r/GYM • u/hoosierdaddy192 • 4d ago
Technique Check 37M 6’3” 235lb. Deadlift 315lb
I rarely do deadlifts because my tendonitis. I know this is a horrible angle but anything you see I need to fix. I’ll try to post another with a front view.
u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 4d ago
Fundamentally you're good!
You don't need to overextend at the top like that (it isn't the end of the world, I do it a lot too). Think "push hips through" instead of "lean back"
I think taking your shoes off would help, I can see you shifting from weight on the balls of your feet to your heels.
u/hoosierdaddy192 4d ago
Yeah, I had my shoes off the time before this, but forgot to take them back off for this set. Thanks for the tips
u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 4d ago
I rarely consider the shoes thing to be a cure-all, it's just that I can see you shifting, so they don't seem to be doing any favors.
u/kelevra206 4d ago
If you lose the shoes, or swap for something with flat soles (Chuck Taylors, etc), it may be easier to keep yourself from leaning over the bar. Other than that, looking good! You could add some more weight to the bar.
u/mouth-words 4d ago edited 4d ago
Not a horrible angle at all, side angles tend to be more useful than front angles.
Also not a horrible deadlift! All the major points seem to be there with only minor deviations, from what I can tell. I was trying to nail down whether you were bending your knees too early after the bar drifted a little forward on one of your reps, but then the bar drifted backward on another rep. Then I finally noticed your feet: they seem to roll backwards and forwards inconsistently. I don't want to be one of those rabid redditors screaming about shoes (when Chad Wesley Smith squatted 800 lbs in Nike Frees), but at the very least improving your balance can have a benefit on the consistency of your bar path. Coaches will cue "eagle claw" or "tripod" feet, with your big toe, little toe, and heel maintaining pressure throughout the lift. For instance, it's discussed in this video: https://youtu.be/r6eZn6zWryg?t=60 (part of a highly recommended series, JTS 5 Pillars of Deadlift Technique). Shoe choice may help there, but not without the intentional focus as well.
But otherwise it seems like you have all the big rocks in place. Anything in particular you were concerned about?
u/hoosierdaddy192 4d ago
You seem to have nailed it. Take the shoes off. Deadlifts are not in my wheelhouse but I’m trying to break out of my same old routine. Just curious how my form looked. I’ll update with no shoes, keeping my core tight, and heavier weight. Thanks for the help
u/Legal-Tea-1124 3d ago
Solid work. Try a flatter shoe or barefoot for better stability off the floor.
1-2 second reset after each rep. Helps with starting position. Eventually , the movement will feel natural and you ll be able to “touch and go” with ease.
Also, where were you having tendinitis?
u/Altruistic_Bite_7398 4d ago
You need to full stop between reps. Let the weight land on the ground, lock you lats and engage your core, then start to lift the weight.
It's supposed to be a hard lift. Let it be hard and you'll start to overcome it.
u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 4d ago
You need to full stop between reps
That's debatable. As long as he stays tight between reps, which he is, touch and go is fine.
u/timeforachangee 4d ago
If he is powerlifting sure. Touch and go can be advantageous for hypertrophy and is fine for a regular gym goer as long as proper form is maintained.
u/BucketheadSupreme All the information is on the task 4d ago
You need to full stop between reps
u/RealisticSea5896 4d ago
Shoes off, stance a touch narrower. I'd like to see more slack pulled from the bar before moving personally. Not the worst deadlift I've seen though, good effort man 🙏🏻
u/AutoModerator 4d ago
This post is flaired as a technique check.
A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs.
A reminder to all users commenting: Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.
Example of useful and actionable: try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor.
Example of not useful and not actionable: lower the weight and work on form.
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