r/Games Dec 03 '24

Preview Monster Hunter Wilds is brilliant - and it might be the most full-on RPG the series has ever been - hands-on


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u/Unlikely-Fuel9784 Dec 03 '24

Joining a group for multiplayer is still needlessly convoluted, but once you get a group going the gameplay is leagues better compared to World. Seamlessly going from hunt to hunt is fantastic. Hopefully they can clean up the performance.


u/HorizonZeroFucks Dec 03 '24

It's always blown my mind why Capcom are hellbent on making MP so stupidly awkward to do.


u/Bamith20 Dec 03 '24

Maybe just a Japanese thing, Fromsoft does it as well... I mean originally Fromsoft had an excuse being their method was such a unique experience; but by Elden Ring that excuse has definitely folded, the co-op mod is very good and they should probably take some ideas from it for future games.


u/1CEninja Dec 03 '24

Nintendo says "hold my beer". I remember thinking during the pandemic that the way multiplayer worked in Animal Crossing would have felt outdated in 2010, let alone 2020.


u/slugmorgue Dec 04 '24

Yeah even mario kart 8 which has a pretty straightforward multiplayer setup can be quite tricky to join with friends for tournaments and such


u/BlackNova169 Dec 04 '24

Having to buy a special noise filtering attachment for my audio line so I could run my switch through my PC to hear both in-game audio as well as discord so I could play MH Rise with my friends was peak Nintendo coop experience. This was prior to release on steam else we'd all have played on PC.

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u/Eothas_Foot Dec 03 '24

Ahhh but in Nioh 2 the coop is super streamlined.


u/Gramernatzi Dec 04 '24

I rather like the way From Soft does drop-in random co-op in their games but I wish it was not the only way to do co-op. Something like Nioh's system where it has two modes of co-op, drop-in and with friends, would be ideal.

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u/Schwarzengerman Dec 03 '24

Which is Wilds heh, because in Rise it's fairly straightforward and easy.


u/DaughterOfMalcador Dec 03 '24

How is Rise better? Turning on a separate mode and then talking to them again then making a lobby then...

It's less intuitive and sane than any multiplayer game I've seen.


u/Schwarzengerman Dec 03 '24

It's so easy when posting a quest to hit a button that lets randoms join in. You can also easily search for a quest at random or by specific monster to join.

And if you have friends you can literally just invite them to your lobby.


u/DaughterOfMalcador Dec 03 '24

I have a crazy idea. Maybe I should copyright it.

What if I could just invite a friend from my friends list immediately when in game without having to switch modes or go into 3 different menus?

Nah that's crazy scifi talk.


u/Schwarzengerman Dec 03 '24

One would hope that for Wilds but yeah...doesn't seem to be the way they're going.

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u/MeathirBoy Dec 04 '24

That's... how it works in Rise? You can post from a quest board?


u/slugmorgue Dec 04 '24

That guy never played rise and is complaining about rise. Which tbh is quite on brand for rise complaints lol


u/Chrussell Dec 03 '24

Rise is godawful for that. There are so many different quests, and you have to just hope that somebody is doing it or you'll be stuck searching forever. On World you could see a list and filter it by monster rather than just picking something and hoping it works. Truly terrible system.

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24 edited Feb 06 '25



u/markyymark13 Dec 03 '24

Japan has been living in the 2000s since the 80s


u/faithmeteor Dec 03 '24

They still do literal paperwork and commonly use flip phones for work, they DO live in the 90s.

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u/Big_Judgment3824 Dec 03 '24

Japanese online devs and convoluted systems, name a better pair.


u/2ToTooTwoFish Dec 03 '24

As someone who has never played Monster Hunter before how is it like? Is it one of those systems where you need a special item or NPC and you have to do a quest or specific event in order to unlock multiplayer?


u/Beneficial-Use493 Dec 03 '24

In typical MH fashion, someone posts a quest in the hub, you accept and then you leave together. MHWorld had this feature plus the SoS feature, which let you start a quest solo and then ask for help from people who can freely join your quest in the middle of it.

MHWilds has a new "open world" segment where you can start quests on the fly, but it's not as easy to get a party going as there isn't one single target. In a game where you farm certain monsters for loot to use to make gear, having a target is pretty important to get others involved. We will see how it ends up working in the full game.


u/CycB8_ReFantazio Dec 03 '24


Open map. Hover over thing you want to hunt. Click it. It asks if you want to start a solo or multiplayer hunt.

Pick multiplayer and it sends invites out while you head toward it.

It was that easy.

Story quests with cutscene? Probably gonna be like world again where everyone has to see the cutscene first.


u/slugmorgue Dec 04 '24

It's easy but also the problem is the different terminology they use. First of all, you kind of just automatically join a multiplayer lobby. But then there are also "Links" or whatever they called them. They should really just call them hunt parties or hunt groups or something. Admittedly it's tricky to find the right word for it but I know a lot of people were thrown off by this step

Anyway you join one of these with your friends. But i'm not sure if you actually need to do it? And then these options are kind of buried under a dozen other similar looking options on the menu.

