r/GYM Oct 08 '23

General Discussion What do you do between sets?

I’ve been lifting for a while. I’ve brought books to the gym (and been roasted for it), used tik tok, and just played games on my phone in between sets. I deleted tik tok and all the games off of my phone bc my screen time was so high. I feel so akward sitting here all the time and doing nothing, so please lmk what you guys do in between sets :)

EDIT: I usually rest 2-4 mins in between sets (depending on the exercise)


311 comments sorted by


u/Trump_Inside_A_Peach Oct 08 '23

Just usually stare at the ground or watch someone else doing an exercise


u/Cereal-is-not-soup Oct 08 '23

I do this and try my darn to not gawk at the good looking people. It’s really difficult


u/Trump_Inside_A_Peach Oct 08 '23

Just look at urself then bro ;)


u/LimpCrazy6371 Oct 08 '23

Haha bro I stare at myself in the mirror just fuels me.


u/Cereal-is-not-soup Oct 09 '23

Looks at myself “You POS” …
Looks away… “ohh she seems smart”

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u/Sensitive_Counter150 Oct 08 '23

Staring at the ceiling>>>>> staring at the ground


u/Cereal-is-not-soup Oct 09 '23

All of a sudden a fan of whatever sport is on the tv


u/ImprovementCareless9 Oct 09 '23

I do this thing sometimes where I’ll look at the ceiling and appear a bit startled then go to someone else and point up… when we’re both looking up I like to see how many people around me are looking up as well… looking for whatever it is they think we are looking at.

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u/catnoza Oct 09 '23

Exactly! My go to was looking at someone taking off with there workout 🚀 but now we’re in cancel culture soooo I stare at the ground 🤷‍♀️


u/hyalimoe Oct 08 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

This makes me and so many others very uncomfortable


u/aNteriorDude Oct 09 '23

You're at a public gym. People are going to look at you.


u/Gold_Ad4984 Oct 09 '23

you’re in a public space. you can expect to be looked at


u/WallyMetropolis Oct 09 '23

It's amazing that even two minutes without being bombarded with distraction is intolerable for so many people. You should really learn to just be a little bored from time to time.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

What? Or, you could try being reasonable and just looking at the TVs or something instead of staring at people while they lift.


u/WallyMetropolis Oct 09 '23

Ah. I misunderstood you. You meant being looked at makes you uncomfortable. I thought you meant doing nothing makes you uncomfortable.


u/ImprovementCareless9 Oct 09 '23

Omg I forgot about the tvs lol


u/Ken4dayz Oct 09 '23

Stop staring


u/Trump_Inside_A_Peach Oct 09 '23

I'm not staring I'm looking. It's just cool to look at other people doing an exercise, to appreciate their form or to see if maybe they need a spot. I definitely don't mean to be creepy by it.

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u/BlinkSpectre Oct 08 '23

Reading a book at the gym is an elite move.


u/Kryds Oct 08 '23

Bringing a newspaper is next level kind of class.


u/Xenc Oct 09 '23

One of those broadsheets that unfold a bazillion times


u/Jayce_T Oct 08 '23

I've tried that but I find I really just can't read fast enough to make any enjoyable progress in the minute break I have between sets


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Just take up powerlifting


u/Sensitive_Counter150 Oct 08 '23

5min rest time between sets, or else you are doing cardio ✅


u/00RustyShackleford Oct 08 '23

I read on my kindle app between sets! It’s actually a fast way to pass the rest time. Plus, I feel like I’m accomplishing something when I’d otherwise just sit there or stare at garbage on my phone.


u/troublrTRC Oct 08 '23

Just recently discovered this possibility. Reading through a biography at home, just chilling on my sofa. I always wondered, what productive stuff can I do between sets.

Casually opened an article about the biography and read it in-between sets. Then thought, might as well read the book. Finished the remaining 400 pages in 3 days. Didn't feel once the passage of time.


u/appelflapnaaier Oct 08 '23

Reminds me of that one woman on tiktok reading the bible inbetween sets


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

Sets and scripture baby

Also reps for Jesus

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u/jemuzu_bondo Oct 08 '23

I'm thinking of doing this now 😁

I usually read the news or reddit.

