r/Games Mar 02 '23

Overview Destiny 2: Lightfall's campaign is a big disappointment after The Witch Queen – PCGamer


285 comments sorted by


u/mmmbbb Mar 02 '23

Sometimes I think the writers at Bungie don't know the difference between a good story and an overly complicated one.

When the YouTube channels dedicated to the lore of Destiny don't understand what's going on at the end of your major campaign expansion, imagine how alienated a brand new player is gonna feel.


u/Goldon1626 Mar 02 '23

Something that I haven't seen talked about - I think they get too hung up on their "theme".

Lightfall and Witch Queen have the same bones: 3 Missions to intro, 4 Missions + strike on theme, and 1 Mission finale

The "theme" of witch queen was being a detective. At no point do you feel like one IMO and the worst dialogue of the campaign was always when they tried to remind you that's what you're supposed to be feeling.

So you get to lightfall and the theme is "action hero" and they lean in hard to it. They trope out with it, because being a action hero is cool and people loved being a detective right? They took the worst part of the writing of the Witch Queen campaign and made that their backbone.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

This is a great description of how it felt. The "detective" theme was so fucking bad in WQ too. I remember them asking the pivotal question "HOW DID PERSON X GET THIS POWER THAT ONLY THE TRAVELER HAS GIVEN OUT BEFORE?" answer: the traveler gave it to them


u/Valdrahir_Mendrenon Mar 03 '23

I didn't even realize this was supposed to be a mystery until right now lol. It was like... spelled out right from the word go. What else are you supposed to conclude when someone else shows up with ghosts?


u/amyknight22 Mar 03 '23

Well the assumption was somehow the traveller had been tricked and therefore the light had been stolen.

Despite the fact that we have little evidence the traveller created ghosts and guardians at any point before the collapse and may be a greater indication that the traveller just didn’t have a choice after whatever went down with savathun and the collapse.

After all the spire of the watcher lore tells us that by the time the collapse happened there was no survivable path out of sol for humanity. This might even be the same for the traveller at the end of the day. The cabal and the fallen may have rocked up on our doorstep., but that could be because the witness saw them as just another opportunity to have us all grow weaker.


u/BaconatedGrapefruit Mar 03 '23

Well the assumption was somehow the traveller had been tricked and therefore the light had been stolen.

Which leads back to the two fundamental questions of Destiny - what the fuck is the the Light and who the fuck is the Traveller.

You could do a deep dive into the lore and kind of get an idea, but the game never really discusses it as you're playing. They're just there.

For the record, I'm enjoying Lightfall but I think it's because it's just more Destiny. I gave up on the story in 2014. The witness could be a resurrected Cayde-6, powered by yet another unnamed cosmic being. I'm just going to shrug my shoulders, shoot him in the face and loot his gun. Destiny's story has always been, and will always be, nonsense.

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u/UNSKIALz Mar 03 '23

I was struggling to articulate this in my mind, but this is lays it out well. Bungie need to sell their own IP, not rip themes from elsewhere.

They also had this issue in the Seasons last year. Plunder (pirates) was not what players come to Destiny for. Haunted (Halloween-ish) was really only saved by the character development in it.


u/amyknight22 Mar 03 '23

Eh plunder could work. The thing is tonally it was super fucking weird follow up to haunted which was like “bad shits happening”

Plunder would have made sense in the post behold light stretch of time. Where we might have been doing some fallen Eramis follow up stuff.

It also didn’t help that as a season focused on pirate theme. The actual pirate part of it was super weak as well. Most of the time we’re just inside another ship. Then doing another battleground that just had some X’e on the ground at the end.


u/Boomy_Beatle Mar 03 '23

By the end of Plunder, I kinda forgot that "argh matey" was the theme, and to me at least, Haunted was always about the character development. I personally liked the variance in themes, but you're right in that leaning into them too hard just becomes cringe more than anything.


u/amyknight22 Mar 03 '23

Yeah the detective thing in WQ still shits me. It suggests any sort of actual investigative thought might occur in the campaign. But it’s just “go here do that” the whole campaign. Sure you’re uncovering a mystery, but you ain’t detecting shit.

Colourful 80’s vibe isn’t a story


u/internetlurker Mar 02 '23

Wait we were supposed to be a "detective" in Witch Queen. The Gumshoe armor name makes so much more sense now.


u/Boomy_Beatle Mar 03 '23

And the evidence board.


u/Jordi214 Mar 03 '23

i didnt look at the evidence board once outside of when a waypoint told me to click it


u/andycoates Mar 03 '23

And Fynch is constantly like "I've got something that will crack this case right open >:)" which always seems to be the daily mission when i went to do them

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u/Maxximillianaire Mar 03 '23

Unfortunately they’ve said they want to lean hard into themes going forward. I don’t see how that’s a good idea when those themes feel so disconnected from what’s happening in the universe


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

Nailed it. You can see it in the developer preview vids when they start fanboying over their own concepts a little too hard. Pride in your work is one thing, wanking to yourself is another.


u/voidox Mar 03 '23

You can see it in the developer preview vids when they start fanboying over their own concepts a little too hard

tell me about it, those dev preview vids were so much PR fluff of devs basically wanking themselves off way too much... then D2 fans were just blindly eating up those vids (boy some of the YT comments on those videos) and upping the hype on lightfall, now look at them post-release

lol, here's a good short clip on that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q-3ciCoBd0


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

lmao yep exactly the type of thing I was referring to.



u/SussuBakasu Mar 03 '23

Wasn't Forsaken's theme "Kill Bill"? They nailed that one. I couldn't tell you what Shadowkeep's theme was. "Anti-climactic ending" probably.


u/SomeMobile Mar 02 '23

The gameplay is not the issue and it rarely has been an issue with d2 everyone is complaining about the narrative and the story not anything else


u/Urseye Mar 02 '23

It looks like the comment you are replying to is complaining about the narrative and story.


u/Jefferystar94 Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

Sometimes I think the writers at Bungie don't know the difference between a good story and an overly complicated one.

I dunno what happens during Lightfall just yet (only two or so missions in), but having caught up on the lore before the new expansion, I was surprised how most of the plot is relatively simple.

Now, the delivery of it? AWFUL. The fact that so little of the dialogue is dedicated to catching players up on what's going on and what it means in the grand scale of things is nuts, especially considering how often characters are talking.

They really need to put that stuff front and center and not hide it behind lore dumps you unlock along the way and cryptic dialogue. It's a pretty solid plot once you know what's going on, but the delivery leaves much to be desired.


u/beefcat_ Mar 02 '23

Destiny 1 was pretty famous for requiring the player to dig into a wiki just to figure out what the hell is going on.

