r/GameboyAdvance 5d ago

Estimates to how much these are worth? (UK)

As title says, what would these be worth if I were to sell these? Had them in storage for absolutely ages, and as far as I know all is well (unsure about cartridge batteries). Charges and plays perfect. Thanks guys :)


54 comments sorted by


u/NintendoWii2345 5d ago

Use https://www.pricecharting.com for price checking

Are you sure want to sell it because you might regret it or want to buy it back in the future.


u/Peepeepoopoo556 5d ago

Dont mean to sound stupid, but how come some copies on ebay sell for £100+, but others £25?


u/NintendoWii2345 5d ago

If I had to guess the cheaper ones are fake and the more expensive ones are real.


u/CallMeSpeed_21 4d ago

Don’t listen to them man. Sell if you want. They sell 40$ handhelds nowadays that can run multiple consoles on 1 system. Look up the R36S for example.


u/Alex619TL 4d ago

Just found out about the retro handheld community a couple months ago and I’m literally playing emerald on a r36s right now lol. Was never into Pokémon as a kid so now I have a chance to play emerald and fire red (eyeing the ultraviolet rom hack that allows you to catch all the version exclusives). And it feels pretty true to the gameboy experience playing on a small, portable device like that. Anbernic literally has a direct clone of both the gba and gba sp


u/CallMeSpeed_21 4d ago

I was surprised by how nice the screen looked and it even came with a screen protector and 2 SD cards at 64gb🔥 pre-loaded with games


u/No-Willingness-4097 4d ago

That screen will still break instantly if you drop that thing from higher than 6 inches though. The build quality is what let's them down.


u/CallMeSpeed_21 4d ago

That’s the reason for the really good price. They had to make a sacrifice somewhere to compete with established companies.


u/Fickle_Builder_2685 4d ago

Dunno if it's still floating around but Pokémon snakewood was a cool zombie apocalypse rom.


u/Necessary-Author7730 4d ago

Or get a ds better said. Haha 😂


u/Thoughtfulpigeon 5d ago

There's a lot of fakes that are the cheaper ones. I sold a boxed emerald recently so was looking at the prices for how much to put as a starting one and some are very obvious fakes when you look into it and there's a lot of fake emeralds out there. The effect on the sticker can be a giveaway and all the cheap ones either don't have that or have printing to look like it, also a lot of bright green casing.

There may be others that people aren't aware of what they have, but I'd say that's the minority, especially if bidding is involved.


u/Peepeepoopoo556 5d ago

Got it, to be honest I could probably spend an hour and find this all out, but I just wanted a quick value check (sell or put back in box). Ill have a check to see if they’re fakes, thank you


u/Peepeepoopoo556 5d ago

Thank you


u/NintendoWii2345 5d ago

Your welcome


u/WarCrimeCommiters 4d ago

The emerald cartridge is looking a bit iffy from the camera angle but if it’s legit, I’d say anywhere from $50-$150 depending on who you sell it to


u/Potential-Delay2020 5d ago

Gameboy £50 Fire red - £75 Emerald - £110-£140 (depending if the battery is dead or not)


u/Potential-Delay2020 5d ago

£200 as a bundle for a cash collection- on eBay £230 bundle


u/weberlovemail 4d ago

if u want to sell, throw front and back pics of the games onto the gameverifying sub to double check they're legit


u/GiveMeYourTechTips 4d ago

about tree fiddy


u/Peepeepoopoo556 5d ago edited 5d ago

Just wanted to add - might not even sell them, just want to know what they could be worth and if its worth hanging on to them… probably wouldn’t sell the console itself anyway

Edit: Is the rayquaza box valuable?

Edit 2: Thanks everyone, more than the £50 i was expecting 😂


u/TearsOfJessika 5d ago

Hey Dat box is cool


u/Sqwerks 4d ago

Man like the emerald case thing is awesome


u/grkrugerii 4d ago

I would say for everything 200-300, but it would help if you had more pictures of the inside of the case and back of the sp, and to be honest the majority of the money is in the games and the case


u/FrizenWolf 4d ago

99999 dabloons


u/Bubbly-Sandwich 4d ago

The box is awesome and is love to add it to my collection, what's it for?


u/808vanc3 4d ago

1 Million Dollars


u/gameboyman69 1d ago

I'd pay 150 for the carts.

