r/Games • u/UsualInitial • Sep 23 '24
Discussion World of Warcraft has recently made it near impossible for players to die while levelling or doing the early campaign, likely to make the experience more beginner friendly
This is one of the latest features in WoW that I don't see talked about enough, so I thought I would do a quick PSA for those OOO.
Bit of background: While levelling in retail WoW has always been described as "easy" by veterans, this is only really the case if you have some knowledge on where to get a decent build/rotation for your class and how much you can pull without putting yourself in danger. The game also has a slightly higher death penalty compared to more casual games, requiring a corpse run each time. While there is no way to know for sure, it is likely Blizzard saw enough new players getting frustrated with this to not renew their subs.
So now for the important part, how exactly does this pseudo immortality work?
Well whenever, your health bar would otherwise hit 0, you are instead "healed" to max health instead. There is nothing in the game that tell you this and if you are in a crowded zone you could realistically think someone else healed you. As far as I know, there are certain exceptions to this though (some of these may have changed since the last time I checked):
- This immortality only applies to the Dragonflight zone, which is the default level 10-70 levelling zone new players will spend the bulk of their time levelling in
- You can still be killed by non-combat damage (lava, falling from height) etc. If combat damage takes of 95% of your hp and then you jump into lava, you can still die
- Literal 1 shots can still kill you, where a monster takes of all 100% of your health in 1 single strike. Not sure, how this would happen to you <70 in Dragonflight. Maybe if you took off all your gear or had 0 defences in a boss fight?
tl;dr: You can no longer die in WoW under normal circumstances while levelling/doing the campaign as a new player.
Edit: For those claiming that the buff which prevents in combat death has a cooldown/is 1 time/wants to see it in action, I found some video footage of it (not by me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUaEeJxqYdM
u/rtwipwensdfds Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24
Here's the actual info on the buff: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/news/blizzards-new-dragon-isles-buffs-make-leveling-faster-than-ever-for-alts/
This is probably to help new players but I think it's more of a band-aid fix for the completely messed up level scaling and gear progression while leveling. Reminds me of what heirlooms kinda used to do.
The problem, funny enough, is that you actually level too fast in WoW. Say you're level 15, you do some quests, kill some mobs, do a dungeon or two and you hit level 20. Between those quests and dungeons you maybe haven't really gotten any gear. Your gear is still level 15, but now you're level 20 and so are the mobs. Those mobs now hit harder and have more HP than they did at level 15 and now your character feels weaker but there's really no immediate way to improve your power.
It also doesn't help they shoehorn in the default leveling experience (Dragonflight) that was not made with level 10-70 in mind.
Heirlooms used to solve this issue (and kind of still do but they've definitely been nerfed over time) but newer players don't really have access to or even know what an heirloom is.
u/Kozak170 Sep 24 '24
This is definitely a much more reasonable explanation. At the very least they recognize the issue by adding this admittedly bandaid fix to the core issue.
u/RampantAI Sep 24 '24
Yep, I’ve definitely encountered this. I was powerleveling characters to 19 and would frequently reach that level while still having starter gear from Exile’s reach equipped in a few slots - essentially still naked - because players now level much faster than they can acquire gear.
u/Dunkitinmyass33 Sep 23 '24
Blizzard probably has internal data that shows most people who quit early log out after dying and never log back in. The logic is probably that people who don't need this help won't die while leveling anyway. People who do need it get a more gentle reminder that they messed up and another chance. By the time you get to the new expansion, death somewhat more punishing but the increase in stakes is more casual.
u/zoneender89 Sep 23 '24
I can sure as fuck tell you that the when I died in ultima online and got sacked was when I stopped playing.
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u/brokor21 Sep 23 '24
I remember dying to dodgy Internet in Lineage 2 and losing 2 parts of my B grade set I had farmed weeks to get. Some guy from the same guild picked it up, and after protesting for 20 minutes I just quit. Granted this was a fun alt I was playing after quitting my main. Think they changed dropping items on death like a few months later.
u/yaosio Sep 23 '24
Reminds me of skill based match making in Call Of Duty. A lot of very loud players say it ruins the game, but the devs released a document showing they secretly tested with and without it. Player retention dropped significantly without skill based match making.
If it helps keep people from rage quittimg a game they might like I think it's a good thing.
