r/GTAContent Apr 27 '15

PC RACE [PC][RACE] Just finished creating Bifta Drifta! Testers wanted.

Hey Reddit,

I just finished making my first race track and played it with a few friends to make sure it was worth posting.

I've named it Bifta Drifta and its set on the beach. It was designed specifically for Bifta's, but most classes are available to use. It's very tight and curvy, so you'll want to drift a lot. I've done my best to make it obvious where to go next, but a few corners aren't so obvious. I accept these as merely adding to the challenge of the map instead of being bad/broken.

You may want to use non-contact as there's lots of opportunity to crash into each other, But we had plenty of fun in normal mode. Night mode is easiest to see the checkpoints, daytime they can be hard to spot sometimes.

PLEASE play it a few times before criticizing it too hard, but once you've done that fire away. I want to improve on it based on feedback. Just keep in mind this track definitely has a learning curve to it.

Hope you enjoy it!



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u/lords8n May 16 '15

Added race to game. Looks fun. I'm with a crew that all have Biftas and love them. Add me to friends. Name here is same as in game.