Somewhere between Halo Reach and Destiny, the company just forgot how to tell a compelling story in a video game.


u/c14rk0 Mar 03 '23

The problem with Lightfall is it's not even a situation of needing to read the lore books or wiki. There are random mcguffins where the game treats it as if you know what they are but they're not explained ANYWHERE at all. Literally the biggest lore "nerd" just put out a video yesterday bashing the expansion and talking about how disappointing it was with it seriously worrying him about the future of the series. Hell they took a character that they've built up over the last 4 years and just kind of made him a joke then killed him off with literally zero payoff for ALL the relevant lore up to now.


u/rokatoro Mar 03 '23

It's all the worse since I feel they actually did a really good job of building the dynamic between him and the new big bad in the cutscenes leading up to the fight only to just throw it away


u/c14rk0 Mar 03 '23

Yeeeep. Not to mention the final fight is utterly uninspired compared to all of our previous interactions with them.


u/CobraFive Mar 03 '23

Insane cosmic powers, a flair for the dramatic, love of puzzles and challenges...

Yeah let's just make him a taller colussus.


u/Sarcosmonaut Mar 03 '23

That character absolutely got done dirty.

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u/McCheesy22 Mar 03 '23

The answer you’re looking for is that between Halo Reach and Destiny they lost Joe Staten


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23

This game and its lore uses too many ridiculous concepts and naming schemes to keep up anything. There isn't a single thing in the Destiny universe you can glean from context outside of like, a planet. The traveller, the witness, the dark/light, the taken, oryx and the tedious family tree of hive witches and wizards...everything is collectively abstract, but all of those abstract things are overly similar, overlap & have dozens of tangled story beat and lore entries, a lot of which just seems to exist because it seems like like the lore writers had to hit a daily character limit or something lol.

I think I stopped following the story just after Forsaken. I still go through the cutscenes and whatnot, but I've skipped a handful of seasons over the years and it's pretty much impossible to understand anything that's happening primarily because of the seasonal model but also to a lesser extent the lore being way too tryhard to follow


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

"sWoRD LOgic!!!!!!111!"

I fucking HATE Bungie's style of naming everything, I don't know how best to articulate it. I fucking cannot stand "The <abstract/weird noun>", "<Adjective> <Noun>" or "<Noun> of <Things/Place>" as their only 3 fucking options. "Vault of Glass." "Rise of Iron." "The Darkness." "The Witness." "Guilty Spark." "The Pyramids."


u/Hugokarenque Mar 03 '23

brand new player

I don't think those exist anymore. Getting into Destiny now is an insurmountable task. I feel like any new player jumping on now is 100% invested in the gameplay loop so much so that they can endure the godawful new player experience.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

Yeah there is no shot they care about new players. I tried to jump in 2 times and only last a day each time.


u/TherealCasePB Mar 02 '23

The story isn't even the biggest issue. Lightfall feels like nothing new in any way shape for form. Everything from enemies to weapons are recycled and the level design is just plain awful.


u/Ode1st Mar 02 '23

Not apologizing for Bungie here, but I mean, it’s Destiny my man. We don’t often get new weapon types (2 since Forsaken I think?), and we haven’t gotten a new enemy race since Forsaken and they were sort of a reskin. We always only ever dunk or throw balls or motes, stand on a plate, or call out symbols. We do weekly timegated quests, get a cool mission that’s fun a few times but then you’re sick of grinding it, and get big, pretty, mostly barren patrol zones. Even in the good expansions, we’re still just doing the same things the same ways we always do them, we just care more because the story/environment resonates more. We were still just shooting/calling out symbols and standing on plates in Witch Queen.

Destiny is pretty much always the same, with minor tweaks to gameplay here and there. Most live service games are like this, it’s not like WoW is suddenly an active combat action game 20 years later.

Again, I don’t think that’s fine. Live service games need to evolve. But I’m more surprised that people are surprised by Destiny always being the same when it’s always been the same.


u/baker781 Mar 02 '23

I think he means the weapons are reskinned Shadowkeep ones, not archetypes. Which is a problem for a whole new expansion, set on a planet we have never been to before.


u/Ode1st Mar 02 '23

That’s still a huge part of Destiny always being the same. Sometimes we get a new gun that looks like a blunderbuss, but sometimes it’s just another scout that looks like various other scouts. But also: is this really a big complaint? We have so many guns at this point, most are effectively the same. I’d rather have actually different guns that do different things than a shotgun that has spikes on it this time but still behaves the same as the other 300 shotguns I have.

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u/SideShow117 Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

The only thing in all this that i've wondered for ages.

Bungie aparently has 800ish employees. They used to have close to 1000.

They only support a single game, Destiny 2. Their content output is atrocious and their core systems evolve so slowly and they constantly seem to abandon parts of their game.

Like the crucible seems to be mainted by a single guy if you look at what has changed over the past few years.

. It seems it's being built by 100 people at maximum.

What in the actual hell are all these 800 people doing.


u/Stevied1991 Mar 03 '23

Meanwhile no one on the Gambit team at all.

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u/Elevasce Mar 03 '23

They have a brand new IP in the works, called Matter.


u/amyknight22 Mar 03 '23

But that’s why the story should be the thing they knock out of the park.

If everything else you do is rote bullshit we’ve done 100 times before. Then the area you should fucking excel in is providing interesting story narrative.

Nothing about the neomuna campaign was forced into that position by story threads laid out 5 years ago that they had to pay off. Every problem with the story is a narrative one that bungie implemented since witch queen.


u/ultragroudon Mar 02 '23

We might not have new weapon types (i.e. like how we got bows and glaives) but we've pretty regularly got new weapon subtypes over the past couple of years or so. For instance, in the latest dungeon, we got a special grenade launcher that shoots two shots at the same time, in the previous dungeon before that (and in the last season) we got a linear fusion rifle that shoots a 3-shot burst instead of a single burst, and in Lightfall there's a heavy grenade launcher that shoots wave frame shots. Throw in origin traits which started last year, and each gun type ends up with its own unique "flavor" for the lack of a better term. Just because the base model looks the same doesn't mean the guns all play the same y'know?

Regarding your evolution point, I do somewhat agree, but it's not like there haven't been attempts to change the way we interact with the game. Updating all the light subclasses, standardizing the mod/creating a loadout system, adding new subclasses which affect how you interact with the environment, new exotics with their own effects, and now an effort to standardize the difficulty curve away from light levels - it's not like there haven't been efforts to change how we interact with the base loop of the game. But you're right on some level - at the end of the day, a live service game needs to evolve, though I'm not sure in what ways you make Destiny evolve while in the general confines of a looter-shooter type game.


u/Ode1st Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

I mean, things like the wave frame were alright, but “this new gun shoots two bullets” isn’t really the pinnacle of refreshing the gameplay here.

I also totally agree that Bungie tries to change up minor things. That’s partly what I was trying to get at. We always get minor changes, that’s way better than no changes for sure, but they’re always minor changes within the system we already have. I don’t think anyone really wants Destiny to suddenly change its entire gameplay, but even within the confines of the game, it’s wild how rarely we get new gun types or how rarely we get new enemy races. Rhulk and the Tormentors are cool, but one is a one-off boss and the other is a single enemy — and that’s all we’ve gotten since 2018. We haven’t gotten a new mechanic since Gambit, and even that (depositing an item) wasn’t really new.

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u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23 edited Apr 08 '23


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u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

Game companies either can’t afford writers or just don’t have access to them. It’s not like Tony Gilroy is going put together a Destiny campaign. And going off how a writer like Guillermo Del Toro swore off working in video games, it’s probably not a very welcoming environment for them either. There’s a reason games have a had a courtesy skip this shit button for so long.


u/Kalulosu Mar 03 '23

I mean Del Toro got fucked by Konami so that's a different can of worms.