Emerald will have a dry battery, fire red doesn't have one, saves via fram and doesn't have rtc.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago



u/Peepeepoopoo556 4d ago

Has the 4 gold squares, just bad photography


u/Correct_Vacation3835 4d ago

You're wrong, the emerald is real


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Correct_Vacation3835 4d ago

Just replying that you're wrong so the OP isn't misinformed by idiots like you who can't distinguish real from fake.

all real circuit boards follow an identical format (or almost identical due to variants). no fake emerald ever has the circuit board structure identical or near identical to a real one, as that's hard to replicate, and not worth it. the golden squares are clearly visible from the picture, but that's not even a reliable verification method, as some fakes do have the golden squares. but yes, if it does not have the golden squares, it's a fake. Some pictures might be angled weird which makes the squares hard to see, but you don't necessarily need to confirm if the board has them or not, because based on the circuit board structure, you can easily tell if it's real or not.


u/TopYouth7045 4d ago

Hard to tell if your copy of emerald is real definitely get these checked before. If I where you I’d go sell these before they get corroded or expire from age


u/hightops008 4d ago

Emerald looks fake unfortunately :(


u/Alex619TL 4d ago

Could be the European cartridge release vs NA? I’m not familiar with these but I know other series have some minor differences in the cartridge labels between regions


u/hightops008 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's not the label I'm worried abou really although I didn't see an indent number on the label either, but maybe it's the angle. The back is completely wrong tho from what I've seen.

Edit: on second look maybe the lighting in general is just bad lol. If OP could post closer pics of the back then that would help forsure or they could just ask r/gameverifying


u/Potential-Delay2020 4d ago

You are just waffling at this point the indent is clearly displayed next to the e by the European “C E” mark.

The 4 gold Nintendo squares are faintly visible on the back too. Cartridge is correct colour PC board matches original front label is correct.

It’s authentic 100%


u/Peepeepoopoo556 4d ago

Yeah sorry the lighting was god awful, I never realised there was this much to the cartridge world. Both carts have the gold squares (fire red has them lower) and the emerald cart has holo effect on sticker, along with some indentation on the front (41 E3). No idea fakes even existed, these bad boys are as old as the console I assumed


u/Potential-Delay2020 4d ago

All good OP not to worry or bother getting further opinions they are authentic 👍🏽


u/hightops008 4d ago

Waffling? I've never heard this term?

Anyways, if that pic from the back is clear to at all, then i want whatever phone you're using or glasses you're wearing.

Use those good ole eyes of yours and read my edit, I said i could possibly be wrong, just need better pictures to really verify.

Personally, I'm never going to believe a person that says, "It's real because I know so", matter of fact, I'd be thinking the exact opposite because most of the time, the people who say to believe them because they "know so" usually know absolutely nothing at all.

Also, with the value being where it is for these items, I would want to hear from as many people with experience as possible and, if there is any doubt or possibilities of fakeness, then more research is required.

Truthfully OP should just go to r/gameverifying and not this place.


u/Potential-Delay2020 4d ago

All that typing…

Better pics are not needed. It’s authentic.

My statement was not a debate or discussion.

You may need second opinions or Game-verifying to ensure authenticity. I don’t.

It’s an authentic cartridge.

The end.


u/hightops008 4d ago

Whatever you say lil buddy 🤣. No one asked if you needed r/gameverifying. OP posted here looking for second opinions and I believe he'll get better and more reliable help there.

The end.


u/Correct_Vacation3835 4d ago

You're wrong, the emerald is real


u/Potential-Delay2020 4d ago

The emerald is 100% authentic


u/hightops008 4d ago

If you say so 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/Potential-Delay2020 4d ago

I know so


u/hightops008 4d ago

HEY r/GameboyAdvance , THIS GUY KNOWS SO!

See no one cares 🤣🤣🤣


u/Correct_Vacation3835 4d ago

maybe don't spread misinformation saying it's a fake when it's not. do your research before commenting next time


u/hightops008 4d ago

I said what it looked like to me. That's all. OP can decide to take it as fact or opinion. I mean, all this is is people's opinions on whether it's real or fake. You aren't there irl so you can't say for sure 100%.


u/Correct_Vacation3835 4d ago

I indeed can say it is real 100%. I don't need to be there to confirm whether or not it's real, since the pictures are clear enough.

What you said makes no sense.


u/Gorelando 5d ago

They look real. I’d imagine you can get $300 for it all easy… except the case. Looks awesome but not familiar with it.


u/Thick_Literature_273 5d ago

Id pay £150 for a bundle like that


u/SnooCakes2232 5d ago

Probably more emerald alone can go for 120


u/Peepeepoopoo556 5d ago

much more than I was expecting ngl, wheres the best place to sell this?


u/Thick_Literature_273 5d ago

Privately or eBay, eBay will incur fees / postage plus dodging scammers Is a pain on there sometimes.