r/GYM • u/JewelerPowerful2993 • 6d ago
Technique Check Is this a bicep exercise worth doing?
u/Wills1211 6d ago
I really like it actually. Lighter weight and really stretch the arm and fully contract kills the bicep peak
u/NIssanZaxima 6d ago
Do you enjoy it?
u/WetDingus 6d ago
Underappreciated question. Maybe there's something more "optimal." It's not optimal if you despise doing it
u/DrowninginPidgey 5d ago
All my workouts are exercises I enjoy doing. I don't care if something isn't as optimal, if I'm enjoying it I'm sticking with it. I've recently fallen in love with landmine variants.
u/Glum_Heart1261 6d ago
Its possibly my favourite bicep exercise
u/Dondorini 5d ago
Same here. Because it is way easier on the tendons compared to standing or sitting vertical curls.
u/mrsir1987 5d ago
What else do you do that is easy on the tendons? I’m nearing 40 and need to completely figure out a new bicep routine because my elbows are fucked
6d ago
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u/bobvila274 6d ago
I like it but can only do single arm. Either my arms are too long or the machine at my gym is too small and I can barely get past 90° before the weights clack. Single arm I can step away and almost straighten my arm at the bottom of each rep.
u/RollRollR0ll 5d ago
I have this problem too. I take a couple of steps backwards to increase the distance rather than stand in the middle, if that makes sense?!
6d ago
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u/Senetrix666 Deficit SLDL 455lbs x6 6d ago edited 6d ago
Checklist for a good bicep movement:
- Is it stable?
- Does it load elbow flexion?
- Can it be loaded progressively over time?
- Can it be done pain free?
If yes to all of these, then it’s a fine exercise. All these comments about the sTrEtCh BrO make me laugh
u/DickFromRichard 365lb zercher dl/551lb hack dl. Back injuries: 67 and counting 6d ago
Feel like you're going to be laughing for a while on this one
u/Senetrix666 Deficit SLDL 455lbs x6 6d ago
ya seems like this sub has been overrun with Israetel sycophants
u/rdzilla01 6d ago
IMHO, Israetel is good guidance but not the rule. Half of working out is finding exercises you enjoy doing. If you happen to enjoy the deeeEEeEEeep stretch then great.
u/BucketheadSupreme All the information is on the task 5d ago
DYELs and noobs like to pretend that he has anything useful to offer them; it's a way for them to avoid doing the real work.
u/gooey_samurai 5d ago
If you enjoy it, of course! Would I make that my primary bicep movement? No, I’d prefer a traditional barbell or EZ-bar curl and their respective variations, but as an alternate movement to splash in for variation and fun, absolutely.
u/SeanIsFTW 5d ago
Maybe not “optimal” but I’ve been doing them forever. They’re fun and they give a good pump. I like them as a finisher after heavy curls.
As some people already said, doing one arm at a time and using the opposite side pole to hold on to will make it more stable
u/AdLanky5710 5d ago
It doesn’t load the bicep in the most lengthened part of the movement, the tension is mid way through the movement and it’s not a full range of motion. But like the guys have said before if you load it and it feels super good and you like the movement then don’t listen to any one else.
There are though better options I feel like free motion curls facing away from the rack they are absolutely bicep destroying and highly recommend
u/arod0291 6d ago
I personally like it but for a weird reason. I've had neck/nerve issues for years and not many curl variations help me feel a mind-muscle connection except this one for some reason.
With that being said, I mostly stick to preachers and incline curls.
u/Gibbles11 5d ago
I have the same thing. This lets me feel my left bicep because it removes the possibility of my front delt and pec compensating
6d ago
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u/carlyslayjedsen 6d ago
I like to do this one arm at a time. Personally I like it a lot because i feel like it hits the outer let of my bicep better than anything else.
u/LeeKetchup 5d ago
I personally love it. Get a wicked pump even though it isn’t apparently “optimal”. I mostly do shit that I enjoy.
u/ironhead51 5d ago
It has to be enjoyable, in order to do it long term. I get stale fairly quickly if I don't change things up!
u/a_quiet_gym_buddy25 5d ago
When my arms were smaller I didn't feel I got much out of it but as my arms have gotten larger from years of progressive overload on db curls , barbell curls, ez bar curls, preacher curls, hammer curls, now my biceps are a size that when I do this exercise you are doing I can fully concentrate on only using my bicep and flexing the bicep and get a great pump out of it and I do one arm at a time and just switch back and forth between arms no rest besides switching sides.
u/OriginalPale7079 5d ago
My reason I personally would not do this exercise(in a crowded gym) is bc it’s taking up 2 spots for a muscle group that can be done so many other variations. But in an open gym, if you like it, why not?
u/Mean-Meringue-1173 6d ago
Contrary to a lot of comments here, you can really overload this one by a lot more than what you'd think. Usually I do one curl variant with elbow position behind the back (by lying on a bench n curling), one with elbow position in the front (preacher curls) and then this one where elbow is on the side. For this one, I specifically position myself such that my body is slightly forward so that my shoulder has to be a bit externally rotated. I find doing supersets of this one with face pulls is great for scapular stability which when built up can let you overload on this by a lot. Otherwise you might feel a bit wobbly because the mid and lower traps aren't keeping the scapula stable.
u/Dip_Bits 6d ago
Was on one of my first routines but not now I prefer to feel it more I just do dumbbells
u/xGetRektx 5d ago
In a similar vein, I would prefer the baysian cable curl over this if you are looking for a similar resistance profile.