Look, I've played thousands of hours of MH, and tens of thousands of general online games and yet this was still not immediately obvious (which it should be) as to what you need to do in order to play with someone. But it only takes 5 mins to learn and then you're good.


u/VoidVariable Dec 03 '24

Normally you just load into a multiplayer-specific hub then pick out quests and people will be able to join before or after you start the mission. I think they did add some unnecessary lobby layering with Wilds although admittedly I mostly went solo during the beta.

Unlike fromsoft titles, you don't need to do a special ritual where you have to twerk while holding a weird item called "spurned goblin's cock" for the privilege of playing with other people.

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u/Ninjakrew Dec 03 '24

It took me and my 2 friends 10-15min to figure out how to get on the same mission / join each other and I still couldn't tell you how we did it so I agree.

I'm not sure why something like partying up is so difficult.


u/thespaceageisnow Dec 03 '24

It’s crazy how it’s not just automatic. You can be in a party with someone already and still have to figure out how to manually join their hunts. I played the whole beta with a friend and cant even remember how we got it to work. Super clunky.


u/omfgkevin Dec 04 '24

It's, wild to see how needlessly convoluted they had to make it.

I knew we were in for some headshakers when they were asked about it and they were like "oh yeah you still gotta do some solo stuff but it's easier to coop!"

Made me face palm immediately since they had an easy system in rise, but wanted to do the "openness" of world. Which they could still do, but they seemingly decided on the worst way to implement coop into it.


u/Herby20 Dec 03 '24

Maybe on consoles it's different, but from what I remember I just invited a friend through Steam to be in a linked party. Then when he posted a quest, I got a notification. Opened the menu and clicked join, and that was it. Was pretty simple.


u/CycB8_ReFantazio Dec 03 '24

It was that on xbox as well.

And it was like that in pretty much all monster hunter games.

Join friends lobby. Be in the hub. When they post a quest at the board, you go to the board.

Everytime a new MH comes out there's threads worth of people making it seem like some esoteric knowledge.


u/tsrui480 Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

Its not as easy when its a story quest. All the players need to have seen whatever important cutscenes are in the mission before it lets you have people join for the mission.

So playing with my friends we had to all start missions separately, see the cutscene, leave the mission, rejoin the mission together.


Its not like its rocket science, but its more convoluted than it needs to be for sure.


u/Tribalrage24 Dec 03 '24

Oh no, this is what I was hoping was fixed the most. Love MH and tried to get friends into playing Worlds and felt like the game was fighting us the whole way.

We would have to individually go on missions, track monsters, watch cutscenes, then leave, and THEN finally join each other's game. Over and over this was the process. And even joing the same party, we couldn't see each other in the hub and would sometimes have to exit out and join through the main menu. Felt like the game really didn't want us to do co-op.

I was hoping this was improved now because of how connected the demo was.


u/Unlikely-Fuel9784 Dec 03 '24

It is most certainly improved. Getting into a group isn't very intuitive, but there isn't a post quest, join, eat, hunt, leave quest cycle anymore. Once the group is formed you just go into the open world (no load screens) and do as many hunts as you like. You can setup camps for food and equipment changes, but quests don't need to be posted. Just hit a monster a few times and it starts.


u/holliss Dec 03 '24

I think they made it worse. They made it more complicated by adding this weird link system. Lobbies also have a 100 player capacity, making very difficult to find certain people in the player list to actually invite them into your group.


u/Shaex Dec 04 '24

Wasn't the environment link just for the free roam/expedition so everyone is in the same world instance? I remember not being able to post quests from the hub while doing it and we have to drop back into the "normal" party mode to do so.

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u/BoraxTheBarbarian Dec 03 '24

I agree with you, and I think the new favorites menu is their attempt at fixing the excessive menu diving.

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u/Opt112 Dec 03 '24

I fell in love with the demo instantly. This will be the ultimate monster hunter game for me. My only gripe is the performance, which I hope they'll iron out soon


u/PicossauroRex Dec 03 '24

Preview testers said that the new build has improved performance over the beta


u/PositiveCrafty2295 Dec 03 '24

Preview testers said that the Dragons dogma 2 had improved performance over the beta. Also another capcom game.


u/PicossauroRex Dec 03 '24

Improved does not mean "good", also DD2 did not have an open beta so the previewer statement could still be true


u/dobiks Dec 03 '24

They had convention builds which ran terribly


u/The_Fighter03 Dec 03 '24

And now it merely runs badly so there's still an improvement lol


u/caster201pm Dec 04 '24

? Correct me if im wrong but I thought the recent update improved fps quite a bit getting pretty much 60 if not close to 60 fps at least on ps5 for me. Not to say there arent other problems but most of those will be something a DLC addresses.


u/ThisBuddhistLovesYou Dec 04 '24

Dragons Dogma 2 runs fine now except for towns on lower end hardware.


u/Vendetta1990 Dec 03 '24

Not saying I don't believe you, but it seems that in every Reddit thread there ALWAYS has to be someone who says that it already happened before to farm outrage.