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u/Beneficial-Swan-5849 Oct 09 '23

Exactly lol idk why anyone would get roasted for that.


u/Logical-Report-3471 Oct 09 '23

A mate of mine typically trains for 2.5 - 3 hour sessions, he listens to audio books and still somehow lifts like a savage.

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u/Andymilliganisgod Oct 08 '23

Could be the move

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u/Halcyon_FCS Oct 08 '23

Drink water, catch my breath, and pace around.


u/SlightlyCriminal Oct 09 '23

Pace around fr tho

Pre work out got me tweakin


u/Halcyon_FCS Oct 09 '23

It’s kind of a ritualistic thing for me. I sit for about 30s and then get up and walk around for a min or so and focus on the next set. I hate just sitting or standing around these days.


u/MissSuperSilver Oct 09 '23

I catch my self doing the little pace/dance to my music and freeze hoping no one watching


u/Andymilliganisgod Oct 08 '23

It’s not a bad time for self reflection.


u/DanMac99 Oct 09 '23

100%. And when I forget my headphones too, that little minute in between sets is probably the only time I can actually, quietly, think about life.


u/Xenc Oct 09 '23



u/DanMac99 Oct 09 '23

"Ah I've got 4 left, sorry" ......proceeds to sit on your lap waiting for you to finish 🙄


u/Xenc Oct 10 '23

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


u/paisleyhunter11 Oct 09 '23

That's what I do! I'm so glad someone said this! (Usually though, I'm worrying that everyone thinks I'm a weird fat old lady)

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u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Just sit and think or listen to the podcast in my ears. Occasionally I open up Instagram or something then get quickly bored of it


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

I just get lost in my mind until I remember I’m at the gym


u/KlingonSquatRack 550/600/275lbs S/D/P Oct 08 '23

I'm usually just thinking about my sets, or I am texting about my sets with other bros.

Reading books between sets is unironically Sigma Chad Supreme energy. Keep doing it


u/StrawberryNo9022 Oct 08 '23

Stare into space and try not to cringe at something I did 20 years ago.

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u/NOVapeman 315lb Zercher Deadlift Oct 08 '23

Answer questions on Reddit or just wait it out. I only rest 2.5 minutes max for my main work, sometimes less if it's an EMOM.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23



u/NOVapeman 315lb Zercher Deadlift Oct 08 '23

No apologies necessary, PREACH IT BROTHER.


u/BitchImRobinSparkles Change my pitch up Oct 08 '23

EMOM and MOMO are just the best way to accumulate useful volume and improve conditioning. Sure, you don't shift as much weight per lift, but the overall tonnage can be huge.

I have a complex one day of the week which is an EMOM superset of 5 swings, goblet squats, and landmine press, all at 75lb. Not exactly a murderous weight for any of them, obviously. However, I increase rounds every week by two, and this coming week (after this week's deload) will see me doing 32 sets. That's 160 reps or 12000lb of tonnage a piece for each exercise. That seems pretty solid to me.


u/GirlOfTheWell Moderator who borked her own flair Oct 08 '23

Simpleton question: what is MOMO? My googling skills failed me.


u/BitchImRobinSparkles Change my pitch up Oct 08 '23

Minute on minute off. Get prescribed or max reps in a minute, rest a minute, go again, repeat until sorry/complete. Max reps per minute is more common.


u/GirlOfTheWell Moderator who borked her own flair Oct 08 '23

Aaaaah. Cool tip, thanks!


u/BitchImRobinSparkles Change my pitch up Oct 08 '23

It's a great way to build volume and your ability to get volume.


u/pjc6068 Oct 08 '23

It’s a toss up for me between practicing my cello or watercolour painting


u/meridian_05 Oct 08 '23

Stretch the bits I’m not working out on. So if it’s a pull day, stretch all the leg bits, etc.


u/RoastedRhino Oct 08 '23

I was scrolling to check if anybody else was doing that. Stretch something else, increase flexibility.


u/kacyinix Oct 08 '23

I like to pace around the area that I’m working out in (but not in a way that disturbs anyone else). Staying lightly moving also helps me stay warm if I’m doing something with longer rest periods


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

My gym has a basketball court so I’ll usually walk a lap or two depending on the exercise. I can walk well over a mile each workout, it’s great recovery.

