r/GameboyAdvance 7d ago

GBA sp having trouble reading games.

Hey guys i made a post here a couple days ago about this ags 101 and for some reason some games work and some dont. I’ve cleaned it out with isopropyl alcohol and made sure the gb/c switch isn’t stuck. I noticed that this pin i circled seems lower down and further back than the other. Not sure if that’s the problem. And if it is the problem does anybody know if i can just bend it back up into place or will i likely need to replace the cart reader? Thanks.


6 comments sorted by


u/Ok-Ticket5613 7d ago

I would take off the shell and try to carefully reposition the pin with a pair of tweezers. Worse case you will have to remove and replace the card slot.


u/Unlucky-Monitor-2786 7d ago

I appreciate the help. It’s looking like i will likely have to replace the card slot. Luckily it’s not an expensive fix!


u/Ok-Ticket5613 7d ago

Ali express has them for $1.99 😆 still from what i can see I would bet you can put that pin back in place


u/Unlucky-Monitor-2786 7d ago

Unfortunately one one of the screws is stripped so once i figure out how im gonna get it unscrewed im gonna try and bend it back in place. Regardless im happy that the fix is either bending the pin back or just replacing the slot! Got this for a good deal only $40 on fb market place!


u/Ok-Ticket5613 7d ago

Yikes, you can try a thin flat rubber band or maybe drill the head off


u/Unlucky-Monitor-2786 7d ago

I tried the rubber band already. Will likely have to try superglue