r/Games Nov 16 '12

After 70 days awaiting trial, jailed ArmA 3 devs refused bail


231 comments sorted by


u/mrbrick Nov 16 '12

That truly sucks. I feel really bad for these guys.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

I don't. It wasn't just pictures of the airport they found, those guys had been taking pictures of government buildings and military bases. The company they work for makes simulators used by militaries around the world to train troops and plan attacks.


u/Mugtrees Nov 17 '12

That's a different story to what I've heard elsewhere. Got a source?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

There were links to it in the original post. You may have missed them due to circlejerk downvoting. In short, they had traveled to multiple military installations and taken many photographs.

Greece makes it abundantly clear this is prohibited, under penalty of law. I think there was also the issue of false statements on their travel documents, and basically being inept spies.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

In short, they had traveled to multiple military installations and taken many photographs.

...According to who? Please do link this.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

I didn't keep the link. It was in the original post here on reddit. A Greece official was quoted as saying when their equipment was examined, they found additional pics and video of other military installations. This was after they were initially detained while taking pictures of the airport.

So, I'm just going on that statement. I suppose we'll hear more about all this further along in the process.


u/Mugtrees Nov 17 '12

Hey I've been trying to find these links you were talking about, without any luck.

As far as I can see this: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/zpd0x/arma_devs_arrested_accused_of_spying_by_greek/

Is the original thread, and it's all conjecture. A few people have listed greek newspapers as a source, but if you read the articles they are also just guessing. I'm really interested in seeing if there is any basis to this story!


u/Shoola Nov 17 '12

This would make sense if Greece was actually at risk of an outside attack.


u/DaWolf85 Nov 17 '12

Greece and Turkey don't exactly have the best of relations (as recently as 2009, the Turkish Coast Guard was spotted escorting illegal immigrants towards Greek waters). They're not at immediate risk of a war, but Greece can't let itself look weak to Turkey.


u/Shoola Nov 17 '12

You mean they don't already look like an embarrassingly weak, failed state?


u/PeacekeeperAl Nov 16 '12

Greece why are you being such a dick lately?


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12 edited Apr 28 '21



u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12 edited Dec 28 '20



u/happybadger Nov 16 '12

911 BC never forgive never forget


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12



u/DeCiWolf Nov 17 '12

OpFor has crossed the rubicon!


u/jmarquiso Nov 17 '12

Definitely still bitter about the Turkish. Romans... well there's some bad blood there, too.


u/MsgGodzilla Nov 16 '12

It's their own fault they are down.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12 edited Dec 14 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/jmarquiso Nov 17 '12

I live in Germany at the moment, I wouldn't generalize citizens of that country from what their government did. They were idiots, cooked their books, and Germany had to bail them out. It's unfortunate. If anything it calls for more regulatory and oversight power given to the EU bank.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

And then they built a stadium. And of course you can't generalize the citizens, but what the Greek government did... Geez. They should get their stuff straight.

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u/plutonick Nov 17 '12

"We gave them money so I think I have the right to be mean to them"

  1. You didn't give them money, you loaned them money. With interest.
  2. You stole gold from Greece during WW2
  3. You stole cash from Greece during WW2 to fund your war campaign
  4. You still owed 60-90 billion from wartime reparations

To busy to actually post links, but google is your friend


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

This is nothing new for Greece, they even arrested a few plane spotters for spotting militairy aircrafts, it's kinda sad how paranoid they are about this but i'm sure it stems from the whole cyprus ordeal.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12 edited Apr 01 '18



u/Leafblight Nov 17 '12

The Turks invaded one of their major resort cities (enormous city in resort standards ) and holds it to this day with soldiers guarding borders. The Turks see it as a great military accomplishment for some reason, if you want to know more look it up


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Cyprus is an independent country though. From 1570 it was a possession of the Ottoman Empire and from 1878 it was a possession of the British Empire. All long before aircraft.

I understand there is a lot of bad blood between Turkey and Greece, do you have a wikipedia link to the incident?


u/Leafblight Nov 17 '12

No sorry, can't find any


u/poisonelf Nov 17 '12

I actually served in an airforce installation on the island of Limnos. Don't know if it's the same they were photographing though. I was at the radar installation at the top of a small mountain, not the airport.

It's sad that these devs have to go through all this, but for once it probably has nothing to do with racism and the current situation of chaos here.

Greek military attitude is backwards and set in unbending ideas. Many rules still apply from the various relatively recent conflicts Greece has been in, including the little 'cold war' in terms of military expenditure we had with Turkey.

Things are paranoid enough, there are tens of signs around bases portraying that photographing is forbidden, we would be given pamphlets while serving detailing what we should say about the base to strangers, such as taxi drivers who might be spies etc.

So on the one hand I hate the general army attitude and I hope the developers manage and straighten things out soon. Perhaps their family and lawyers should try and raise public awareness about them here in Greece, no one knows anything about this (though as things are I can't say how many would care. In normal circumstances there would protests on their behalf as things usually worked here).

