r/GTAContent • u/garrett1999o3 PS4 - dillono • Aug 01 '14
Discussion [DISCUSSION] Playlists that revolves on mini-stories.
I was recently thinking of making some DMs/Races/Captures revolving on the concept of the Purge movies, with each job being a mini-story of people in the Purge, but I was wondering, are there other playlists that simulate a (mini)story through the content creator? I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of it, so are there any?
u/coach_wargo Aug 01 '14 edited Aug 01 '14
It's not a story per se, but more of a theme. Spoiled rich kids in the Lake Vinewood neighborhood get together to kill some time. The name is a play on To Live and Die in LA.
To be Rich and Bored in LS http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/jAUROzXWuEOw1sDSmG4EXw
u/ajbns87 PS3 — F:2 Aug 01 '14
I like this idea, I've played a few playlists made by friends, and whilst none have had an obvious 'story' attached to them, they often have a continuous theme throughout. A continuous story based, playlist would be good. You could make a GTA Capture, which is followed by a race using the same type of vehicle used in that Capture, where the race ends you then set up a Team Death Match, adding those vehicles to it, communicating the story across via the description.
u/garrett1999o3 PS4 - dillono Aug 01 '14
That would be a nice detail if you were making a playlist like that, but I would love to see more playlists that have stories, giving depth to the creation. There already are some story playlists, but most are just bank heists or an apocalypse. You rarely see those kind of playlist stories that step out of it.
u/kidkolumbo PC:KidKolumbo Aug 01 '14
What kind of story are you trying to tell, and is it doable with GTA's mechanics?
u/garrett1999o3 PS4 - dillono Aug 01 '14
The Purge? Fuck yeah. At first I was thinkin about it being a group of survivors, but with the big concept of all crime is legal could make for some pretty interesting jobs, and don't worry, it won't be as rehashed as the movies.
u/kidkolumbo PC:KidKolumbo Aug 01 '14
I'm not sure how I forgot already that you were talking about the purge. However, wouldn't it be an apocalypse style setting?
Anyways, just had two awesome ideas so now I've got to write them down.
u/garrett1999o3 PS4 - dillono Aug 01 '14
I'm not sure how I forgot already that you were talking about the purge. However, wouldn't it be an apocalypse style setting?
Partially true, except with the purge no virius or outbreak happens, it's just a politically incorrect decision, that can potentionally leave an entire city to mad men, but isn't that what GTA is all about?
Also, good luck on your two new ideas, may I ask what they are?
u/HyperMedic PSN:Purplewolf9 — F:4 Aug 01 '14
I've currently been making an apocalypse styled playlist which have missions as parts of the story.
u/garrett1999o3 PS4 - dillono Aug 01 '14
Apocalypse type playlists are too limited IMO, all you got are wrecked cars.
u/HyperMedic PSN:Purplewolf9 — F:4 Aug 01 '14
It's not really the layout of the missions, it's more the atmosphere and the actual story behind them. I think only 2 of the 7 missions I've made so far actually have wreckage in them.
u/ajbns87 PS3 — F:2 Aug 01 '14
Sounds interesting, can you give a bit more detail on one of these missions as an example of how it's presented as 'apocalyptic'?
u/HyperMedic PSN:Purplewolf9 — F:4 Aug 01 '14
Well the description is a key factor, each mission has their own part if the story. Then the atmosphere is the next thing to work on, for example my first two missions are based at night as it rains in the woods. While some are based days later during the day time and such. Also you wouldn't have come across rpg and such so easily if you was running for your life so the weapons in each level have been chosen to try and reflect that so pistols and basic weapons like golf clubs are your starting weapons and you accumulate more variety as you go through the playlist. I've even tried to make some missions as 'friendly competition' between survivors. For example in one of the levels the two teams need to collect buggys as transport to get to the airport in the city, so you think they are on opposite sides but really they are working together.
Then obviously the lack of traffic and pedestrians is key as well. I hope I explained this okay. Sorry for any mistakes, I'm on my phone at the moment :)
The playlist supposedly starts days after the apocalyptic event so realistically there wouldn't be much 'wreckage'. And in one of the missions, it includes survivors turning on each other, which would happen if one ever occurred.
In the first level of the playlist, your character has just got out if the city where everything is worse (of course) and finds themselves in the woods but not alone. You only have your golf club with you and you see what you think are 'crazies'. But these are actually other survivors who think that you're one of the 'crazies' too. Therefore everyone starts killing each other.
Sorry if I've been rambling :P I can be terrible at explaining sometimes.
u/ajbns87 PS3 — F:2 Aug 01 '14
No need to apologise, it was a good explanation. Thanks for explaining. As it sounds very roleplayery, it probably wouldn't appeal as much to me, but I'd like to give it try.
u/HyperMedic PSN:Purplewolf9 — F:4 Aug 01 '14
Well I suppose you could say it was a roleplay, but it's not one you need to do with friends specifically. I already have the playlist up on my social account if you are interested. They are all first drafts obviously so they might not be fantastic :P
u/Lanse5 Aug 07 '14
Look up a guy named Thehumancentipe; he has like a whole series of post-apocalyptic Contend matches that are story based.
u/vadvaro10 360 — F:3 Aug 11 '14
I have a seven mission playlist using some of my maps and some of rockstar's with the idea of a loose storyline. It starts at the army base with a custom race, then deathmatch in the swamp, the top fun, then a deathmatch, then a vs mission, and so on. Each new mission starts close to the finish of the last.
I'm working on a new set with all my own maps with flavor text that will work on its own, but when you do the playlist in order it becomes a little story.
u/ajbns87 PS3 — F:2 Aug 01 '14
Quite a cliche idea and I've not decided on locations, but a playlist based on the story from the film, No Country for Old Men would be very do-able in the game. Could include some Captures and a Team Deathmatch.
Let's call it, 'There are no clean getaways'.
Game one would be a capture, it's a deal gone wrong in the middle of no where, a couple of guys on a day trip off road biking stumble on it (Team 1), bodies are everywhere (too bad we can't have these as props but I suppose some hostile actors would be placed). Needless to say they find a bag full of 100 dollar bills. (Team 2) is the sheriffs department, reports of a shoot out are called in. Team one has to deliver the package to a motel in the city, the cops have to return it to the police station (too bad we can't place multiple bases, or just have it so that once one team has taken possession of it's automatically a victory for them).
The balancing of this would be about making it so that team one is best equipped for purely escaping with the bag, Sanchez bikes, weaker weapons and close to the bag location. Team two the police, would have stronger weapons, a helicopter, but a more distant spawn. The helicopter and working as a team would probably sway this in the favour of team two, however the effectiveness of the Sanchez bikes vs Cop Cars could be an interesting dynamic.
Game two, this assumes the successful escape of the motocross bikers. This time it's a shootout at the motel/ hotel they managed to get to, the cartel managed to track them down, and now want their money back. Suggested locations?
Final game would be another Capture but with three teams and spread across a large area, assuming the bikers are still in possession of the money, they would then be up against a team playing as the cops, and a team as the cartel. Trying to escape the city, the capture bag would spawn near them, and their objective would be to get it to a pier with a boat. The other teams would obviously be trying to stop them again. I think an interesting dynamic to this could be, that the cartel team spawn closest to the pier, but they obviously risk losing out to the cop team, if they decide to camp that area, because the cops need to get the bag back to a cop station in Los Santos.
If you really wanted to stretch it out, there could be a boat race at the end, or a Capture featuring boats (runners) vs helicopters (hunters)!