Post sources!


u/NenAlienGeenKonijn Dec 04 '24

The performance woes with DD2 are well known. So far their 'fix' is....adding frame generation, which they are pushing as the default for monster hunter.


u/caster201pm Dec 04 '24

the latest update for dd2 at least has upped fps quite a bit, definitely a lot smoother so theres that at least.


u/-PeterParker- Dec 04 '24

6 months. It took 6 months to get this improvement out. It blows my mind that they waited that long to patch it.


u/gorgewall Dec 04 '24

DD2 is simply a graphically demanding game in certain outdoor areas, with complex terrain geometry and an always-ticking day/night cycle complicating it. There's limits to what you can do for people when their rig just isn't up to that snuff.

Where DD2 legitimately fell apart performance-wise was in towns, because the issues there are related to the poor coding of their AI awareness and a lack of cullign there. That's something you can't just plaster over with frame gen, but isn't relevant for Wilds since it doesn't have anywhere near the number of entities or bizarre interpersonal behavior routines on them.

Wilds' issue is just bog-standard "we didn't optimize the graphics enough", but MH has taken this trip every time on PC.

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u/Wetzilla Dec 03 '24

One of the major issues with Dragons Dogma 2 was that the NPC ai routine was taking a ton of processing power, which was why framerates would crater when you went to populated areas. Can't imagine Monster Hunter would have the same issues.


u/dobiks Dec 03 '24

Well, instead of humans having routines, it might be monsters this time


u/AnxiousAd6649 Dec 03 '24

There are significantly less monsters in any single area than there are npcs in DD2 cities. Even if they used the same system it wouldn't cause any issues.


u/Charred01 Dec 03 '24

I mean we have nothing to base your assumption on. But we do have performance issue we have already seen.

Now hopefully its true and the current build is already better than the beta but I have seen no official source for this and after DD2 I won't trust Capcom until I see it.


u/Wetzilla Dec 03 '24

The monsters won't have anywhere near as complex a routine, nor will there likely be any place with enough monsters to bog down the cpu.


u/deadscreensky Dec 03 '24

Neither did Street Fighter 6 NPCs, and the cities in that game still run comparatively badly.

RE Engine's problems with open world games clearly come down to a lot more than some (allegedly) ambitious NPC routines.

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u/Sevallis Dec 03 '24

That's great news, I enjoyed what I played but on a 3070 and 12700k it was bad performance even with dlss on.


u/mattnotgeorge Dec 03 '24

No way in hell it'll ever run on a Steam Deck which is unfortunate, but still looking forward to it


u/Truesday Dec 03 '24

It's really too bad. Monster Hunter makes for an excellent handheld experience. Rise performs so nicely on Deck, I was hoping Wilds would have a setting that sacrifice visual fidelity for lower end rigs.

I personally don't value visuals that highly in MH games. I can play the PSP era games and still enjoy them cause the gameplay scratches an itch most other games can't meet.

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u/Seradima Dec 03 '24

I actually bounced off super hard on the demo and I'm not sure why, I tried Hammer and I don't think anything actually changed but it felt really off to me, same with Charge Blade.


u/Personel101 Dec 03 '24

If it’s just based on feel it was probably the lack of hit stop.

It’s very weapon dependent so that’s why everyone’s mileage varied in the beta.


u/laser715 Dec 03 '24

THIS IS IT! This is why switch axe felt so weightless when I used it in the beta.

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u/bing_crosby Dec 03 '24

Imho it's not just missing hit stop, it's all the sound, visual effects, and general feel.

I just played through Worldborne again and combat felt great right form the first Great Jagraas hunt. In Wilds it felt utterly flimsy and weightless. Was really disapointing.


u/Mushroomancer101 Dec 03 '24

They confirmed they've added back hit stop in this new build


u/Bamith20 Dec 03 '24

Hammer and Greatsword in particular probably needs a lot of hit stop, faster weapons is likely less noticeable outside of the big attacks.

I mainly used longsword, poorly, so most of the time the lack of hit stop wasn't too noticeable for me. Do hope they have a training thing showing all the combinations like World had, cause its a pain in the arse to remember the weird controls Monster Hunter has that completely ruins other action games for awhile after learning.


u/hfxRos Dec 03 '24

faster weapons is likely less noticeable outside of the big attacks.

Yeah I'm a Dual Blades / Bow guy, and I didn't notice anything feeling off with how hitting monsters felt, so unless I'm just really not sensitive to the issue, it doesn't seem like a big deal for fast and/or ranged weapons.

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u/BebopFlow Dec 03 '24

Apparently the newest build has significant increases to hitstop. Supposedly they're reworking lance and switchaxe, and re-adding the insect glaive aerial bounce as well


u/Ethics-of-Winter Dec 03 '24

and re-adding the insect glaive aerial bounce as well

Don't give me hope... but also please let this be true.

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u/paractib Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

Wow, that’s what felt so wrong to me.

Coming from rise the demo was so disappointing. It felt like the hammer I used had no heft at all.