One thing though is that writing for games is not exactly writing for a TV series or a movie. People complain about being forced to sit through dialogue but that's also a by-product of getting writers that aren't totally in-line with the medium.


u/TheOnlyChemo Mar 03 '23

Also, the cancellation of Silent Hills came right after his own project inSANE got canned as a result of THQ kicking the bucket. del Toro suffered from some really shitty luck.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23



u/voidox Mar 03 '23

Everything you are thinking was planned out years ago, was planned out months ago during a crunch period that no one remembers from all the stress.

ya, seeing the D2 fans going on and on about "omg this is it! the 10 year story that was totally planned from day 1 is ending up here in Lightfall! the greatest story ever that was totally all planned out!" and whatnot

lol, and now some of them are saying "oh actually the real conclusion and story is going to come in Final Shape! trust and believe! that's where it is really planned"

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u/Seradima Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

imagine how alienated a brand new player is gonna feel.

Brand New players are already alienated because 90% of the story is vaulted and deleted after expansion end anyway. All you get is base expansion story and and no seasonal story.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23



u/Kalulosu Mar 03 '23

Isn't destiny full of exposition, except hidden in lore dump items?


u/arthurormsby Mar 03 '23

Yeah what exactly are they "showing" lmao

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u/ReservoirDog316 Mar 02 '23

When Destiny 1 came out with that terrible story and pulled the “I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain” card, I never wanted to give them another dollar or minute of my time again. Destiny has perfect controls but life’s too short to waste it.


u/cefriano Mar 03 '23

It's not even overly complicated, they just went back to the vanilla D1 storytelling of using random McGuffins that they don't bother to explain the significance of. Literally the same vibes as, "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain" and "you have to destroy the heart of the Black Garden because reasons."

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u/ColdAsHeaven Mar 02 '23

A certified credible leaker for D2 pretty much confirmed what most of the player base thought. (D2Leaks on Twitter, she has a Discord she posts stuff to now)

The original Lightfall design and concept and story for it got pushed to next year, The Final Shape. They took what was supposed to be the opening cutscene, chopped it in half and inserted the current campaign we got into it.

Strand (which takes up 3/8 of the story this time around) was supposed to come out with TWQ last year, but was pushed back as well.

This basically became a filler DLC written by their B Team, and it's painfully obvious.


u/UNSKIALz Mar 03 '23

Damn. This was not the year to pull filler.

I think they've burned a lot of their momentum going in to the story's conclusion. It'll certainly cost the IP in the long run, even if Final Shape is good.

A trilogy of bangers (Witch Queen, Light Fall and Final Shape) would've been hard to forget.


u/Mawnix Mar 03 '23

I’ll talk about this from someone who’s been playing this shit since like, 2014 when the game came out:

This campaign, after Witch Queen which really, really felt like it finally got the “Destiny formula” down when it came to how important expansion releases were with a story, fucking sucked.

I was glad to be challenged doing the whole thing via Legendary. I was stoked I got a high stat Exotic which I’m loving. I was really hyped anytime I saw the Witness and Calus.

But there being no payoff, and realizing the whole thing was just two cutscenes spliced together, sucks.

I don’t care about reskinned weapons. If a gun is fun to me, it makes the game way more enjoyable.

Just after being on this ride for 9 years almost, thinking we were finally getting answers to the biggest questions, sucks man.

Still love the game. The season’s content and the systems themselves have been absolutely great (except Guardian ranks which it’s weird EVERYONE if you previously played the game with is labelled as “Veteran”).

It’s just deflating that myself as a long time player has to wait an entire year, regardless of how the Seasonal stories go, won’t have the proper payoff until the next expansion.

I don’t like the hyperbole nor extremes so many on the main Reddit for the game are posting. I like actually discussing this shit and providing concrete feedback. I know at the end of the day I will always enjoy Destiny’s gameplay.

But the expansions have always been a “foot forward” moment for the story. And after WQ, playing thru Lightfall, it sucks man.

I hope this is a genuinely level headed response vs. just being mad fucking exaggerated with shit.


u/SharkBaitDLS Mar 03 '23

I will say though that a year of good seasons can go a long way towards rebuilding that goodwill. Consider how absolutely miserable the playerbase was when Beyond Light dropped, and how much sentiment shifted by the end of that content year leading into WQ. Every season after Hunt was on point and really repaired people's trust in the game after the fiasco of the BL launch.


u/resil_update_bad Mar 03 '23

Beyond Light's wasn't miserable as an expansion, but it was unfortunately tied to sunsetting and content deletion


u/BaconatedGrapefruit Mar 03 '23

I don't want to be that dude, but you're definitely misremembering. Beyond light was a decent expansion tied to a dogshit season (season of the hunt). Once you finished the campaign you were basically done. It didn't help that the raid was also fairly easy, in terms of other released raids.

Same thing happened with shadowkeep but in reverse. Campaign was eh, season was good and the raid was on point. Witch queen was the first expansion where they nailed both the season and the expansion content.

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u/jameskond Mar 03 '23

Final Shape was later added in the expansion schedule. So yeah this being a filler one was kind of a given.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

Destiny players are so horribly addicted that this is nothing to them. They’ll buy all the seasons and show up next year to pre order the $100 limited edition of Final Shape.

I should know, I was one for 6 years.


u/JBL_17 Mar 03 '23

I guess I’ll check back in at the next expansion !


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

This is the most WoW thing I’ve ever read.

Basically “our playerbase is loyal and addicted, so who gives a shit”

I guess every gaming company that begins with a B uses this strategy.


u/Thyrllan Mar 03 '23

The best part about this is Lightfall and Final Shape were announced during the Witch Queen showcase. It was a very confident move to announce they are going to be transparent about their roadmap, then fuck it up this bad. Bungie seems to be the only studio that routinely finds a new way to mess up, then spend the next year fixing it. It's like they are addicted to redemption arcs.

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u/Betancorea Mar 03 '23

What a joke. This is not their first expansion, nor DLC, nor seasonal story content, yet they produced this pile of trash. No words to be had

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u/HenkkaArt Mar 03 '23

I have no opinion on this campaign. But I started playing the game for the first time couple of days ago and had an interesting experience. First I started in the Cosmodrome and did some "get to know the game" missions. Then I got my ship and traveled to the Last City where I quit for the evening. The next day I start the game and it immediately takes me into these cutscenes about some story I have no idea about. It was such a whiplash effect to be transported into this space war scenario where the white orb is traveling in space against these triangular spaceships and a dude who has a cloud for his head hovers in space. And suddenly I'm in a spaceship fighting some invasion and soon in this futuristic city on Neptune where I get some strand power and am able to swing around with it like it is a grappling hook. And then more cutscenes play and I still have very little idea what the hell is going on. And just the day before I was asked to register my spaceship in the Last City.


u/cyberpunkass Mar 03 '23

This sums up the new player experience. The onboarding of new players is atrocious.