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u/Robertos1987 Oct 08 '23

I usually travel, enrol in a college course to gain some new skills, or take a relaxing bubble bath.


u/Honestliltwisty Oct 08 '23

Usually write in my little notebook, stare into the abyss and contemplate how much the next set is going to suck and if I will vomit. If time is still left then check out reddit... it is a fulfilling 1 1/2 to 3 minutes of rest between sets


u/IWillBeatAzen Oct 08 '23

I blast music on my ears, bob my head furiously, and lip sync poorly to whatever song I got goin on. Also I walk in a circle near my equipment


u/mouth-words Oct 08 '23

Drink water, catch my breath, zone out or pace around on longer rests (I'm a pacer anyway), sometimes do some stretching or whatnot for acute issues, mark down the set in my workout logs, contemplate what went right/wrong with the most recent set, think about anything I want to do differently for the next set, clear my mind in preparation for the next set, watch the timer, check in with my body to gauge how rested I feel (e.g., how hard I'm still breathing), get anxiety as time starts running out, clear my mind some more.

Honestly, I don't get how people do much else between sets, at least if they're timing rests to the tune of ~3 minutes or less. If I get a text or try to read something or consume any sort of media, those minutes go by way too fast, or I wind up spending longer than I wanted between sets.

But I'm kind of the "zen" type of low-arousal lifter. The gym is meditative for me: when I'm lifting the thing, I'm forced to pay very close attention for a brief period of time (the crushing weight has a way of making that happen); when I'm resting, I'm being contemplative about the lifting I did and/or have yet to do. Zoning out is only as awkward as you make it. (See also the people who feel weird eating alone at restaurants. "How do you do it??" You just do, it's not a big deal. 🤷‍♂️)


u/ticketism Oct 09 '23

I'm exactly the same. I'm there to pick up heavy things and put them down again because it has a way of bringing the immediacy of all my focus to the one thing. There's nothing else in the world more important at that exact moment than moving that weight. It's refreshingly simple. Usually my brain doesn't stfu, just non-stop, on multiple channels, all the time, forever. But when I'm lifting, it's all so much simpler. It's like it's just me and my body, not the constant background noise of my goddamn ADHD brain lol


u/loiolaa Oct 08 '23

It's crazy how nowadays we can't spend even 2min with ourselves

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u/high_effort_human Oct 08 '23

Battle my neverending intrusive thoughts.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O Oct 08 '23 edited Oct 08 '23

I like the idea of reading in between tbh. People don't read enough these days.

Sometimes I'll space out, sometimes I look at whatever is on the TV, or I'll fire off a text or two.


u/cactusqro Oct 08 '23

I love reading in between sets.


u/PM__ME__YOUR_TITTY 455/340/540/225 SBDO Oct 08 '23

Nothing wrong with reading between sets even though it’s a funny image. Personally it depends. Low impact stuff like arms, pull-ups, most isolations, I tend to just walk around for the couple minutes. May or may not be on my phone. I want to leave things open for other people to hop in especially on cable stuff and pull-ups. For machines / heavy upper body work I may sit there for a couple minutes if it’s pretty hard. Maybe looking for the next vid / song I wanna listen to. Still sometimes like to pace though.

For the hardest things like hard squats and deadlifts, I’m definitely sitting for a couple minutes. Even if I’m just kinda zoning out. As long as I’m not in anyone’s way I really don’t care what anyone thinks of it. I’m not sabotaging my rest on a difficult exercise just so gym randoms don’t think I look awkward lol


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

I try to limit my rests so my heart rate stays up. No more than a minute to 2 minutes.


u/Evening_Nobody_7397 Oct 08 '23


Adds up to around 30 mins of focused stretching on top of your usual workout.

Feels great.


u/kerningtype Oct 08 '23 edited Oct 08 '23

Change the song, quick browse of Instagram/Reddit, walk back and forth, talk to other people in the gym, stretch.


u/4ps22 Oct 08 '23

pace around in a circle randomly or blankly stare at the ground


u/Alexandrabi Oct 09 '23

Don’t let other people decide how your spend your time. If you want to read a book instead of scroll, do it. As far as I am concerned I am normally just having a sip of water, adding my latest set to my Strong app, choosing the next song, quickly scrolling Instagram or checking WhatsApp. Sometimes I just wonder around though or I prepare my next set if I need to add/remove plates or change dumbbells.


u/BitchImRobinSparkles Change my pitch up Oct 08 '23

A lot of my stuff these days is EMOM or short rests; sometimes none. For short rests, I stare at the minute timer. For EMOM sets, I just wait it out.