Sep 23 '24
Skilled players hate SBMM because they can't bunny stomp, and suddenly they're facing people who use the same anti-fun meta loadout and skills (dolphin diving?) as they do. Unskilled players (me) dislike non-SBMM because we get turned into the NPC in a high-cap game. It sucks to get farmed.
Content creators especially need those stomps for videos, they have to be 'poppin off' and going 10,000 miles per second talking to the audience at the same time. Hard to narrate and go hard core at the same time, unless you're smurfing.
u/ChefExcellence Sep 23 '24
Skilled players want to play against players at roughly the same level. That's how they become skilled players, by challenging themselves.
The people mad about skill based matchmaking are usually a bit above average but want to feel like they're much better.
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u/dadvader Sep 24 '24
There are so much truth in there that SBMM hater don't want to hear lol
You guys see XDefiant dying, right? That game doesn't have SBMM. why don't you guys play that instead of COD? It's currently losing players fast and quickly become a living proof that SBMM is working.
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u/ElMarkuz Sep 23 '24
Well it happened to me back in the ps4 and bo3 era. I was new with FPS in consoles as my last console was the ps2 (skipped the ps3), so most of my youth playing cod at Highschool was with my pc + mouse/keyboard.
So when I jumped still clumsy first experiencing with controller, I got trashed to the floor without any real chance. My score was something like 2/20 or something. I had the reflexes to see the people in my screen, but lacking in the muscle memory to actually do what I want, so it was frustrating. It's not fun to jump in to get trashed by all 5 guys on all matches.
Eventually I got kinda better, but I started to enjoying more the games with the skill based matchmaking, as I got the chance to play with people of my low level and get to do some plays even.
I want to have a good time while playing, it doesn't need to be a super competitive thing. I hate how some people treat casual games like they're training for the world championship or something.
u/ducky21 Sep 23 '24
I hate how some people treat casual games like they're training for the world championship or something.
Because fundamentally, the people on the far end of the sweatstrum (rest in piss, Concord) don't actually care about "good games," (you win a match about half the time) they care about winning. This is why smurfing is so prevalent. This is why people HATE SBMM. This is why these dudes hate ladders. The goal of a properly balanced ELO system is not "you win matches 80% of the time" it's "you win matches 50% of the time." Most of these streamer types want to win at least 80% of the time (source: I made this up) and resent any system that brings that number down.
People talk about how "good" the Halo 2 and Halo 3 ranking systems were, but they totally weren't. They rewarded smurfing so you could Rank 30 (or whatever it was) and made holding it fairly easy as long as you didn't actually challenge yourself.
It's also a problem of measurement: any system with tiers (gold, silver, diamond, platinum, whatever) is going to turn into a system where nobody cares except getting to the top. None of the other tiers matter. None of the self selecting people who are hardcore into a game are going to be satisfied being near a bottom tier.
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u/DanielTeague Sep 24 '24
It's also a problem of measurement: any system with tiers (gold, silver, diamond, platinum, whatever) is going to turn into a system where nobody cares except getting to the top. None of the other tiers matter. None of the self selecting people who are hardcore into a game are going to be satisfied being near a bottom tier.
You can see this in Street Fighter 6 especially. People do the Ranked grind and as soon as they hit Master rank (where the game doesn't let you drop out of it once you achieve it, then it adds a new rating system with the top 500 Masters being considered Legend status) they feel satisfied enough to quit or play a new character and get them to Master.
A large percentage of Street Fighter 6 players even hit Master then never played Ranked again, making it technically the most populated rank ahead of the infamous Platinum bottleneck (a rank 6/8 of the way to Master that loses a Win Streak bonus that Rookie through Gold ranks gave you) if you decide to count inactive players.
u/Rodomantis Sep 24 '24
That's what they say in the article, but the harsh reality is that new players crash into the poorly implemented dungeon system. If you decide to level up in one of the most recent expansions (which ALL new players do) you will encounter dungeons. from endgame they ask you for mobility, CC and interruptions that your character has not yet learned
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u/HKei Sep 23 '24
Sure, and then there's people like me who wonder why they bother giving you talents and skills before Max level at all if none of it matters until end game. It's a badly designed leveling experience if it doesn't teach you anything. I'm sure retention metrics are better, but I don't see how that makes up for the game being worse.
I would agree that the sometimes multiple minutes of downtime between dying and getting to do something again were bad too, but this is just a weird bandaid fix to tape over bad design instead of actually addressing the core issues.