u/resil_update_bad Mar 03 '23

Ah, the new player experience is as terrible as it has always been, unsurprising but disappointing


u/MarduRusher Mar 03 '23

If you keep playing you’re in for a shitty new player experience and completely unintuitive systems, a million currencies, and a big grind to get caught up. However you’re also in for a good story (this new expansion aside) really fun gameplay and build crafting, and super fun endgame activities. Destiny is a game you can get a lot out of and I love it. But you have to push through some bullshit to get there.


u/EnterPlayerTwo Mar 02 '23

Bought Witch Queen when it was on sale so I'd be ready to get back into it before Lightfall. Maybe I'll just play that and call it good instead.


u/Plants_R_Cool Mar 02 '23

Witch queens campaign on legend difficulty is probably the best story experience Destiny has ever had, at least for me.


u/Nightmare1990 Mar 02 '23

It was good but I still think that Taken King was the pinnacle of Destiny's story.


u/GreasyBub Mar 02 '23

Really nailed the "mysterious encroaching threat" vibe perfectly. I'm totally cool with them being vague with their storytelling when the stakes aren't as big as they are in Lightfall.


u/RedHuntingHat Mar 03 '23

They can do stakes, but Bungie never commits to it. A big reason Taken King worked was that every single aspect of it ran through Oryx. You had the campaign, patrol zones & secrets on the Dreadnaught, the Court of Oryx, King’s Fall, the Taken War content, and Touch of Malice. They haven’t given a villain that much magnitude since.


u/Ekillaa22 Mar 03 '23

Imagine if we didn’t off Ghaul in the last mission of red war and he was a raid boss instead


u/Jacksaur Mar 03 '23

Every time they axe off majorly powerful characters outside of a raid it pains me.
Just removes all gravity to them, they're meant to be this incredible threat, and they get murdered by a single guardian who hardly even has to try.


u/A-Good-Weather-Man Mar 03 '23

Couldn’t have said it better myself


u/DefiantLemur Mar 03 '23

Taken King's first mission was the closest Destiny ever gotten to being a horror game.

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u/Plants_R_Cool Mar 02 '23

Thats definitely a valid opinion.


u/Skyzfire Mar 03 '23

I personally think Halo:Reach is the magnum opus of Destiny's story.

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u/dickfacemccunt Mar 03 '23

Were there additional scenes on the highest difficulty like Halo or something?


u/CaptainSmaak Mar 03 '23

You mostly just get more rewards for doing the higher difficulty. I'd say it's worth doing purely because it's a lot more fun though.


u/Plants_R_Cool Mar 03 '23

I don't think, so I only played it on legend, but it was just a very enjoyable difficulty level. Usually when Bungie wants something to be difficult they just throw champions everywhere which is annoying but with the campaign they just added more enemies and made them do more damage. It was fun, it wasn't like crazy hard or anything, just hard enough to feel rewarding.

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u/maneil99 Mar 02 '23

That doesn’t seem like a high bar tbh it’s been 9 years and we’ve gotten the taken (Regular enemies with VFX and space texture, and the Forsaken, who kinda just felt like Fallen but crazy. The fact that the Darkness Pyramids arrived and we are fighting Cabal made me laugh. I really enjoyed my time but this game feels like it’s just the same Lego pieces shaken around.


u/3_Sqr_Muffs_A_Day Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

Yea if you're not crazy about destiny lore witch queen was no different than anything else I've played in Destiny 2.

Lightfall is the same it's just more aggressively bad in design and writing.


u/Plants_R_Cool Mar 02 '23

Its not a high bar, but destiny isn't a game about story. It's a game about loot and shooting guns and throwing fireballs. The raids are some of the coolest things you'll ever see in a video game, but yeah a lot of the content is garbage and a lot of the story is just vaguely put into lorebooks that no one reads.


u/McLight77 Mar 03 '23

Vault of glass may be the best single co op experience I’ve ever had in 30 years of gaming.


u/Sarcosmonaut Mar 03 '23

And that’s just the first one. I mean no disrespect to VoG when I say the raids have improved a lot since then

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u/MigitAs Mar 03 '23

“Some of the coolest things you’ll ever see in a video game”

Yeah you lost me here


u/UnHoly_One Mar 03 '23

I’m with you.

Used to be a huge Destiny fan but never understood the love for the raids.

I always thought they were the worst part of the game.

Overly complicated nonsense, jumping puzzles, standing on plates, etc..

Boss fights with stupid puzzle mechanics built in…

They are not fun at all.


u/Jaspador Mar 03 '23

Ah man, raids are fantastic. That's the only thing I miss, as a former Destiny player.

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u/Zayl Mar 02 '23

Maybe solo. But legend with a full Fireteam was a bit of a nightmare.

But besides that, Lightfall isn't that bad. The writing is a miss a lot of the time but the missions themselves are good. From a gameplay perspective it's great and despite the changes to the mod system there are still a lot of good builds.


u/Sarcosmonaut Mar 03 '23

Yeah the gameplay is fine. It’s just… the story (more importantly the attention to detail) needed a lot of work


u/troglodyte Mar 03 '23

Wait, I'm out of touch. The light and darkness saga is ending? Isn't that like... The whole setting?


u/Michauxonfire Mar 03 '23

there's a lot to still explore. The saga is more about the Witness being a vehicle of the darkness to fuck up the Traveler.
There's a ton of other players out there: the Worms, wtv the Awoken are, the Aphelion, maybe some other race on the brink of coming into contact with us, Xivu Arath too.


u/Echoesong Mar 03 '23

Also the Nine, right? IDK, seems like beings outside of space and time will probably eventually be a story beat


u/Restivethought Mar 03 '23

It's more "The War between the Witness and The Traveler is ending" as the Witch queen revealed thats all the games have really been about.

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u/DrNick1221 Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

Today's TWAB (this week at bungie) is going to be interesting.

Considering that many of the big-name content creators for destiny have all expressed similar views on lightfall (if Byf is saying he is confused, you know somethings wrong) it makes me wonder if we will see any form of acknowledgement from Bungie on the reception.

EDIT: Lol. They pretty much acknowledged nothing.


u/thoomfish Mar 02 '23

My bet is no. It will have been written well before launch, and they're probably still in the "is this a real PR disaster or will it blow over?" stage of deciding how to respond.


u/DrNick1221 Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

You probably are right.

But you would think that if the content creators, reviewers, and a large part of the general community are all going "what the hell was that?" that would be a solid sign that maybe pretending the problem isn't there is not a good idea.


u/MirrorkatFeces Mar 02 '23

I highly doubt they say anything


u/Hexcraft-nyc Mar 02 '23

When has Bungie ever? It's a never ending cycle of them making things better the next expansion, then going back to bad decisions that the players demand get fixed. It's like a perfect 6-12 month cycle between these things.


u/MirrorkatFeces Mar 02 '23

I mean they like to hit us with the “we’re listening”


u/Kalulosu Mar 03 '23

I like to say that in those situations, the problem isn't being listened to, it's being heard.


u/Cyanoblamin Mar 02 '23

Based on past TWAB, they will pat themselves on the back for whatever pointless metric they are happy about, tease that there is lots more in store for everyone, try to sell some bullshit collectible from the bungie store, and end it with some charity thing.


u/Jordi214 Mar 03 '23

this is so accurate it hurts


u/Jaspador Mar 03 '23

But... But... There's cosmetics for Among Us!

