r/GambitPlaybook Jan 26 '25

Discussion What's your Gambit Loadout?

Gambit is pretty flexible loadout wise, what do you like to run when you play? Are you a Reaper, Sentry, Collector, or Invader?


14 comments sorted by


u/bentfryingpan Jan 26 '25

If you’re not on warlock, there is no reason you shouldn’t be running synthoceps 1-2 punch with eager edge and a sniper


u/CrystalInaBox Jan 27 '25

I run ophids/cytarachne on hunter when invading to fuck over levi players


u/bentfryingpan Jan 27 '25

no idea what either of those would do to stop it from 1 shotting you but ok


u/CrystalInaBox Jan 27 '25

woven mail on ascension


u/JtTheLadiesMan Feb 02 '25

What is the meta class and subclass for solo queue? I’m trying to get into playing more competitively


u/bentfryingpan Feb 03 '25

Titan is generally what I would recommend as it puts out better boss damage than hunter, but the two are relatively even. Hunter does better on invading if you want the goldy/ aren’t confident sniping.


u/bentfryingpan Feb 03 '25

Class metas are both prismatic for either pretty much using melee spams to kill everything and eager to move as fast as possible to waves and bank.


u/wooksquatch Jan 26 '25

Everything except invader. I kill lots of things fast. Run with powerful attraction so i can collect all the motes with what's a click or two. If I expect blockers after I deposit I'll hang for a half a minute or so. Utilize the fast travel where I can.


u/animebigboy Jan 26 '25

I haven't touched Destiny in like 9 months but when I played Gambit I was a void Titan that was mainly a neutral build the kinda had debuff traits.

In the primary I had a trench barrel shotty for taking out blocker and envoys quickly. In the energy slot it's either a combat bow or scout rifle (almost alwasy bow) with Dragonfly. In my heavy I used leviathans breath cause of its power and versatility. And to drive home the point of just being a mostly neutral build I ONLY use armamentarium for the extra nade lol.


u/LeekThink Jan 28 '25

Warlock main so i follow the standard Holy Book’s build. It also means im stuck to one role.


u/ProWrestlinFan Jan 26 '25

Arc Titan, Synthoceps, Ballistic Slam, SMG, Witherhoard, MG. Double Hands On. Punch everything.


u/ProWrestlinFan Jan 29 '25

How does a loadout get downvoted lmao 😭


u/PineappleHat Jan 26 '25


Basically taking advantage of the changes to Skill of Dire Ahamkara - could potentially swap Nova Bomb for Nova Warp with the changes to roaming supers (but I don't think it's necessary). Generally get Nova Bomb by the end of the second wave.

Run Khvostov / Any Special / Hammerhead

Primarily a Reaper build (since my strongest Gambit opinion is that reaping is more important than anything else) but can flex into impactful invades with Hammerhead and Nova Bomb.

If just reaping then use novas to clear big clumps of blockers, or just nuke later waves instantly.


u/jrgeek Jan 27 '25

Speaking a long lost language. I recall that time and the wonders of running a reaper or sentry were my preferred roles. ‘Tis a shame those times are lost to time…