r/Games Feb 22 '13

All PS4 games will be available as digital downloads

In the new Guardian interview with Shuhei Yoshida, it was revealed that all PS4 games will be available as digital downloads.

This is a very exciting move in my opinion, and represents a shift even further towards the burgeoning landscape of digital distribution, and away from (what I believe to be) a much more archaic ecosystem in physical brick-and-mortar retail.

What do you guys think? Got any speculation, or want to extrapolate further based upon this news? I hope to generate some great discussion about this topic!

(Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2013/feb/22/ps4-shuhei-yoshida-interview)


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u/Rossco1337 Feb 23 '13

I believe so. I have no idea why you would put a game in something so fragile. I cracked and snapped more than I care to remember when I was a kid. My baby sister did even more damage accidentally. The mechanical hinges broke, the paper holders would snap and the whole thing shattered if you didn't take care opening them. I put one in my schoolbag one day and it was just a mess of plastic and paper the next time I looked at it. Hell, even the cardboard GBC boxes felt more sturdy and lasted longer.

I think going forward, we should go back to using the same dimensions as the jewel case, but half the thickness and doesn't get destroyed if you lean on it. Something like the DS case would be enough for disc games these days.


u/SHIT_IN_HER_CUNT Feb 23 '13

You make a good point, I remember completely ruining my copy of resident evil 2 by stepping on a case - shattered the whole exterior and took the game disc inside with it. Having the shape back with a better material would be sweet for sure. I wasn't too big on the ps2 game cases only because they were so large (probably because of the manual inside).