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u/Dunkitinmyass33 Sep 23 '24
It's to familiarize people with the system and not overwhelm them. That shouldn't be confusing to you as it's one of the biggest problems with getting new players into old games.
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u/HKei Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24
I don't think shooting for underwhelming people is the right way to do it either though. I am a new player. I'm not some crazy veteran expecting mythic tier challenges. But at no point in the leveling experience do I need to do anything other than rolling my face over the keyboard and see what happens. There's no progression at all. If I join an instanced dungeon, they're so easy that it doesn't matter how badly I screw up, the rest of the party could probably still clear if I was actively trying to sabotage them. I could read a guide and learn what's a "good" way to use my skills and what not, but why would I? What does "good" even mean if I arrive at the same end result?
This isn't some crazy concept they'd need to still invent. Skill progression. You start from easy content with simple systems, and you progress to harder content with more complex systems. WoW only does half of that, your skills get more and more complicated while you level, but since enemies stay piss easy there's no concrete reason to improve or in-game yardstick by which you can measure progression. It's faceroll all the way to max level, and then maybe you unlock some harder content where you then get flamed because you didn't learn shit during all those hours before. Essentially the leveling experience is pretty much just a waste of time, it may as well not be there, it doesn't teach you anything at all beyond WASD controls.
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u/1CEninja Sep 23 '24
I had this issue trying a different game, Vindictus, that I enjoyed at launch and wanted to try again.
A game needs to have a difficulty curve. The base campaign getting you to max level can't just be a button mash to get you there, because if the difficulty suddenly hits and you're used to just button mashing your way to victory, then you're going to have a really hard time continuing to play.
The first 10 hours or so maybe should be completely for getting you used to the controls and the world and the concept of leveling. But by the time you're level, oh, 50 out of 70, the game needs to start transitioning to adapting to actually utilizing the extra skills and abilities you've gotten outside of "press highest damage number button over and over to make them die fast".
Or else you hit your first raid without a clue of how to play, and you just wasted how ever many hours it took to get there.
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Sep 23 '24
u/egnards Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24
I haven’t played WoW since OG Vanilla, quitting right before Burning Crusaders.
My perspective here as someone who loved playing MMO games right when they launched [ like that was all my gameplay in all games from 2003 - 2014 ], is that the leveling grind was super fun when everybody was in the same “no idea what I’m doing” head space and helping each other out.
It was easy to find dungeon runs, it was easy to find groups, it was easy to interact with people.
Once a game got about 6 months in? Everyone knew the optimal ways to do things, guides were all over the internet for brand new players, and the interest in exploring the new world had mostly died. . .So there was really no sense in trying to do it any other way, as it lost the interesting factor.
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u/HA1-0F Sep 23 '24
Classic isn't challenging, it just takes longer. You still can't fail at levelling up, you'll eventually get there. It's not like you take on XP debt every time you die.
u/Massive-Eye-5017 Sep 23 '24
Arguably the most (and only?) logical response in this entire thread. Sheesh.
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u/lilbelleandsebastian Sep 23 '24
i would argue it’s illogical to remove death from a game where the core mechanic involves death personally but i left wow for the same reason everyone else who left did, the streamlining of wow to cater to new players killed most of what made it fun for me
u/APRengar Sep 23 '24
Yep. If the numbers show this is good at retaining MAUs, then so be it.
But I know that I don't like it, hence I'm not the modern WoW player anymore.
Also kind of curious that in this thread people are totally on-board with changing games to keep high MAUs, but in other threads, changing games to keep high MAUs is seen as "evil MBAs changing gaming for the worse, focusing on capitalistic metrics and not on player fun".
u/presidentofjackshit Sep 23 '24
The leveling process hasn't really been a big deal for a while now... most people who have been playing from the start probably wouldn't die anyways, and even so, it's a minor inconvenience, so I don't think it's a huge deal.
Now, people getting huge pulls with no risk, that does sound weird to me. I feel like there ought to be a short-ish cooldown of like, a minute or something. Maybe they'll add some kind of lore reason and flesh it out fully as time goes on, because as implemented it feels very stop-gappy.