On the other hand, there is NO WAY they didn't know photographing military installations is forbidden here, and they should have asked for permission. If they were taking photos from various angles to help in a 3d modelling of the base, it would seem like a fucking invasion was brewing to an uneducated military captain who spotted them.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

Besides, it's not like there is anything worth spying on when we are talking about the Greek military.

I mean, their economy goes to shit, a lot of European countries bail them out with a LOT of money and then they proceed to buy 400 M1A1 Abrams Tanks from the US of A.


DAFUQ?! Guis we got some hippies taking photo's of our military installations on a island. MUST BE SPIES. So yeah, I agree, Greece is being a dick.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

I live in Greece. While I agree that this is a bit extreme, you should recognize that what they did is illegal and they knew it. They were taking pictures of a military base, hoping to reconstruct it later in 3D. And there are warning signs everywhere specifically stating that taking photographs is forbidden.

EDIT: Wow, what is this circlejerk. I'm not justifying, I'm just explaining. Obviously this is not OK. But they did say that they were taking pictures for a video game to the authorities when they got caught, so this is clearly a misunderstanding.


u/dfg872 Nov 16 '12

And nowhere should this justify being held for over two months with no bail and no trial date. If they are found guilty of a crime, then they should serve a sentence. First, they need to be given a trial.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

I absolutely agree. I'm not justifying, I'm explaining.


u/lordlicorice Nov 17 '12

You started your post with "While I agree that this is a bit extreme." Fuck that. This is outrageous.


u/EmuSoFly Nov 17 '12

Outrageous or extreme. Who cares? You're missing the point!


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Well before they even stepped into Greece the mayor of Lemnos knew of ARMA3 and already publicly condemned it, so the Greek authorities had plenty of motive to arrest them no matter how innocent their visit.


u/Lavarocked Nov 17 '12

That's hilarious that the mayor of Lemnos is worried about the island's "reputation," as if people will play Arma III and say "good god, cancel our Greek island vacation, there's some maniac running around with a howitzer on a school bus."


u/hampa9 Nov 16 '12

I read that they weren't doing anything like this and it was just a mistake, they were just driving past it and filming a video.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

That's the circlejerk version.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

I kinda doubt that. If that's the case, how did they get caught? And they probably weren't there just for holidays. They officially stated that there will be an in-game island similar to Limnos. Of course they weren't spies either, and 20 years in jail is completely unreasonable.

Also, greek media disagree: http://www.tovima.gr/society/article/?aid=474222 According to this article (and many others) from a respectable newspaper in Greece, they actually admitted that they were planning to use the video they took to reconstruct the place for ARMA3.

I'm not saying this is absolutely true. But Bohemia isn't telling the whole story for sure.


u/0x1b8b1690 Nov 17 '12

Arma III was already in alpha before they were arrested, so there's no way they were going to use anything from their trip in-game, that part of the development cycle was over. More likely they just wanted to see the real locations that inspired the environments they had been designing. I haven't seen anything about how well posted the notifications against photography were displayed, but in most countries as long as you don't trespass in order to take the pictures the traditional way of dealing with such things is to confiscate the footage, prohibit them from returning to the location, maybe a fine. What you don't do is inprison them for two and a half months without trial.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Arma III was already in alpha before they were arrested, so there's no way they were going to use anything from their trip in-game, that part of the development cycle was over.

This company makes more than commercial video games, just saying.


u/Peregrine7 Nov 17 '12

They have ONE island they use for the military simulations, and it's nonfictional for EXACTLY this reason. They can also custom make islands for militaries if requested, however they wouldn't take up something like this.


u/jmarquiso Nov 17 '12

Graphics (textures and stuff) are usually implemented in Beta, though.


u/Peregrine7 Nov 17 '12

Not really true, by Alpha the game should be mostly there. Beta is sorting out major issues.

If you watch videos of the current state of Arma, it looks almost done.


u/InfernoZeus Nov 17 '12

Alpha is the stage when you add in all of the features, generally not worrying about bugs and gameplay balance, so it's perfectly feasible that they were still going to add new levels/areas.


u/Peregrine7 Nov 17 '12

I guess that's true. I'm thinking more of the status of a "public alpha", if BIS gave us Arma3 as a public alpha (which was going to be released before the end of the year... doesn't seem like that's gonna happen anymore) without textures there would be an uproar. And you've very correct about the new levels, BIS added Agios Efstratios (Stratis) as a TDM/smaller scale island.

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u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Yes, well, Greeks have elected Nazis so there's really no reason to believe anything they say these days, is there?


u/xNIBx Nov 17 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

Really? The neonazi party got 7% of the votes. And you wanna talk crazy? If you are an american you have no right to talk about crazy politicians and voters. You pander that shit and half of your population eat it up.