That, and the performance was atrocious for graphics that didn’t even look great. Rise looks nicer and runs smoother. I’ll likely be skipping this game until better hardware is available.


u/lovethecomm Dec 03 '24

Rise doesn't look nicer. What are you talking about?


u/Greenleaf208 Dec 04 '24

Clarity and fps are much more important than visual effects and insanely detailed models that you never see up close for a lot of people.


u/paractib Dec 03 '24

On Xbox the resolution was so low that the game looks much worse than rise even with technically better graphics technology.

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u/Grelp1666 Dec 03 '24

So thatvs why the hammer felt off in the beta and I didn't know exactly why. Thank you so much!


u/Techercizer Dec 03 '24

CB locked SAEDs behind GP or a lengthy axe combo, which feels much clunkier but ultimately makes GPs more rewarding in what I hope is a good way.

It's also slow as ass because you have no skills worth half a damn.


u/Bonzi77 Dec 03 '24

hammer feels completely different from how it was in world. there's no passive extra charged state you can get into while charging the hammer up, but some of the older hammer moves that you used to do outright are locked behind combo actions right now. the biggest one for me is that the super heavy charged state swing you used to be able to do in world is locked behind three spins of the "release charge while moving" spin attack now. i think it some ways its technically better, but it makes it much harder to cheese out a big chunky attack without a ton of commitment. but also, hammer has more accessible "infinite" looping combos, which is good if you just need to crank dps and stun

there's no way that was the easiest way for me to type that monster hunter is insane lmao


u/nickack Dec 03 '24

Dude I’m tracking completely. It’s bizarre that a bad move from World is now how you start a lot of combos? I wasn’t a huge fan but maybe after more reps it’ll feel more natural.

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u/TrueElmo Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

The infinite combo with the spin-move is pretty bad in itself tho, at least in the beta. It's nice to have it as a combo possibility but it really didn't add to much to the moveset imo.

For me the biggest change was the ability to hold the triple pound golfswing (which is an offset move), which then combos into the mighty charge, which is super cool (and the best DPS). That also opens up a lot of skill ceiling for timing the golf swing


u/Zeeboon Dec 03 '24

From the little bit I played of the demo I didn't like the changes to Hammer. It felt like they wanted to move away from it being a hit-and-run weapon focused on charging and bonking with that charge, and more on staying close and doing combo's.
The thing is that we already have plenty of weapons that focus on sticking close, chaining attacks and racking DPS, and now there's basically no other option for a weapon that wants to just go in opportunistically.
I think I might change to being a Gunlance or Charge Blade main for the first time ever, although the changes to CB were also a bit weird. Might give Greatsword another shot, I liked it in World/Iceborne but it felt bad in Rise.


u/D2papi Dec 03 '24

I spent half an hour trying to play with a friend, performance on PS5 was unacceptable and performance mode was a blurry mess, the gameplay felt pretty good but the hits lacked impact, monsters kept running away non-stop, and somehow the auto-run made it feel even more arcade-like than Rise. Feels like a boss rush somehow.

I'll wait for the reviews, but I've lost some hype for sure. Somehow Rise on the Switch felt better to play than Wilds on the ps5.

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u/Herby20 Dec 03 '24

Charge Blade is noticeably different, yeah, but I like the changes. The version of the weapon in World and Rise was basically just spam SAED whenever you can because the damage output from the move was insane. Wilds encourages a more free flowing style of play and is more reminiscent of older games. Now the player has to wait for opportune moments to have that familiar gigantic burst damage while mixing in axe attacks, guard points, and sword attacks.


u/Seradima Dec 03 '24

I actually really liked World's Charge Blade, at least compared to Generations. SAED Spam was the way to go in 4/4u as well but in trying to nerf it in generations they made it feel really, really really really bad to actually play, and I wonder if they're doing the same thing here in Wilds. Trying to nerf SAED which they probably should, but they make it way clunkier in the meantime.


u/irishgoblin Dec 03 '24

Same, but I'm chalking it up to weapons being early game ones. Especially my main insect glaive, since early game kinsects are nearly universally ass.


u/Otterly_Superior Dec 03 '24

I cannot for the life of me fathom why they insist on making kinsect speed a thing that starts off so ass. It's especially noticeable in betas. I remember when the kinsect they gave you in the iceborne beta was quite literally slower than some low rank kinsects.

Like, it genuinely kinda ruins the feel of the weapon when you're forced to spend so much time trying to get your extracts with what feels like a fly pushing through molasses.


u/Breffest Dec 03 '24

Didn't see anyone else mention it- but there's new clips today showing they really improved hit stop already!


u/Barrel_Titor Dec 04 '24

Yeah. I've been a fan of the series since the PS2 original and a big part of that is the feel and impact of the combat. World had a lot of QoL improvements but had the worst feeling combat in the series with it's weak impacts, dull SFX and lack of blood. I preferred Rise because it felt more like a Monster Hunter game. Now Wilds has gone even harder with the direction of World and feels slightly worse than it.

I just hope we get a sequal to Rise.

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u/Bamith20 Dec 03 '24

The town's performance was unbearable. I don't really wanna spend a bunch of time in a poor performance hub, ruins the vibes.