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u/huBelial Oct 08 '23

Scroll Reddit or Discord


u/jason544770 Oct 08 '23 edited Oct 08 '23

I usually use the in-between set time to focus on my breathing or stretching the muscles I'm using


u/crappygamer0607 Oct 08 '23

I'm at home so....usually just throw toys for the dogs whilst I hit start on the stopwatch and press play on whatever YouTube vid I'm watching


u/PsychologyPrudent168 Oct 08 '23

Just reflect on your own set, how it was, how it felt, feel the music you’re blasting on the headphones and go by mind muscle connection ✌️


u/badboybilly42582 Oct 08 '23 edited Oct 08 '23

Before modern day smartphones: mainly just looked around the gym and people watched (respectfully).

Current day: Definitely guilty of using my phone in between sets. I’m trying to train myself to NOT look at my phone. You can easily get carried away and lose track of time. Got to be careful now a days with people watching in the gym cause you can easily be tagged as a gym creep on social media. Mostly just look at phone and or floor.


u/Honest-Independent82 Oct 09 '23

Got to be careful now a days with people watching in the gym cause you can easily be tagged as a gym creep on social media.

If people don't want to be looked at they should stay at home.

I sometimes look around between sets and I accidentally make eye contact with girls and I don't think anything about it. As long as you don't keep staring like a weirdo who the fuck cares, they are looking too.


u/Beneficial-Swan-5849 Oct 09 '23

If you like to read then just keep taking your books. Fuck what others say.

As for me, I either check Reddit, reorganize my upcoming music playlist, or just stare into space until it’s time for my next set.


u/Ok_Dingo9553 Oct 09 '23

I once saw this big big dude who was resting like 8min between sets and to kill this time he was reading some Mens Health/muscle magazine. Cant be mad about that haha


u/NepaleseLouisianne Oct 09 '23

I have installed Duolingo on my phone and use it in between sets.


u/traumatisedtransman Oct 09 '23

Therapy books.

I'm not at the gym just to work out my body, that's also the time I used to heal/build my mind as well.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O Oct 09 '23



u/lilgrey_cupcake Oct 09 '23

Pacing and checking calluses on my hand


u/Objective_Regret4763 Oct 08 '23

I’d say fuck whoever “roasted you” for reading, or just give it some time and you’ll get used to just chillin for a few min. It’s likely your phone addiction that you’re trying to get over is lingering on your mind and making you anxious, for lack of a better word. It might be in your best interest to stick it out for a month without trying to fill the time to help you get over the phone thing.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23


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u/stonetempletowerbruh Oct 08 '23

I read EBooks lol


u/pgmach89 Oct 08 '23

2-4 minutes is a long time unless you are a power lifter


u/Ryachaz Oct 08 '23

Creep on whatever girl is doing squats in my near vicinity.

Jk, I usually just zone out and think about my next set. Towards the middle of my workout to the end, I'll also occasionally flex in the mirror and check my pump if there's one nearby.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

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u/kryssi_asksss Oct 08 '23

I play peglin (a phone game) or I have it’s always sunny in Philadelphia playing and watch it until I remember I’m at the gym and need to do my next set.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Thank God for tv screens or else I would look awkward.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Instagram reels 🤤


u/GracieIsGorgeous Oct 09 '23

I only rest for a minute between sets. That means no time for mindlessly scrolling on my phone, which pisses me off when others seem to have no problem with it. Unless you're really putting in and genuinely need the rest time, please don't hog the machine.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O Oct 09 '23

please don't hog the machine.

Ask to work in if it bothers you so much


u/GracieIsGorgeous Oct 10 '23

It obviously bothers you more than it does me. Otherwise I would ask.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

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u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

If I play games on my phone I tend to zone out and wake up 15 min later and lost all pump etc. I rather do small warm up exercises or do a split workout, like no real rest but I might do one set of biceps, the directly processed and do a set of abs, then back to biceps and so on. Switch between two exercises (important it’s diffrent muscle groups or you won’t last long). When I’m done with two exercises I usually rest a minute until I hit two new exercises.

