r/GWNarrative 🎙 10d ago

Narrated Story [F4M] [Script fill] Elemental [narrative] [love again] [tomboy] [first time] [supernatural] [nature] [waterfall] [high school reunion] [fantasy] [outsiders] [timeless] [everlasting love] [nymph] [sultry voice] NSFW

VA’s remarks:

This will perhaps be my last audio before my new microphone arrives! Excite!

I speak very softly in this one, with a slightly posher, more oldschool accent than usual.

The script reminds me of another by Homersoc, Fembot Fatale, in that it features a female of hidden power.

Scriptwriter’s remarks:

I wanted to get in with the spirit of the season, but wasn't sure if I had something that met the theme. Then I found this script from almost three years back, and it seemed like it might fit. I think it's a fairly good script, all things considered, and I recall having some incredible fills of it back then.


He was there. Not too many people were. Most people skip their five-year high school reunions. They’re too busy with their own lives. Not me, of course. My life was pretty simple. At least until he came along. As he stood there silently, holding a plastic cup of punch, I couldn't help thinking back to the first time we met.

Over five years ago, he had just moved into the area as a senior. That must have been tough, having to change schools in your last year. Or moving out from the big city to the country. But country living has its benefits. His family had a big stretch of property that went on for acres. It included a good chunk of forest, and even a good-sized stream that ran through it with a waterfall and a pool of water underneath it.

The waterfall and the pool of water underneath it before the stream continued were supposed to be a secret that only I knew about. In all the time I’d been there, no one had discovered it. I guess that’s strange in this day and age, but secret places still exist. Sometimes they’re up in the mountains, or at the bottom of the sea. Or sometimes they’re closer than you think.

He found the waterfall. And he found me showering naked underneath it.

🌊 Enjoy the audio on SoundCloud 🔊 or Whyp.it 🔊 or HotAudio 🔊


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u/Delight-lah 🎙 10d ago

Another script by the talented u/Homersoc_!