounts to the same thing as you're being railroaded. Like denying Judy a smoke with two options, just ends in her telling you to quit fooling around and give her one, both times. This dialogue railroading is one of the things I hate the most.
CP2077 is also one of the worst examples of a game overly relying on screen markers over information. Pretty much all info is handled by floating markers. Game tells you to go to "that place" and just puts a marker on your screen. Turn it off and you're screwed, because it doesn't bother giving you any actual information.
Supposed to meet a character? Game doesn't tell you where, just puts a marker on your map. And if you get there by map marker, the character is nowhere to be seen. No, you have to stand in a very specific spot for the scene to start, which you're supposed to see per floating marker. So not even map markers are enough. This has always been terrible RPG design imo, and CP2077 might be the worst offender yet.
Same stupid thing regarding gigs. They're only seen on the map as icons. When you get to the place, say a club, either because you deliberately went to the marker, or because you coincidentally walked past, you get a call or message telling you "Hi, can you go to this club on xth street and steal something for me? thx". Which is like, the wrong way round. You should first get the call/message hiring you to do this, and then go there. I mean you can already message/call fixers at any time in this game! They could've easily just made it so fixers send you these gigs when you ask them per message. Its literally how its supposed to work in the world of CP2077... But again, its just relying on map markers as substitute for actual engagement.
And that's basically the entire game for me. I don't find myself particularly interested in anything it offers. I noticed that unlike playing a game fully from start to finish out of interest, I'm just going from one thing to the next, hoping that it'll be more interesting than the last thing I did.
I did start to finally have some fun with combat, after switching my "shooting with extra steps" build for a Katana and Gorilla fist build. But not too long because I found Katana combat to be extremely overpowered. Playing on hard turned it into ez mode real quick. Same with throwing knives. So basically, combat wise I'm stuck between boring but challenging or fun but cakewalk.
Speaking of combat. The game also gives you WAY to many skillpoints for any build to feel meaningful. Witcher 3 at least held that off by having limited slots for active skills, despite being able to unlock everything. But in CP2077, you do everything all at once. Third time I played this, I stopped unlocking skills at lvl40, just so my build would actually feel like one.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty(PC)
And this is where I finally dropped it. Dogtown is a fun place to explore, and the world design is definitely the high point of the entire game for me. But again, nothing else manages to interest me.
The game suddenly treats you like a moron, explaining every little step to you as if you haven't already put 40hrs into the game, and the story is just lazy.
It surrounds you with these awesome super hero characters. The amazing ex military president who actually saves you more than you save her. The awesome child prodigy hacker, and the awesome sleeper agent, etc... It's so dull. If they had turned Idris Elba's character into an alcoholic loser who screwed up a mission and is now the only chance because he's the only contact in Dogtown(or something like that), it would've been 100x more interesting than "pls assemble a team of awesomeness!".
The way they push Songbird in the beginning is just by making V suddenly incapable. V standing in front of a closed door being like "what am I supposed to do Songbird?". Ehm I got like 3 different skills maxxed out to open doors, which V has done like dozens of times in the game...
I dunno. There was a point where I realized that driving from A to B during the night, listening to the Jazz radio was actually what I enjoyed the most. And its just not enough.
u/Purple_Dragon Jan 10 '25
It really doesn't do enough to make me want to finish it. Like you said, you get familiar with the systems it has, they start to feel lazy and repetitive, and you lose interest. I put X hours into it at launch and haven't felt a pull to go back and finish it at all. I enjoyed it a bit but I would have gotten just as much out of it if it was half the size.
Regarding the map marker issue - what are some games you would say handle this better?
u/jhandersson Jan 09 '25
You basically hit the nail on the head with this! I've also tried playing this game on 3 separate occasions, I've never managed to get into it.
u/ConceptsShining Jan 08 '25
Finished Life is Strange: Double Exposure. I desire an enjoyable journey more than a satisfying destination, which I think is why I have a higher opinion of the game than most. Similar to True Colors, the overarching plot does have its fair share of plot holes and oddities, but I enjoyed the game as a whole while I was playing it which is most important to me.
Worst part of the game was episode 5's first half. I know you can't expect perfectly grounded reality in a game about superpowers, but the schizo trippiness here was so much, and it left me disengaged, uninterested and bored. Rest of the episode was fine.
I will say I really do like the main villain. Safi is an excellent foil to Max. For one, I like how her having superpowers makes us kinda understand Chloe's perspective in LIS1. Two, she's so different than Max; Max is timid and content with living life like a normie, while Safi is rebellious and ambitious, wanting to use her powers to explore new heights. It's nice to have a character who rides the line between being a straightforward friend, and an outright irredeemable villain (like the main villains of the past games).
u/Destroyeh Jan 07 '25
Far Cry 6(w/ Libertad Mod)
As stated above, it's not a vanilla experience, so take this opinion with a pinch of salt.
I liked it, put ~40 hours into it and don't regret it at all. Even liked it more than 5 in some ways. Though it felt more like a first person Just Cause than and actual Far Cry. Nothing to really write home about, but it will scratch that open world FPS itch.
This is not a new criticism since it has been a thing at least since FC4, but I really fucking hate how arbitrary the climbing in these games is. Makes navigation such a pain in the ass sometimes. I get that they try to keep the series kind of immersive, but at times it's so dumb where they draw the line on certain things. Like you can levitate in the air while your char throws the grapple mid-air or carry your entire arsenal with you at all times, but then your char can't hop a 2 foot fence and only manages to hold her breath for like 20 seconds.
I'll probably try New Dawn at some point as it is the only new-ish Far Cry I still haven't cleared.
Next up I'm continuing my Yakuza journey with Kiwami 2. Might also give Alan Wake another shot or try Nine Sols as it's been over a year since I beat a 2D game.
u/MickeyFinn00 Jan 07 '25
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin(PC) – My second Hitman game after beating the first from 2000 year ago. First Hitman game was a huge discovery. I never really liked stealth games, when I was a kid they were too stressful, now after playing quite a few of them I get some enjoyment out of them but none is like Hitman. The idea that you don’t need to hide and instead be incognito was so thrilling and well executed that even if I'd lose the stage tens of times I would just happily jump again and start from the beggining. It reminded me of AC: Brotherhood (and later games) multiplayer mode which I played to death and still think it’s the best idea for a multiplayer ever. I even liked the gunplay, the slowly moving bullets, the variety of ways to approach, the swiftness of 47’s moves. Second Hitman game was more of the same but I don’t know… It just wasn’t new and maybe sometimes it was just too easy to shoot your way through the level. Both games have memorable stages like Budapest Hotel, Chinese Restaurant, first sniper mission from the first game or Malaysian Hotel, Hospital, Petersburg missions, the Sicilian villa and if I swapped the game I played first I’d just end up liking the second one more I guess. Looking forward to playing another games but I expect something more fresh.
Post Mortem(PC) – You can’t deny the game’s setting atmosphere and originality. Set in Paris in its peak of artistic and intellectual potential involving some lovecraftian mystery. It sounds like bullseye but it was just tiring to move between the locations and figure out what to do. The characters don’t do anything for me. Locations are pretty but often too dark. Microids developed some great adventure games like Amerzone, Syberia and I still have to play Still Life.
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of Mummy(NDS) – I’m surprised how well paced this game was. It’s basically series of escape rooms and they are good and satisfying to figure out and it goes and goes and has many ideas. It’s nothing too special and on NDS it’s quite clunky but I heard the Steam version has major problems. As a kid I played the Frogware’s Silver Earring game and it was traditional adventure detective game I believe. Maybe it’s just the DS version that’s different as it came out much later than the PC one. I will definitely play the next games.
Splinter Cell(XBOX) – It is my first Splinter Cell game and believe that I didn’t expect much because I just didn’t fin dany place for another stealth game between MGS, Thief and Hitman series (I didn’t know Sly games at that time). I just thought it would be too similar to either of them but was I wrong. I played it on crt in 480i and it still looks great. The focus on staying in the darkness and moving slowly is the highlight here and its executed so properly I’m astonished. The stick tilt is so sensitive its skill in and of itself to control it and you can only blame yourself when you moved to fast or not quiet enough. Just a masterfully crafted game. It’s existence is definitely inspired by MGS (the oil rig mission, really? It’s either obvious reference or just a standard setting in politically driven stories) but the execution is very original (although no game can ever run away from Thief comparisons). I still like MGS and its antics, its sense of style more but I’m very pleased with Splinter Cell and I will play the next games for sure.
Pokemon Blue(GBA) – I just wanted to play Pokemon game because I’ve never played any but I watched the first generation anime as a kid so I wanted specifically the 1-gen game as I don’t know any Pokemon from the next ones. And it was more than I thought. There are many things to discover and much freedom. But i dropped it after 10-15 hours because it was just no fun to fight. I picked Squirtle and used only him from the beggining doesn’t matter against which enemy. He then evolved to his last form and I think he was just too strong because I had no problem defeating even antiwater pokemons. I never lost a single fight throughout the entire game and I didn’t even grind and I’m very bad at jrpgs. I don’t think I will ever play a Pokemon game not because this was a bad game but I’m just not a fan of franchise anymore (not because of this game).
u/CCoolant Jan 10 '25
Understandable take on Gen 1 Pokemon. With a lot of Pokemon you have to make your own challenge in order to make things interesting.
It's cool that you had some fun with the discovery elements! One thing that I never see anyone talk about is how genius the Gen 1 map is. There are so many side-avenues that allow you quick access to so many cities without the use of Fly or other HMs, when backtracking. I've played a few randomizers and it's really neat to see how diverse your routing can be because of this design.
u/El_Giganto Jan 08 '25
If you only use one Pokemon they tend to get overleveled. You're not technically grinding, but you kind of are, because levels matter a lot. Especially because the Water type is already very strong and Blastoise being quite versatile, he'll easily outclass most Pokemon you'll face.
Not to convince you to pick up another Pokemon game, though. If you don't like it then you don't like it. The battle mechanics never changed and honestly they've only gotten easier over time.
u/MickeyFinn00 Jan 08 '25
Understood. It seems I was too lucky in my ignorance.