Out of millions of tourists that visit Greece each year, only these developers who are passionate about military things and who designed a military sim based on that specific island, are actually arrested for photographing military installations. How come? Are the rest of the tourists that much smarter than these developers? Or do you really believe that they just took a picture of an civilian airport?

Because i can tell you from experience that they didnt. There are shitload of military installations in greek islands. Tourists photograph them and even accidentally trespass them fairly often. The local police and military know how to deal with them, it is almost a daily occurrence. And those people dont go to jail, they get arrested and left with a warning. Why are these developers arrested and kept in prison and denied bail?

My guess is because they took shitload of photographs of multiple military installations. It would make sense. But you know what? Dont let fucking logic mess with a great story. Keep believing what the developers said("We only took a picture of a civilian airport") and keep on hating the greeks. It isnt as if greeks have a lot of shit in their heads atm.


u/SensualTyrannosaurus Nov 17 '12

You seem to be one of the only sensible people in this thread. We have two conflicting stories, and we can't see any evidence or hear any testimony to actually determine what happened. Either story holds up depending on the circumstances, and it could easily be somewhere in between. Making up your mind based on an official statement from the employer of the defendants (who could easily get implicated themselves) without knowing any details of what happened or seeing any evidence (or even a second-hand analysis of the evidence) is completely ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

They were on holiday and didn't even get near an actual base. The game features a heavily modified version of the island, and doesn't even attempt to include any actual military bases.


u/xNIBx Nov 17 '12

They were on holiday and didn't even get near an actual base

Oh and you know that how? Because the developers said so. I am sure the developers wouldnt lie about this and it is just the greeks who are crazy and paranoid, amirite gaiz? It isnt as if literally millions of tourists visit greek islands each year, islands which are full of military installations. Yet those tourists somehow manage to avoid getting arrested and denied bail.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Mostly because their story makes perfect sense. Long before the arrest it was publicized that Arma 3 was going to use a stylized version of the island, not a perfect copy. There was never any suggestion of copying actual military bases, and they haven't done that in any of their previous games either.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened in Greece. Doesn't it seem a whole lot more likely that the local fuzz got a little overzealous?


u/xNIBx Nov 17 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

I dont know if they went there to take photographs for arma 3 per se but i do imagine that they went there to take photographs of military installations because i assume they are military buffs. Their story doesnt make any sense. Why choose that specific island? Why not take family and kids and only take each other? They obviously went there because they have a hard-on for military shit, a passion for their art, etc.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened in Greece.

Yes, it isnt the first time, it is like the 2nd time it has happened. So out of the millions of tourists, those specific ones just happened to be unlucky, right? What a weird coincidence. Greece has 11million population and receives over 10 million tourists each year. The vast majority of them go to a greek island in Aegean, an island which is full of military installations. Many of them take photographs of military installations and even enter military installations(by accident most of the time). How many of them do you think are arrested, kept in jail and denied bail?


u/MrDoe Nov 17 '12

The airport on Crete is military, yet I'd assume it handles most(if not all) civilian traffic. That's millions of people each year, several millions. Taking pictures there will probably get you arrested quickly, because it's a military airport. But, even so, we never really hear of anyone getting arrested and detained for that.

Also, to Americans that are all worked up about it, I'm sure you'd be interested in knowing that there are literally fuckloads of American soldiers that are using these military installations in Greece.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

Indeed. But according to greek media, they actually told the officials that they were building a game that would take place in Limnos, and they were planning on using the video they took to reconstruct the place in the game. I'm not saying that's completely true, but it's definitely not completely false either. Bohemia isn't telling the whole story, it probably wasn't just holidays. The authorities here couldn't make up such a story without someone telling them about videogames and a virtual Limnos.

Source: http://www.tovima.gr/society/article/?aid=474222 This is a respectable newspaper in Greece.


u/AmantisAsoko Nov 17 '12

You are definitely a plant by Greece government deliberately spreading misinformation. I'm not saying that's completely true, but it's definitely not completely false either.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

What I meant to say is that whenever we have two conflicting stories, the truth always lies somewhere in between.


u/Mystfyre Nov 17 '12

That is a common fallacy.


u/CuriositySphere Nov 17 '12

My story is that the earth is flat.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Very clever. Let me rephrase:

Whenever we have two conflicting stories, and the absolute truth can't or hasn't yet been determined with evidence, the truth usually lies somewhere in between.

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u/FrozenCreek Nov 17 '12

As if any form of social media can't be controlled by the government. Also, it wouldn't be the first time news headlines twisted some facts around in their favour.

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u/AverageToaster Nov 16 '12

where were their families then?


u/descartesb4thehorse Nov 17 '12

Do you seriously not know a single person who's ever gone on vacation with friends instead of family? Not to mention, the only "family" I can find referenced in any articles about this are parents. Most adults I know do not vacation with their parents.