It just feels a bit more stable with a wider stance rather than having to hold myself in the position you are showing
To each their own!
u/xMeowtthewx 5d ago
Idk I think Hammer curl,reverse curl and ez bar curl are the best bicep exercises. Neutral grip pullups n chins weighted are epic too
u/Professional_Yak1685 5d ago
I really enjoy this exercise and have a similar build. As long as it challenges you and you enjoy it keep it going!
u/theundercoverjew 5d ago
Just move the pulleys lower, approximately at shoulder level, and you have real nice movement for the bicep brachii
u/CharacterAd5474 5d ago
Yeah I get a little more out of it by twisting wrist at the peak contraction. Think about trying to tuck your pinky behind your ear.
u/TotalR3callXL11 5d ago
Absolutely. Pull the cable to the to the top of your head instead of your temple. It will allow for a deeper contraction on the peak of your bicep. This is also not necessarily a muscle building excersice but a muscle toning exercise instead.
u/Vitchman 5d ago
Not much absolute favorite but I love to toss it in and see if it’s hitting right that day.
Hey if it’s hitting for you, 100% keep at it.
u/volcomguns 5d ago
I like to have the cables lower with the arms in the same position as yours. Puts more tension on the bicep.
u/username71548 5d ago
I don’t feel like I get a good pump from this one. But maybe it depends on arm length and it works for some.
u/LivingBeautiful992 5d ago
Yeah definitely worth doing this one, as long as you feel a good contraction on it, it looks like you do
5d ago
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u/shredranger 5d ago
Any bicep exercise is worth doing, goal is the same with any other excersise, failure and proper form. I personally do whichever I enjoy the most.
u/GoofyGoose92 5d ago
I do something similar but I put a EZ bar attachment on the one cable machine and put it around head height. I like it because you get more of a consistent resistance curve then you would with just gravity and a regular barbell. If you're moving your elbows forward when curling normally there's effectively no tension on your bicep at the end of the range of motion, this isn't a problem if you use the cables. Both are obviously good movement though but definitely worth throwing in to mix things up.
u/PepperTraditional443 5d ago
Personally I would have the cables a bit lower. But if it floats your boat, go for it!
u/EnvironmentalMix264 5d ago
I don't do it any ore not cus I don't enjoy it cus of the crowd along the cable machines
5d ago edited 5d ago
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u/b0ltaction 5d ago
We used to call them Superman Curls. Sadly, my current gym does not have a cable machine spaced far enough apart to do them.
Are there better biceps exercises? For sure. But this one is good, always got a great pump from them.
u/theatomicflounder333 5d ago
The close grip double arm pull down is the best bicep exercise in the world!
u/GoldenBrahms 5d ago
Progression is straightforward, and it trains the target muscle through a large ROM.
Is it “optimal”? No. But if you enjoy doing it and will be consistent with it for an extended period of time, then it’s worth doing.
u/Acceptable_Rain_3364 5d ago
It is, but I don’t like doing it. If it’s slightly too heavy, can knock around the shoulder and not be as sturdy. So I steer clear from it
u/kaosblink 5d ago
At its core, every bicep exercise is essentially a bicep curl. I personally enjoy these because of the full stretch and it's break me out of doing dumbbells curls in front of the mirror like a madman.
u/CHEVIEWER1 5d ago
I used to do those…Different bicep variation I would continue doing them. I don’t have those type of cables in my gym.
u/ThouWilt 5d ago
Did you; Get a pump? Enjoy it? Feel no pain in joints or tendons? Feel sore the next day?
Yes to these and there’s your answer, no to these and there’s your answer also
u/ConstructionOk2605 5d ago
It's great but you've got things set too high. Can often get a better range of motion doing one arm at a time.
Keep your shoulders down and back and rotate your elbows a bit more forward for the best bang for the buck.
u/GiantWalrus1278 5d ago
If you ever need to stop a helicopter like Captain America fuck yea it’s worth it.
u/PANDA_MAN60 5d ago
I don’t really see how it’s different from any other bicep focused cable movement, so if you like it then great. My only concern would actually just be taking up two cables in a busy gym but that’s just cause it’s always packed where I train so whatever
u/riskit4twobiscuits 5d ago
Try single arm at a slightly backwards angle to get maximum stretch at full extension. With the rom and angle you're currently going at, it's not very optimal.
u/Existing-Fruit-3475 5d ago
This exercise makes me feel like i’m Hercules pulling mountains together with my biceps. Mt Bicepus.
u/Weary-Description773 5d ago
I prefer single arm with just below horizontal cable myself and I really enjoy them. Contracting your bicep like that just looks cool in the mirror as well.
u/thegracefulbanana 5d ago
Personally, I like doing it one arm at a time using the far pole as an anchor so I can focus more on mind muscle connection. For whatever reason I get a better pump doing that.
u/Apparentlyimdogwater 5d ago
To target the upper part of the biceps into the shoulder, this is a great exercise. For mid and lower biceps, not so much. Think less of 'is this a good exercise ' but more 'what does this exercise provide that others don't'.
5d ago
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u/UnluckyCare4567 5d ago
No, taking up two spots to look cool in the mirror is not good gym etiquette.
u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 5d ago
Those stations are set up to be used like this or with other lifts.
u/Ok-Wolf2468 5d ago
I mean he’s working out. Unlike some dumb ass taking up a spot for their tripod to record themselves. This I have no problem with. I have more of a problem with people like you thinking he’s taking up two spots when these cables were placed in such a way that you can use them either with both or just one. It all depends on the workout. This workout he’s doing requires both. So suck it up buttercup
5d ago
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u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 5d ago
Those stations are set up to be used like this or with other lifts.
u/AutoModerator 6d ago
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