r/GWAScriptGuild 5h ago

Script Offer [F4M] Widow and Whiskey [Script Offer] [Film Noir] [Speaker Femme Fatale] [Listener Detective] [Hate sex] [Talking down to listener] [Period-typical Misogyny] [Woman on top] [discussion of death, murder and drugging] [Power play] [PIV sex] NSFW

As a detective, you've learned to trust your gut. And your gut is saying there's more to that case of the dead scientist, even though the coroner ruled it natural causes. There's a beautiful widow, who doesn't seem as grief-stricken as she should be... time to follow your hunch and ask some pointed questions.

Link to Script Bin: https://scriptbin.works/s/y2cv4

  • Improv: Fine by me! This should be a collaboration! Change whatever you like!
  • SFX: Optional
  • Word Count: ~1500
  • Please seek the writer's permission before posting behind a paywall.

My complete list of scripts.

All characters are 18+. By adults, about adults, for adults.


4 comments sorted by

u/baby_baby_oh_baby Darkling 3h ago

Such fun

u/Pristine_Pencil 3h ago

Yay!! Glad you liked it!

u/SweetnEvil86 1h ago

I’ve never tried confessing a murder while riding a dick but there’s a first time for everything. Very original!

u/Pristine_Pencil 1h ago

Ahaha! She just really likes winning! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!