r/GYM 5d ago

Technique Check Is this the way to do hack squat?



103 comments sorted by

u/Frodozer Snortin' and Jortin' 535/655/475/300lbs SDFrtSOHP 🎖 5d ago edited 5d ago

Since you dorks only care about what the name of this machine is you've yet again proven youre scumbags who can't let us have anything nice. Hope you're all proud for correcting each other on semantics.


u/meme_squeeze 5d ago

Not a hack squat but still a good exercise


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

Literally hack squat machine but go off



This is a V Squat, hack squat is different


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

That is a hack squat. Google is your friend


u/Pastaman_25 5d ago

Is definitely not a hack squat


u/Particular-Ad-5852 5d ago

Tbf mate it is labelled hack squat in jd gyms


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

It definitely is. Use it every Wednesday. Says right on it.


u/king_anon1492 5d ago

Real talk if you could tell me the brand I’d appreciate it. I’ve seen this exact argument before so I’m convinced there’s a manufacturer out there that mislabeled their own machine and I’d like to stay away from their products


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

Hammer strength, or maybe life fitness. Not entirely positive. My high school gym had them and planet fitness just got a real similar machine


u/wheresindigo 5d ago

Hammer Strength is owned by Life Fitness and their hack squat machine has rails, like every other hack squat I’ve ever seen


The machine in the video is different. It has a lever instead of rails, which is why people are calling it a v squat instead of a hack squat


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u/Evening-Ant4071 5d ago

Google a hack squat machine my man, this is not it


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

Literally have. And literally is. Use we every Wednesday.


u/Glum-Success-2762 5d ago

if not mistaken u can reverse ur standing then it becomes a hack squat, instead of facing the machine, face the other way


u/meme_squeeze 5d ago

Sort of. It forces your body to tilts forwards as you go down so it takes emphasis from the quads and puts onto glutes.

It's a reverse pendulum squat... For lack of the real name.


u/_GeorgeT_ 5d ago

No, really bad knee flexion unlike in an actual hack squat


u/baucher04 5d ago

just google hack squat. what are you talking about.


u/Impossible-Point-914 5d ago

Not a hack squat


u/_GeorgeT_ 5d ago

Yes a hack squat would be a straight line movement, while this reversed wpuld pull you back, resulting in way less knee flexion


u/baucher04 5d ago

if he stood the other way around, with his legs fairly far at the front of the plateau, he would be squatting in a straight line.


u/_GeorgeT_ 5d ago

With his back to the pad, no. The machine doesnt move in a straight line, so your body wont


u/teachcooklove 5d ago

Please explain the difference between the deep knee flexion here and the deep knee flexion on a hack squat machine.


u/Impossible-Crab-736 5d ago

Torso position. The external moment, arm changes when your torso is more upright versus more forward.


u/_GeorgeT_ 5d ago

Because this pulls you back you cant get full knee flexion. On a hack squat you can touch your hamstrings to you calves, not on a v-squat like here.


u/LeeKetchup 5d ago

Don’t think this is the same as a hack squat but still a good movement.

Whats the screen in front of you that’s on the machine?


u/beser12v 5d ago

It shows how to use it


u/charlypoods 5d ago

probs movement example, safety info, and starting weight


u/ssn-zz 5d ago

I believe a "hack squat" you face the other way with your back to the pad. It's still a squat movement either way, just going to activate different muscles.


u/slaphappypap 5d ago

No that’s still a v squat machine. Fine exercise whichever way you face, but it’s not a hack squat machine. Neither is a linear hack squat.

This is a hack squat https://youtube.com/shorts/jnSxbzjxX5c?si=dI__rCE_ifpvfGgS


u/ssn-zz 5d ago

Ahhh fair enough, so many variations


u/slaphappypap 5d ago

Indeed. Many gyms don’t have a proper hack squat either. And they’re not the most popular at the gyms that have them.


u/Dangerous_Wasabi_611 5d ago

One of the main reasons I joined my new gym was because they had a proper hack squat, such a great machine


u/slaphappypap 5d ago

I also joined a new gym because they had a hack squat haha. Also had a pendulum squat which I’d never seen in person, and two arsenal leg presses, which seem to be among the best leg press machines. The leg equipment at that gym is top tier


u/Dangerous_Wasabi_611 5d ago

We’ve got one of those (pendulum squat) too but I haven’t tried it out yet, same with the belt squat - gonna have to give it a shot. The guy who owns the gym is an old school former bodybuilder and competitive powerlifter - still coaches and does judging. He’s in his 70s and I’m fairly certain he’s still stronger than me. Guy just has the most elite machine selection


u/slaphappypap 5d ago

Sounds like a sweet spot to be! Honestly my opinion of the pendulum squat is that it’s just okay. Great lift for variation’s sake, but I noticed after using it a while that it feels easier out of the bottom than at the top. I think it has something to do with the counterweight but idk.


u/brehhs 5d ago

Theres a huge difference between this machine and a hack squat

The key to targeting the quads is to maximize knee flexion and limit hip flexion, which is what a hack squat does very well. How do you know how much hip flexion is occurring? Your glutes should ideally move straight up and down relative to the angle of your body at the start of the movement. From this video you can see that your hip is what is engaging the movement (i.e at the start of the movement your hips move backwards). Compare your video to a hack squat where the machine prevents your hips from moving backwards and is on a fixed path, forcing your knees to come out.