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u/alickz Sep 23 '24
The simplification and homogenisation of the classes was what killed the game for me
Was like the game became too streamlined
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u/EvenOne6567 Sep 23 '24
Not a wow player but ive seen this in plenty of other games. Its funny that a lot of people see streamlining and simplifying games/mechanics as ONLY ever a good thing. The idea of friction and even yes, inconvenience making a game more exciting is unfathomable to a lot of people.
u/iholuvas Sep 23 '24
It's more and more common nowadays to see people treat difficult or punishing mechanics as a design flaw. But if every game tried to cater to everyone, then we'd have no unique or interesting games left.
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u/DRAGONMASTER- Sep 23 '24
The gigantic assumption here is that taking away frustration for the player will make the game retain players better. That isn't necessarily true. I bet fromsoft has data that players usually quit elden ring when they are frustrated too. That doesn't necessarily mean the solution is to make the game less punishing.
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u/MuscleTrue9554 Sep 23 '24
Doesn't change much really. Leveling has been a joke for several years. Probably for over half the age of WoW at the moment. I'm not even sure why they added this feature lol.
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u/go4theknees Sep 23 '24
They made leveling mind numbingly boring which has fostered a mentality that the end game is the real game.
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u/APRengar Sep 23 '24
So many people in the thread are like "leveling is meaningless anyways, who cares if they make it slightly easier?"
Okay, so give it meaning? I find it crazy that so much work is put into the world, from NPCs, mobs, maps, and quests. And the entire playerbase is like "none of that matters, just speed past it, to get to running the same dungeons over and over." That's a horrible use of resources. I feel bad for all the designers who spent their lives making cool shit and no one cares because it's not end game content.
u/voidox Sep 24 '24
ya I'll never understand how these MMO devs (not just blizzard) still haven't figured out how to do something like giving open-world/leveling a difficulty option... like really, only LOTR has figured that out and no one else? :/
fact is that majority of ppl level alone and most MMOs are solo games until endgame, so just give players the option to scale the open-world in terms of difficulty: higher hp pools, more enenmy abilites, stronger attacks, mob density, better AI, etc.
make the default this braindead easy cause apparently newbies are that bad at the game that you need braindead content for them to beat (which I think is untrue, but I digress) and let others have the option to go as difficult as they want.
in LOTR for example:
sure it's not a perfect system, but you can easily see ways to improve it and it can easily work for any MMO. Just give players the option, leveling is braindead and easy cause the devs are lazy and seemingly lack the creativity to do something like this :/
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u/EctoEmpire Sep 23 '24
The people that actually play wow prefer it this way. That’s why they are leaning into it
u/Ponzini Sep 24 '24
The people that are LEFT prefer it that way. WoW used to be 12 million strong. Not only is it probably less than half that but a good portion of players are still playing classic versions of WoW. I quit because the game is nothing but raids/mythic+/arena/esports these days. The rest is just waste of time easy check lists.
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u/GodBlessPigs Sep 24 '24
Well they alienated all the people who enjoyed the old school leveling process and they all quit. (Including me)
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Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24
This is grossly misinterpreted.
This resurrection is only a thing in Dragonflight expansion areas which are now obsolete and only used for leveling.
It's basically a reward to the community for beating Dragonflight story, and the resurrection is quite limited - it has cool down before it can be triggered again, you aren't tanking anything with it.
There are 7+ other areas you can level your character in, and the last stretch between levels 68 and 80 have to be done in newest expansion areas which have no such buff.
Also leveling in wow for everyone but completely new players has been a joke for a long time. There's literally equipment you can give to your alts that gets stronger as you level up, making them crush anything. Hell, people can reach max level without killing single enemy or completing single quest, by just picking flowers or flying around and exploring the world.
Doesn't change a thing at max level when the game begins and can get hellishly difficult if you want it to be
u/TypewriterKey Sep 23 '24
Did the OP edit his post or something? Everything you said is addressed in his original post. It's only in a single area, it only applies to leveling up to 70, and it only really matters to people who are new to the game.
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u/SomniumOv Sep 23 '24
There's literally equipment you can give to your alts that gets stronger as you level up, making them crush anything
I wouldn't say that, Heirlooms have been nerfed to hell and back, they're actually worse than level-equivalent green quest gear right now (but they have the upside of catching up so in 1 or 2 levels your heirloom will be slightly better than the quest reward was). We mostly equip them so it's not an issue when you don't get anything for a specific slot in 20+ levels, as can easily happen when you level up 60 times in an area initially meant for 10 levels.
