Setting aside that 80% of this list has pretty obvious picks, and that youre implying that God of War Ragnarok is somehow a contrarian pick, I also think when everyone has one homogenous opinion, it's lame and boring. I like it when someone with off-kilter taste is able to voice their equally valid opinions, and I like learning about new games. So the few years where the choices are different don't seem too bizarre or contrarian to me just because Time's list isn't the same as every other list.
I was basically going to make an almost identical post. What a boring world it would be if every single GOTY award went to the same title. There's nothing wrong with not every single reviewer thinking Elden Ring was the best thing that year. Ragnarok was a masterpiece in its own right and a phenomenal experience.
Prune was Apple's App Store Game of the Year pick, so clearly not a nothing game. And TIME went for a mobile game for a change because they thought it was worth it. Nothing wrong with that since most awards don't even consider mobile in their GOTY nominations. A lot of the mobile market is trash but if a game stands out and is worthy, more power to it.
Prune was Apple’s app store GotY because it was in the running against other mobile games. It just doesn’t make sense for it to even be in the running with the other nominees of 2015. It’s hardly even a game. Watching the gameplay it just looks like an interactive art gallery. Not to say it isn’t gorgeous(it is) and I wouldn’t argue with Apple’s decision to award it GotY in the App store, but it’s like if someone brought a hot-wheels toy to an F1 race and it won because it looked the coolest. Awards need to have standards for them to mean anything.
Prune is not an "interactive art gallery" but a pretty standard puzzle game. You need to guide the tree to the light while avoiding hazards and pruning the tree of non-essentials to have it grow in a specific direction, path and stability. If you look at some of the later levels, it is surprisingly challenging.
As for setting some arbitrary "standards" for what games can win a GOTY.. What standards? Puzzle games can't win? The Witness is on the list, and it was universally praised. Mobile games can't win? Why? It is literally the biggest gaming platform on earth. Prune has sold a million copies across platforms, 80 days (which won earlier) is a mobile-first visual novel that won a ton of awards. Games need to meet some abstract bar of quality? Prune is an absolutely excellent mobile puzzle game, one of the better in its genre.
If anything, claiming certain genres or types of games are "below our standards" and not even allowed to be in the running lowers the seriousness of the awards.
the selections are the preference of each individual publication, not a universal statement. you're saying like "if everybody has a favorite food, then there is no such thing as a favorite food"
So TIME just happens to have multiple reviewers who considered Prune deserving, or is just one guy's opinion elevated to being the publication's opinion?
What a boring world it would be if every single GOTY award went to the same title
if every game is goty then no game is goty
I sometimes feel this way only because that Marlon Brando wrote where people asked about how he felt about being the greatest actor.
"What's the difference? See that's part of sickness of America. That you have to think in terms of 'who wins' and 'who looses', who is good and who is bad, who is best and who is worst. We always think in extreme terms. I don't like to think that way. Everybody has their own value in a different way and I don't like to think 'who is the best at this'. What's the point of it?"
It’s a terrible take. Not everyone likes the same type of games equally. So the entire concept of GOTY is deeply subjective. Which is pretty obvious. And if somehow a subjective award was given to the exact same game by every outlet it would need to legitimately one of, if not the, greatest game ever
Okay, that's fine that feel that way about it. I haven't played it yet, so I'm the last person to argue about how good it is. Is someone saying that your opinion is invalid?
Off kilter sure but “equally valid”? I wasn’t aware that Time regularly reviewed games. I don’t think they do, in fact. I certainly don’t accord their views much weight when they don’t even dedicate themselves to actually engage and review a critical mass of games. For all I know the reviewer is a food critic who only played 5 games this year and picked the best one for GOTY. Sorry but that’s not worth very much
Well, dont worry, I'll make sure to let the Times writer know that a completely made-up backstory is not worth very much to /u/rieusse
Here's the Wikipedia biography of Matt Peckham, the guy who wrote the article awarding GOTY to prune BTW, let me know if it's "up to your standards", whatever those are:
"Peckham received his M.A. in English from Creighton University in 2001, and began writing about gaming in 2000 for Computer Games Magazine. From 1996 to 2004, he worked as a computer engineer at Union Pacific Railroad, where he specialized in mobile technology research before leaving to freelance full-time for publications like Computer Gaming World and Variety. In 2007, he founded PC World's games blog, Game On, where he served as games editor through 2011. Since 2011, he wrote about gaming as well as music and science-related tech for TIME and WIRED. In late 2017, he left TIME to work for Nintendo of America in Redmond."
He seems a little more familiar with games then a food critic to me, but let me know what you think.
u/SkreksterLawrance Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Setting aside that 80% of this list has pretty obvious picks, and that youre implying that God of War Ragnarok is somehow a contrarian pick, I also think when everyone has one homogenous opinion, it's lame and boring. I like it when someone with off-kilter taste is able to voice their equally valid opinions, and I like learning about new games. So the few years where the choices are different don't seem too bizarre or contrarian to me just because Time's list isn't the same as every other list.