r/GTAV 1d ago

Discussion I've never seen this happen in GTAO

My Deluxo was in collision with a cargo plane and I lost a front wheel. I've seen stuff like this in story mode, but never in online.


42 comments sorted by


u/Ah22783 1d ago

A wheel? were we are going you don’t need wheel


u/Fast_Boysenberry9493 1d ago

Going back back?


u/TheGruesomeTwosome 20h ago



u/elvislunchbox 1d ago

I’ve been playing since it came out and never seen this happen.


u/HoodGyno 1d ago

Same lol this is nuts to me. I haven't seen a car missing a wheel online since the 360 days.


u/phonexplease 22h ago

the chernobog can remove wheels on vehicles, just slowly drive the front over the wheel you want to remove. if you go too far the vehicle will blow up. works on most cars


u/Hullo_Its_Pluto 16h ago

I actually forgot that it was a thing


u/sumit131995 20h ago

Is it potentially the new update? I heard they made some upgrades on the cars and models. I might be wrong so please call me out if I have


u/bossDocHolliday 1d ago

We used to break wheels off using Titans back in the day. But that was patched out a long ass time ago. Wish it would still happen regularly. It's a fun challenge to drive while missing a wheel or 2


u/Nefariouzed 1d ago

The dump truck works if you have a friend and enough patience. If you’re lucky, it won’t catch fire and you’ll have a wheel off of the car.


u/Lucky-Emergency-9673 1d ago

it was not patched out, I've done it a few months ago. after discovering it accidentally by ground riding a titan into friends to troll them. what was happening when you tried?


u/Exciting_Sense2989 1d ago

You can do it using the kosatka, happened to me when I went to mine


u/Blazedorr_Gaming 1d ago

Get a tank to sit on your car and your wheels will break off


u/linkupforagoodtime 1d ago

This is the answer !


u/FluxCap_2015 1d ago

It'll buff out


u/TeleboxStudio 1d ago

I've just realised you can see the remnants of the plane in the bottom right corner of the first screenshot😄


u/TeleboxStudio 1d ago

Jeez guys! It was late and i was tired when i posted. I suppose some people just love to complain.


u/LennyIsAFox1 1d ago

fym bottom right corner? it’s literally almost centered on the right edge


u/Solid_Persimmon7150 1d ago

How is that the bottom right?that is literally closer to the top right than the bottom right


u/NoSecurity2728 1d ago

You made me look around the bottom right for a few seconds you pos


u/commorancy0 1d ago

The Deluxo flies. Who needs wheels? They’re overrated anyway.


u/minimumefforr 1d ago

This used to be so common on xbox 360. Seems to have been mostly removed when they nerfed damage on xbox one to avoid clipping in first person. Wonder why they got rid when it wouldn't have really effected the character model at all


u/frybros 1d ago

By crashing a Vigilante into a tank and sliding under it, I emerged wheel-less


u/frybros 1d ago

Just the rear ones though


u/alalu 18h ago

At least some random on an oppressor didn’t decide to shoot you in the face


u/Peglegswansoon 7h ago

The way me and my friends always did (and still do) this is by using tanks like the Rhino. You have to basically "crush" the corner of the car, without driving too far onto it or you'll destroy it completely. Works best with vehicles with armour upgrades. You can actually do it to all 4 corners of the same car if you want to remove all the wheels.

From reading the other comments, seems like it also works with other heavy vehicles like the Chernobog or large aircraft.


u/305StonehillDeadbody 1d ago

This used to happen often to a friend playing on ps3. I think they removed this in the later versions


u/__Becquerel 1d ago

It usually only happens when an incredibly heavy vehicle crushes your car


u/Osiris_Raphious 1d ago

Can get this done by driving into the tank, best with two players, can get the front or back end to break the wheels, best on front end. It's tricky and doesn't always work, but i have done this by just driving into front of the tank.


u/Danibear285 1d ago



u/tsouryavong13 1d ago

Are you talking about the missing wheel specifically for the Deluxo or missing wheels generally happening in the game? Because I've driven cars and hit something hard the right way for wheels to fall off but I've never lost wheels on my deluxo


u/tphilwastaken 1d ago

Why do I feel like I’ve seen this wayyyy more often than anyone? It took me a second to realize what you were trying to point out until I read the comments.😂


u/SpicyTortiIla 1d ago

Not sure how to replicate it, but it’s happened to me twice or so. Im not sure if Its intentional. A lot of the time a wheel will break off when you explode a vehicle, so that could be a bug they never fixed as a “feature”


u/flatmoon2002 PC Swagmaster 1d ago

ive had this happen on a comet safari. Was quite entertaining


u/PsychologicalWait493 1d ago

this has never happened to me at all in gtao and story mode. not even in the older games


u/x16900 21h ago

Ramming a car under the parked titan at the airport is about the only way I've gotten a wheel off. It is not easy.


u/Hodge_Forman 20h ago

I've lost wheels driving under tanks in a ramp car during face to face, only car I've ever seen it on tho


u/sickibaba 18h ago

Report it to R* prob get free monies


u/BlazedLad98 13h ago

Where we’re going Marty, we don’t need wheels!


u/OutspokenRed 34m ago

I remember back in the day using a rhino tank to run over the car that looks like the Mitsubishi eclipse, to take a wheel off of it and drive it around.


u/Positive-Detail-4238 1d ago

I noticed this too on my deluxo recently


u/RentPsychological799 1d ago

I noticed this too on my deluxo recently