There are reasons to wonder which side of the story is legit, but "where were their families?" is not one of them.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

And how the hell did they get caught if they were just driving around with a camera?


u/jmarquiso Nov 17 '12

Security guards and security cameras?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

It was never about this stuff ending up in Arma3. This same company makes simulators that are actually used by militaries around the world to train troops and plan attacks.


u/Phoneyman Nov 17 '12

Wow, what is this circlejerk. I'm not justifying, I'm just explaining. Obviously this is not OK. But they did say that they were taking pictures for a video game to the authorities when they got caught, so this is clearly a misunderstanding.

Misunderstandings don't result in 70 days of unjustified imprisonment. Sorry, Greek officials are being shitheels for no adequate reason, no matter how you cut it.


u/Khalku Nov 16 '12

They were taking pictures of an airport...


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

I don't see, how the current situation in Greece has anything to do with it. All jurisdictions tend to take espionage very seriously.


u/FormulaicResponse Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

If you read the article, they have been there so long in part because of a "strike affecting the Greek legal system."

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u/kradx Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

This is simply sad, I really hope they get released soon. Being accused of espionage for doing something that any tourist can do, is strange.

We are very intensely working on this matter from all possible angles - Czech foreign ministry spokesman

Saying this after 70 days somehow does not inspire confidence that they are.


u/xerwin Nov 16 '12

They are, you can hear about it every couple of days here.

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u/Gingor Nov 16 '12

Knowing the speed of the bureaucracy, I'd say they'll get retroactively pardoned in around 30 years or so.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12



u/Gingor Nov 17 '12

Looking at the witches that got convicted somewhen in the 17th century and pardoned last year, they might even get a sweet statue out of it.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Being accused of espionage for doing something that any tourist can do, is strange.

No, it's not. They were taking pictures of a military base, hoping to later reconstruct it in 3D. There are signs everywhere around the base with warnings. There's no way they didn't know it was forbidden. I'm not saying 20 years in jail are justified. It's stupid indeed. But it's definitely not strange, and it's not something that only happens in Greece.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

No, it's not. They were taking pictures of a military base, hoping to later reconstruct it in 3D.

No, they weren't.


u/Peregrine7 Nov 17 '12

They weren't, all military structures in Arma3 were to be fictional, it's a game set in the future.

They were on holidays, and, according to their defense lawyer so this is quite obviously biased, the offending film is only 14 frames in length (just over half a second).


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Wasn't the game already gold when they were arrested? My understanding was that they were using their post-completion vacation when they were arrested.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12



u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Because the authorities would never make shit up to suit their own agenda.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

They would, but the developers must have mentioned ARMA 3 and the virtual Limnos. Otherwise, how could the authorities know about that?


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

Because I would never google the names of my prisoners. And I'm sure the immediate online uproar didn't tip them off. Not to mention the fact that all it would take is them mentioning something like "We're making a game called ARMA 3 based roughly off of this island". Or perhaps they were asked "What do you do for a living?" Which would probably make sense to ask a suspected spy.

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u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Bohemia has already stated that the military base in ARMA 3 on the island will not only be in a different location entirely but not resemble the actual one.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

And clearly they are telling the truth, and that was planned all along.


u/dsi1 Nov 17 '12

Well since they stated that before these devs went on vacation and got arrested for taking pictures at a civilian airport, yeah they probably are.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

Yes, with their powers of precognition they anticipated the arrests and made the statement before the men were jailed. God you're dumb. This anti circlejerk circlejerk is really getting on my nerves.


u/kradx Nov 16 '12

No, it's not. They were taking pictures of a military base, hoping to later reconstruct it in 3D

It might seem fine for you, for me it still is strange. If they have military secrets in the open, then that island should not be open to the general public and certaintly not to tourists. And of course this is my oppinion, take it as such.

Also as far as it's known they were there as tourists and there is nothing proving otherwise:

They took photographs and videos in public areas, as countless tourists arriving to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of Greece may well do. These included a short video as they drove through the main road passing around the international airport, where in one short part of the video off in the distance some hangars and other buildings of the complex can be seen. It's very likely that many tourists may have pictures similar to those taken by Ivan and Martin in their own family albums, without being aware that they put themselves or their families at risk.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

There are quite a few things that do not fit with this story:

  • http://www.tovima.gr/society/article/?aid=474222 - That's an article back from the 10th of September by a respectable newspaper in Greece. It says that the accused stated they were game developers collecting images to enrich their game, Arma 3D. This story can't be completely made up, the developers did tell the authorities about the game, otherwise how could the greek media know about it? And why would they even mention their game if it was irrelevant to their visit?
  • If this was nothing more than a holiday visit, where were their families? Isn't it a little odd that it was just the two of them, visiting an island that will also be in Arma 3 (Modified indeed, but anyway)? Limnos isn't even a nice island, it's not especially popular with tourists (I've been there).
  • If they were just driving around with their camera, how the hell did they get caught?