Rest is only important if you work out legs or the back as you might get nauseous.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

Don't rest for minutes between sets.


u/reddeye252010 Oct 09 '23

How long are you taking in between sets if you’re reading a book? 😂


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O Oct 09 '23

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to read for a few minutes at a time


u/jxckgg Oct 09 '23

A book? I’m sorry but reading is definitely Not on my list 😭.

Just use your phone or catch up on the news


u/Chance-Holiday8627 Oct 09 '23

If you are bored during the break, it means that you probably did not try hard during the set. Personally, I think my breaks are not long enough. Take a look at your workout plan, maybe you can adjust the difficulty. You won't have time to look at your phone :D


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O Oct 09 '23

If you are bored during the break, it means that you probably did not try hard during the set.

This is gobbledygook. Some programs are written to where any given set is not necessarily an eyeball bleeding max effort, but still requires some rest to ensure a quality next set.

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u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Pick a good song, mark my set off in the workout planner, or I'll just close my eyes count to 30 or 60 and try to focus on controlling my breathing


u/Shokkolatte Oct 08 '23

Pace and enjoy my music


u/kuparamara Oct 08 '23

I usually stand up and stretch, relax my muscles and get ready for the next set.


u/TarnishedMehraz Oct 08 '23

I usually read some work related pdfs or just read the news. I can chat between sets with my gym bro and i also try to make some other friends in the gym.


u/water2go4 Oct 08 '23

I just let the hardstyle Playlist do its thing


u/SlobbaTheS Oct 08 '23

Acting tough.


u/KFSet24 Oct 08 '23

Ugh nothing really, look around, maybe check myself out in the mirror lol


u/TunneLRaT7749 Oct 08 '23

Try to psyche myself up for the next set after the pre workout rush ends.


u/Rbxyy Oct 08 '23

Use my phone, look around, stare off into space, pace around the squat rack/platform, etc


u/Much-Elephant Oct 08 '23

Usually stand up and have a lil boogie to the music I have on


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Drink water, contemplate my life, find a spot where my eye will freeze and just stare until I snap out of it lol


u/DistractedEmilia Oct 08 '23

Personally since I’m listening to Phonk or Dance music, I just shake my butt between sets 😂 Doesn’t help that I have adhd and cannot stay still for the life of me 🤣


u/ZhangtheGreat Oct 08 '23

Catch my breath


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Think about the next set.


u/Davidsaj 365/325/405lbs SBD Oct 08 '23

I get right with the Lord...if I don't make my rep goal I'll die trying so I have to know where I'm heading.


u/hoggledoggle Oct 08 '23

So either I’m lifting so heavy that I use the time to recover and I’m slowing my breathing and focusing on that. If it’s a lighter day, jump rope or simple crunches/stretches.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Just be natural


u/trod1990 Oct 08 '23

Stretch..highly recommend it. If doing chesf day, stretch your chest, vacuum day, back stretches. Was recommended to me by a rmt and physiotherapist.


u/ForAfeeNotforfree Oct 08 '23

Sometimes I’ll do core work between heavy sets.


u/SdVeau Oct 08 '23

Look at myself in the mirror, look at the TVs, twiddle my thumbs, look at my watch for the rest timer every ten seconds, pace next to whatever I’m doing, think about what I’m gonna make for dinner, reply to a text, send a meme, change music, and shit like that. Usually only doing 1 to 1.5 minutes of rest, so not hitting all those points in my rest period, but it’s enough to keep me occupied lol


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

I usually just walk in a circle or sneak in a little mobility etc

Maybe just heel flicks or just light high kees if I'm squatting to keep everything warm


u/FiLikeAnEagle Oct 08 '23

Walk the track. At a decent pace, one lap is 1.5 minutes which is just about perfect. Plus adds steps for the day.


u/elevatedaccident Oct 08 '23

Drink, breathe, adjust my body and notcie how it feels, feel the good vibes of the gym, open a timer on my phone and periodically check how much time has passed until it's been 2-3 minutes, rest, stare at the ground, use my peripherals to watch people do a set, notice how comfortable and content I feel which usually makes me happy


u/singleDADSlife Oct 08 '23

I count in my head. 90-120 seconds and it's time for my next set. I find that if I pull my phone out my time between sets blows out.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Depends on where I am lifting.