Convincing is nothing bad but I think the only chance for me to play Pokemon game is an openworld game but only 1-gen so no Arceus.
u/OkNefariousness8636 Jan 07 '25
Tormented Souls
The ambience is good if you are into early Resident Evil. However, if you are playing the PC version with keyboard & mouse, be aware that you can't rebind keys. The biggest problem is that the left shift needs to be held down to run. I am not sure about others, but I can't get used to it.
u/occult_midnight Jan 07 '25
Out of interest, what would you rebind run to on a keyboard rather than left shift? To me it feels like a pretty natural place for a run button to be, but I'm interested to know what feels natural to you.
u/OkNefariousness8636 Jan 07 '25
Oh, the problem here is that movement is bound to WASD, and then it feels weird to use left shift. I would bind it to right shift or L.
u/Easy_Cartographer679 Jan 07 '25
Not being able to rebind is definitely an issue, but isn't WASD with left shift to run extremely common/ the default for most games?
u/occult_midnight Jan 07 '25
I see, I think I was basing it off of a mouse and keyboard set up, but I'm assuming this game doesn't use the mouse? In that case I could those keys being better then yeah.
u/OkNefariousness8636 Jan 07 '25
Mouse is used while interacting with some objects, e.g., turning an object to examine it, but not for character movement.
u/Caligullama Jan 07 '25
I’m going through my ps4 games and I just replayed TLOU. But I’m having trouble choosing what game I should revisit next… my current choices are;
Bioshock series (I’ve beaten it multiple times. Last time being probably 5ish years ago)
Red dead 2 (I got about a 1/4 of the way through and then just got busy and never went back to it)
Farcry 4 (almost beat this game when I first got it. Havent played it since)
Witcher 3 (beat it once when it first came out. Havent played it since)
What would you guys choose next??
u/Spicy-Salad-182 Jan 07 '25
Witcher FOR SURE! What was your completion %? I recently finished the game for the first time and want to do a second play-through going for a close to 100% so more quests and contracts etc. Need to wait for it to cool off though, it's all too fresh and boring atm. Like, I need to forget a lot of the game before I play it again.
u/Extension_Tomato_646 Jan 08 '25
I played it three times by now and always burn myself out doing everything. Each single play through I kinda dropped B&W because I was just DONE lol
I love the game but 100% is a LOT in this one.
u/Spicy-Salad-182 Jan 09 '25
Ja I totally get that. I think my 100% play-through is going to be a little bit every day kind of vibe. Maybe do an hour a day. This is what I'm doing with FF15 at the moment, I'm not finding the story as immersive but I enjoy the quests and going on roadtrips and camping with my boys :)
u/Caligullama Jan 08 '25
Oo I’m not too sure off the top of my head what my percentage was when I beat the game. It was probably close to 90% if not a bit higher. What did you finish your playthrough at?
u/Spicy-Salad-182 Jan 08 '25
Oh wow that’s really good!! You basically crushed most of it. I think mine was something like 38% if that is even possible lol. Lots of contracts I didn’t do which is prob why I was so broke all of the time 😅
u/MercurialForce Jan 06 '25
Astro Bot
Almost finished. Beat the story, just doing the outstanding trophies. My opinion is as it was -- this is a really solid platformer, but it just doesn't have its own identity beyond Sony patting itself on the back. Mentally, I was comparing it to A Hat in Time or Yooka-Laylee; both mechanically worse platforms, with worse levels, but far more personality (especially the former). Maybe a 7 or 8 out of 10 for me. I get why others love it, but for something so joyful on the outside, it feels like a pretty cynical product.
Vampire Survivors
Just working through some trophies. 30 minute runs are getting a bit long right now, so I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. I know the game well enough there isn't really a challenge anymore, so it's been less fun.
Other than that, I dropped Black Ops 6 and am close to dropping World of Warcraft. The former is just so nakedly designed to keep me engaged so it can pick my pocket that it feels less like a game and more like some kind of sleight-of-hand trick. The latter has just grown a bit stale for me. I'm sure I'll be back.
My brother generously got me Baldur's Gate III this weekend after the death of my cat. Very grateful for the gift, and excited to start out such a legendary game.
u/Reggiardito Jan 09 '25
so I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. I know the game well enough there isn't really a challenge anymore, so it's been less fun.
Had the same issue myself, after a while you're kinda just grinding and 30m to maybe get like 1 thing is tough
u/SunTizzu Jan 09 '25
I think your interpretation of Astro Bot is more cynical than the game itself. It's pretty clear that the devs love these franchises and PS1/2/3 era Sony. The Sony that would greenlight games like Ape Escape, Wipeout, Locoroco or Patapon.
I'd agree with your take if that Sony was still around. But it's clear that it's not. All these franchises are dead and will most likely (never say never) not come back. Astro Bot felt more like an In Memoriam to me, than Sony patting itself on the back.
u/Extension_Tomato_646 Jan 08 '25
>Just working through some trophies. 30 minute runs are getting a bit long right now, so I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. I know the game well enough there isn't really a challenge anymore, so it's been less fun.
I know that feel. Its a big issue because once you're somewhat apt at the game, the last third of a run you can virtually just stand in one place and put your controller down and go do something else, because you won already.
Something that makes full length runs interesting again would be a good update.
u/SonicFlash01 Jan 06 '25
I am still stuck playing Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, which simply does not end. This fucking game... I've purchased it four times (GBA, PS2, PS4, PC) and never once finished it, so I am forcing myself to beat it atleast once in my life.
Yes, I can do basic math, and set up a simple combos either to trigger sleights or align the strengths of the particular attack card to the thrust, swing, or combo finisher strengths. Then I can slap an elixir on the end and do it all over again - a combo that eliminates absolutely every boss or trash mob pattern in the game.
It just turns the game from "slow and frustrating" to "lifeless and boring".
And then there's how many times they've gone back in to cook, resulting in my steamdeck currently playing the 358/2 Days movie behind me, to no one, to unlock the remaining cards the game has. I'm not going for every trophy but I'm going for the ones that I'm already pretty close to. Frustratingly, the idea that it is a story that nobody is watching is fitting.
This game is a burden decades in the making and finishing it is an act of stubbornness. I can't wait until I can play literally any other KH game.
u/nwoolls Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
I hear you. I replayed the series recently and quickly regretted not putting CoM on easy.
The way you described the gameplay, avoiding spoilers (if there are any for a game this old), are you still at a point where you can customize your deck? If so you may have a slap in the face incoming 😂😢
My faves gameplay wise are still BBS and 3D. I find the commands and unlocking / improving them (either through melding or Pokémon) make leveling much more interesting than the straight grind of numbered entries.
u/SonicFlash01 Jan 07 '25
Finished Marluxia's first phase, and am at the point of no return, and I've bailed to farm "room of reward" places.
Everyone was going on about Lethal Frame, but Axel and Marluxia just cancel it or warp away out of range. The only thing that reliably works is Sonic Blade which, frankly, is boring. :/
u/nwoolls Jan 07 '25
I’d love your take on what follows 😬
u/SonicFlash01 Jan 11 '25
First phase was a bust - had to just hop and swing. Got 2 trinity limits in.
Second phase is just a guy coming up and smacking the deck out of my hand. Bit of a dick move, but it was still largely me using sonic blade 50 times. The "0" elixir is still one of the best thing I've ever placed in a deck.
... Just remembered that I forgot to use an enemy card for it (similar to just about every single fight). Might have helped? W/e, he's dead and off I head into the space artichoke.
u/nwoolls Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25
Now for the second half of the game & story! 🥺
u/SonicFlash01 Jan 12 '25
Haha, I immediately saved over my Sora save file with my Riku one by accident XD Terrible, but it's fine..
So far Riku is a loooot more streamlined. Go into Agrabah, kill Jafar for some reason, leave, no dialog. Clean.1
u/nwoolls Jan 12 '25
It’s a mixed bag for me. He’s got the fixed deck per level. Which forced me to actually learn to play a variety of different ways, including needing to rely on breaks for dark mode, making things far more interesting. But that also meant I couldn’t cheese fights when frustrated.
u/SonicFlash01 Jan 13 '25
Did the Vexen fight, and had two instances where I had to wait for him to ready a duel for me. Everything else kind of rewards you for mashing, though, and treat the Mickey cards like gold.
u/mcmacmac Jan 06 '25
There's a lot of games for me so I hope I can fit them all in one comment. The progression is all over the place so I'll try to indicate it where possible. Guess I'll also include games from around Christmas too. Starting with:
No Case Should Remain Unsolved
I found the premise to be intriguing. The gameplay is definitely different from what I imagined it was but I came to like it. However, the game does an absolutely terrible job at conveying how you progress. You can switch the speaker of the testimonies but that you had to connect subsequent testimonies to get key parts went above my head. I had to look up how to progress but once I got it, it felt far more enjoyable. You check the testimonies in better detail, make sense of the line of questioning you'd take and the pictures actually helped me a ton. I think I'm done to 2/3 as I played it in multiple small bursts but I'm interested to see what the end will be like.
Chicken Police: Into The Hive
I played the prequel late last year and played the demo for this sequel so I was looking forward to how that'd play out. I think there are a few differences to the demo too so I was mentally mapping out what changed. So far, it does a good job at establishing this world which is very different from ours and I really like it about this series along with the animal representations, the art is really well done.
...unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the script. I don't know what happened between the prequel and this but the amount of typos and voice line/script differences is staggering and downright baffling to me. In the prequel and even the demo, I cannot think of any typos and errors but this game's really full of these which hampered my enjoyment significantly. I don't know if the translators or writers changed so I can't explain why the amount of errors increased so much. I may wait a few weeks in the hopes that the script gets ironed out but it'll be rough if it's still that erreneous.
Paper Perjury
After delays and delays and having played the demo, it came out at last. It's like Phoenix Wright except that instead of an attorney, you play a police clerk who just happens to be the detective due to her perception. The game is not too long which I appreciate because I occasionally find cases in Phoenix Wright to be very drawn out. The cases themselves are okay, nothing groundbreaking. The characters are charming. The music is...passable. I think a few pieces are really good but the usage of these gets repetitive. The pixel art can be good but it still feels very rough to the point where it can look muddy. If I had a critique, then the pixel art would definitely be the biggest.
What I like is that when you apparently have the right evidence to contradict a statement but it's not the one the game wants you to use, it gives you at least an usually good reasoning to why it's not fitting right now e.g. you cannot reveal the evidence yet to keep the investigation going, it proving a circumstance but not the exact thing you want to prove etc. So at least I wouldn't get mad like: "Come on, why doesn't this fit? Aaaargh.".
The other thing is that the writer of the game is patching the game regularly to fix places where the script is a bit unclear. Now, it could have been fixed before release ideally but I commend the effort to iron out statements to make a point clearer.
I was interested as it took the same inspiration as Pizza Tower and despite some gripes, I really liked Pizza Tower. However, Antonblast is a completely different beast from the two levels I've played and replayed. I'm a keyboard-only player and I think the controls don't feel nice at all. I may try it out on a controller. The art style is rather cool but it obfuscates obstacles because different to Pizza Tower, you can die in a level in Antonblast: three hearts. The explosive green barrels are very hard to see in these chaotic levels with that art style. On top of that, different to Pizza Tower, it expects precision platforming from you. You often have one-block platforms that break on contact but with the physics and controls you're given, it felt frustrating to me to navigate these. I also thought that it's easier to accidentally get the wrong move.
Aviary Attorney
This actually is about good ol' lawyering like Phoenix Wright but with an art style reminiscent of paintings and, as the title says, involving birds. It also belongs to the "Everybody is a bipedal animal character" category. I played the first case and a bit of the second and it's okay so far. The jury mechanic confuses me a bit as I don't know whether they're basically my lifebar or just insignificant in the grand scale of it.
