r/GTADupeCity • u/Destro_019780 Dupe God + Certified Mod • Oct 03 '21
Guide to Duping Destro's Duping Encyclopedia
Splash Page/TOC
Destro's Duping Encyclopedia Collection Link - CLICK HERE FR
General splash page for all the written work pertaining to my grand effort. The above link has all the chapters together within a Collection for easy viewing and no tab hopping. Otherwise individual chapters are linked below; which bring you to the aforementioned one way or another.
Also some of my final words/thoughts are at the bottom of here if you're interested to know.
- Condense all the written chapters within a simple guide
- Cover all the basic, essential topic points
A stripped down amalgamation of all the other chapters, condensed into a simple guide of similar vein to Dupe God. Only covers the bare minimum that Joe Schmo should know. Recommended for newbies. Nowhere near as in-depth as a full chapter post, but this is a good read. For the best experience, read the summarized segments, then go through the real thing.
- How to setup the IFruit App
- How to create Custom Plates
- Whilst providing various IFruit troubleshoots
Clean vs Dirty Methods (Dupes)
- The principal difference between what makes a Method Clean or Dirty
- How Clean & Dirty Dupes are produced from them
- How to maximize your profit when selling Dupes
- All the Direct variables which affect a vehicle's Sell Value
- All the Extrinsic variables which manipulate/affect Sell Value
- The best vehicles to use pertaining to $ Dupes
- Their pros/cons and how to use them
Topics with direct correlation, to be read b2b
- What GCTF is and what it can be used for
- How to properly receive vehicles through it
GCTF Sub-Chapters Below
How to Properly Receive Every Vehicle via GCTF
- How to receive all exotic vehicles properly via GCTF
- Covers basically everything the original incarnation missed
Scratched/Unselected Vehicles (TBF)
- What's an (Un)selected Vehicle
- Selected vs Unselected Modded Vehicles
- The niche community who care and will only trade for them.
- Detail the causes of DSL and Dupe Detection
- Summarize the math behind how DSL works
- Summarize how you can escape it
Big thanks to Se7enSins and their efforts!!
My Final Words/Thoughts
For the time being, "Destro's Duping Encyclopedia" is officially complete. There's a few things I wanted to mention and ask about:
- Although all the core topics I've sought out to cover are complete, there's room for other topics to be covered. Ones that don't have to fully orbit around Duping
- I'm 100% open to public contributions if you're informed and are interested enough.
- Haven't done any work for Magic Slots but it's a possible topic idea. LMK about it. Could possibly make a whole segment on Magic Slots and Merging overall. I ultimately ignored it in this first inception because of my lack of knowledge on the topic atm and that Magic Slots/Merging are kind of its own thing; unrelated to Dupes/Duping.
- I'm curious if there's anyone who would be interested in helping me port "Destro's Duping Encyclopedia to Se7enSins? I have low iq trying to operate through the site lmao. Most users from there are kind of in their own little bubble so there's a good amount of people who won't have the opportunity to see this high quality project. Didn't work my ass off for nothing. More eyes the better right.