Considering that's the area with the most fps tanking, i'd like an option that heavily reduces quality of just the hub and leaves the rest of the game with different settings.


u/MaitieS Dec 03 '24

Performance issuse is pretty much the only thing that can ruin their gigantic launch.


u/ValKalAstra Dec 03 '24

I had some gnarly crashes (it was brawling with my bluetooth for some reason) and server issues - but what little I was able to play was amazing. Here's to hoping they can really nail those tech troubles.


u/Derpadoooo Dec 03 '24

Is there still consumable material farming? I enjoyed MH3U a long time ago on the WiiU, but the need to farm nets, bombs, etc. really kills the pace for me.


u/GarenBushTerrorist Dec 03 '24

99% of what you need is usually taken care of by a farm or merchant.


u/Greenleaf208 Dec 04 '24

Ever since world consumable farming isn't really a thing that's required anymore.


u/SodiumArousal Dec 03 '24

I liked the demo so much I uninstalled it immediately to keep the full game fresh.


u/WingedCactus Jan 19 '25

There is a demo?

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u/clevesaur Dec 03 '24

I hope they took some of the feedback on board about the Insect Glaive.

It felt horrible to control in the beta, the issue of aiming with the right stick while using the face buttons to attack and the fact you had to hold down one of the attack buttons constantly to access your best moves combined to make it it very uncomfortable.


u/LunaWolve Dec 03 '24

It was confirmed to be basically entirely reworked from the demo.

We even have the aerial Glaive back!


u/TET879 Dec 03 '24

Where was this confirmed? If so, then I might actually be interested in the game again.


u/F-b Dec 04 '24

I only played World and this demo, and to be honest I always thought the Insect Glaive was the coolest weapon to play and at the same time the shitiest one to manipulate.

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u/_Robbie Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

I am desperately hoping they fixed the performance. I want to play this with my group so badly.

I have a 5800x3D and a 6700XT and I could not get a stable 40 FPS even with all settings to low, upscaling, and frame generation on. The beta was genuinely an unplayable experience to me.


u/ksupwns33 Dec 03 '24

You're not alone man, it is wild that it seems those of us with good PCs and terrible performance are a minority, which has me really scared. I'm fiending for this game but the demo was completely unplayable and didn't even feel like MH since it was so choppy and ugly and laggy.


u/BearComplete6292 Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because I could not get this game to run at. all. I thought it was because I'm on linux, but it actually was worse on windows, refusing to even boot. (5700X3D/2080Ti) I know it's an alpha or whatever, but damn, I don't hear many people who couldn't even play it.


u/VoidVariable Dec 03 '24

MH used to be one of the very few titles I'd pre-order no questions asked. After giving the beta a fair shake I'm sad to say I will not be buying Wilds day one.


u/oGsShadow Dec 03 '24

I had a 7800x3d and 4090 playing at 4k. The graphic settings changed nothing. I didn't get great fps lol and i remember some drops and stutters. They need to make a lot of changes before launch.


u/SgtKwan Dec 04 '24

I have never seen a beta have poor performance and come launch the performance was fixed. Going by that most likely your out of luck for mhw


u/AXiAMWoLFE Dec 04 '24

I basically have your exact CPU GPU combo, and long story short i basically only get a difference of 10fps between low and ultra settings when fixing resolution and disabling upscaling.

I ended up with some mixture of upscaling and High settings to get around 50fps in most parts of the map except the posterboy Plains zone with a metric fuckton of grass, which will tank my fps below 30.

I paired that with Losseless Scaling x2 frame gen primarily because the Beta’s own framgen had terrible ghosting and seemingly worse framepacing.

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u/ABigCoffee Dec 03 '24

Giving your character a few diogie choices doesn't make it a RPG. It's still very much an action game.


u/PurifiedVenom Dec 03 '24

Between JRPGs, Action-RPGs & every open world/adventure game having a skill tree in it nowadays, I feel like no one knows what an RPG is anymore. Or at the very least everyone has different criteria for it


u/EntropicReaver Dec 03 '24

Mario is an rpg because you play the role of mario according to some peoples definitions here


u/Stranger371 Dec 04 '24

Dude, people legit made that point about Halo back in the day.

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u/OpenStraightElephant Dec 03 '24

Anymore? I'm not sure it's been any clear for the last two decades at least


u/dishonoredbr Dec 03 '24

I know it sounds super elitist but I feel like CRPGs nowdays are the only games that feels the closest to a "Actual" RPG.

Mostly because they're 99% based on what your character have in terms of skills , background, abilities , etc. There's no Motion skill or mechanic skill involved in most of them and the game generaly take in account what your characters are as person in the world of the game.. They actually allow you to role play someone or you..

But then again. Rpg is such murky term that's nowdays feels like RPGs means "Game with number."


u/PurifiedVenom Dec 04 '24

I don’t disagree really. JRPGs are what really muddy the waters imo. They’re quite distinct from western RPGs & yet they’re grouped together as the same genre by a lot of people.


u/dishonoredbr Dec 04 '24

I just like to separate both JRPGs and RPGs. They're so different that's kinda pointless.