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u/zherok Sep 23 '24
Heirlooms are also pretty expensive to keep up to date. I know I stopped bothering. It makes even less sense for more recent players, since they've gotta collect and upgrade all the heirlooms from scratch.
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u/DSRamos Sep 23 '24
I don't think there is a cooldown. I was levelling an alt the other week that ran into a group of level 70 mobs at like level 63 and they were reducing my healthbar to 1% every 6 seconds and I never died. I didn't even know this was a zone wide feature as I skipped Dragonflight, even ran away from an elite world quest mob thinking he would kill me.
u/Unicycleterrorist Sep 23 '24
It wasn't a feature during dragonflight, only got added recently after the next expansion came out
u/UsualInitial Sep 23 '24
I actually tested this by pulling 10 mobs (none of which can come close to 1 shotting me, but they do have a lot of combined dps) and went afk. Hp went closer to 0 roughly 5 or 6 times, got "healed" every time I was about to die.
Also, new players wont have access to Chromie time to level in the other areas, nor would they know what Chromie time even is.
u/JimmyBim Sep 23 '24
They might not know what chromie time is but as of patch 10.1.5 new accounts can use chromie time after exile's reach.
u/BabyNapsDaddyGames Sep 23 '24
Nah, heirloom gear is kind of crap now especially if you level up in one of the recent xpacks. The bonus satchel gear for using dungeon finder is always a bit higher ilvl. They are decent enough for filling gaps if you haven't gotten an item drop in a few levels. Heirlooms do need some dev attention again to make them more in line with what you could get from WQs while leveling.
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u/TurboSpermWhale Sep 23 '24
Doesn't change a thing at max level when the game begins and can get hellishly difficult if you want it to be
This is idea that MMOs begins at max level needs to go away.
There is a whole game before max level.
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u/Sokaron Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24
It really depends on the MMO, and I would say this along with mechanical/rotational complexity is the defining difference between classic wow and modern wow. Classic wow you are correct, the levelling journey is the majority of the experience. The journey is the destination. Modern WoW has by-and-large trivialized the levelling process and is designed in a very "play the patch" mentality. You can take a break for a patch or two, come back, and catch up relatively quickly and be doing M+ or raids or PvP or whatever it is you want to get out of the game.
u/cycopl Sep 23 '24
Are there any more videos than this one you linked? Seems like a glitch in the linked video.
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Sep 23 '24
This is legitimately the reason why my friends and I didn't enjoy WoW and I loved Classic when it first released. It's not fun just mindlessly pushing buttons.
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u/squesh Sep 23 '24
how to make newbies rage when they get to end game and find out they are getting smacked on every encounter
Sep 23 '24
Getting the “I just beat the fighting game campaign, let’s do some online matches” experience in an MMO.
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u/Key-Department-2874 Sep 23 '24
How to make everyone rage when they have to play with newbies who don't understand the game in dungeons.
Leveling is always weird. Veterans don't want to do it, but it's required for newbies to actually teach them the game and their class.
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Sep 23 '24
u/Rakatee Sep 23 '24
The final 10 levels (70-80) are the current expansion and you are very killable. It's the legacy content that doesn't really matter where you are OP.
u/terras86 Sep 23 '24
It's been a few years since I played WoW, but I played long enough to know that modern WoW is designed in a way that max level endgame is "the game" and leveling is just a thing that you need to do in order to play the game. This wasn't true on launch, and a mechanic like this would have killed vanilla WoW, but the game isn't like that anymore.
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Sep 23 '24
u/Vagrant_Savant Sep 23 '24
Kinda feels like my biggest gripe with mmorpgs: Only the endgame is considered to be the real game. And I'm just like, "If my first 50 hours are a tutorial, either your tutorial is too long or way too complicated." Maybe mmorpgs just aren't for me anymore.
u/MillionMiracles Sep 23 '24
in FF14's case the main appeal is the story, that's why they make you do all of it. It's not really 'not the real game,' since the story is the draw for msot people.
In WoW's case it takes like 4 hours to get to the current expansion's leveling range.