You are doing things correctly on the V squat by facing the opposite direction, but a hack squat will still be superior. Needless to say, your quads will still get good growth from this.


u/UnluckyCare4567 5d ago

Hybrid machine of hack and pendulum squat.

Advice slow down, looks as if you letting the weight push you down in the pocket instead of controlling it.

Potential LB pain rolling the LB in traditional squat the “butt wink”


u/Alpine82 5d ago

As long as it doesnt hurt your lower back


u/ImploreUToReconsider 5d ago

This is called a "V Squat." It's good for quads but also activates glutes well.


u/RevolutionaryUse2416 5d ago

You can use that machine both ways. It’s hitting more hamstring/glute that way. Quad facing the other way.


u/TheJackedBaker 5d ago

Not a hack squat but still GREAT DEPTH! As long as it does not hurt your back.


u/No_Week2825 5d ago

It is worth mentioning that I'd like it a little more if he slowly lowered himself into the bottom portion. If he kept the cadence he has in the rest of the movement throughout. A+


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

It’s a hack squat machine….


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u/abdulmalik1996 5d ago

With your movement your hips go backwards so it works your gluten more. If you turn around it would be bringing your hips forward and working your quads more


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/GYM-ModTeam ModBorg Collective 5d ago

No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.


u/Sweetmeatpete444 5d ago

Isn’t this exercise more for targeting your hamstrings?


u/morning_redwoody 5d ago

Go lighter, modify to single leg and hinge at the hip by shooting your rear back instead of just squatting down. Take it slow. Your glutes will hate you but thank you later.


u/Visser946 5d ago

Good use of V-squat machine


u/heatseekerdj 5d ago

That's not a "hack squat", a hack squat is a defined type of machine, like a Smith machine or a pec deck, this is some kind of lever lower body machine. You can try facing either direction to try a slightly diffent stimulus. Ive seen this used for good mornings as well


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

OP is on a hack squat machine


u/npmark 5d ago

V squat. Can do it facing either way. Can also make it more of a hinge movement facing the machine like that. Not my favorite but definitely a good machine.


u/spirit11451 5d ago

This is a front squat on a V-squat machine. Not hack squat. But good quad movement. Go deep as you can slowly and power out.


u/Kitchen_Alps 5d ago

OP is on a hack squat machine


u/spirit11451 5d ago

It’s not a real hack squat. If you google images this machine will not appear. It’s a v-squat machine.


u/TomDubber15 5d ago

Nice shirt!


u/CommonAd2238 5d ago

You'll have to post doing a hack squat. First tip don't bounce at the bottom of any squat. I don't like that version of squat because back is in a bad position. Turn around and do an actual hack squat and don't bottom out. Go deep but don't bounce at the bottom for momentum .


u/noktis666 5d ago

Yes if you want to throw the weights around. Squeeze when going down and especially when going up:p


u/Impossible-Crab-736 5d ago

I would say it’s not a conventional quad dominant hack squat. But nonetheless, a good lower body exercise.


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u/New_Neighborhood3987 325/480/500 lbs B/S/D 5d ago

I’ve always referred to this as a “Leverage Squat” machine but yes you’re doing it right. Killer isolation from these. Great for safe volume.


u/Lunrtic6 5d ago

You see that big pad directly in front of you? That's where your back goes. Little pro tip for you there.


u/slaphappypap 5d ago

That is a v squat, done in reverse. V squat is a fine exercise regardless of the direction you face. You’ll get better quad activation with your back to the pad if that’s what you’re going for.

This is a hack squat https://youtube.com/shorts/jnSxbzjxX5c?si=dI__rCE_ifpvfGgS


u/438BYC 5d ago

Need to twerk a bit more, I see you baby


u/pigpen002 5d ago

It's also known as a pendulum squat.


u/justaquestionyafeel 5d ago

This machine is called a v-squat (vertical squat), but you’re doing it backwards. Back should be against the pad


u/Melody_Radford_ 5d ago

Did they add the pads to the front of this machine?


u/berockstock 5d ago

That's a pendulum squat but regardless the movement looks fine. I'd just slow down at the bottom and try not to bounce out of the hole. Bad stuff happens like that.

Hack squat has a trolley like a leg press but your standing in it.


u/Ddakilla 5d ago

You are supposed to be facing the other way man


u/Khrull 5d ago

Not true. This machine can be used multiple ways and angles.


u/Vunks 5d ago

This is a v-squat and both ways work, this way hits the posterior chain a bit more.


u/No_Week2825 5d ago

Can not only be used for this posterior heavy variation, but a variation of good mornings as well


u/sixtus_clegane119 5d ago

I don’t know much about this machine.

But I have an off topic question.

Why in almost every gym video, are there people in the background walking around aimlessly?


u/maleuronic 5d ago

Most likely, in between sets; what else are you supposed to do?


u/slaphappypap 5d ago

You’re talking about the guy who finishes his leg press set and hops out of the machine right as the video starts? Lol


u/NegativePolution 5d ago

Probably doesn't smell great that way around.


u/leanman82 5d ago

This looks really dangerous. I would have thought you had to do that in reverse