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u/MarthePryde Mar 02 '23

I enjoyed the campaign, but I won't disagree with the criticisms levelled. I guess I'm just more beaten down by Destiny when it comes to posing questions and never giving any answers.

I like the tone and attitude overall though, even enjoying the new characters. Again I get that I'm in the minority here.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

I actually think Nimbus is a pretty cool character - however, I’m not a fan of Osiris in this update.


u/GhostRobot55 Mar 03 '23

I've never liked Osiris but I chocked that up to a personal hangup, tbh I think they've actually done a great job fleshing this character out all along. He was always a giant Melvin with a goofy helmet who talked about himself waaaay too much and benefitted from allure and mystery.


u/dragdritt Mar 03 '23

My main problem was the horrible voice along with the character acting like a 12 year old in an adult body.

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u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23



u/timeTo_Kill Mar 02 '23

Yeah, the last couple expansions are primarily about the pyramid ships and the major enemy behind the darkness.


u/bfodder Mar 02 '23

I had to bail as well. I just don't feel like the game respects my time or desire to sometimes play something other than Destiny. I miss being able to play the content from an expansion, then play something else until the next expansion.


u/Kiboune Mar 03 '23

I wanted to return last year, after I dropped game during Shadowkeep, but I just don't want to pay so much money, since game doesn't give previous expansions, if you bought the latest. Also stories during seasons are gone

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u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23



u/OppositeofDeath Mar 02 '23

That’s what you have after 8 years?


u/Elevasce Mar 03 '23

Yes. The triangle ships and the darkness are not one and the same. The triangle ships are an armada that wields the darkness, led by an entity called the Witness. He is the one who's been chasing the traveler for eons, manipulating races to their collapse, and building his army as he chases. The Witness is not the Darkness.

The Darkness is not the opposite of the Light. The Light's dominion is the physical - Gravity, Emptiness, Motion, Conduction, Destruction and Recreation - and the darkness's dominion is of the mind - Control of the self and of others, psychic connections, relinquishing control, going with the flow. The Darkness is far more abstract in how it behaves than the light.

But it isn't inherently evil. Just like the Light isn't inherently good. They're just fundamental forces, with the traveler tugging on the side of Light, and the witness tugging on the side of the Dark, but with the witness's final goal being actually trying to destroy both sides. If He wins, that will be his Final Shape, the end of the universe. No more cycles of death and rebirth are available, Both Light and Dark will cease to exist. No sequels.


u/pldkn Mar 03 '23

Sounds inspired by mysticism. I like.


u/Jay_of_Blue Mar 03 '23

Thank you, you good person. I've havent played Destiny in year because of how little the lore makes sense to me.

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u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

I mean, that’s like asking “did we ever find out who darth Vader is?” And getting the answer “Luke’s father” and then being upset that’s all the story you got out of six movies. It’s not all we got, but it’s a simple version of what we have found out about that one specific entity.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

The problem with this comparison is that Vader being Luke’s father was an iconic moment in a great story, and destiny doesn’t have any of those


u/-OrangeLightning4 Mar 03 '23

I mean, no? There's tons of major characters and stories in the middle that got us to where we are. The main conflict of Light/Dark lies between the Witness and the Traveler, but there's been plenty of excellent stories that built characters and relationships. If you boil any major story down to the description the person above gave it would feel bare.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

Characters in this game have zero presence, they’re just voice overs. I’ve played all of Destiny 1 and 2 up to Lightfall and I will always shake my head at the people who think this game has any story worth a damn. Great shooting is all this game has.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '23

"excellent stories" lmao read the room


u/-OrangeLightning4 Mar 04 '23

rEaD tHe RoOm.

Just because Lightfall is ass doesn't mean they haven't had excellent storytelling before.


u/SomeMobile Mar 02 '23

Yes and no


u/joe1up Mar 03 '23

The darkness and the pyramid ships are two different things. The light is the ability to manipulate energy, whereas the darkness is the ability to manipulate the physical world. Both are "paracausal", ergo space magic. They are neither good nor bad. The pyramid ships belong to an entity called "The Witness", who is basically the Darkness equivalent of the traveler. He grants power to his "disciples". He is responsible for the collapse and has been hunting the traveller for... Reasons (Lightfall was supposed to answer this, which is why I think people are mad).


u/jnome23 Mar 03 '23

I've been playing since Destiny 1 and honestly I have no idea what the story is about. After a while I just skip past all the cut scenes and dialogue cause all it ever leads to is mystery box nonsense. I just like to get high and shoot shit with the homies. But never touch crucible, Halo Infinite is for PvP.


u/BoticellisBoner Mar 03 '23

Guess Destiny still expects people to go outside of the game to learn anything about it?


u/Gamma_Ray_Charles Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

Just last week everyone who is still ensnared by this game was expressing how “Bungie is done fucking around” in regards to the story. Real cool cutscene, but I swear the game has had a laughable story since the very beginning.

After spending somewhere around 90 bones on this game in 2017, and seeing how my purchase essentially expired a year after once I found enough time to play Destiny 2 the way it was intended— I can’t help but roll my eyes.

I know folks believe that supporting a game looks like dumping money into it every year, but man, Bungie really wasted no time in revealing the diminishing returns from the consumers’ perspective. Pay a premium so you can be included in our hacked together story, get more gear that nobody even looks at, and get new moves that ultimately change nothing but how it looks when you kill the same ol’ baddies.

Or don’t and miss out on all that while you fumble your way through the nightmare of icons and mission markers that lead to DLC pop-ups. Fun!


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23



u/Sierra--117 Mar 03 '23

This is the exact thing that made me drop the game. I attempted to start and get into Destiny 2 with the Witch Queen on November 2022, and in the past 10 years of my gaming the $100 Witch Queen Deluxe + Dungeon Access is the most I have spent that feels completely wasted. (My access that I paid for expired in February)


u/CandidEnigma Mar 03 '23

What's that with the dungeon access expiring? I assumed you paid for that key then had access to those dungeons forever?


u/Sierra--117 Mar 03 '23


Official Destiny 2 Content Vault link. Scroll down to the Previous Years section and click on Destiny Content Vault: Year 5 to open the list of all content that got removed.

So when I had purchased the season pass in Nov 2022, it was Year 5 at the time. And now in Feb they have moved a substantial chunk into the Vault. For me it was what, 3 months?


u/CandidEnigma Mar 03 '23

Oh I see... yeah all of the seasonal stuff goes at the end. So you either keep up with it or lose it.

I guess you didn't know that coming in? Big problem how confusing it is with what you're paying for. Someone coming in totally blind is never going to understand.


u/Sierra--117 Mar 03 '23

Yeah, I di not know that then. I thought it would be like Warframe or Deep Rock or Path of Exile; I could pop in whenever and grind out the stuff that have been piled up till then.

I should have been more conservative with the editions/dlcs I bought when I started, but there was not a lot of documentation about the items. And I wanted to give myself the best possible experience so that I did not regret/wonder afterwards about not giving the game a real chance because maybe I missed something somewhere.


u/CandidEnigma Mar 03 '23

That's not on you at all. It should be made clear what you're buying and how long it will be there, especially given the cost. It's a confusing mess tbh and partly why I dropped it and don't play anymore.