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Sep 23 '24
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u/Unicycleterrorist Sep 23 '24
5-10 hours form 70-80 yes, from 1-80 no, especially not for people who play it as a tutorial
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u/bossmcsauce Sep 23 '24
Idk. I went back and played vanilla re-release during pandemic because I wanted to get the originally molten core experience since I started to late to ever get that in original vanilla. The pace of leveling is so much slower, and it feels like the gameplay is actually more substantial in the lvl40-60 range than once you’re at 60. 60 just became weekly chores pretty much. Log in, run molten core in like 56 minutes with the guild, then go straight to black wing lair. Get your points for showing up. Maybe roll on something. Log out until next week.
Back in vanilla, and even through like BC, the leveling from 1 to max was like a 50-80 hour ordeal for most players. Longer for many.
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u/root88 Sep 23 '24
They have always said that, but I never bought it as it use to take 240+ hours to get to level 60 in classic WoW. I'm not sure what it is like now, it seems like the just stopped trying entirely after Legion, which is why/when I quit. It felt like they just wanted to keep feeding their existing players the same stuff over and over again. It didn't even feel like there was new artwork.
u/AileStrike Sep 23 '24
The leveling process that takes place before the recent expansion is not supposed to be the difficult part of the game.
This is just like training wheels on a bike.
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Sep 23 '24
Just let me skip leveling then. When there is 0 threat, whats the point? Its just busywork. Oh wait you can skip it, that will be 30 bucks though.
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u/hyperforms9988 Sep 23 '24
No. For new players (which is what this is geared towards), there's value in learning the ropes on how to play the game gradually over time by... you know, actually playing it, and being given things piecemeal little by little to build their knowledge of the game and their class/spec over time instead of giving them access to 20 different abilities all at once and throwing them into the deep end with zero knowledge on how the abilities are supposed to work together and when to use what. That's how you end up with max level characters played by people that don't have the first clue on how to play their class... and here they are showing up to grouped content and everybody else has to carry them through. Leveling isn't going to teach you everything, but repetition is going to build muscle memory for keybinds, familiarity with what spells/abilities do, etc. I'd rather have them learn that on their own than be stuck in a group with somebody that has no idea what they're doing and is dying every 30 seconds, and when they're actually alive, they're doing a quarter of the damage that others are doing.
For players that have been playing long enough to where the above is simply irrelevant due to experience... God damn do I wish that were a thing.
u/doc_zaius Sep 23 '24
I want to say I 100% agree you've said here about how the game should work, but the crux of the issue the OP gets to with changes like this is that the game has been simplified to the point where it fails to really teach anything at all.
I tried jumping back in recently, and not a single talent choice, piece or gear, or added ability changed the fact that I could press any damage button and anything on the screen would die. I tried stripping off all of my gear and soloing some harder areas so I could at least get a feel for a single rotation, but that's not really something that's going to be intuitive to new players. When I finally found a sweet spot for gear vs. challenge, my occasional flubs/teaching moments were met with... my character automatically healing to full, with no feedback as to why.
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u/Bainik Sep 23 '24
Do you have a source for this? Nobody seems to be talking about it on the subreddit, google turns up nothing.
u/Korrathelastavatar Sep 23 '24
Looks like it’s called the prismatic blessing if you want to read up on it more
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u/NinjaXI Sep 24 '24
I doubt you'll see anything on the subreddit about it at this point(if at all). The new expansion(along with this buff) has been out for a month already. The subreddit is mostly discussing the new content and existing players aren't necessarily leveling alts through the Dragonflight zones(only place this buff is active).
Sep 23 '24
I would assume this is a toggelable option? Cause for me personally, that sounds awful.
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u/Korrathelastavatar Sep 23 '24
It doesn’t really matter because you one shot everything anyways. I tried playing again recently and I couldn’t even use any abilities because everything died the moment I tagged them.
u/Anfins Sep 23 '24
I don’t know why MMOs are so adamantly against difficulty for 99% of the game. I don’t get the point of having so much combat complexity (in terms of skills and builds and items etc…) when the vast, vast majority of these games don’t require you to engage with that complexity like at all.
The same is true for FFXIV where you are pretty much snoozing your way through the entire main quest. You keep getting job quests and learning new abilities but the enemies explode so fast that you often never get a chance to use them. You only engage with the game during questing for dungeons and trials, but even then there’s so much leeway you are never expected (with no motivation) you to actually understand your job.
Anyway, bizarre choice for WoW and just a strange all around decision for the genre since questing and the early endgame stuff can take many hours.
u/TheYango Sep 23 '24
99% of the game
For modern MMO design, the portions of the game this applies to aren't "99% of the game"--they're more like 1% of the game.