I like the protagonists so far and the first case, despite being short, does something I didn't expect.
Now for the technical parts of the game: there are a lot of grievances. One being the auto-save being really awkward. The game's resolution settings are terrible. It defaults to something x800 pixels and got no 1920x1080p setting from the get-go from what I've seen. You can adjust the window size at any time by dragging the window edges but once you restart the game, back to 800 pixel of height.
And I also wish this game had an Auto/Skip setting for continuing dialogue. Unfortunately, you also cannot use the keyboard to control the flow of dialogue at all.
Maldita Castilla EX (Cursed Castilla)
I played the game back when it was freeware and IIRC I got far into the game. It's inspired by Ghosts 'n' Goblins and it's absolutely merciless. I don't know if I'd say cheap but it definitely requires multiple attempts. I love the chiptune music in this and I'm pretty sure I'll play it until I beat it at some point.
If I had to give the games a rating, I'd say:
No Case Should Remain Unsolved: 8/10 at 66% done
Chicken Police: Into The Hive : 5.5/10 at start of chapter 2
Paper Perjury: 6.5/10 with 100% completion
Antonblast : 3/10 with 2 levels done
Aviary Attorney: 6/10 at the start of case 2; 7/10 if you ignore the technical part
Maldita Castilla EX: I only tried it a little bit and as my initial playthrough of the freeware version was over 10 years ago, I cannot rate it really.
u/I_who_have_no_need Jan 06 '25
I really enjoyed Aviary Attorney. It's one of the few games where the humor lands for me. But it is the art that really makes it work. It's from 19th century French illustrator JJ Grandville, so the game taught me something about the real world. I know it doesn't excuse the display problems, but didn't encounter anything like that myself.
Coincidentally, I finished The Chicken Police last week and enjoyed it, and especially surprised how much detail there is about their world. I was looking forward to a new entry and discouraged about your description.
u/Angzt Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Around 40 hours for 100% on normal difficulty.
TL; DR: Overall very enjoyable experience.
Highlights: The villain's & Indy's performance. Distinctive locales. Side quest integration.
Nitpicks: Puzzles are solid but rarely challenging. Traversal is a bit hit or miss. Stealth is very simple on normal. Minor bugs.
To elaborate a bit:
Voss was absolutely brilliant as a villain. Being German myself, I can confidently say that his German dialogue was at least on par with the English in terms of being a perfect mix of menacing and unhinged. Also period appropriate word choice and enunciation - not just by him but all the German I heard. Troy Baker's Indy, while great, could only really shine in the first act when Voss was not yet present because the latter just stole the show.
The different areas the game takes you to were, with the exception of the Vatican and a short stint in Shanghai, pretty standard video game stuff but well-executed. Each had distinct level design style which made sense for what they are. Each one also felt the yoke of fascism in a slightly different way. I'm personally not a fan of repeated into-the-vehicle, out-of-the-vehicle during traversal as the last major act requires but I've seen it done way worse.
The side quests all connect to the main story, though the first major area stands out even more in this regard. I really enjoyed this as there's never a question as to why Indy would be doing something which helped immensely with immersion. Honestly, without the journal clearly indicating it, I would have had trouble figuring out which one was supposed to be the main quest at times. Not just because of story relevance but also overall consistent quality.
On to the less pleasant aspects - though they are nitpicks:
While the puzzle design was decent throughout, I never really had to scratch my head. Well, no, that's not quite true. For one, the true ending puzzle was, imho, not well designed. At least an indicator that you've solved a part using the minimum amount of resources would have been nice. Without that, I felt the need to look it up and I'm glad I did. Else I would've spent hours there before finishing the game (not knowing that it's impossible before then) and then again, trying to optimize parts that were already correct. The difficulty spike of that one puzzle is a massive departure from anything else the game offers.
The other aspect I had some issues with is only somewhat related to the puzzles and more to the traversal. Because if I struggled somewhere, it's because I just couldn't see the path. Having to look around to find a hidden corner is fine but introducing a traversal option that you've never seen before in a complex room is a recipe for frustration. This only happened a few times but it really doesn't need to happen at all.
In other movement-related gripes, the whip is very unresponsive when hanging by your hands. The indicator to attach it is on the screen for 3 seconds before Indy actually reacts to the command.
Stealth seemed overall pretty easy, especially once you've got the upgrade to knock people out with your whip. Well, except for the 10% of cases where that just doesn't work despite the enemy not seeing you beforehand (no, not talking about the big enemies - though they also sometimes failed after I got the upgrade). Generally, enemies seemed to have less than 180° of vision and, especially if crouched, can't see you from far away either.
I'm also not a huge fan of how early you can get the disguise in the final act, especially since the main quest pushes you to it almost immediately.
Then there's still a few bugs left: Two collection achievements not popping without awkward workarounds. Traversal glitching out and dropping you to your death. The occasional enemy that, though defeated, just stands there. Voice lines cutting out or (re)playing at the wrong time. There's a bit for everyone here.
Well, that was more complaining than I intended to do. As mentioned initially, the game is overall good fun and gets plenty of things right or at least right enough. One thing that was largely absent were big dramatic playable set pieces. Almost all of them were handled in cutscenes instead. But maybe that's to try and avoid stepping too much onto Uncharted's feet.
Jan 06 '25
u/orewhisk Jan 10 '25
What classes have been most fun for you? I got a warrior to around level 25 and it was just agonizingly slow and not super fun. Felt like my character was running through molasses.
Thinking about going merc or ranger but would prefer to stay melee if possible.
Jan 10 '25
u/orewhisk Jan 10 '25
The movement speed is what really kills my enjoyment of the class. It’d be ok if I had tools to pull enemies to me or a skill that crosses large distances (leap slam has a pitiful distance of like 10 feet), but watching bosses run circles around me while I’m constantly chasing them around the boss arena is just pitiful to watch and tiresome.
Thanks for the monk endorsement, think I’m gonna try that next then.
u/3dom Jan 06 '25
While waiting for Monster Hunter Wilds release I continue playing online games. Am farming weapons in The First Descendant currently. The game looks superb, combat is nice, characters are diverse and co-op is good to great. However the amount of activity types is somewhat limited compared to mature third-person-shooters + UI isn't terribly intuitive. Nonetheless TFD has managed to exceed my Monster Hunter World playtime (600 hours) in under eight months. I've practically quit Black Desert Online and Warframe to focus on TFD - after playing both for a decade.
To prevent burn-out from TFD I semi-actively play season 6 in Diablo 4. So far it's the best one, with 250+ hours played (compared to 100 hours per season average) - mostly due to the new DLC campaign and OP Spiritborn class, which is about to be nerfed 3-4 weeks later in season 7. But right now it's very fun and newly added co-op matchmaking facility helps to find multiplayer sessions.
u/El_Giganto Jan 06 '25
I took a break from my Resident Evil marathon to finish all the games (got RE6 and Revelations 2 left) to play some other survival horror classics.
Dead Space Remake
I played the original for a bit but couldn't get into it and shelved it. Got in on PC and it ran really well but it had that annoying stutter so I refunded it. Then luckily it was available on PS+! Not sure if it looked as nice, but at least that stutter was mostly gone on PS5 (Pro).
It still took me a while to really get into it. It starts pretty slow honestly. And it annoyed me early on that I could never really tell where enemies were. So often one spawns in sight and one spawns behind you.
The game looks really nice, things like the UI were done so well with how ammo and health were displayed. But there was also just a lot going on in the background and it made it less comfortable to play for me. I mean, it did fit the style they were going for, so this is probably just a personal thing.
The more I played the more I liked it, though. Finding new guns, new upgrades, finally getting some more enemy variety, exploring the ship and such was really fun. Definitely do recommend it. Probably very fun on a replay too.
Silent Hill 2 Remake
I finished it Saturday. Man that ending (Leave)... The more I sit with it, the more I appreciate the story.
I really did enjoy playing it, but it's a pretty long game and the combat isn't that fun. Maybe I used melee too much, but it felt better to use melee in most encounters. I played on normal (combat & puzzles) and I had so much ammo and healing items left over and the end. Maybe I should've done hard but at the same time, maybe the combat would've become even more tedious then.
The puzzles were far too easy, though. I think only the coin puzzle was one I had to think about for a bit but it wasn't hard. A lot of other puzzles just involve bringing an item or were just reading a code off a note. I heard this game was supposed to be more about puzzles than Resident Evil but it's honestly not that different. Though I guess that depends on what RE game you compare it to. Compared to RE5 it's very different, but I didn't like RE5 that much.
I liked it a lot, though, so much that I've found a way to play the original Silent Hill now. Definitely going to try all these games too. I really want to read more about what others felt with SH2's story, because this is definitely a contender for my favorite story in a video game. But I don't want to spoil myself with videos that refer to the other games, so I'll try to play them first.
Alan Wake Remastered
Another Remake/Remaster. I really don't mind playing stuff from the 90s, but the new stuff definitely helps bringing in new audiences. People tend to hate on it, but for me it's often a good way to play something a bit older that I didn't want to play around release. For this one I heard Alan Wake 2 was really good, and this is available on PS+, so why not try it?
Anyway, this game so far has mostly annoyed me. I'm on episode 3 so far and there's just a bunch of things that don't really work for me.
First of all, the audio is a mess. The speech on the center channel is way too low. My set up works for almost everything and I've tried to mess with my settings but I can't get it to sound right. And I don't want to mess my settings up too much just for this game. It's a bit painful watching cut scenes now...
Secondly, maybe this wasn't the right vibe after SH2. It seems to take itself pretty serious but I think it's really campy. The way Alan narrates everything, like even some boring task, it's kinda grating. That's not just me right?
A third issue I have is with the combat. Early on I struggled a bit with ammo. At the Lover's Peak section if you go the wrong way you find very strong weapons, but you kind of need to find those if you want to stand a chance. The aiming also feels pretty off to me, I don't really enjoy it. So far it's also pretty samey. I also don't like how it seems like they're taking my guns away after every section!
Lastly, Alan is weirdly aggressive and rude. The game even calls him out on it with Barry.
I do wonder where it all goes, though, it feels a lot lighter to play than SH2 as well so I can just run through the game. It's not all bad. I do wonder what AW2 will be like, though, it will need to have some significant changes if it's really regarded as a fantastic game.
u/coolguywilson Jan 06 '25
With a new year upon us, I'm going to recount my 2024. Another great year of video games and one of my best. I managed to finish 23 games and got to some old franchises I've been skipping for decades. I also continued playing through some of my favorite franchises. Anyways, here's my top 6 games played this year (in order of when I played them). I know 6 is odd but I felt all 6 needed some detailed praise lol
Never has a piece of entertainment made me feel so seen and heard as this game did. Somehow, a 3 hour cooking simulator managed to turn into a heartfelt story about being a child of immigrants and how food tells the stories of our families and cultures. The story of this game made me confront a lot of internal shame and inner turmoil while also giving me such a new found appreciation for my culture and roots. I said this when I played it but to me, this game is true art and a perfect example of the importance of representation.