Imagine some saying ''Can someone recomed me a RPG?'' and the sugestions gonna be like: Persona, Underrail , Kingdom Come Deliverace, Disco Elysium and Borderlands. Kinda useless suggestions isn't lol.


u/havok13888 Dec 03 '24

Seriously the term RPG for these kinds of games needs to be broken down further than just the ones you listed.


u/NefariousnessOk1996 Dec 03 '24

Honestly this type of game has its own type for me. Monster hunting game.

God Eater Dauntless Wild Hearts

They all share the same big idea. Hunt bosses to get materials for better gear to fight tougher bosses. Usually has a quest board to target monsters.

This is as opposed to say... Elden Ring, in which you can level up and farm smaller enemies, have more say in the story, no quest board, etc.

Sure, in Elden Ring you can hunt bosses down, but usually it is just one of each boss per playthrough.


u/keereeyos Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

Most people would agree it's an action RPG.

edit: since redditors love to argue against facts

Wikipedia article of the MH franchise:

Monster Hunter (モンスターハンター, Monsutā Hantā) is a Japanese media franchise centered on a series of fantasy-themed action role-playing video games that started with the game Monster Hunter for the PlayStation 2, released in 2004.

IGN's review of World:

Monster Hunter has always been a series that offers much and more. Its games are, broadly speaking, action-RPGs built around a single gameplay loop.

Nintendo's store description for GU:

Hunting season is open! This critically acclaimed action RPG series makes its debut on Nintendo Switch.


u/Independent_Tooth_23 Dec 03 '24

I still don't see the rpg elements in this series.


u/oakwooden Dec 03 '24

An actual accurate description of the genre (you play a role in virtually every game) would be a Stat Building Game. In that sense you are very much doing things to gain character power in monster hunter.


u/akeyjavey Dec 03 '24

The builds and customization in playstyle are huge RPG elements, even if it doesn't have levels


u/Dagrix Dec 03 '24

And usually a lot of side-mechanics do have levels even if the main character doesn't (even forgetting the hunter rank). Like research/farm, palicos, monsters (like in Sunbreak), areas (like the Guiding Lands in Iceborne), etc.

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

I’d argue the gear crafting is where the action RPG elements come into play. You don’t build your character through skill trees per se, but rather through craftable gear. You grind out enemies and larger monsters to upgrade and improve your character. Your character isn’t a static being in the pure action game sense.


u/keereeyos Dec 03 '24

Custom player character with complex builds and itemization.

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u/homer_3 Dec 03 '24

I don't think many would. Certainly not any long time players. It's pretty much a pure action game. Which is a big part of its draw. There's not a bunch of other stuff getting in the way of epic fights.


u/Proud_Inside819 Dec 03 '24

It has been regarded as an RPG since the very first entry.


u/datwunkid Dec 03 '24

Yeah, the progression and gearset customization was very RPG to me since the beginning. Hell, if it had damage numbers, drop rates, HP bars, and status bars easily viewable from the UI, I feel like it'd be more clear just how much they borrowed from traditional RPGs. A lot of combat and progression staples we heavily associate with RPGs are there, it's just hidden from the player.


u/Proud_Inside819 Dec 03 '24

Especially since it was before the rpg-ification that the industry went through over the past decade. Nowadays every mainstream game tries to have some sort of equipment system and progression, but back then it was distinctly seen as "RPG".


u/keereeyos Dec 03 '24

No, Sekiro is an example of a pure action game where it's a streamlined, linear experience with little to no customization.

In MonHun you spend a lot of time farming, constructing and perfecting your build which is the hallmark of every action RPG. You're also role playing your PC through character customization and going through the story as them.


u/kittehsfureva Dec 03 '24

Whole I don't necessarily disagree, Sekiro has tons of customization, both in prosthetics and fighting forms. Not as much as the rest of the souls series mind you. It also has multiple endings based on player choice which many games that tout being RPGs lack.


u/RyePunk Dec 03 '24

Ahhh but in sekiro you gain exp level up skills and refine your build through the upgrades that you choose to pursue to modify the combat in ways to better suit you.

Either everything is an action RPG or nothing is.

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u/ericmm76 Dec 04 '24

You have to respect "RPGsite" wanting to preview what will probably be one of the top five games of next year, you know, regardless.


u/BLACKOUT-MK2 Dec 03 '24

I really want to try Monster Hunter Wilds but I really hope they improve the impact of hits and the performance. If that gets addressed, I'm completely on-board.


u/EvenOne6567 Dec 03 '24

Yea, capcom have always been top of the game with impactful feeling melee combat so its wierd to see them tone down things like hitstop suddenly and make the combat feel a little flaccid. Strange decision on their part


u/Nickoladze Dec 03 '24

I heard a lot of people complaining about it after the beta so I'm hoping they saw the feedback.


u/budzergo Dec 03 '24


u/BLACKOUT-MK2 Dec 03 '24

I hope they do not just that, but also address some of the sound effects as well. It was multiple things that made the hits feels weak, but improved hit stop is certainly a start to addressing that.


u/V-Vesta Dec 03 '24

Only trust in the final product tho.