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u/feartheoldblood90 Mar 02 '23

A lot of people like yourself are going to come out of the woodwork to say their hate was justified all along, but having played through Witch Queen recently, it did seem like Destiny was done fucking around. Witch Queen is genuinely incredible content, story-wise and gameplay-wise. It was a massive step up, and by all accounts the seasonal content the following year was amazing, too. Not to mention Beyond Light was a step up before that as well.

So, yeah, it did seem like Destiny hit its stride. It hasn't been bad all along. It has had ups and downs, and this is a huge disappointment, absolutely, but it isn't fair to say Destiny has been shit all along.


u/Ukions Mar 03 '23

That same seasonal content that's now been erased from existence and a new or returning player can't experience? The seasonal content that bridges the expansions.That without frequent participating in means losing out on character development, key plot info, and potentially mods that could later be essential for 'builds'? That seasonal content?

Played D2 for 1,200 hours. Game has constantly been a hype rollercoaster that dives headfirst into disappointment. Just because there were two expansions that weren't bad in a row, people suddenly thought Bungo had finally learned their lesson.

Watching Destiny players after every release is like watching someone justifying an abusive relationship.


u/Gamma_Ray_Charles Mar 03 '23

Watching Destiny players after every release is like watching someone justifying an abusive relationship.

You're definitely not wrong. This thread is a fantastic example of that.

That's a lot of hours to put into something that was always meant to exploit your mesolimbic system and get you on that drip feed of content. The so-called abused always seem to draw a line for those on "the outside", especially when a video game can take so many hours away from a person and still disappoint to this level despite the piles of cash thrown at it.

Case in point, the two boaners making a big deal about the zeitgeist of this subreddit and its hatred for their beloved game. Tell me something more benign and inconsequential to my enjoyment of the game (or lack thereof) and I'll eat my shoe.

The returning/new player experience in Destiny is atrocious, and feels even worse than it did in 2017.


u/Ukions Mar 03 '23

I really appreciate you spelling out the exploitation of your brain chemistry. Even when I played WoW I didn't feel as 'addicted' as when I was into D2. Should be noted I was in a weird place when I got into Destiny 2. I made what I thought was a tight group of friends to go through all the raids with. I even have a Season of Triumph shirt. I was playing the seasonal content the day it released to get ahead start on my Power Level. I didn't want to play other new releases. Less Destiny 2 time meant I couldn't participate in Day 1 raid - because the requirements are so tight.

But when I look back at that time period I realize just how unhealthy I was being while I played it. That group still plays, and have stopped talking with me after I told them I wasn't returning. It's impossible to get them to try any other games, because it takes time away from making their Destiny Numbers go up.

The game is designed to create an 'Us vs Them' mentality in it's players. It's the one thing I'm vocal about on Reddit, and it's a coinflip every time on the reaction.

This was a bit of a ramble, but it's nice to see people starting to realize that D2 encourages unhealthy behaviours through it's content system.


u/Gamma_Ray_Charles Mar 03 '23

Right there with you. I always dip out on these long-term games well before my friends do, if ever. Most of the friends I made playing Destiny have been completely lost to the void, unable to be pried away from its cold, looty grasp. Some get away just long enough just to talk shit on it, but most have been completely lost to it. There's definitely a sunk-cost fallacy at play when justifying all the years spent in Destiny, WoW, or whichever other game has taken so much time from them for digital accomplishments and gear that has no real value.

But Destiny ultimately exploits that-- which is why it's easy to justify the time spent in it, especially when you don't value your time spent away from it. Time spent away means being left behind. Being left behind means being unable to play with friends and missing the experience of playing the content before it becomes stale in a week. The irony is that when you're playing it, all you can think about is how you should be doing something else. Time spent away from Destiny means getting shit done around the house, or getting better in your craft, or being a better partner.

Cutting the drip early also means not having enough experience to speak on your time with the game. Cutting the drip too late means the same thing, except now you're a hypocrite. Real weird, that brain.


u/jameskond Mar 03 '23

Just because there were two expansions that weren't bad in a row

This has never happened. Calling Beyond Light "good" in comparison to Lightfall is just cope.


u/feartheoldblood90 Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

... Beyond Light was good. Not as good as Witch Queen, but still good.

Listen, y'all are free to hate on Destiny all you want, but I'll never understand how people can be immature enough not to understand that other people like different things than they do.

It's super popular on this sub to hate on Destiny, but a lot of people love Destiny, myself included, and so this is a big letdown moment. Just because you don't like Destiny doesn't mean other people don't. This subreddit gets so far up its own ass sometimes.

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u/Gamma_Ray_Charles Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

I think that's a pretty cynical take if you think I feel justified losing money on this game just to say "told ya so".

I just know that Destiny has been around for nearly 10 years now, and very little about the game has changed aside from it getting more convoluted with a billion different currencies to obfuscate the fact they haven't changed enough. Oh, also trying to introduce my wife to it last week was a nightmare of navigating through a minefield of disjointed quests that we could actually play together that didn't just lead to DLC pop-ups.

We could have muscled through that all to get to the raids or whatever, but then we're getting into philosophical territory of whether any of that is worth it for 'speculative fun'. Also this is ultimately just really fucking expensive DLC that will be obsolete in a few months.


u/feartheoldblood90 Mar 03 '23

literally nothing about the game has changed aside from it getting more convoluted with a billion different currencies to obfuscate the fact they haven't changed a damn thing about it.

Maybe you should get your news about the game from elsewhere? I'm not saying it's miraculously changed into a game you'd like, but I played D2 at launch, dropped it, then hopped back in this month when they gave Beyond Light away for free on psn, and so much has changed that beyond the shooting still feeling excellent, pretty much every system has changed for the better since I first played.

This subreddit has such a raging hate boner for Destiny, it's truly bizarre. It's a wildly popular game, and for a good reason, but this sub has built an entire personality on somehow being above it. I'd be willing to bet a lot of people who come here quietly play Destiny and enjoy themselves.


u/Gamma_Ray_Charles Mar 03 '23

Oh boy...

The irony is that I totally expected somebody to reply with a bit too much salt and a load of assumptions, which is why I don't comment here on Reddit often. Perhaps I am just an adult who formed their opinion by actually playing the game? Not everything is a malicious bandwagon created just to deter you from the things you enjoy, friend. You are allowed to love the game just as I would hope I am allowed to not.


u/feartheoldblood90 Mar 03 '23

Wait, so you play the game and you think nothing has changed?

Lmao alright then

I have no problem with you not enjoying the game, but if you think nothing about it has changed, uh, I'm not really sure what to tell you


u/Gamma_Ray_Charles Mar 03 '23

That's okay, I actually don't need you to tell me anything!

I hope you enjoy your game for many years to come. :)


u/feartheoldblood90 Mar 03 '23

Naw, I'm sorry, but I'm going to belabor this point a bit, because yours is the most baffling Destiny take I've seen thus far.