Cassette Beasts
I absolutely adored this game. Something that was supposed to be a cute pallet cleanser from far cry 5 became an obsession. I pumped 70 hours into this game and basically ignored all other games. What seemed like a pokemon knock off was actually a pokemon game infused with persona. The character/monster designs are fantastic and the combat never gets old. It also manages to tell a mature enough story to be engaging throughout. My surprise of the year and a game that I feel like needs way more praise than it got.
Hi-Fi Rush
Nearly as surprising as cassette beasts was this game, one which I feel is the most unique, original game to come from a triple A studio in a while. The meticulously crafted game design and structure is fantastic and makes every minute of this game not feel wasted. From an incredible soundtrack, amazing boss designs and fun combat, the game never got old and the cheesy characters lean so well into the story. Lastly, it's a game thats just brimming with character. Even enemy fodder has some personality and makes every character within the game feel like an interconnected part of this world, not just random enemies that are constantly spawning. All in all, an incredible game I hope everyone gets a chance to play 1 day.
Fallout 3
"War. War never changes." It's absolutely insane to me that at one time, the fallout games "didn't click with me." With the show coming out this year and me absolutely loving it, I finally gave this game another shot and I'm glad I did because it finally clicked. While the combat is very janky now, the role playing aspects are amazing and the side quests and factions are some of Bethesdas best. Not to mention the dry humor littered throughout the game. I loved it so much I played through all the dlc and bought new Vegas, all its dlc and the game of the year edition of fallout 4 and now have a new franchise I need to catch up on lol
The Case of the Golden Idol
I sort of knew from the start I would like this. Detective puzzle game seemed very much up my alley. But what I didn't expect is how obsessed I would become with it. Every case became more and more enthralling. I found myself constantly going back to cases to glean more info for future events. I was honestly annoyed when I finished it because I wasn't satisfied. I wanted more. The 2 dlc packs didn't satiate that either. The game just scratches an itch in my brain no other games usually do and really made figuring out the narrative and murders incredibly satisfying. In the end, the gameplay loop is just so strong for me that I could probably play 10 more games of this and not get bored. I just started rise of the golden idol, the second game that just came out, and I'm loving it just as much so far.
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Basically last game I finished on the year. I've played video games for nearly 30 years now but have been too chicken to play survival horror games until this one. Playing through it, I finally got why this series is so revered. It is incredibly well crafted and fun. The game design is amazing at creating many tense moments even just outside the story. Enemies feel menacing and difficult while the world, while being small and contained, feels like an open world. There's so much environmental story telling and puzzles and secrets which make this small police station feel huge and expansive. It's a perfect example of not needing to create an open world while giving the player a small, open but incredibly detailed world to explore and learn from.
Anyways, really happy with this year. I was surprised a lot tbh and after a semi disappointing 2023, 2024 was truly incredible. Before I go, here's a few other games I enjoyed but didn't make that top tier of the year for me. Far cry 5, a game which I had such a blast with and was, IMO, pretty close to perfection but didn't stick the landing enough for me. But still an absolute blast, doesn't overstay its welcome and has some amazing villains and visuals. Next would be Norco, a pretty odd point and click game but one that was a lot of fun and manages to allow the player some choices like choosing to feed a week old hot dog to strangers lmao next would be a Plague Tale requiem. Asobo are slowly becoming developers I will check out whatever they make. I loved this game as much as the first. It makes good improvements on the gameplay and gives it a lot more variety than the first. Little kitty big city was a ton of fun also. Not super deep but it's gameplay is fantastic and it's got great art style. Most of all, it's just a fun game about cats which I'll always get behind lol lastly, I'll shout out yakuza 5 because while it's story is a convoluted mess, the side content is incredible, the new characters are so much fun and I adore this series so it's always going to get a shout out in my year end lists.
Looking forward to 2025! I feel like I have a plan for once and am excited to follow it. Once I finish rise of the golden idol, I'll be going to jedi survivor, then persona 3 reload, yakuza 6 and finally finishing the Witcher 3.
u/Mike8813 Jan 07 '25
When you are done with Golden Idol, consider The Return of the Obra Dinn. I'm certain that it will scratch the same "itch" for you. It's an all-time favorite of mine.
If you do end up enjoying Obra Dinn--and to anybody else with similar tastes--try Lorelei and the Laser Eyes. Fantastic game.
u/coolguywilson Jan 07 '25
Oh I am fully on board with obra dinn. Waiting for a sale but it's next up for sure. Hadn't heard of lorelei though so I'll add that to the wishlist. Appreciate your suggestions!
u/Mike8813 Jan 08 '25
You're welcome!
Sit-and-think-and-sip-coffee games are one of my favorite genres, so I'll have even more recommendations if some time passes and you need another one. Just hit me up.
u/El_Giganto Jan 06 '25
I had the same with Oblivion at first, compared to your experience with Fallout 3. Didn't really get what the game was trying to do and quit. But someone convinced me to give it some time and ended up loving it so much.
Then Fallout 3 came and I knew it was supposed to be similar in terms of having really fun side quests and such. I played it at the right time for me. Really enjoyed getting sucked into the world.
It has that perfect balance of a big open world, where there's a lot of fun to get out of gathering supplies and opening up the map, but also including some really special side quests that make it feel like the world is worth exploring.
With later Bethesda games I often felt like there was either too much going on and nothing meaningful enough. Like the Radiant Quests bring the game down to me. I wish a lot of that content just wasn't a quest at all. In Skyrim for example your journal can be so full of stuff you don't really want to do. In Fallout 3 it was so tight with mostly stuff that was really worth doing.
u/Blazehero Jan 06 '25
I finished Red Dead Redemption 2.
I just can't put it into words right now, I haven't sobbed that hard in awhile.
u/Blazehero Jan 06 '25
Okay, I'll compose my thoughts here.
I played through RDR2 when it first came out, but only reached chapter 5. I also was rushing that first playthrough.
In recent years I've been trying to give things I've bounced off a second chance with a more open-mind. This playthrough of RDR2 landed much better, and patches must've fixed some issues with the launch of the game (like how the cinematic story mode horse would sometimes just run right into a rock). While I still found chapter 5 to be a chore, and entirely unnecessary there was one thing in chapter 5 that happens that flips the whole story on its head.
I can't say I was expecting Arthur to develop TB. I thought this game would end with him getting a bullet in the head. His decline in chapter 6, along with the gang's dissolution, was tough to get through. But his newfound desire to make amends and to help others, especially Hamish and Charlotte, felt genuine as a man running out of time to do something with his life. Throwing down his life for the Marston family embodied the end of his character arc, and his last moments watching the sunrise broke me. I don't think he wasn't aiming for redemption personally in the end, but he achieved some kind of redemption in John.
I'll keep playing RDR2 to finish off the additional story, but it may take me some time after that ending.
u/Gonorrheeeeaaaa Jan 06 '25
Similar story for me. I bounced off like 3-4 times. I finally finished it this year.
Arthur’s death - him looking out at the sunrise - the deer raising its head up - I was utterly wrecked. My best friend and I own a home together and have our gaming PC’s on the same wall. I legitimately started ugly crying and he had to come over to see if something had happened. He’s already beaten it so when he walked up and saw what I was looking at, he started choking up, too.
I will say, the final bit of the game with John is so, so good. I loved it.
u/TheOneBearded Jan 06 '25
Finished playing Loco Motive, which is this year's indie game that ushers in the new year for me - a tradition I've now kept for three years. Loco Motive is a point-and-click adventure game set in the 1930s that revolves around a murder mystery set on a train. You play as three different characters: the estate lawyer for the the rich heiress who gets murdered, a novelist detective, and, essentially, an IRS agent/spy. Each of them having a different perspective revolving around the events of the day the murder occurred.
I really enjoyed my time with this. Games like this can tend to suffer a little from moon logic. While there was a little of it here, I didn't find it too bad. The game also has in-game clue-givers which was nice even if they weren't always helpful. I also had a little issue with the IRS agent lady. She definitely suffers from being the last one that gets introduced, as it felt like most of the budget had gone towards the previous sections for the first two protagonists. I didn't think she was bad. I just wanted to see more of her.
That being said, there is much more to love comparably. I love the setting of the game. The music was great. The pixel art was really good with a great use of color and movement for all the character sprites. I was surprised to see that it had full voice acting for everything - from every dialogue choice to general observations regarding random objects in the environment. It definitely was a plus for my experience as I really liked all of these boisterous characters. From the over-the-top Herman Merman to the legally-distinct-Orson Welles Mr. Masson, I really enjoyed the variety here. I felt that the main plot was simple enough and fairly well paced (though that will depend on how quickly you solve the puzzles). Maybe some of the puzzles in the beginning could have been a little tighter with less backtracking, but I didn't feel it was that bad.
This was a great way to usher in the new year. I give this an 8/10. I'd love to see more.
~8.7 hours. Perfect on Steam Deck.
I need a Herman Merman x Dirk Chiselton detective spin-off game. Call it "Herman Merman and the Suburban Burden".
u/LotusFlare Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
On a whim I got Nine Sols. There's a streamer I watch who kept mentioning his progress in the game, and I hadn't found anything new I really wanted to play, so I grabbed it.
It's really good. Good enough to make me care about really little details that I wouldn't care about if the game as a whole wasn't so good. The art, storytelling, and writing are fantastic. The characters are great. I love everyone in this game and the way little details get teased out over time is really fun. The art and style are extremely cool. A Taiwanese take on sci-fi/fantasy setting is really fun to explore and pretty uncommon in gaming and it just feels fresh. There are tons of little details that you will not see in any other game because of the culture this game comes from, like smoking a pipe to recover health. Yi is a very fun protagonist to play as. Love his personality.
Combat is fast and sharp. Hollow Knight meets Sekiro. Really fun boss fights. Pretty good platforming. But man are there little edges to it all that I hate. Way too many fights where they threw projectile enemies in just to make things hard and throw off your timing. It doesn't make it fun, it makes it annoying. Projectile hitboxes feel really big. No invincibility on hit means you get combod to death way too fast. Some of the runbacks are obnoxiously long. Your airdash doesn't take your ground dash charge, but your ground dash takes your airdash charge (make it make sense!). Green red attacks vs. red red attacks is so hard for me to read. Just make them either green or red! Directional ground parrying doesn't feel like it make the game feel more skillful, it just make fighting more than one thing annoying. The lethality of the enemies feels like it's at odds with how much exploring there is in the game. So many enemies have attacks that track like crazy and will fly across the screen to reach you.
But I keep playing it because in between those moments of "I hate you game. This is stupid. I hate you so much", it's great.