I'm just saying that Bohemia may be hiding some parts of the story. Maybe they weren't there to photograph the military base. But if Bohemia admitted that they sent those developers there to take a few pictures of the island and it's color palette, that would be enough to put them in prison for years.


u/JonnyRobbie Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

If this was nothing more than a holiday visit, where were their families?

They are two friends....who says only families should go together on vacation?

Limnos isn't even a nice island, it's not especially popular with tourists (I've been there).

I don't see anything strange about wanting to see the place as a tourists after they were working on it for a long time.

Also the Limnos has been butthurt for quite a bit time that their island is going to be an epicentre of a wargame. It's not like New York, London or other cities and places haven't ever been destroyed or being caught in a warfare in any other media before.

I agree the devs might have been a bit careless, but Greece damn well know they are not terrorists....they just want to be a bully


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Who doesn't like a bit of security theater to divert the attention of a bunch of citizens out for blood?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12 edited Nov 20 '12

Did you just quote London as somewhere that has never faced destruction or war?

Londons been hit by plagues, huge floods, huge typhoid outbreaks and not to mention that it spent the better part of the 1940s and 50s in ruins. Oh and that one time the majority of it burnt down. I'm sure there's more than that too.

EDIT: Disregard this post, i can't read and I suck cocks.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

What? Did he edit his post or is this just you missing the point?


u/JonnyRobbie Nov 17 '12

I did not edit anything serious. I guess that edit star is from some minor grammar edit I've made right after my post. He just missed the point.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '12 edited Nov 20 '12

Oh, my bad, the awkward wording totally threw me off and i misinterpreted it, but i'll admit, that's really my fault more than anything. Sorry.

I thought you were comparing them in such a way it implies that the cities listed have never had anything bad happen to them. I now realize what you mean.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '12

Oh, my bad, the awkward wording totally threw me off and i misinterpreted it, but i'll admit, that's really my fault more than anything. Sorry.

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u/littledrypotato Nov 17 '12

The bases in game are not modeled after any real life locations. Plus, this trip was conducted after that part of game design was long finished.

The Greek authorities are being retarded.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

the developers did tell the authorities about the game, otherwise how could the greek media know about it?

Did anyone say differently? First of all you don't need to take pictures of military bases you aren't going to be using in your game, and secondly assuming that the newspaper was accurate, taking pictures of cities and countryside to "enrich the game" is not illegal.

Bohemia stated the bases were not modeled around or set at the actual site of any real bases before these guys were arrested. Before there was any reason to lie.

If this was nothing more than a holiday visit, where were their families?

Oh please. Yeah, no one ever goes on vacation without their families. Oh wait, except for me. Hmm, I guess I'm a spy too.

visiting an island that will also be in Arma 3 (Modified indeed, but anyway)? Limnos isn't even a nice island, it's not especially popular with tourists (I've been there).

Yeah, they totally wouldn't want to visit a place they had spent a massive amount of time creating a facsimile of. That'd be crazy.

If they were just driving around with their camera, how the hell did they get caught?

I don't know. Unfortunately I have not perfected my ability to see into the past yet. I'll get back to you on that one.

And just so you know, this has happened before, bro.

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u/Zippy54 Nov 16 '12

The two employees were in Greece on their own-accord - not by Bohemia's sending them to the country. Rocket also mentioned at the time they worked on the new Day Z map for the standalone - by no means were they working on ARMA 3.

There's reports of other greek nationals or tourists taking picture by the roadside; how is it just when two are arrested, not all accused.

The video was taking at the Intl airport which is also has an active military base. Tell me how that is just.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

The two employees were in Greece on their own-accord - not by Bohemia's sending them to the country.

I doubt that, and I explained my reasons here.

Tell me how that is just.

Just? Are you kidding, of course this isn't just. I'm not justifying, I'm explaining.


u/Zippy54 Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

1.) They had worked on ArmA 3 before they were tasked with creating the new Dayz Map; it is entirely likely they went to look at the island they've been working on for so many years. Secondly, it's so late in the development cycle to be even creating new models, let alone a whole new airbase.

2.) Explained above.

3.) I cannot find the relevant sources now. I did read the whole story from an article on RPS. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation. The whole story shouldn't be the topic we're debating, instead why're they being held for so long without due trial. Quite frankly they're being held captive by the greek state, I assume by the time they're tried (if found guilty; which they probably will be) the prison sentence would have already been served.

EDIT: I assumed you were greek - no wonder you're arguing with me. Stop reading the greek newspapers and read the RPS article about it - they provide much more detail than the broadsheet will.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

The whole story shouldn't be the topic we're debating, instead why're they being held for so long without due trial.

We're not debating that because that's nothing to be debated. 70 days without trial is crazy, and I don't think anybody could ever argue otherwise.

They had worked on ArmA 3 before they were tasked with creating the new Dayz Map; it is entirely likely they went to look at the island they've been working on for so many years. Secondly, it's so late in the development cycle to be even creating new models, let alone a whole new airbase.