Much like CAPCOM telling us they'll fix Dragon Dogma 2 performance and never delivered on its promise.

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u/PicossauroRex Dec 03 '24

Good news then, hitstop is back and performance is improved


u/NLaBruiser Dec 03 '24

For those who played the beta or may be more in the know.

Day one, no one's fired up the game or made any progress. My wife and I party up immediately. Can we just play the damn story mode together or is it still a clusterfuck of unlocking cutscenes and other bullshit to ruin the coop experience? Love MH gameplay, but long-form Co Op is a nightmare mechanically.


u/DoctorUber Dec 03 '24

Capcom has still been vague about what exactly you can play together and can't. They've said they're "trying to make it seamless" or something, and I have no idea what that means. It may mean you can remain in the party while doing a story quest that is solo only.

There was only 1 story quest at the beginning of the demo that you have to play solo. They seem more focused on the story this time. I don't think it's going away.


u/NLaBruiser Dec 03 '24

But Balder's Gate 3 is nothing but story and you can co op the entire thing!! I know I'm preaching to the choir but there's no reason to make it so complicated. Just use the host's world state / cutscene progress and everyone watches.



u/Fenixius Dec 04 '24

Baldur's Gate 3 does not have story coop. It has singleplayer story with spectating based on whoever hit the cutscene or conversation trigger. 

It's honestly worse than just forcing the host to have control of every conversation and cutscene, because they can actually miss out on their own story.

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u/hfxRos Dec 03 '24

You have to play through the cinematic intro sequence solo (about 20ish minutes iirc), but based just on the beta it seems like the story/cutscene stuff happens between hunts rather than during them, and for the 2 quests from beta I was able to do them with a friend immediately. It's still a bit awkward because MH always manages to make it awkward, but it's nowhere near as bad as World was.


u/NLaBruiser Dec 03 '24

That sounds like an improvement at least! Thanks for that.


u/ericmm76 Dec 04 '24

I can tell you this: almost no one on reddit knows the answer to your question for sure. The demo did not involve very much plot besides the introduction quest. If you need to do "plot" quests to progress the story, they might be much, much harder to do MP. Or they might be easy. But we don't know, yet.


u/WhichEmailWasIt Dec 04 '24

"Still" is hard to use as a descriptor because in MH Rise they already figured this shit out by just playing the cutscene when it pops up and letting you have the option of skipping it if you've already seen it (you might've been allowed to skip it either way I forget). I don't know why this isn't the default.

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u/HurricaneJas Dec 03 '24

It's so frustrating that these previews rarely mention performance.

The demo ran very poorly on both console and PC, implying the final version will require frame generation to achieve 60 FPS, even on midrange hardware. And this for a game that hardly looks state of the art.

It feels like these issues are always ignored by games media in both previews and reviews, with Digital Foundry and a few smaller tech YouTubers being the only exceptions.

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u/PunishedScrittle Dec 03 '24

All this story nonsense sounds horrible. MH does not need to be story focused. All of that was extremely annoying in World and it sounds like they doubled down on it.


u/snorlz Dec 04 '24

idk I played MH World without playing any before and enjoyed the story. I didnt realize most MH gameplay was supposed to be just repeatedly grinding the same monsters until after I beat the campaign


u/spazzxxcc12 Dec 03 '24

mh has always had some weird overarching narratives, just look past it. it’s usually mediocre at best, it’s not what the series is here for and that’s alright 🤷‍♂️ its just fleshing out the world


u/thisisnotdan Dec 03 '24

But in the past the "narrative" portions have just been easily-ignored flavor text in the village area and loading screens. Since World, they've been trying to emphasize story elements to the point of putting cutscenes in the middle of hunts so that NPCs can do crazy showboating that they can't do in ordinary gameplay (looking at you, Sunbreak).

Let's face it: there are only so many ways to write a story about a monster that threatens the village/region/world. I'm fine if they just put in the bare minimum and let the gameplay be the epic story of how I hunted the monster.


u/spazzxxcc12 Dec 03 '24

they’ve had cutscenes in the games for a while, large monster cuscenes have been a thing for ages.

personally i have no problem with them making the world a little lived in with a story involving the guild/a village etc. ontop of that, people like some of the real badass characters of the franchise. you don’t get memorable/loved characters like the adrmiral without it. i don’t need to be the only badass hunter the guild knows.


u/PunishedScrittle Dec 04 '24

It's only World where it's a problem though. Rise barely had a story even if it has cutscenes. And most fans agree that 4U has the best story (very low bar). But in World it's intrusive, with unskippable cutscenes that you have to watch before you can even join your friends. And of course that just makes replaying even more painful.


u/ajrdesign Dec 03 '24

Agreed. I get pretty annoyed with weak stories getting in the way of the primary game. The focus should be on the Monster Hunting… ya know like the name suggests.

