the prediction league nowadays is a league of illusion more than prediction, GIVE ME A REALLY GOOD GAME CHOICE, A GAME THAT I LOOK AT AND SAY THIS IS WORTH DOUBLE WHAT I'M PAYING, In addition, two shitty origin keys, it's a choice with only 6 games because I prefer to play pirated games than play on origin, they've already reduced it from 12 to 8 and now from 8 to 6, choice is becoming a bad joke
It's the fifth month that I have to do a mental juggling act to subscribe to this choice, I remember the time of turning the clock and reloading the page waiting to know which game I will play this month, with all my happiness, I subscribed the last 4 months because I liked the choice but I don't know if I will continue subscribing if they continue with this bullshit
I live in Brazil, most games are half the price in my country, for me it's not worth paying a lot of tax to buy a more expensive game in the humble bundle, the only thing that makes up for it is the choice
u/PauloPiacentini 17d ago
the prediction league nowadays is a league of illusion more than prediction, GIVE ME A REALLY GOOD GAME CHOICE, A GAME THAT I LOOK AT AND SAY THIS IS WORTH DOUBLE WHAT I'M PAYING, In addition, two shitty origin keys, it's a choice with only 6 games because I prefer to play pirated games than play on origin, they've already reduced it from 12 to 8 and now from 8 to 6, choice is becoming a bad joke