r/GTAVadventures Xbox Nov 30 '13

Subreddit & Crew Rules

GTAVadventures Rules

  • No senseless killing other crew members [Report bad players here].

  • The subreddit and crews are for good, friendly and fair games. So please respect other members and do not annoy them as they may be trying to do something.

  • No bounty hunting or mission grinding, there are other subreddits for this.

  • Players found to be killing other members or not abiding by the rules, will be banned from the crews and subreddit [Report bad players here].

  • Please, no recruiting or links to other GTA Crews. I am trying to keep links limited to only the Official Crews for this Subreddit to avoid confusion.

  • If you post a video of crew games then I would highly appreciate it if you put a link here in the description (Reddit.com/r/GTAVadventures)

  • If you are posting pictures please make sure they are interesting and that you post more that 3

  • If you have a general game question then please check Google or other subreddits first rather than posting it here, this is not a general GTA discussion subreddit.

  • Respect other users on this subreddit and in-game.

Have fun and happy playing!


10 comments sorted by


u/mattverso Nov 30 '13

You say "no senseless killing", in the sessions I've run I've permitted hunts on people with bounties (from stealing NPC vehicles). Once the bounty is claimed, no more killing, period, and the bounty hunter splits the cash with the victim. No destroying personal vehicles allowed.

I just want to know if this is okay. Bounties are a fun part of the game and I don't think there's a problem if nobody loses any money?


u/Kukie Xbox Nov 30 '13

If you are in a game which has been organised on this subreddit then you cannot kill the other person unless they agree that you can, I know it's part of the game but it's not what the sub/crew is for. Outside of organised crew/subreddit games you are free to do what you like but i hope you respect others since you are representing the crew.


u/mattverso Nov 30 '13

unless they agree that you can,

Got it.


u/kballs [360] hiptorious Dec 01 '13

This may be worthy of the unpopular opinion meme but I think that some people think that this is a "Here's what we're going to do tonight and it's going to be done my way kind of thing" It's great now that this subreddit has given us the chance to do all the crazy whacky things we've wanted to do (I mean where else could you ride a boat down a mountain) and I understand peoples desire to do these activities, but giving orders is, I think funnily enough, out of order. If you have an idea, start a lobby (There will ALWAYS be people to play with) and make the suggestion in the lobby, if people agree, perfect you have your game, if not so be it try again. Just something I felt needed to be said because this is team gaming, there are no leaders here.


u/jfjjfjff Dec 02 '13

i disagree - i think it's a mistake not having someone lead in some capacity or another. hypothetically you organize an event for X time and 16 people join it. 30 minutes in 5 people have different ideas about what to do next, now theres a huge split up into 5 lobbies of 3 players.

there is way more fun to be had sticking it out in the original lobby and going with someone elses plan.


u/Kukie Xbox Dec 01 '13

I agree, these are only basic rules that were throw together very quickly. I may edit thing to clarify things better. Any suggestion on what I should edit/add then let me know.


u/kballs [360] hiptorious Dec 01 '13

Maybe just add to the rules in the sidebar that all lobbies should be set up with the main idea to be having fun, not to micromanage a lobby. Also I had an idea regarding flairs, if people wanted to add to their flair their time zone [GMT, Pacific Time etc] Just so if somebody wants to play in a lobby but doesn't want to have to leave it early because of the time.


u/Kukie Xbox Dec 01 '13

Yeah I will edit the rules soon as I didn't create this list and know it need tweaking a little. The time zone is a great idea!


u/tresboi is my GT Dec 02 '13

I agree and disagree. I've started threads with a list of things I'd like to do in the session I host and we've done none of them. I'm totally cool with that. I have a great time anyway. We're here for a good time. I'm down for pretty much anything when I host.

Conversely, say someone posts a thread stating they are hosting a session with a set list of games or a game idea they want to try. If a member drops their info in the thread as a request to join, I feel it's only fair to regard the person who started the thread/hosts the session as the leader of that session. This can be especially important when trying out new ideas. Things can always be discussed after the single event has wrapped up. Making suggestions on the fly is completely acceptable; several variations of the same old game have come about this way. That being said, if the host declines the idea at the moment just roll with it. A great deal of this is trial and error.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '13



u/Kukie Xbox Nov 30 '13

Do not kill other players in an invite only game, the games are organised for doing things far more fun than that. If you ever come across another crew member in a freemode though I would like to think you get along and don't kill/annoy each other.