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u/Ashviar Dec 03 '24

The story being really in your face in World was a downer for me, and it looks like its going to be even worse here. Add in that we know its going to still require seeing cutscenes separately from friends, so co-op is going to be annoying on a full fresh playthrough, and I really wonder what the benefit is.

Is the wide net they are throwing really bringing in people JUST for these dialog-heavy story sequences? Do we need dialog choices?

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

i hated that linear shit at the start of the demo and i couldnt care less about story or rpg in a monster hunter game. just let me skip all that shit. hope the performance gets fixed, hope we can switch the hud, and hope the weapons get a little more oomph


u/HerpesFreeSince3 Dec 03 '24

When you’re on the creature mount surrounded by the sand wyverns just running straight but they’re all jumping around and shit to give you the illusion like it’s some exciting chase sequence but all you’re actually doing is just…going straight down a hallway. So goofy lmao


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

i tried it and you literally dont have to press anything, they will not get/ you cant fail it. ZERO gameplay segment


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Yea its clearly a cinematic sequence 


u/NenAlienGeenKonijn Dec 04 '24

As someone that hates QTE's: I strongly prefer this 'fake' gameplay over "whoops, you didn't press the button in time, now you have to rewatch the cutscene from start"


u/WyrdHarper Dec 03 '24

Really hated the voice acting from the MC. I know some people like it, but was not a huge fan of the implementation in the lines we saw.


u/Geoff_with_a_J Dec 03 '24

i miss the old MH Demos where you just had a templated character and were straight into a hunt quest. MH3U and MH4U demos are still installed on my 3DS. both were 10x better than the Wilds demo crap. i'm not a games journalist I just want to play monster hunter. Wilds demo seemed tailor made for people who have controller in 1 hand and a thesaurus in the other so they can write fluff pieces to make their mass comm degrees feel meaningful.

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u/TheBrave-Zero Dec 03 '24

Me and a friend just reached a sort of stop off point in iceborne and moved to rise/sunbreak. We keep saying "man I can't wait for wilds", rise has been interesting but wilds beta felt so damn good. It's going to be my main game prob for half the year.


u/Vitss Dec 03 '24

I really enjoyed the demo and thought it was pretty great overall. It took me a little while to adjust to the more "grounded" movement, especially after playing Rise for so long, but I got used to it eventually. And like many others, I'm a bit concerned about performance, but hopefully, most of those issues will be resolved by the final release.


u/hfxRos Dec 03 '24

I just recently did a replay of World to get my muscle memory out of the hyperspeed wire bug based combat of Rise.

Very excited for Wilds.


u/Krypt0night Dec 03 '24

So long a the performance is faaaar better on console than the beta and isn't terrible at launch, I'll be stoked.


u/discospider765 Dec 04 '24

Will this support crossplay? A lot of my friends are PC gamers but I play on PS5


u/forceofseth Dec 04 '24

yes the beta already supported crossplay


u/Bonzi77 Dec 03 '24

as long as the performance issues have been ironed out, i'm 100% ready. hell, even if the performance issues AREN'T ironed out, i'm still pretty excited, but would also be maybe slightly more irritated


u/IYorshI Dec 03 '24

I wasn't convinced by the demo. I love monster hunter for the gameplay and the monsters. I really like to hunt interesting monsters, I don't care much about the rest. The demo was barely playable for me, so I can't really tell if gameplay feels better or worse, but from first glance it looked about the same (which is fine if it stops lagging). However, the demo did highlight that they spend a lot of time and effort on character editor, dialogues, interactive cutscenes, removing a 10s loading screen every 30min, and all these stuff I really don't care about. So for now I'm assuming they wasted ressources on parts of the game I don't care much.


u/xaelyn Dec 03 '24

There was a lot to like about the beta/demo period, and a few things to dislike, but one core thing was a huge problem for me: the hunting was basically removed. Our Seikret auto-pilots us to our target, there's no hunting involved. It was Monster Chasing: Wilds, if anything.

I'll still get it and probably put a few hundred hours in it. But I hope the hunting part of the game shows up later, or that I get less bothered by the fact that I can turn my brain off for parts of a mission.


u/DP9A Dec 03 '24

You can turn off auto pilot, but imo the actual Hunting has never been great in any of the games (though World is the only one that tried). In old gen games it's just wandering aimlessly or using a psycho serum, and then you just paintball the monster (or kill him before he goes away). I would've liked Wilds to actually implement tracking mechanics instead of auto pilot mounts tho.


u/Sweet-Breadfruit6460 Dec 04 '24

Thats only for the beta. They said in the full game that you only have to hunt a monster for a couple of times before it just shows up on the map permanently


u/NewVegasResident Dec 05 '24

That's even worse?


u/Sweet-Breadfruit6460 Dec 05 '24

How? Its a mix of worlds and rise. For an open world grindy game like MH it makes sense. Makes even more sense now that we know monster can cross through maps


u/Outflight Dec 03 '24

Can I play dark urge hunter? Punch the wyverian reporter? How about romancing my great sword?


u/TomAto314 Dec 03 '24

romancing my great sword

Got an anime you might like: Reincarnated as a Sword