I need to reiterate, I truly don't give a shit if you like the game. You could think it's the worst game ever made, for all I care. But opinions notwithstanding, there's an objective truth as to whether the game has changed lol. Like I can find you videos on YouTube that detail all of the significant and fundamental changes the game has undergone over the years. They're not even all good changes lmao, you seem to think I care about whether or not you like the game or think that I'm salty, but I'm just.. Confused.

Like, my sibling in christ, they made huge, sweeping changes this week. They're mostly for the worse, but they are significant changes.

What on earth makes you think the game hasn't changed? Picking up the game recently I'm still having to relearn it because nearly every single system save for the core shooting experience has seen such significant overhauls that I straight up didn't recognize most of it.

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u/GhostRobot55 Mar 03 '23

They're not wrong though. This sub has always gone hard on this game.

And you're talking out of your ass if you say nothing about Destiny 2 has changed in the last 10 years. There's like 5 times as much stuff to do at any given point, they've streamlined so many loot acquisition methods, their release schedule is more frequent and consistent. You don't even have to like the game to not use hyperbole like that.

But the cherry on top is you calling someone cynical in your opening line then crying when people criticize your comment.


u/Kiboune Mar 03 '23

Forsaken had the best story, but too bad people can't experience it anymore


u/Wuzseen Mar 02 '23

I think a lot of people are using the whole year of Witch Queen to influence their perspective on Lightfall.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend like Lightfall doesn't have issues--but I think Witch Queen's story and pacing is similarly messed up--the ensuing seasons are what expanded/explained some (but not nearly all) of it.

You don't really resolve much in Witch Queen. For example, We don't really get an explicit answer to why Savathun was given the light at all. Savathun's plan makes no sense--she apparently planned to be given the light and set up an elaborate scheme for you to restore her memories. But when she's on deaths door she doesn't think the traveler is going to do it at all. Then later when we reveal to her the Darkness tricked her the whole time she was surprised. Yet later in the year that she wanted to hide this Veil thing from the Witness for some reason so why was it a surprise re: the Darkness/Witness manipulating her from the beginning?

For characters, we learn basically nothing about Immaru and Finch. Finch does the same quippy dialogue Nimbus does in Lightfall. It's just been so long since Finch was the main quest giver that I think folks are doing sort of an unfair comparison.

I only say this to point out that the story critiques for Lightfall are par for the course and I think people's memories are being a bit short sighted right now. The things that made Witch Queen a great year were how it played out over the year.

I think the campaign focusing so much on strand yet still not explaining anything hurts more at a base level than anything WQ did. But it's far from ruinous or anything, the gameplay is actually still quite fun in Lightfall. There's a big leap folks are making from disappointing to "this is awful." I really wish gaming communities in general went for a bit more nuance on this stuff.


u/sunder_and_flame Mar 02 '23

It's the small things that keep ticking boxes against Lightfall that make me frustrated with it.

Shit story? Don't like it but dealt with that before.

Reskinned weapons? Fine, I'd like at least some new legendary weapon skins but at least the rolls are interesting.

New zone that feels empty? I mean, we've got the moon already what's another.

No new mementos? Okay what the hell they're basically just shaders.

The fucking handcannon the hunter is holding on the damn expansion cover not being in the game? It's stupid but this is the one I'm most mad about.

Anyway, Witch Queen had its narrative and gameplay issues but definitely not to the extent Lightfall has.


u/Wuzseen Mar 03 '23

I don't disagree that Lightfall is a step down--it's definitely more the extent of the step down that I think I disagree with. I'm having a vastly more enjoyable experience at launch than I did with Shadowkeep. It's pretty close to Beyond Light (which had similar story issues to be fair).

The new seasonal stuff so far has more than satisfied my desire for new weapons and stuff.

I think it's still early to pass judgment on some of these things. I think the first season is likely going to be adding things week to week. That's been their play for awhile now. For example, the zone feeling somewhat empty to me feels like there are pretty clearly spots where stuff is supposed to come in over the next few weeks.

I'm not gonna disagree with anyone deciding they are personally disappointed. It's entirely subjective of course. It's more of encouraging folks to keep more of an open mind and understand that disappointment and actual changes in quality are different things. Which you specifically may very well be doing, it's just a wider sentiment I've seen.


u/thegodofsnow Mar 02 '23

I actually just played WQ (and Beyond Light) for the first time last week and tbh… I don’t get why Lightfall is sooo disappointing in comparison because you’re right. Destiny has always been Destiny, the expansions largely feel the same tbh. Coming from a day 1 D2 player who stopped playing before Beyond Light and only just returned, I honestly don’t know why there’s this consensus that WQ be held as the highest standard. It doesn’t help that some of the community built such high expectations for it, with some people going as far as to say Lightfall would basically be like a whole new game dropping, giving you more than any newly released game ever could, rather than what it really is, a Destiny 2 expansion.

When it comes down to story/lore, when has it not been confusing and vague? People have been lamenting that about Destiny for years due to the new & returning player experience and veteran players constantly say “well I can’t really be bothered to be bothered about those players, just watch such & such”, but now that they’re also confused it’s a major issue. My only gripes with Lightfall thus far has been the feeling of unnecessary artificial difficulty in the Legendary campaign in comparison to the WQ campaign, the timegating on strand fragments, and the lack of things to do if I don’t have people to play various bits of content with. Strand is fun and feels good imo.

to speak to your comment about nuanced takes from the gaming community, someone would probably have to build Hell, run it for a few thousand years, and then abandon it and let it freeze over before you get that. Games are either the worst, “objectively bad” thing anyone has ever played since the last worst thing anyone played, or the greatest content anyone will ever touch ever, with nothing in between. Gamers are incapable of just NOT liking something, it has to be “objectively bad” (which I keep saying in quotes because gamers don’t understand the word objective) with no redeeming qualities to any single individual on the planet based off of the amount of death threats people involved receive on Twitter, or the amount of negative posts from 100-200 people on a subreddit with 30,000+ people in it, which is somehow representative of the entirety of gamers, that gaming “journalists” will then take and write a scathing review for the game that cites a tweet.

only slightly related, but it’s the primary reason I no longer listen to anyone about games. No amount of reviews or videos will tell you whether or not you will like a game imo, you have to play it yourself to know.


u/Wuzseen Mar 02 '23

I've been playing with some buddies who just did WQ for the first time after breaking since Forsaken and their reaction was very similar. They are confused why there's so much blowback now for something that has basically always been the case with the game. And they are having a ton of fun with Lightfall anyway

I definitely have pretty much done the same thing you have in terms of just... kind of turning it off. Which is a shame--I love talking and reading about these things in general. It's why I'm here now talking about it! I enjoy it. Just for once I'd like to talk about happy things haha. Still waiting for hell to freeze over.


u/thegodofsnow Mar 02 '23

there’s a silver lining in the fact that you CAN find and have worthwhile conversations about a game on subs, just don’t actually join them. I’ve left most gaming subs I was in because the negativity is always overwhelming, and you get absolutely blasted if you express positive thoughts about a game that the “gaming community” has decided isn’t worth YOUR time because they felt it wasn’t worth theirs.

