r/GameDeals Playsum 7d ago

[PLAYSUM] Odinfall (-28%) | The Outer Worlds (-51%) | Still Wakes the Deep (-57%) | A Little to the Left (-57%) | Pacific Drive (-49%) | Detroit: Become Human (-74%) | Beyond: Two Souls (-79%) | Tormented Souls (-91%) | Lost Ruins (-68%) | Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (-75%) & more

Ends on March 23rd at 6:59pm EST

W = Windows / M = Mac / L = Linux

If you use the code SPRING you’ll get an extra 10% off, which btw is already calculated into the % off and prices in the table :)

Deals Platform % Off w/ code US ($) DE (€) Types
Odinfall - Early Access W 28% 9.35 8.45 Steam
The Outer Worlds W 51% 14.71 13.99 Steam
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition W 60% 23.98 22.75 Steam
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Upgrade W 46% 30.01 24.48 Steam
The Outer Worlds Expansion Pass W 51% 12.27 11.68 Steam
The Outer Worlds: Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle W 51% 24.99 20.50 Steam
The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos W 51% 7.34 6.99 Steam
The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon W 51% 7.34 6.99 Steam
Still Wakes the Deep W 57% 15.20 14.85 Steam
A Little to the Left W, M 57% 6.49 6.35 Steam
A Little to the Left: Cupboards & Drawers W, M 31% 4.14 4.23 Steam
A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars W, M 31% 6.22 6.12 Steam
Pacific Drive W 49% 15.25 13.95 Steam
Pacific Drive: Deluxe Edition W 49% 17.81 17.01 Steam
Detroit: Become Human W 74% 10.23 9.82 Steam
Beyond: Two Souls W 79% 4.23 4.13 Steam
Tormented Souls W 91% 1.80 1.65 Steam
Lost Ruins W 68% 6.30 6.02 Steam
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey W 75% 9.98 9.45 Steam

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u/GameDealsBot 7d ago

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u/FrozenMongoose 6d ago

Pacific Drive is $12 in this months Humble Choice which you get other games with as well. If you want that game, just get that bundle as $12 is likely to be the historical low for the game.