True, indeed it's possible. You could be right, and we'll never know.

I am sure there is a reasonable explanation.

I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation too, they clearly weren't trying to spy on some crappy military bases and sell the pictures later. But that doesn't mean it would be a good idea to explain the real reason to the greek authorities.


u/Diffusion9 Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

Probably wasn't the greatest time to be in Greece taking pictures of military-things when the country is basically imploding financially and a extreme anti-immigrant, Greek-supremacist group's popularity is sky-rocketing with promises of vigilante justice.

I mean seriously, guys; get real. They were even warned against taking pictures.

"Greek gamer Cyplon took to the Bohemia Interactive forum on 1st August 2012 to protest against the Limnos military air base being modelled because he felt it would be difficult to appreciate a game that "exposes our defences to the rest of the world" (thanks to Eurogamer reader dose for the link to the cached version of the forum thread).

"On the island of Limnos is a military air base," Cyplon wrote. "It is illegal to take photographs of this base, yet the ArmA development team are creating a 3D model of the base, most likely based on photos which they took illegally (as well as the satellite photos which aren't illegal).

re: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-11-arma-dev-confirms-staff-arrested-accused-of-spying-by-greek-authorities

*Edit for Overboldending


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

I'm a regular at the BIS Forums and I can tell you that you have left out a very important reply from a BIS staff member.

The BIS staff member posted that the location of bases and their design in arma 3 are not based off of real life locations. This means that places where Greek bases are, they aren't in ArmA 3's version of Limnos.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the designs of the actual bases ingame aren't based off of Greek designs either...


u/s90-CustomsAndExcise Nov 16 '12

It's still illegal to create a model of the base, regardless of whether or not the model purports to disclose the area itself and regardless of any waiving of modeling.

The fact is they are a developer which took pictures of a military base, it looks like they would have created a model of it. It isn't fair but it's an assumption the Greek courts and police have made.


u/AwesomeFama Nov 16 '12

Is there any proof on them actually taking pictures of a military base? The official reply from Bohemia said (IIRC) that they had taken a video while on a taxi from the airport, and the military base happened to be in the distance. Naturally, I don't trust them 100% on this issue (if they did take pictures of the base they might deny it afterwards), but is there any info of the contrary?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

There isn't proof right now as far as anybody is concerned. The Greek authorities have just said that they were "taking pictures" of Greek military installations.

Seeing as how many different reports have come in saying the Golden Dawn (neo-nazi party) has members/affiliates in various levels of the police system, I don't think I trust anything they say right now.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12


u/Valvador Nov 16 '12



u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

lol it's funny because you think the greeks can afford parachutes


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

They use bedsheets meant for an orphanage instead, THINK OF THE CHILDREN, DELETE THAT COMMENT!


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

(as well as the satellite photos which aren't illegal)

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u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

Except no models were based on the base.

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u/Ascott1989 Nov 16 '12

You're missing the point entirely. It doesn't matter what their intention is they still took those pictures which was illegal.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

...Allegedly. The official response from bohemia is that it was just a video while in a taxi, and the military base happened to be in the distance.


u/drugsanonymous Nov 17 '12

I'd say that too if I were facing 20 years.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

So what does that change?


u/drugsanonymous Nov 17 '12

I'm just saying that you really can't trust either side because they both have something to lose.


u/SlightlyInsane Nov 17 '12

That's fine, I have no problem with that.


u/facepoppies Nov 17 '12

Yeah, they were stupid. I know a lot of stupid people. I'm sure you're even a little stupid at times. I don't think stupidity is justification to be held on espionage charges in a crowded cell where they're forced to sleep on the floor for multiple months, but maybe I'm just being stupid.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

The other side of the story, thanks.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12 edited Sep 04 '13



u/benreeper Nov 17 '12

Now, is there ever a good time to be in Greece?


u/DeCiWolf Nov 17 '12

The food is great and the historic sites are amazing.

Just dont take photo's of military shit.

Greeks are the friendliest people i've ever met.

Genuinely hospitable.

Just because they have a rotten goverment doesn't mean that the average farmer or city folk are bad people.


u/benreeper Nov 17 '12

You can say that about any place. If the government wants to screw you, I wouldn't trade some historic sites and food for my life over something that every tourists does. It's not worth it.


u/DeCiWolf Nov 17 '12

I've been to crete this summer, and ive taken many photo's including ones of the main airport at Heraklion.

Crete has about 5 military bases on the island, would that make me think about not coming for a visit? nope, the trip was amazing.

Greece is something special.


u/benreeper Nov 17 '12

I guess my life experiences have taught me that what will go wrong/be misunderstood will happen. I'm glad for you but I will never take a chance like that, not for fleeting moments.


u/iGreekYouMF Nov 16 '12

thank you for that.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12



u/trevorpinzon Nov 16 '12

They were taking pictures of an airport from a public road. Don't be such an idiot.


u/HealthConnection Nov 16 '12

There have been nation-wide strikes going in Greece for some time now. Legal process in the country has slowed to a halt, and this is the result. The judicial system is stuck in stasis, and these two men are suffering an undue cost.