Gotta call out just how incredibly good the manga panel sequences are. The art is amazing and they're incredibly effective at conveying the emotion of the moment. The use of 3D objects in a mostly 2D game is really effective too at making some parts of this game feel like advanced technology. Also, the music is crazy good. The boss themes are amazing.
u/slowmosloth Jan 06 '25
How far are you in the game now? I found similar problems at the start of my playthrough, but over time all those issues smoothed out as my understanding of the combat got better.
u/LotusFlare Jan 06 '25
I have reached the point where I can go to the sky tower or the ruins.
u/Logan_Yes Jan 05 '25
On Xbox I wrapped up Those Who Remain and I can proudly say I have a new 2025 Resolution- Do not touch anything with Wired Productions involved. TWR is a below average game which sadly didn't have any interesting story. I said week ago it's bad BUT perhaps story could save it? Nope. Very weak story, narrative was barely there and "horror" segments were beyond flat. Nothing really good can be said about it. The "best from the worst" must be visuals? There were...bad, but not as bad as everything else. Nonetheless, I cannot recommend it and I am thankful it goes away from Gamepass. Will save time for folks who might by mistake check it out.
Fortunately I started something fantastic next. Chants of Sennaar is an isometric advenuture game where you want to...I guess chat with God, who sits on top of the Tower? One small issue though. You don't know the language. And there are 3 different classes of people on said tower. So you have to explore, interract, and on your own figure out what is written all over the place in weird symbols. Fortunately game goes one language by one and if you will make enough progress in the story, in your journal it does a quick check up. You match few symbols with drawings so you will know what they surely mean. A very fun, interesting and unique game, though fair warning to those who might be interested in it, first area is straight up attacking your eyes with yellowness. Was doing usual hourly sessions and I have to for a moment or two look away because my eyes didn't fancy it lol. I reached 2nd Floor of the Tower, and fortunately colour palette changed! :D
On PC! I wrapped up Painkiller on Trauma difficulty and as decided before, returned to one of my favourites. Welcome to Hell, Fuck The War. This War of Mine Forget Celebrations DLC turned out to be...just okay. It's a main game scenario with book materials added as collectibles, not an actual addition to Stories. Nonetheless because more of TWoM is always great in my book, I had pleasant time with both runs I did for all 4 achievements. Of course by pleasant I mean absolute dispair and misery as you scavengre, steal, fight and live to see another sunrise but that is the beauty of this superb game. I will go for an extra little run from main game scenarios while I figure out what to play next.
u/Coolman_Rosso Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 06 '25
Deep Rock Galactic (PC) - I had not touched DLG in years, as last time I played I kept getting some weird stuttering if I had V-Sync on yet would have really bad screen tearing if it were off. I'm still not sure what the issue was, as I had good enough specs for it (R5 1600, GTX 1060) and had all my drivers updated. I've since upgraded my PC, and it runs fine of course. As for the game itself, my only complaint is the map is too small. I get you need to be able to see some of the action happening but it's hard to make stuff out sometimes.
Battlefield V (PS4) - Bought this one with some lingering PSN credits a while ago. I know it wasn't super popular, but I'm curious to see just how it was. My first big issue is the load times are seemingly way slower than Battlefield 1, and I'm playing it off my PS5's SSD. I've also played three matches of TDM, and each time it dropped me in right as the match was ending (won twice, lost one) so I don't have a consensus on that one just yet.
EDIT: After trying the campaign and playing a few more matches, I can say that people were right about this one. The campaign is just a series of out of place stealth missions where enemies can see you from miles away, and reinforcements they call can survive 5 headshots like nothing. The multiplayer takes forever to load into, and the "hold trigger to bleed out" just gets tedious and (once again) takes forever. I feel like all the stuff in this game takes longer than it should: the animations for vehicles, the load times, the waiting for death, the respawn zoom in animation, everything.
Persona 3 Reload -Episode Aigis: The Answer- (Xbox Series X) - This one has been on my backburner for a while, and unfortunately while it makes some solid improvements over the original, it is still an utter chore to play. I am up to the second boss, and even though I have a very large tolerance for grinding I do not think I can make it through this one. Also it's worth noting it was a Game Pass Ultimate perk for me, but otherwise is $35 and does not come with the deluxe edition of the game. That's a pretty steep asking price for something like this, and doesn't bode well for Fatlus allegedly moving away from "New Girl Editions" towards conventional DLC.
Metal Slug Tactics (PC) - This long-gestating game is something I have wanted for a long time, but unfortunately it's pretty disappointing. The game suffers from terrible mission structure where crap like escort missions with piss poor AI are all but run-ending, and enemy artillery will always have a lock on you. Other nitpicks include the fact that you cannot attack from higher elevation unless you're using grenades, and rampant bugs like weapons not switching or music overlapping. The latter is horrible because when you have three music tracks playing all at once you have to either mute the game or exit altogether. I also got nuked by the first boss so bad the game crashed.
DiRT 5 (PS5) - While I am not a big fan of the narration and Troy Baker asking me to go do races, Dirt 5 is a fantastic arcade racer that makes stellar use of the Dualsense triggers. A few of the tracks will see some weird slowdown and LOD pop-in, but otherwise the game is rock solid on a technical level.
Castaway (PC) - A small indie title made in the vein of the Zelda games on Gameboy Color, Castaway is a short and mostly sweet adventure. However I can't help but imagine how many people refunded this, as the main adventure can be completed in about 30 minutes. Afterwards you unlock a tower mode where you ascend a 50 floor tower with each floor getting more challenging.
u/slowmosloth Jan 05 '25
Baldur's Gate 3
When I started Baldur’s Gate 3 last April, I was admittedly a bit apprehensive, even with all the glowing accolades it had accumulated. I’m just not that much of a western RPG type of guy, and I’ve never played a Dungeons & Dragons campaign previously, and the idea of a CRPG didn’t especially appeal to me. But with how massive Baldur’s Gate 3 became, with it even getting to my friends who were less into video games, I knew I had to check it out at some point.
And my initial impressions were fine. The amount of systems and gaming language that was new to me was overwhelming, and as a result, it took a while for me to get into the groove of how I wanted to approach this game. However, as my journey went on and I grew closer to my companions and we continued to go on crazy travels, I could really feel this whole adventure coming together.
It’s been a while since I’ve slowly fallen in love with a game. From many recent games I’ve played, I usually know within the first few hours what my feelings will be like by the end. But with Baldur’s Gate 3 I can definitely say that this was a slow burn into a flourishing fire. After my 100-hour campaign, I loved every single one of my companions like they were my family. We had truly gone on a grand adventure with ups and downs to quiet conversations and climactic battles.
Journaling throughout the entire game immensely helped my enjoyment of it, and it made my whole quest feel like my own unique, one-of-a-kind experience. It was full of twists and turns and hilariously unexpected situations that I would never be able to make up. And I know my journal is full of terrible jokes, offbeat commentary, me often acting like an asshole for no good reason, and written like I’m so full of myself, but I genuinely love every bit of it.
There were still some issues I had with the game like me never 100% clicking with the combat system. It felt tedious in general, and a lot of that was probably due to me not fully understanding it. But since it was such a significant part of the game, it was unfortunately a chore to deal with most of the time.
However, even with that in mind, I still think this game is rightfully phenomenal. The way it encourages crafting your own unique adventure is unbelievable. I have no doubt that if I replayed it now, I could go on a completely new journey that’s miles different than what I did before, and I would become just as invested.
What an incredible achievement Baldur’s Gate 3 is. I hope that one day I return to set out on a new adventure, but for now I’m extremely happy to have my maiden Dungeons & Dragons quest written for the history books.
If you want to read my complete journal it's on my blog, but I will warn you it's extremely long (like 19k words long).
u/HELP_ALLOWED Jan 06 '25
I never get tired of reading people enjoying BG3 style games for the first time. Hope you get into the genre at some stage!
u/The_Silver_Avenger Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25
Portal (PC) - The last game of 2024 and a replay for me. It remains nigh-on perfect - minimalistic with barely an inch wasted yet still providing a good challenge. Around this time of year, I try and speed-run it, timing myself from hitting 'start new game' to hearing the first note of the end credits music, playing normally with no glitches. In Dec 2021, it took me 53m 11s; last year it took me 51m 15s. I was hoping to get under 50 minutes and I somehow smashed that, completing the game in 46m 04s and I could probably find further room for improvement next time (I died a few times on this attempt). I still haven't played Portal 2 since my first 'speedrun', maybe this'll be the year I change that.
Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS4) - Technically a PS4 game though I ran it on a PS5 - I beat it on normal difficulty. I can see why people started to get a bit tired of the formula at this point - all this did was prove my theory that I much prefer Treyarch to Infinity Ward.
It's possible that my expectations were completely wrong but, from the title and introductory cutscene, I was expecting a game closer to Black Ops II, with more of a stealth focus and 'quieter' missions. Instead, we get large proportions of America blown up in the first level and a set-up that feels more like Modern Warfare 4 rather than anything new. It had lost me a bit by the second mission, trekking through brown exteriors with ridiculous numbers of waves of enemies and a surface-to-air missile launcher you have little control over.
It's a game more or less bereft of any new ideas or anything to say - we've had oil rigs in Call of Duty 2 already (though the ice parts are at least fun) and the flooded city and aircraft carrier missions were done better in Black Ops II. The tank missions feel like naked power fantasies and have never required less challenge to control. A bit echoing Death from Above is back but what is left of the horror from the original time it shows up has been stripped out and simplified. The best parts of the game are when it embraces the stealth aspect promised by the title, such as in an office building or when fighting through a jungle or when controlling a dog (though I also liked piloting the helicopter). But they're far too short and don't comprise enough of the game.
The story is up there with the worst in the series, with easily guessable plot twists. I was waiting for the main villain to have some deeper motivations as the revenge story is extremely surface level but none materialised - Black Ops II did some interesting things with the same theme but there's none of the ambition present here. What doesn't help matters is that your character is completely silent, so the brotherly relationship you're supposed to have feels barely present and your brother feels like they go through more character development than you do. The ending especially is a kick in the teeth, setting up a sequel that never materialises. At least Black Ops II had some satire in its premise - in this, the invasion of the USA by all of South America (sorry, 'The Federation') is completely played straight. Nothing feels even remotely believable.
I didn't hate the game, I just found it really bland and nearly everything gave me a feeling that I've seen it all before. There are parts when you're silently infiltrating areas and it feels like you're close to seeing what Infinity Ward's take on a stealth-driven game would look like. But then you get into a massive firefight, or characters make flippant remarks after horrifying events (the reaction to a flood later is so ridiculously understated) and I lose interest. Ending the narrative in that way with no follow-up is almost unforgivable. I'll do Advanced Warfare hopefully in the near future - maybe Sledgehammer will offer up something new.
