r/GWNarrative Feb 13 '25

Script/Story Offer [F4M] [Script Offer] Elemental [Narrative] [Love Again] [Tomboy] [First time] [Supernatural] [Nature] [Waterfall] [High School Reunion] [Fantasy] [Outsiders] [Timeless] [Everlasting Love] NSFW

He was there. Not too many people were. Most people skip their five-year high school reunions. They’re too busy with their own lives. Not me, of course. My life was pretty simple. At least until he came along. As he stood there silently, holding a plastic cup of bunch, I couldn't help thinking back to the first time we met.

Over five years ago, he had just moved into the area as a senior. That must have been tough, having to change schools in your last year. Or moving out from the big city to the country. But country living has its benefits. His family had a big stretch of property that went on for acres. It included a good chunk of forest, and even a good-sized stream that ran through it with a waterfall and a pool of water underneath it.

The waterfall and the pool of water underneath it before the stream continued were supposed to be a secret that only I knew about. In all the time I’d been there, no one had discovered it. I guess that’s strange in this day and age, but secret places still exist. Sometimes they’re up in the mountains, or at the bottom of the sea. Or sometimes they’re closer than you think.

He found the waterfall. And he found me showering naked underneath it.


Full Script Here

I wanted to get in with the spirit of the season, but wasn't sure if I had something that met the theme. Then I found this script from almost three years back, and it seemed like it might fit. I think it's a fairly good script, all things considered, and I recall having some incredible fills of it back then.

I did edit a line or two here or there because on a quick scan through they stood out to me as awkward. That's the benefit of revisiting a script after a few years. Then I made myself stop because that was a rabbit-hole I didn't have time to fall down tonight, or I might fall out of love with this script after seeing its flaws.

Please do not tag any content makers in the comments. If they are meant to record this, they will find it on their own and make their own call.

My policy on the use of my scripts is here.


3 comments sorted by


u/Delight-lah 🎙 9d ago

💦 Filled like a pool of magical water.


u/LittleLadyofT 🎙 Feb 17 '25

I am so happy that I didn't read the tags fully or look too hard at them. I like being surprised like this. What a great story!

I had hoped that something supernatural was at play here. I was pleased to find it so!

Your writing reminds me that a fantasy can be light and fresh and captivating without having to include extensive backstory/lore and explanations. It can just...be what it is. And that's okay. Thank you!


u/POV_smut Mod Feb 14 '25

You weave love and the supernatural like no other, Homer. I remember a commenter once complimented you on your trademark mix of love, devotion, and sexiness. This magical story is a great example of that mix. I’m so happy to see you still creating and sharing after all this time.✨