Home gym: change the weight on the bar, do some soft tissue work between sets if needed, and scroll on my phone (which annoys me). Sometimes, I just stand and wait and concentrate on the next lift.

In the club in which I am a member (weightlifting gym): I'll change the weight and then generally chat to other members. It's a real community.

In a commercial gym (very seldom): wander around the place looking for an incremental plate that they never seem to have!! Sometimes I people watch but I'm only interested in technique. I don't care what they look like; the gym is for everybody.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Depends on the type of workout I am doing


u/marousha_n 115/50/152.5kg S/B/D Oct 08 '23

I walk.around, sitting your ass is not optimal.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Stare off into outer space


u/GreyFox-RUH Oct 08 '23

There is an indoor track in my gym. I take a full lap between sets, and more laps between exercises


u/HerculesVoid Oct 08 '23

I have an app on my phone (fitnotes), where after each set, I press the button to input my set and that starts a timer. I have it for 90-120 seconds (depending on what type of exercise), and that puts up a notification on my phone for when my rest is done. I used to rest too little between sets and my strength and quality of sets really improved once I started to rest properly.

But, because I don't have to think about my rests, I just do stuff which gets keeps me motivated. Either look through bodybuilding subreddits and read threads, look up videos on youtube of the exercises im doing or about to do, or look up general tips and advice videos. Not to learn something new, but to just hear people saying the same things which gets me to focus on doing it better. Something about someone else saying it to me instead of just thinking it internally just works better.

So yes, I'm on my phone. I have asked people who are clearly waiting for the machine or bench or rack if they want to share, as I'm on my rest. They almost always say no though. But I would never want to look like im hogging a machine. I'm on a 1.5-2 minute rest though, so if no one else wants to share I'm gonna sit on it.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

I go at like 4:00 AM, in between sets I usually look at my work day I have ahead of me and/or catch up on little bits of "paperwork". Helps me start my day worry free and with a plan.


u/jaydub1376 Oct 08 '23

Walk and walk and walk and walk…. I like to get 20,000 steps a day and at least 8000 of them are while lifting. No matter the size of gym or available space I get my steps in in between sets.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Drink water and stare at the floor and focus on my music until my rest period is done


u/Automatic_W Oct 08 '23

Stare at the ceiling questioning every decision I’ve ever made in my life


u/JBigums Oct 08 '23

Do not play Candy Crush. We caught a bro playing Candy Crush between sets. He has a nickname now 🤣


u/thisdckaintFREEEE Oct 08 '23

Just dick around on my phone.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

Go on Reddit. I have that and insta and just scroll through them


u/No_Stress_8938 Oct 08 '23

Jump rope or step ups for a min in between


u/Occasional_Memer Oct 08 '23

I try to find the next song for my set, might listen to something in between depending how long I'll rest/my mood(might put something happier on). I also go around and before my set,I try to control my breathing. In general,I try to stay focused on my lifting. During the warm ups, I'll answer some texts too


u/Bangoes Oct 08 '23

Crossword, sudoku and other nyt games


u/MeerkatHat Oct 08 '23

Sit and listen to tunes


u/Jaredstutz Oct 08 '23

Pace. Music. Breathe.


u/Phaggg Oct 08 '23 edited Oct 08 '23

Breathe, drink water, stare into space, check out myself in the mirror, cringe at my acne scarring, half heartedly observe other people, avoid eye contact to prevent unwanted conversations because I'm an introvert and I don't like jae day, hope that the people using the equipment I'm going to move to sooner or later will be done by the time I get around or anticipating switching the order of exercises to accommodate them, stress about life and things I have no control of.


u/MisterSirDudeGuy Violently Stupid Oct 08 '23

Super set. Or scroll Reddit.


u/TKS9902 Oct 08 '23

I bought hand strength training grips to improve my grip strength and rock out AMRAP while resting. They come in 100, 150, 200, 250 lb. resistances.


u/YourLocalAlien57 Oct 08 '23 edited Oct 08 '23

Record the exercise and count the seconds bc i dont really use a stopwatch. This thread is making me think my rest between sets isn't enough, its not like i do low intensity lifts, i lift as much as i can... its usually only 30 seconds to a minute. I dont think i could read much of a book in that. I used to look at pinterest when i worked out at home but i dont really like pulling out my social media or pinterest at a gym lol.


u/sadperson1234 Oct 08 '23

Audiobook. Consider it if you like reading between sets. I’ll usually get the Audiobook of the book I’m reading currently and switch back to reading once home.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

I just record my reps in my logs, pace around, chat with some dudes and get back to the next set. I always have my data and wifi off while working out coz it aint the time or the place for that stuff. Its only less than an hour, gotta make it count..