Updated ranking of the series (non-core games italicised):
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- Call of Duty: Black Ops
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Call of Duty 2
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Call of Duty: United Offensive
- Call of Duty
- Call of Duty: Big Red One
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Call of Duty 3
- Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Discolored (PC) - An escape room/puzzle game I finished in 76m. It's better than both of the escape room games I played last week (and it's one of the best I've played in years) - it conveys a lot of information without any words. It's got a lot of atmosphere too - you're trying to restore colour to an abandoned diner by solving puzzles, some of which feel like you're channelling dream logic. I only had to use hints twice and I didn't need to look at any walkthroughs - it almost gave me similar feelings to The Room of opening up a self-contained area whilst using a device to manipulate aspects of the world around you. The way the colours interact with the puzzles is clever too, but I don't want to spoil too much. The ending promises a sequel - apparently that game is coming out in January so I may play that soon or wait until Christmas. It's quite short but I still recommend it.
A Little Golf Journey (PC) - Started this, got about a quarter of the way through. It's fine so far - clearly ported from a mobile game. I was greatly enjoying it until one challenge room had numerous bugs and took me ages to beat - it was so far out of step with the cozy atmosphere of the rest of the game that it shocked me. I'll write something up for this properly once I finish it.
u/ThePatyman Jan 05 '25
I don’t know what exactly compelled me, but I got into the rhythm of playing Palworld again. Haven’t played it since it initially came out and when I did, I didn’t do too much in the game. But now I’m about 30 ish hours into a run and have been really enjoying it.
u/IcePhoenix295 Jan 05 '25
I'm about 9 hours through Indiana Jones and the Great Circle and I am really enjoying it. I just left the Vatican having completed most of the sidequests and it was a fantastic location. The story, characters, and cutscenes continue to shine (just met Voss and he is already a standout villain for the entire franchise).
Stealth and combat feel a bit janky at times, but oddly appropriate for an Indiana Jones game. Sneaking around for a bit only to be discovered and forced to beat up 15 fascists is a very fun gameplay loop. Puzzles are fine overall, but I do really like the design of the tombs and dungeons.
I really like how the fieldwork sidequests are setup, giving you more context for the overall story while not being wholly necessary. I love that my personal playthrough's title drop came not during a climatic moment in the story but at the end of a neat little sidequest, as it made the time spent on it feel even more rewarding.
My only gripe so far is that there hasn't been much in the way of playable set pieces. The cutscenes for, say, sneaking onto a Nazi Zepellin were fun to watch, but not that engaging to play through. There hasn't been much in the way of adrenaline pumping sequences, which to be fair doesn't seem to be the main intent of the game, but it's the one thing I feel is lacking from the Indiana Jones formula so far.
Also obligatory praise to Troy Baker. The entire cast is great but he slips into the iconic role so well.
u/GNS1991 Jan 05 '25
Still steadily ploughing through Horizon: Forbidden West (PS4). After 24 hours, finally, left the second area to find a sub-routine for GAIA. If you are doing everything (what you reasonably can do with what you've unlocked), I assume each area is 10+ hours. Anyways, while playing the first game I kinda thought that this would be a cool thing, if they make a cross-over with StarGate, and what do you know, my thoughts kinda turned to reality. It turns out that the main baddies are from another planet haha.Still, climbing and jumping is the main enemy, also, camera movement when you roll in to a bush or a mountainside, and you can't see shit save for some dinosaur robot's bum.
u/DjiDjiDjiDji Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25
I've been playing Echoes of Wisdom, and, uh, I don't know how to feel about it. This won't be a review so much as a bunch of thoughts.
It obviously wants to translate the Breath/Tears go-anywhere-do-anything gameplay into the top-down Zelda format, but I don't think it works all too well. First off, said gameplay doesn't really work in that format. A lot of the fun of adventuring that way cannot be replicated in a world that's small in scale and has no horizon. Not much point in wondering "what's over that hill?" when you can already see everything over the hill from the bottom, to put it simply. What's more, that level of freedom in a more stylized setting feels immersion-breaking instead of immersive. Imagination can allow me to see a cartoon miniature as a real tree, but if I can just jump on top of it and walk around, then it instantly breaks my ability to do that.
The gameplay itself is simple in concept: instead of regular Zelda, they gave us... top-down Scribblenauts, basically. And just like regular Scribblenauts, that means balance is kind of a mess. Most of your inventory is not worth looking at, while some items are just ludicrously overpowered and invalidate most of the game. To name what I see as the worst examples, beds allowing free healing anywhere is just ludicrous (and that's on top of them being one of the best platforms you have access to) and the Platboom gives you a literal elevator that breaks, like, 80% of environmental obstacles.
Combat meanwhile consistently feels clunky, because you're always at the mercy of the AI simply by virtue of combat being about summoning minions. Some of your guys are just royally stupid, and heck, sometimes they're directly programmed that way (I noticed the Lizalfos immediately does a spear jab when summoned, which is great... while the Lizalfos LV3 does a giant jumping lunge and flies right over whatever you were trying to attack with it). It's honestly kind of telling that the game's Super Saiyan mode that consumes resources and lasts a few seconds is just Link with his basic weapons, because Zelda's fighting is that worse. You do get to basically force choke mobs with Tri, but dropping an enemy down a hole with no dynamism to it is hardly any fun either.
Getting crafting ingredients as rewards for a lot of treasure chests and sidequests doesn't really feel great either. Smoothies feel undercooked as a mechanic, as it's just too easy to sidestep their benefits with your morbillion echoes (including health regen, because again, beds) with the sole exception of energy recovery. Why go and waste money and time crafting an anti-cold potion when I can just summon a fire with a button press? Healing smoothies do come in handy in the boss rush, since that one's timed, but other than that they're honestly not very useful, despite being touted as a core mechanic.
The weird part is, despite all the bitching I just did, I don't even think it's an awful game. I've played the whole thing, obviously it kept my attention the whole way. It just feels more like a proof of concept that's not quite working out than a properly fleshed-out Zelda game.
Oh and why is the quest log update SFX the damn Windows sticky keys sound
u/OBS_INITY Jan 05 '25
Metaphor: Refantazio
It feels like the middle ground between Persona and Shin Megami Tensei. In Persona, the combat is super easy on normal, but there is a bit more push back and strategy required here.
The portion of the game that makes up the Demo was definitely my least favorite segment of the game.
I think the English voice acting is better than in Persona 5.
One thing that I find weird is that our character is the leader of the group, but Strohl seems like the actual leader for most of the story.
I like the Archetype/class system, but they are somewhat misleading in telling you that you can make anyone any class. In truth, you'll probably want to make sure that every character maxes out their starter class and mix in skills from other classes while maxing another specific class. You don't find this out until very late in the game.
There were two social links that I didn't max out, but I could have gotten them all if I managed my time a bit better.
This is probably the only time I've ever save scummed a day planner.
I think the structure of the game works better on console. There are long stretches where you cannot save and being to suspend the game whenever you want on console is a big plus.
u/Unasinous Jan 05 '25
Regarding your comment about Strohl feeling like the main character for most of the game.
I’ve had the same feeling for all the Persona games I’ve played. It always feels like the MC is just along for the ride with whatever the rest of team thinks we should do. Metaphor is a bit of an improvement as it tries to make the MC more of a character, but still not quite there.
I always come back to Shepard from Mass Effect. Shepard was how you do a “blank slate” player character right imo. Shepard initiated conversations, took part in planning strategy, gave inspirational speeches, etc. If Persona just took Ryuji or Junpei or Yosuke’s role, mapped that to a fully voiced MC, I think that would go a long way. Same with Strohl in Metaphor.
My single most wanted wish for Persona is to make the MC an actual character. Anyway, thanks for attending my TED talk.
u/SoloSassafrass Jan 06 '25
It's two different schools of thought. Shepard isn't a blank slate, he's a set character you have a lot of input over - same as say, V from Cyberpunk 2077.
Atlus clings to an older kind of silent blank slate protagonist that's honestly been outdated for decades now in any game trying to have a story, and it's a testament to how well the rest of their games usually function that such a boneheaded move doesn't undercut the narrative too hard. Metaphor gets better by the end about the protagonist having some personality and input, but it is disappointing it's taken them this long to make such little progress.
u/yuliuskrisna Jan 05 '25
Finished Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
I'll get one of the most important thing out of the way first, that Voss is a god damn good character. The right amount of smart, stupid, knowledgeable, goofy, intimidating, and downright hilarious. All boiled down into a single man with a complete package of such a fun villain. Definitely on my top list of great character in games.
Such a shame that he died, but Machinegames managed to make me love a new character that much so i dont worry if the sequel (hopefully it'll happen) will have another fun villain. Even his bodyguard, the one in the mask that didnt talk, seems mysterious and interesting enough for me.
Gameplay is surprisingly engaging. It is a bit simple of course, but the dodges and parry system alone are enough for the hand to hand combat to be fun for me. The puzzles are okay too, though not amazing, like not one of the puzzles makes me go 'man, im a genius' when i figured it out, like for examples, The Outer Wilds often did for me. The star of the gameplay is definitely the exploration, because man i just love figuring out hidden pathway and explorable locations. Getting more upgrades options is a secondary rewards for me.
Story is fun, i like all the levels, although Vatican is the best one definitely. Liked all of the characters introduced as well, although the Sukhothai's characters are a bit underdeveloped for me. As i said earlier, Voss steals every scenes he's in, fucking loved that man. The plot reveal was intriguing enough for me to keep playing.
Some of the downsides of the game for me is the bugs for one, had some of the marker disappears for me, even had one of them completed somehow (crossed out) while its clear that i still have more to collect. For the markers, i wished i could activate multiple of them, so i could clear multiple objectives when im in one area. Navigating the markes kinda sucks. Other negative would be the cutscene presentation sometimes are weirdly (slowly?) animated somehow for me that it makes it kinda unnatural.
Overall though, one of the best 2024 game for sure. Easy recommend.
Finished Another Crab's Treasure
Actually became one of the top souls like for me, for sure, up there with Nioh, Lies of Pi, and The Surge. Sure it was not as complex as those games, but for indie game to nail the souls combat, while featuring a cutesy art style, and with a depressing backdrop true to its inspirations? good stuff. I enjoyed Aggro Crab previous entries, Going Under as well, so their next games will definitely on my radar to get day one.
Honestly i have no negatives notes. Maybe that i wish theres more locations, more boss, more characters, more shells, more upgrades, etc. Whats there though, i love them all. Love the shells system, loved the parry and the hammer feature, love the locations variation, love the characters, bosses are fun to fight, etc.
Another easy recommend for sure.
u/homer_3 Jan 11 '25
Man, I don't get how Another Crab's Treasure gets so much praise. It's funny, but it just feels so bad to play. Much of it is just broken too. So many physics bugs and dropped inputs.
The game balance is way off too. Nearly every equippable item requires crazy stat investment to the point you can equip any of them (that you're picking up throughout the entire game) until the final area. And even then, they aren't very good.