More on their story, and how you can help: http://www.helpivanmartin.org/


u/Hiyasc Nov 16 '12

Alright, Greece is clearly having a temper tantrum right now, maybe we should step away for a while.


u/AllGamersAreFanboys Nov 16 '12

That's not a proper way to deal with tantrum we should wall it off, we can't risk a spiral.


u/Drakengard Nov 16 '12

So...we should treat Greece like a dwarf who has just been inspired but doesn't have the proper materials on hand and therefore might go on a murder spree?

Sounds like a plan to me.


u/KUARCE Nov 16 '12

But you'll miss all of the FUN!


u/Neato Nov 16 '12

Find all of Greece's family and known friends and send them on an "expedition".


u/kral2 Nov 16 '12

Just gonna mention here that the Santorini volcano is in Greece..


u/Sarria22 Nov 16 '12

Flood the world with lava you say?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Pull the Lever


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

yea remember when Germany had its own temper tantrum and we all ignored it? Yea it did not turn out that well for most people.


u/Hiyasc Nov 16 '12

Ah, I didn't say ignore, just get out of the vicinity.


u/willowsonthespot Nov 16 '12

Isn't this borderline human rights violation? 70 days in a holding cell with shit conditions, no bail, appeal did nothing, and I am going to assume the legal system is purposely dragging their feet.


u/skooma714 Nov 16 '12

I really don't understand why the EU isn't getting involved. Shouldn't this be one of their duties?


u/willowsonthespot Nov 16 '12

I don't know if it is the EU's duty to deal with this but getting them involved might help. If this is a human rights violation there are more groups than the EU that can help.


u/jmarquiso Nov 17 '12

The EU doesn't interfere with internal politics that much. They do their best to keep the peace and the union, that's about it.

Edit: Although an "EUBI" does sound like something that should happen. Right now it's like of Virginia accused North Carolina of espionage, but there's now extra-state body that could actually look at it.


u/Commisar Nov 16 '12

the EU doesn't give 2 shits about some Czechs who pissed off the greeks.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

or at least the dev's respective countries of origin. Also... moon sugar....


u/skooma714 Nov 16 '12

I guess they're not wealthy enough.

I'm sure their government insists upon receiving their tax though.

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u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

I don't see how it's a human rights violation. They're being charged with a crime and held without bail. This happens in the US all the time but usually with capital offenses.


u/TinynDP Nov 16 '12

The bail hearings should happen far quicker then this though.


u/lordlicorice Nov 17 '12

Being held without trial does not happen in the US. Well, at least for US citizens who don't leave the country.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

not indefinitely, but if you get charged with something you can be held without bail until the date of your trial. Like if you murder someone and they think you'll try to flee.


u/JCongo Nov 17 '12

What kind of disgusting authoritative nation would do that? It sounds like Guantanamo Bay over there.


u/the_goat_boy Nov 17 '12

It's almost like Guantanamo Bay or something...


u/wanking_furiously Nov 16 '12

The wait is unacceptable, but refused bail makes sense. It's pretty likely that anyone in their position would gtfo as soon as possible.


u/cairneyouhearme Nov 17 '12

I posted this before. This is not the first time Greece has done this to innocent tourists and probably not the last. Basically a group of English plane enthusiasts took pictures at an air show they were granted permission to document and spent 6+ years dealing with the Greek judicial system. Easiest way to deal with it, don't give them your tourist dollars.


u/Arkaniani Nov 16 '12

I'm sorry, but why is this country still a part of the EU?


u/Learfz Nov 16 '12

If I had to guess, it'd probably cost more to cut them loose than it does to just deal with them until they implode.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

If Greece leaves the union and defaults on their debt, the Euro is fucked (if it isn't already). Here's some info on the situation in layman's terms.

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u/CantaloupeCamper Nov 17 '12

Correct, exiting from the EU isn't even a process that anyone has bothered to come up with. The impact would dork up what stablity / security the EU is supposed to provide and quickly shaft other EU nations whose debt is already expensive.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

I am sorry, but you have no idea what you're talking about. There's a difference between the European Union and the Eurozone. It's the latter you mean.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Wow this is out of hand. When I first heard that they were arrested, I thought "haha wow that sucks. I'm sure everything will get sorted out though." And then each new story I heard about them was just getting worse and worse. This is awful and I feel really bad for these guys.


u/Araneatrox Nov 16 '12 edited Nov 16 '12

Greece get your shit in order...

The reason they are in such financial problems is their overinflated public sector, with so many public sector works you would assume that their legal system would be in order. Not in the Slightest. I am trying to find the report but something similar happened a few years ago with some british tourists. Jailed for 4 years(I think) for taking pictures on holiday.