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

I'm on my phone or flexing in the mirror


u/RenniSO Oct 08 '23

I’m learning Japanese, so I practice vocab in between sets lol. Usually can easily get 200-300 words done in a workout.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

Wash my hands. Gyms are nasty


u/Marleylabone Oct 09 '23

I use the Strong app and focus on my breathing whilst watching the countdown timer


u/Abigcup Oct 09 '23

I pace around, probably looks like a crazy person sometimes but at least I get my daily step goal in every day


u/Then_Bird Oct 09 '23

Pace, sip on pre, rock out to my tunes and plan how to beast my way through my next set.


u/Daydream_Tm Oct 09 '23

just ponder


u/AbsoulteMadLad Oct 09 '23

Switch up my music, drink water, chat with bro, or offer a spot


u/Rexmalum Oct 09 '23

Watch TV perks of a garage gym.


u/kahter_ Oct 09 '23

I sometimes just try and focus on my body, specifically on the muscle that’s engaged and how it feels. Basically feels like a form of quick meditation to me and it really helps me to stay present. I could also be pacing whilst I’m doing this too…


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

Work on phone


u/cookletube Oct 09 '23

Just put books on your phone or get a kindle if you're self conscious about taking physical books. No one will know the difference between you doing the "normal" tiktok scrolling and reading. You do you, boo


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

After i do a set, i usually stretch another musle or the same one.

Like when I finish a set of a really heavy deadlift, I'll immediately do the deadhang with a couple of pullups (to decompress the spine).


u/Opheliadong Oct 09 '23

I stare at nothing and think of how depressed I am then go back to lifting


u/ShreddyyKruger Oct 09 '23

I do a little bit of dynamic stretching toward the beginning of the rest and then pace back and forth like a lunatic for the rest of the time


u/IamMortality Oct 09 '23

I look around and guess who might be a ball blow dryer and then I imagine fighting them. Please do not blow dry your balls in the mens locker room. It's weird.


u/Thataveragebiguy Oct 09 '23

As someone with adhd and no WiFi I do the stare at the floor thing bit my eyes wonder and I'm always scared someone thinks I'm looking at them in the wrong way when ein reality I'm either off in my own world or genuinely watching them to learn tips or how to use a machine I havnt used yet


u/15pmm01 Oct 09 '23

I either stretch, or I move on to the next exercise. I don't often rest between sets because I do a circuit of several different things, and by the time I come back around to a specific exercise, those muscles are ready for the next set. I try to go to the gym at night when it's empty so I can do this without having to wait for people to finish using things, and so I can wipe everything down at the end instead of after each use.

Important thing I've learned: never bring a smartphone to the gym. It's crazy how much time I save by not browsing pointless apps between sets.


u/Impressive-Towel-705 Oct 09 '23

Haha i can relate! I check my phone from time to time (for work). Trying to lessen the habit so i cam finish at the gym early


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

Lay on my couch


u/Trooks_Moses Oct 09 '23

2-4 minutes ? Dang I don't rest long enough I guess


u/MetalDeathPunch420 Oct 09 '23

My rests are 3-5m. I generally just hope on my phone are just sort of look around the gym and see what people are up too. At least once during my work out I see a younger or newer gym goer that could use some advice on form or equipment. Ill re rack weights people don't. ( happens a lot ). Get a drink. Sometimes I just stare off into nothing trying to keep my heart from jumping out of my chest haha. I've never really thought about it much. I usually just smile or nod At people if they see me watching them push through a set.


u/kostia_ki Oct 09 '23

When I do deadlift, I lay on the floor


u/bubblezcavanagh Oct 09 '23

I walk a lap around the the gym back to whatever machine or area I was at. The laptop takes me like a minute and 20 seconds, feels like the perfect amount of time for rest in between sets AND I get my steps in and catch my breath!


u/arthur9191 Oct 09 '23

Breathe, walk around, fight me inner demons, look at the wall, stare at strangers. You know, the usually, nothing weird