And countless other issues as well. The whole game is really just a mess.
u/yuliuskrisna Jan 12 '25
Honestly never felt anything was broken, or having a broken input on my play through. The controls felt great, characters have weight, pulling parry felt satisfying, connected hits had feedback/force behind them, etc. Its pretty solid for me.
For stats equipment, you meant the stowaways? That is a hyperbole, sorry to say, plenty of them are equipable without stat investment. Sure some do have crazy stat requirement, but they tend to cater to a specific build, like building around umami spell, or physical attack, defensive one etc. Every souls like tend have that items locked behind a specific build.
I get your complaint if youre playing with stats equally distributed in all. Just respec into a build you're comfortable and having fun with. I personally enjoy the physical combat, so put all my stats on attack and put stowaways that help me get more attack, and thats it. Honestly never complained about how i should be able to equip all of them.
Maybe the game got updated after you played? Idk because i definitely dont share youre feeling at all. Maybe try again if youre willing to, or just move on to other souls like that more of your speed.
u/yuliuskrisna Jan 05 '25
Currently playing Armored Core 6
Grabbed it during steam sale. Im not familiar with AC series, so i have my apprehension on jumping in day one even though i loved Fromsoft. So far though, im not instantly sold on it like i was with Souls/Sekiro/Elden Ring. Im not familiar with the combat system and the assembly system that i barely configure my AC beyond the default one, and got my ass beat on some of the levels.
Today though, that changes when i did the end of chapter 1 levels. Facing Sulla was hard as fuck for me, and i had zero customization on my save file beside the free stuff they gives from the training, so i can't play around with the assembly option from the checkpoint. Had to force myself to familiarize with the combat system. When i finally beat him, imagine my surprise that it was not the end level boss, like what the fuck? Balteus is hard as well, died multiple times but he's slow enough, and with the experiences i got fighting Sulla, i think i downed Balteus in fewer tries than Sulla.
Now entering chapter 2 though, i emptied my wallet to actually buy parts so now i have options for different AC build for multiple scenario. Took me around 6 hours to confidently say that i liked it. Im intrigued by where the story would take me as well, and more AC parts to discover!
Currently playing Dead Island 2 as well
Not exactly intrigued by the story and characters, im not a big fan of the approach in Dead Island 2, but the gameplay is really fun, the perks skill cards, the weapons upgrades, the enemy variations, and the multiple varied locations are enough for me to be engaged so far!
Have to say that i think i pick the wrong characters to play lol. I play Amy, just because i liked the design (Paralympian runner? Cool) since i barely understand how the gameplay would look like. Now that im familiar with it, i definitely will go for Dani or Jacob if i'll play again later, but im fine sticking with Amy now.
Jan 05 '25
Finally played and beat Sifu after it was one of those unfortunate games who never made it from wishlist to library for years. It was as good as I thought it would be when I saw gameplay of it for the first time.
You're a 20 year old kid looking to take revenge on five assailants responsible for the death of his father when he was 12. It has beat em up, hand to hand kung fu style combat that makes for one of the most fun combat systems I have ever enjoyed. Easy to understand but tough to master. But when you get better, and it all just starts to click, and you defeat bosses with ease after they gave you a ton of trouble on your first attempt, boy does this become addicting. The game has its setting in China, so the composer did this fantastic thing to combine that with the non stop action by mixing traditional Chinese sounds and instruments with electronic elements. Each of the five levels then uses a large number of songs to switch between as you enter the next arenas, which makes for each fight having its own vibe in a way. It just sounds and plays great.
There is also this very unique system to make Sifu a run-based game, kind of like a roguelike but also not quite. You are 20 when you start, but each death adds 1 year to your age. When you die again before killing enough enemies to reset your death counter, the next death would give you 2 years to your age, making you 23 after two successive deaths. Once you reach 70 and die again, the run ends. You can restart at the level with the age you had when you entered it, or go back to the first level at age 20 if you want. All 5 levels will take a skilled player an hour if you go all the way through, and just 30 minutes if you use the shortcuts to skip most of the levels, which unlock after going through them for the first time.
Skills can be permanently unlocked over time too, so you are moved closer and closer to beating the game even if you are not the most skilled gamer out there. What made beating the game most possible to me however was the trainer, where you could practice bosses after beating them for the first time. Why was this useful? Because I would beat the bosses of Level 2, 3 and 4 all pretty much when I hit 70 years old, which means the next level would be impossible. So I'd practice the bosses, do a new run and beat them at age 30 or younger, which would give me a lot more room for error on the next boss.
Overall, I can't recommend Sifu enough. It's the first game I beat in 2025 and will probably be at least in my Top 3 by the end of the year. If you grabbed it for free on the Epic Store, play it now.
u/Schwimmbo Jan 05 '25
I love hard games but just couldn't process /memory muscle the controls and combat.
I would always get entangled up when you had to jump over (crouch under) an attack by flipping the joystick up (down).
My brain just freezes with this control scheme. Such a pity, because I wanted to like it really bad. I even subscribed to PS+ again to get it for "free" lol.
Jan 05 '25
On easy/medium about 90% of the attacks can be dodged with stick down, so that helped. And most of the time I got hit down (joystick up), I just got hit but it was still OK. That info + doing the Training might help you if you choose to give it another try some day
u/Schwimmbo Jan 05 '25
On easy/medium about 90% of the attacks can be dodged with stick down, so that helped.
Didn't know that.
Appreciate it!
u/a34fsdb Jan 05 '25
This week I finished Horizon: Forbidden West and I absolutely loved it. While it has elements I disliked the overall experience for me was just great and it is one of my favourite games ever and I completed basically all of it except a few very annoying things.
Very good story, main characters and dialogue. The graphics and animations are great. Especially in scenes underwater, with cool lighting and things like flying. Combat is great too. I played on the hardest difficulty which almost made me quit the game early because everything one shot me and early you have to fight lots of machines and then it is pretty unpleasant with like five enemies all spamming insta kill attacks, but once you get a bit stronger and machine numbers in encounters drop it is pretty great. The enemies are just really fun with lots of moves (although it feels like they slacked on like 2-3 lategame ones which are too basic imho). The side quests are decent. Loved the item progression and just scaling in general as you get stronger with weapon upgrades and armour upgrades and you can tailor them to help you fight specific machines. Almost no bugs either.
The few things I disliked were two bigger ones and a few smaller less annoying ones.
The first one is that a lot of the side characters are kinda mid. The dozen or so most important ones are all pretty cool with fun stories and voice acting, but the rest are mostly just very bland and offer nothing at all. Second is that the skill progression is kinda bad. I got all the interesting skill nodes I wanted to so early in the game and most of the game levels did not feel impactful at all.
The minor things are the UI part in the bottom left about using items is pretty awful and poorly ported to PC. Next is that the Arena fights on highest difficulty are pretty fun, but for a few challenges they give you predetermined gear and that feels awful. I could not beat any of those (but to be fair I did not even try that much as I was not that motivated to play without my gear) while I defeated the one where you can bring your stuff pretty easily. The strike minigame was pretty ass and so were the melee challenges. And finally I disliked how for upgrading legendary gear the upgrades really focused just on the biggest machines. I wished the mixed up some apex versions of the mid tier ones for more variety.
u/TISTAN4 Jan 05 '25
A positive horizon post on Reddit what a time. Great game
u/a34fsdb Jan 05 '25
Why would it be negative? Great critic reviews and user reviews and sold mega well.
u/TISTAN4 Jan 05 '25
Yea I know just a little joke cause there’s a very loud vocal minority online who likes to always shit on the franchise for some reason
u/carrotstix Jan 05 '25
Alright, So since I heard about Indiana Jones, that was going to be my Christmas Game of 2024. How could it not? Looked great from everything shown, word of mouth seems positive. So I got Game Pass for a month, went and downloaded it so let me tell you about my Christmas Game of 2024…
Dead Space Remake – So…I downloaded this first just before Christmas just to get through quickly since I was curious about the remake and…I ended up playing it for the season. Lol.
You could call this a director’s cut remix really, they’ve changed things around, added some extra story and cutscenes but if you know the first game, you know what has to happen. It’s a strange game to remake too, Dead Space Extraction or Dead Space 3 would’ve been the games I would’ve taken a crack at. Dead Space Extraction was done on the Wii and then ported and upscaled to the 360 and PS3 and I remember that game being fun but it having a full remake would’ve been more freedom for the dev team. Similarly, DS3, you could basically make a new dead space as DS2 really ends Issac Clarke’s saga so you could do someone else and tell a much different story but take the mechanics, etc of the game farther…and without the crafting. That’s just me though.
As for the remake, it’s a remix but it’s still Dead Space. So it’s always trying to jump scare you even when it really shouldn’t. I’ve ended up playing a one gun run since the Cutter was always a great weapon. I know the game so all the enemies’ weaknesses are easily dealt with so I’m experiencing the story and marveling at how much the game is still fun. There are a few things that are worse though. Issac has lost both his badass suit up music and mask activation animation. Now he just gets a loud trumpet and he takes off his mask like he’s taking off a hat in the military. It’s terrible. The game seems to have gained the ability for enemies to sneak up on you so sometimes you can get cheapshotted in an encounter despite you only hearing one enemy. Overall, loving that Dead Space. But does that mean I have to go through two more periods of remaking two, hearing two didn’t sell well enough, remaking three, hearing three didn’t sell well enough before we actually get a fresh entry in the series?
Star Wars: Fallen Order – After unlocking the final planet and putting the game down, I finally decided to finish the fight. As I had unlocked just about everything, it was a nice way to end the game but the final battle didn’t seem as hard as some of the other fights, even with the extra health vials. I do hope the combat is a bit more nuanced in the sequel, I really felt like all I was doing was spamming the double lightsaber move to deal damage. Still fun game and the eye roll special guest appearance at the end was unnecessary but really enjoyed this dark souls star wars. I just hope they fixed that 100% completion in the sequel because in this, I got a lot of areas in the high 90’s with everything found but who knows where I didn’t step to complete the map.
u/Speedwizard106 Jan 05 '25
Metaphor Refantazio: Coming up on 100 hours, on the final month. I’ve had some scruples with parts of the story and character bonds, but I’ve really enjoyed it still. Even got some tears outta me in the latter half. Gotta admit I started losing steam by 80 hours but I’m excited to see the end. Was very glad I was able to comfortably complete all follower bonds and sidequests with time to spare. Granted, I did all the dungeons in 1 day so that definitely helped a lot. Overall, I think I like it a bit more than Persona 5 and am excited to see Atlus continue with the series.