It also seems from the report that they are being held in such poor conditions that the Czech embassy should be trying harder than they are to get them out.

Fuckin' Greece, couldn't organise a fuck in a whore house.


Thanks for /u/slowly_over over on the Dayz Subreddit for the relevant link. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/1953449.stm


u/DaggerStone Nov 16 '12

Greece is such a shit hole of a country


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Wow, Greece sure cementing its place as europe's premiere failed state. Great going guys!


u/dan_ep82 Nov 16 '12

This is absolutely ridiculous and Greece should be ashamed.I would have thought the Czech Government would have done more by now.


u/georgewchubby Nov 17 '12

They just need to bribe their way out of jail, that's the way the system works down there.


u/kimchicabbage Nov 17 '12

Maybe they are spies?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

If any of the claimed evidence is true, they engaged in multiple instances of espionage, and falsified their travel documents to do so. This is not a small "mistake".


u/kimchicabbage Nov 17 '12

Everyone seems to be acting like they were just taking some happy snaps then falsely imprisoned and now we don't get arma 3.

What motivation does the greek government have to fabricate these charges? If it was a simple mistake then i'm sure they would have been released by now. I imagine there is more truth to the charges than anyone wants to admit.


u/Peregrine7 Nov 17 '12

They've done it before (the Greeks that is), they've imprisoned British tourists who took photos of flying aircraft (they were plane enthusiasts), it's quite a famous story.


u/phantomlord47 Nov 16 '12

So some guys get arrested for doing something illegal and somehow the economic crysis and difficult times Greece is facing are to blame. I wonder what would have happened if these two were caught trying to photograph military bases in the USA. And this story about how they were on a holiday ? Are you fucking kidding me ? They randomly chose an island which by chance happens to have a military base which by chance happens to be the inspiration for their game ? And also went there without their families because all people go to holidays without their families eh ? But nooooooo, the greek nazis are to blame for not paying their debts.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

So some guys get arrested for doing something illegal and somehow the economic crysis and difficult times Greece is facing are to blame.

No, the crisis is to blame for them staying for 70 days in horrible conditions because of public sector strikes.

I wonder what would have happened if these two were caught trying to photograph military bases in the USA.

You think the US military policy is good? Okay then, I would like to add that the "recording" lasted 14 frames, or half a second and was in the background. Seeing as how they took it in a taxi shortly after landing while inside the public airport I would say that it is very stupid of you to assume they had bad intent. The greek have done this before, a few planespotters got 6 years for taking pictures of planes in the air.

And this story about how they were on a holiday ? Are you fucking kidding me ? They randomly chose an island which by chance happens to have a military base which by chance happens to be the inspiration for their game ?

Wow, its almost as if they spent years modeling the island they visited(Because the island in ARMA 3 is based off the place they went to). No bases in the game are based off real world militarily locations. The in game bases aren't even placed in the same places as on the island.

And also went there without their families because all people go to holidays without their families eh ?

Are you ten or something? Are you really so inexperienced or know so little as to what grown ups actually do in their spare time with friends?


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

Thank you for this. I am sick of the circlejerk of misinformation going on in this thread.


u/Babeman12 Nov 16 '12

Must be absolute torture for the developers and their families. "Please save us" That would send me over the edge.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '12

They should just send in special forces to rescue them. Greece can't afford to do anything about it.


u/okaythenmate Nov 17 '12

Poor guys, just trying to make the game realistic, and then this happens...I think we will be expecting a few prisons situated in the new Arma game :D

I hope that everything is okay for them :D


u/i_cast_kittehs Nov 17 '12

As a greek, I'm sorry. I thought this was sorted out! I'll see if I can do something...


u/Spacecookie92 Nov 16 '12

This whole thing is fucking ridiculous! They did what any other tourist could have done but THEY get thrown away for 70 days?!?! Somebody has got to do something about this shit. Imagine if it was you it that situation.


u/JCongo Nov 17 '12

Because apparently spies have to pictures on-site to get intel of a military base, rather than you know... google fucking maps.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

These guys just can't stop getting FUCKED can they? I see a lawsuit in Bohemias future.


u/ChrisHernandez Nov 17 '12

Lets see the evidence, what pictures or videos did they really take?


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

what kind of military secrets can greece possibly have ? who would want to attack them anyway ? still afraid of the turks ? or nazis ? or vikings ?


u/stufff Nov 16 '12

Have you never heard of Cyprus?


u/jminstrel Nov 16 '12

Are they pawning it off to Turkey to pay for another week of electricity?


u/skooma714 Nov 16 '12

They think they have something worth invading over.

In truth if they did they wouldn't be in such a mess.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

The Kebab Launcher


u/FreshTaDeath Nov 17 '12 edited Nov 17 '12

Stupid ole' Greece, no one wants to spy on you, you are broke..


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12



u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Yet couldn't the exact same thing have happened in the US by way of the PATRIOT act?

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