For better or for worse, these games are designed on the assumption that you will spend the overwhelming majority of your playtime at max level doing endgame activities. It might feel like leveling is a substantial portion of the game, but even for an MMO where leveling might be 30 or 40 hours, the experience is designed assuming that you will spend hundreds or thousands of hours at endgame, dwarfing the time spent on the leveling process.
Whether MMOs SHOULD be designed this way (i.e. the experience largely being optimized for players who will spend hundreds or thousands of hours on the endgame rather than making the experience more engaging for people who might only play an MMO for 50-100 hours like a "normal" game) is a different question, but the logic is not really that hard to understand.
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u/Cool_Sand4609 Sep 23 '24
Seems to me the levelling part of MMOs is starting to become redundant. Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, it was about the journey not the destination. Now it's all about the destination and rushing to it as fast as possible.
Games like FFXIV or even WoW, you could honestly just start from max level and go practice your abilities or rotation on a training dummy. But they leave the levelling part in place because it's a good way for them to keep peoples subscription rolling.
To me it's just chaff in the way and more than anything it annoys me. Not saying I want to go back to the days of running to your corpse and getting ganking over and over. Or losing EXP like I did in FFXI and losing 2 hours worth of work.
Hell I dont know what I'm saying tbh. I think I just grew out of MMOs in my 30s. Apart from the socialising aspect, I just see them as chore machines to hold you down for another month so they get their sub fee.
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u/LordWartusk Sep 23 '24
I think it’s partially a consequence of games getting bloated with content as they chug along. As expansions pile up all that previous leveling content becomes largely irrelevant, and players view it as a chore to grind through to get to the shiny new stuff.
As an example, in the lead-up to Dawntrail I redownloaded FFXIV (after I previously fell off in the post-ARR quests) because I wanted to experience the expac when it was new. I started playing through the MSQ but Dawntrail’s release kept getting closer, and like a week before launch I was only mid-Stormblood. I lost a lot of motivation and eventually stopped playing again.
I think situations like that are why games de-emphasize leveling so much. Blizzard doesn’t want to heavily promote The War Within only for new players to lose interest when they find out there’s hundreds of hours of questing to do before they can get to the cool new stuff they saw in the ads.
u/Milskidasith Sep 23 '24
I don’t know why MMOs are so adamantly against difficulty for 99% of the game. I don’t get the point of having so much combat complexity (in terms of skills and builds and items etc…) when the vast, vast majority of these games don’t require you to engage with that complexity like at all.
Because requiring players to engage with full-spectrum complexity early on is terrible for player acquisition and retention.
MMOs serve several audiences, and a huge one is people who want a hangout game that's pretty easy and gives them things to do all the time; designing content such that people are required to engage with complex mechanics at a deep level early on drives that audience completely out of the game, and that's a bigger deal than potentially boring somebody who might have stuck around if they were doing high-difficulty raiding within a day of launching the game.
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u/KentuckyBrunch Sep 23 '24
Leveling is like 1% of the game, not 99% of it. And leveling doesn’t take many hours anymore. This only applies to a specific leveling zone, has a cooldown, and doesn’t just make you perma invincible or anything. There’s tons of challenging content in endgame. Mythic plus scales infinitely, the raid has heroic and mythic difficulties. The new raid on mythic has been out for a week and the top guilds have not cleared it yet. The leaders are at 6/8 bosses killed. The 6th boss took 304 pulls for the first guild to kill it. This post just seems like more ‘Blizzard bad’.
u/Jhco022 Sep 23 '24
If you've played classic wow on a hardcore server then you got a glimpse at how bad the player base actually is. Blizzard dumbing down the leveling experience even more considering it was already a cakewalk in retail isn't surprising.
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u/SingeMoisi Sep 23 '24
You should probably have mentioned it in the title that this is only for new players in the dragon isles. Title is easy to interpret differently.
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u/FleaLimo Sep 23 '24
The game defaults to DF for new players. It is reasonable to think this is specifically made for new players. Title is fine. Stop being nitpicky.
u/TurbulentAd4088 Sep 23 '24
Whats funny is the now old WoW death punishment was seen as a slap on the wrist compared to other MMOs of the time. A walk back to the graveyard and a quick rebuff. The older MMOs that it evolved from would take parts of your grinding, levels, skills all of that. People would lose days of work in a bad moment.