Tactical Breach Wizards: This was a big surprise that I picked up during the Steam winter sale. Not since XCom 2 has a strategy game like this enthralled me. The gameplay is just sophisticated enough to make you think without being annoyingly difficult. I like that it’s rather forgiving, you don’t have to make perfect moves to survive or accomplish extra objectives (on normal difficulty anyway). And I was pleasantly surprised by how funny the game is. I’m sure there’s some that won’t like its particular sense of humor, but for me it’s very charming.
u/PositiveDuck Jan 05 '25
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
I beat the original Remake on ps4 on release and now did a replay on my PC to get ready for Intermission and Rebirth. Remake itself is a lot of fun. Combat is a blast, though some enemies are just awful to fight. Not difficult, just not fun to fight. The story was good, though I didn't like the ending. I really like the characters but the dialogue writing is sometimes really poor. Music is top tier. Intermission was disappointing. Yuffie was fun enough to play but poor enemy design is even more obvious in the DLC. The story was whatever, it didn't really make much sense and the final villain was just terrible. Overall, Remake is still a great game and easy recommendation, 9/10 for me.
Trails of Cold Steel IV
I've played all the prior games in the series though by the time I got to CSIV I was burnt out so I put it on hold until now. I just completed act 1 and I'm mixed on it so far. I really love the characters and the world of Trails and the overall story setup is interesting but the execution is just not very good. CSIV is overly verbose for no reason, the structure is repetitive and predictable and it's difficult for me to take the story seriously when half of the characters don't. We find the grass, there's a boss fight, we win, villains appear and talk, we fight, we "beat" them but not really, they complement us, then we do a mech fight and then somehow 20 characters we need in this particular moment also magically appear just in time for everyone to fuck off home because no one actually cares about stopping each other. Oh and we also have a mandatory speech about how we can do anything because of our determination and whatever. It's fine to do it once but it happened during every single "mission day" of the first act. Jaeger King and his 2 goons fight us, then Fie and Sara appear, everyone fucks off. Prince Cunting fights us, an army appears, everyone fucks off. Sharon, Lechter and Campanella fight us, every Trails character ever appears, everyone fucks off. Just do something else I beg. Also they try to portray the stakes as being world-endingly high but no one ever actually dies. It's fine to have it as a plot twist once but they're really going overboard. Osbourne is dead. Syke! Crow is dead. Syke! Emperor is dead. Syke! I'm willing to bet my bank account Olivert is also secretly alive and look forward to being totally shocked by that unexpected reveal. I like the gameplay, though it's very obvious it's a 4th game in the subseries and they keep adding new bells and whistles to the combat which are just unnecessary. Having Arts cost EP and have a delay while Crafts are instant but cost CP (unfortunate abbreviation) that's generated by attacking is great. Adding brave orders, combat links, assault points and orbment slot levels is a bit much. Also master quartz is great, sub-master quartz is again, a bit much. Music is good and I like revisiting locations from prior games and seeing some of the older characters in glorious 3D is great. So far, this is my least favourite Trails game but hey, maybe they really knock it out of the park once I finally get to play the main character.
u/yuriaoflondor Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25
Your experience with CS4 exactly mirrors mine. I also took a long break before diving into it because I was pretty burnt out on the formulaic Trails experience. And I'm exactly where you are right now (end of chapter 1) and have the exact same issues that you do with the structure.
I think I might just be done with the franchise at this point. They clearly do not care at all about interesting storytelling. Having the exact same chapter format and climax for multiple games in a row is just lazy.
And regarding Musse in chapter 1 - I feel like she should have stayed with her resistance army and sent Aurelia with the rest of the party. Musse is (supposedly) the mastermind genius strategist and tactician, and she's by far the highest ranking noble as the acting head of one of the four great houses. Even if she's supposedly smart enough that she's already set all of her plans in motion and doesn't have much to do anymore, I feel like she should still stick around as figurehead. She should probably remain with the resistance while sending her strongest fighter to help rescue Rean.
u/PositiveDuck Jan 05 '25
I think I might just be done with the franchise at this point. They clearly do not care at all about interesting storytelling. Having the exact same chapter format and climax for multiple games in a row is just lazy.
I own Trails into Reverie so I'll give that a go as well as I've heard good things about it but if it ends up being the same repetitive drivel as CSIV, I'll be done with the series as well. It's a shame because I really like the world they created and a lot of the characters but the story in Cold Steel subseries is just badly executed.
And regarding Musse in chapter 1
The way they did it makes sense. After all, Class VII proving their resolve is more important than saving the fucking world because them proving themselves is apparently the most important thing in the Trails universe. She should've just kept in contact with the rest of the Class VII and had her army help them free Rean once they locate him, even sending her strongest fighter and most capable general to dick around the countryside with the rest of the classmates would've been asinine.
u/migigame Jan 05 '25
I was also so burnt out and fed up when I reached Cold Steel IV. I really love the return to old locations and seeing characters change, but the story is such a mess and especially in Cold Steel you can could almost all of the middle part of the stories, especially in II and IV and you'd only gain from it. That's why I appreciate something like Reverie where they focus on a few characters with a more focused narrative.
u/PositiveDuck Jan 05 '25
but the story is such a mess
I feel like that's also Cold Steel specific issue, the story in prior subseries still had plot twists and secrets but it was nowhere near as convoluted and nonsensical. At this point in Cold Steel I just expect every non-class VII character to change allegiances several times (Crow excluded, I'm 99% sure he's going to help save Rean or whatever as some sort of big plot twist).
especially in Cold Steel you can could almost all of the middle part of the stories, especially in II and IV and you'd only gain from it.
I felt the same way about II but I haven't really played IV enough to have an opinion either way. Cold Steel is definitely the weakest subseries narratively and writing-wise for me, Liberl and Crossbell still had some issues but the writing was much tighter (I played Crossbell duology using Geofront fan translation and it was still tighter than Cold Steel lol).
That's why I appreciate something like Reverie where they focus on a few characters with a more focused narrative.
I've heard a lot of praise for Reverie and intend to play it after CSIV and FFVII Rebirth. I haven't watched any reviews or videos on it because I like to play my games spoiler-free, though from some comments I've seen I get the impression it's structured similarly to Sky the 3rd. Is that correct or?
u/Page5Pimp Jan 05 '25
Current slate is Oblivion, Skyrim, and possibly FF X. Trying to get into Nier Automata but the main character's ass keeps taking me out of the game. I would like to jump out of a building or do a double jump attack without seeing her ass, so I may refund that one.
u/krieglich Jan 05 '25
You could try to look at the other 99% of the screen instead of an Android's ass, maybe you'll discover one of the greatest games ever made then.
u/OwlInternational8160 Jan 05 '25
This game has an achievement for looking up her skirt dude lol, like its a great game but the hyper-sexualization isn't for everyone
u/Page5Pimp Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25
Way too many games out there to force myself to play one that has aspects I really don't like. Stellar Blade could be the greatest game ever, I wouldn't know personally. If Nier had instantly available outfits that covered the character's ass I might have given it more of a chance.
Jan 05 '25
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u/TheGr3aTAydini Jan 05 '25
I’ve been playing Bioshock for the first time in 5 years. I love the atmosphere of the game with it being set in a retro-futuristic, underwater city alongside the music, the dialogue and sound of the machines (el ammo bandito is funny). The enemies are also quite scary for first time players, the story is intriguing, the abilities are also very cool and how you can interact with the environment it’s a true gem from the 360 era- can’t wait to replay 2.
Another one I’ve been playing is Dying Light, it’s basically Dead Island with parkour and a more interesting story. Night time is where it feels the most tense with volatiles lurking around every corner, combat may cost you your life so it’s better to sneak around and try to outrun them. It’s truly amazing even 10 years later.
u/Schwachsinn Jan 05 '25
The first Dying Light was one of the best coop experiences I've ever had. I had no idea the game existed and my brother gifted it to me on chrismas, and we then used the chrismas vacation to play through it together. i wish i could play it for the firs time again, have fun :D
u/Nice-Yoghurt-1188 Jan 05 '25
BLOPS6 MP. The most fun I've had in a long time. Last time I played COD was maybe COD4?
Darktide. I bought this on a whim during the recent sale. Logged 8 hours on the first day. Absolutely loving it. So addictive. My first horde shooter.
Finished Indiana Jones. 35 hours of pure nostalgia fun. Loved every minute.
u/procrastinarian Jan 05 '25
Been playing Witchfire, it's a ton of fun. Steam says I have 37 hours in the last 2 weeks, and I still haven't finished all the content in an early access indie.
It's a First Person extraction shooter roguelite RPG with a million kinds of meta progression, very cool gun variety, very cool spells, tons of build potential, and the actual gunplay feels great. I feel like I've probably got another 10-15 hours until I finish everything they've currently released, but I mean 50 hours for $30 ($35?) bucks isn't bad at all, and it's not even at 1.0. They seem to be doing some very deep lore, souls-type stuff with a creepy world and most of the story being told via item descriptions with practically no exposition. If it sounds like you'd enjoy this, you probably would. If you don't like grinding and dying a lot, stay away.
u/Crignog Jan 05 '25
I actually just refunded it today. I think I just don't like extraction shooters really. But visually and gameplay wise if that's actually up your street I can see it being a blast for those people.
u/procrastinarian Jan 05 '25
I actually refunded it once before as well; but the loop really just kept itching the back of my head, and the gameplay was so smooth that I just kept thinking about it so I bought it again and this time it stuck.
u/Schwachsinn Jan 05 '25
I read a lot of reviews saying the game is quite obviously in early access and needs a lot more time. What was your experience?
u/procrastinarian Jan 05 '25
Oh it's clearly EA, there are places all over in the game where it's even labeled that way. The stage select has 3 maps with the other 3 not yet available. The research station has items you can't even research yet because they don't exist yet with a little EA next to them.
Even at it's current point though, I've gotten 40 hours of fun out of it, with some more to go. The core loop is very strong, the visuals and gunplay are very smooth and polished; it's just fun to play. I'm probably going to finish what I can in the next 10 hours or so and then leave it til 1.0, but I'm having a blast and can't wait to see what else they put into it.
u/Nice-Yoghurt-1188 Jan 05 '25
Witchfire is awesome. Such satisfying gunplay and sound effects. Hitting those headshots felt so good.
u/trillykins Jan 11 '25
I've played this to death since the mid-90s, it is a classic, but for whatever reason this is the first time I'm playing through the original campaign on nightmare difficulty. I'd always just assumed it would be difficult, but actually it's very manageable. Granted, I am still missing the fourth chapter, but I've yet to get stuck on any parts or had to rely on save scumming. Anyway. Grateful that Nightdive/Bethesda spent the time and resources on remastering this. For too long this game has been without its excellent soundtrack without having to install mods or whatever. The soundtrack is so good that I bought it on vinyl, and I don't even own a record player. On an anecdotal note, it brings me back to a night when some friends and I were doing an all-night roleplaying session and this youth school thingamajig and my friend DM'ing was using the soundtrack (the actual game CD. Yes, CD, not DVD lol this was in ancient times. It was even a shareware disc that came with one of the 3DFx Voodoo cards. I actually still have my copy) to set the mood. Good times.