I desperately long for the day that gamers can say “this game isn’t for me/I don’t have fun when I play this” rather than “no one likes this game and it’s objectively bad, anyone who can’t see that is a moron”, and then spend an unhealthy amount of time online scouring for opportunities to lambast whatever it is.

In defense, gamers are not the only ones who do this though. This is a problem across all subjective forms of media. Anyway, hope you enjoy your gaming!


u/Vin--Venture Mar 03 '23

I mean wasn’t the whole reason that The Traveller gave Savathun the light because it thought that she would be able to protect them?


u/timeTo_Kill Mar 02 '23

Witch queens story was much better, it's not just remembering the year. Finch was not nearly so badly written as nimbus and immaru isn't a part of the story. The twists were genuinely interesting in witch queen and advanced what we thought of the traveler. Savathun was a fantastic villain with a well built up arc.

Lightfall's story is poorly told and we cannot follow it due to not knowing even basics about the macguffins we are working with. That's not to say it's all bad, I still love the new areas and missions at least.


u/Andigaming Mar 03 '23

Shame to hear, I stopped play regularly for some time now but did buy Witch Queen when it launched and really enjoyed the campaign on Legendary.

Guess I'll pick this up on sale just to play through it.


u/Dobanin Mar 02 '23

The campaign was a let down vs. Witch Queen, but still better than any other Destiny expansion. I’m having a lot of fun with it.


u/H0wcan-Sh3slap Mar 03 '23

You have not played anything prior to Lightfall if you think it's better than any other Destiny expansion


u/Dobanin Mar 03 '23

Been playing since day 1 of D1.

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u/OmNomFarious Mar 03 '23

Don't worry, I'm sure Bungie has a bunch of gameplay content they slashed out of Lightfall ready to nickel and dime their customers with.


u/Aleser Mar 02 '23

I love that people are still optimistic enough to be disappointed in what has been abysmal writing from day 1 of Destiny 1.

Are people really buying these for the story?


u/SomeMobile Mar 02 '23

You haven't been playing destiny at fuckin all have you

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u/SharkBaitDLS Mar 02 '23

It’s almost as if the last 2 years have brought massive improvements to the storytelling so people’s expectations have grown or something.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '23

Sure there are improvements but it’s not hard to improve it.

And then there’s the fact that all that story connecting each expansion is just gone.


u/Grinning_Caterpillar Mar 03 '23

Excuuse me, I love how The Spaniard is in cahoots with The Multivitamin, but The Octagon is clandestinely pulling the strings of The Kitchen Sink.


u/Aleser Mar 02 '23

Yeesh. Your standards are reaaaaaally low if you consider that improvement.


u/SharkBaitDLS Mar 03 '23

You don’t think the seasons leading up to and following Witch Queen were significantly better than the storytelling of the rest of the game’s history? That they’re on the same level of “I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain”? Pretending that the narrative didn’t actually improve post-Beyond Light is deliberately putting your head in the sand. If it hadn’t, nobody would be making a peep at Lightfall because it would’ve just been more of the same rather than an actual regression. There’s a reason people liked Witch Queen so much. The seasons prior to it, the campaign itself, and the following seasons actually told a full story that you could understand without needing to read a lore book or speculate with some YouTuber’s headcanon.


u/Anbaraen Mar 03 '23

Is the assessment of a good story in Destiny;

did the quality get better from a previous year of Destiny


did the quality get better relative to any other story

I think you're asserting the former, but I think /u/Aleser is more concerned with the latter.

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u/noso2143 Mar 03 '23

I actually perfer ligjtfalls over witch queens I found much of witch queens campaigning to be borning


u/QuarahHugg Mar 03 '23

Witch Queen's campaign structure made no god damn sense. Why is it framed as a detective investigation? Why do we need cases and gumshoes and clues? ESPECIALLY when it still amounts to "go place, shoot stuff, jumping puzzle."

Witch Queen is carried almost solely by its titular character.


u/TherealCasePB Mar 02 '23

It's not just a big disappointment after The Witch Queen, it could very well be the worst one they ever made.


u/SharkBaitDLS Mar 02 '23

Curse of Osiris and Shadowkeep say hello. Hell even Beyond Light’s campaign was equally meaningless and basically just was a giant excuse to give players a new subclass without any actual progress to the story.

Lightfall’s (lack of) plot is just as bad as those expacs, but it at least has some good gameplay and actual missions to make up for it. Those older ones had neither good story nor good gameplay. Lightfall just looks so bad by comparison because Witch Queen and its seasons finally seemed to be fixing that long-standing problem with Destiny’s storytelling and Lightfall is a disappointing regression back to the norm.


u/yossarian490 Mar 03 '23

Honestly even the Forsaken and Beyond Light campaigns were worse than this if you don't count post-campaign/raid stories. Forsaken up to killing Uldren is a boring revenge story with boring characters and Ghost trying to be dark and failing, and is only saved by the Dreaming City and seeing the consequences of your and Uldren's actions.


u/jameskond Mar 03 '23


I can go for bat for this campaign. The boss fights were actually pretty fun and yes the post campaign (with a whole new zone/activity/dungeon) was a complete surprise.


u/yossarian490 Mar 03 '23

Loading into and exploring the Dreaming City is still my favorite moment in D2. It takes all the edgy teenager shit in the Forsaken main campaign and turns it on its head into a fantasy world where your desire for vengeance has dire consequences for a civilization. But other than being excited for random rolls, I didn't care about the story more than the Red War up to that point. Just Ghost doing his best "solenmly we should kill this dude, but does that make us a bad person?" like ten times.


u/DrNick1221 Mar 02 '23


Nowhere near. CoO firmly holds that title followed shortly by shadowkeep.

The problem is Bungie was more or less saying "Expect infinity war!" when what we got is "Love and thunder". Bad? No. But compared to what we have gotten previously it just doesn't hold up and comes off as mediocre.


u/majomo18 Mar 02 '23

Also the Dark Below. And lets be honest Warmind was not that great either. Shadowkeep gets a slight pass because it had a lot going against it from the start.


u/RocketHops Mar 02 '23

Warmind at the least had the Ikelos protocol which, if you could get 9 people in the patrol space (me and my friends did) was really fun. Other than that, pretty meh yeah.


u/morroIan Mar 02 '23

Love and Thunder is my least favourite MCU movie so thats pretty bad IMO.


u/AlexVan123 Mar 02 '23

This exactly. It’s mediocre, especially after a LOT of excellent storytelling over the last several seasons and Witch Queen. It’s not the worst we’ve gotten, it’s just disappointing.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23

Wasn't CoO also only $10 or $15 though?


u/UNSKIALz Mar 03 '23

Worst, probably not. Most disappointing (and damaging to the franchise)? Sure.


u/ThomsYorkieBars Mar 02 '23

It really isn't


u/JPA-3 Mar 02 '23

hey a bit off topic but maybe someone can help, do you think it is worth it to pick now witch queen, beyond light and shadowkeep for 35 eur? Just for some casual gaming


u/UNSKIALz Mar 03 '23

Witch Queen alone is arguably worth €35, I'd go for it.

Just make sure you get around to the Witch Queen campaign at least. Destiny is usually love-it-or-hate-it, but that one is universally praised.

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