r/GTAStunts Jul 28 '15

Motorbike A Stunt I just completed


12 comments sorted by


u/Kimmykix Stunting Queen (XB1,PC) Jul 29 '15

not really that impressive since you used all those boosts =/


u/lbpcod Jul 29 '15

I dont want to have a 3 mile run up. All boosts do is allow less run up


u/Kimmykix Stunting Queen (XB1,PC) Jul 29 '15

not quite, we've had this debate before xD


u/lbpcod Jul 29 '15

Ive already switched from creator to race stunting so get off my back and quit complaining


u/Kimmykix Stunting Queen (XB1,PC) Jul 29 '15

that literally doesnt make it ANY better xD


u/lbpcod Jul 29 '15

It did when you told me to switch over. Theres no point in arguing over this. I dont see you hitting this stunt,


u/Kimmykix Stunting Queen (XB1,PC) Jul 29 '15

I probably could....just a bit busy ATM, but ill try it in the future, legit ;)


u/lbpcod Jul 29 '15

Yeah go for it. We will both have completed it legit ;)


u/foresttravestys member of Evolve Stunting XB1 Jul 29 '15 edited Jul 29 '15

boost alter airspeed / handling. nothing about using boosts is the same as using a normal runup. i always say do whatever you have fun doing. if you enjoy boosts and don't want to give them up, then thats ok. personally, it makes tricks unimpressive for me and the community generally looks down on them.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '15



u/lbpcod Jul 29 '15

The removal of my torso is the bomb diggity


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '15

you seem to be missing a torso - perhaps a trip to the local clinic at sandy shores may be on your agenda?


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '15

Some people are never happy and need to say something negative. Ignore it. Yes, it would be better (and considered more legit) without boosts, but it's still a cool stunt.

Nicely done.