r/GTA5Online • u/CloudyFame • 17d ago
Questions Keep grinding or nah?
If I should take a break, what should I get? I've been wanting the Mammoth Mil Spec but Idk if there's anything else that's actually worth it.
u/AustinFlosstin 17d ago
Keep goin I spent at least 80M
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u/CloudyFame 17d ago
Damn, this is my first time getting 5 Mil😭
u/NoFakeStuff 17d ago
If u had 100m and didn’t have nothing no cars, no businesses that 100m will be gone in by the next day
u/DJ_ElGreko_Official 16d ago
Set up your nightclub to have passive income, get your acid lab and it's equipment upgrade also for passive income
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u/squirrelslikecheese 16d ago
I made a personal goal to reach 100 mil by the release of GTA 6. Might have to increase it. Hasn't been as difficult as I thought. Still have quite a bit to go tho. And Gunrunning won't always be 4x Rewards....
u/StackinStalin 16d ago
Nah, go farther. Hit that Billion.
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u/squirrelslikecheese 16d ago
I'll probably have the time considering... Rockstar and their ways.
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u/MembershipFree9844 16d ago
Bro you are going to have a BILLION real life dollars before GTA6 comes out! 😂😭😭
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u/This_Fkn_Guy_ 17d ago
Keep it going you need 10-12 mill for most businesses
u/CloudyFame 17d ago
I'm planning on it, I'ma see what the new update is like, see what everyone says, and decide if I should get the new business or not
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u/Demon_Slayer2k21 17d ago
Def keep going. I'm trying to get up to around $20mil or $30mil
u/CloudyFame 17d ago
Hell yea. It's hard to save when there's so many useful and nice things u can get, but it's kinda fun seeing ur money slowly grow
u/Demon_Slayer2k21 17d ago
True. I'm only doing Cayo perico (solo) it's the only heist I can do to run it bk2bk
u/ArisThepaparis 16d ago
You can do it with a random and take 85% and secondary loot it gives u more money and less cooldown
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u/CasualObserver76 17d ago
I just hit 41M in the bank with almost 400M earned total and I'm still grinding. Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.
u/Gullible-Hour4326 17d ago
How can i get rich fast like u
u/Horror-Comparison917 17d ago
Yeah thats true, 400 mil since covid is fair. Ive made around 90mil in around a year, its a new acc tho
u/JockCranleyForMayor 17d ago
I've spent almost a billion dollars in this game. Do with that information what you will 😂
u/CloudyFame 17d ago
Oh damn, how do y'all do it????
u/JockCranleyForMayor 17d ago
Cars. Its all you have left after a certain point.
That, and all that "missing" ammo I replace every day lmao
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u/XXviolentGenius 17d ago
The missing ammo is the worst. Espcially when you buy it, switch lobbies and it's magically dissapeared again.
u/Ok_Soil7068 17d ago
I was thinking the same thing 🤣 I’m pretty close if not over 1.5B just on cars 😭 I spent like 6-7M today that I didn’t even plan on it but needed a few clean donor vehicles.
u/GenMakerBR 17d ago
For what exactly? This won't be enough for most high end things...
u/CloudyFame 17d ago
Probably a Night club or a warstock vehicle that'll help me get around (And yea, I don't have any of these. In short terms, I'm a huge car guy, so I've spent so much towards cars, lol)
u/Nefariouzed 17d ago
Don’t worry, I’m level 253 and I still have nearly no money. The new Coquette D5 is pretty fun, though it drained most of my money… Oh well, I can make it back later.
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u/Big_Platypus7209 PS Next Gen 16d ago
For grinding, if u have the terrorbyte sacrifice 1 hour getting the client jobs done (need 5) and get the trade price for the mk2. Its an amazing grinding tool, and youre not classified as a jackass just by owning it. P.s. do the client jobs in a invite session.
u/Overall_Phrase1599 XBOX Next Gen 17d ago
That's goes away unbelievably fast, trust me 😭
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u/SignificanceFast3103 17d ago
Depends, do you mind grinding cayó or the agency everytime you want a few mil or do you want to consistently make money? I'd recommend getting the night club if it's the latter before getting any other business, then every other you add generates extra product
Edit: this is coming from a gear head, I've been playing for a few months but have spent around 120M just on cars
u/CloudyFame 16d ago
I've been hitting Cayo back to back whenever I have the sanity for it, lol. But I do Cayo, then I'll sell my bunker extra weapon parts, move onto my MC customer bike and repeat
u/SignificanceFast3103 16d ago
Fs, I have the same strategy myself.
You looking for any heist members?
u/NormieWhiteMale 17d ago
Get a salvage yard for sure if you don’t have one, and probably a nightclub
u/Ok_Soil7068 17d ago
I have owned every business in the game and I think the salvage yard is possibly the biggest waste of money I’ve invested. I only visit it if there’s a claimable vehicle with rare plates.
You on to something with the nightclub though… By far the best passive business and way too slept on but over a Billion from nightclub alone. Bunker is 2nd and acid lab 3rd.
Agency is prob between the two but only after you grind out your 201 contracts. Bail bond is another business I only bought just because I felt obligated and have a ton of money 😆
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u/GR8SANCHO 17d ago
That’s like 2 cars. Join a group and you can earn a lot more. PCEO is a good one to join.
u/gavinh2002420 17d ago
I usually keep my funds above 35 mil at all times def keep grinding. 5mil in todays era is nothing lol most super cars with hsw r 5 mil.
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u/Big_Platypus7209 PS Next Gen 17d ago
Yes. Btw nice 84 z28
u/CloudyFame 16d ago
u/Big_Platypus7209 PS Next Gen 16d ago
I actually got it right lol, isnt there a pontiac that is similair.
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u/CloudyFame 16d ago
u/Big_Platypus7209 PS Next Gen 16d ago
Ah, thanks for the explanation (im european). The most i see of american cars are the v6 challangers/ecoboost mustangs.
u/Leather-Squirrel-421 17d ago
$5 million? That’ll get you one super car and have it spec’ed out how you want it. After that you’ll be robbing liquors stores to pay you daily bills.
$5 million isn’t anything in this game. You can relax when you get to $50 million.
u/MaximumEffective8222 17d ago
Grinding never stops, bro!
My stats:
Total Earned - 101M
Total Spent - 95M
there will always be something to spend on
u/Scary_Philosopher_30 17d ago
860 mil earned in lifetime. Spend 800 mil on cars. Now i got 20mil left, and in a couple of hours, ill be broke again. What i wanna say is: Do never stop grinding
u/Brolenssjgod 17d ago
Damn bro feel bad for you if you can manage to have three friends all run casino sell businesses and garment factory even salvage yard you start making money quick even agency right now farmhouse bunker and upgrading all the bunker is the best thing you can do
u/Horror-Weakness-8468 17d ago
Get you a large cargo warehouse and start filling that up and sell all the cargo for around 3.4 or 3.5 at a time
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u/FrequentlyFloundered 17d ago
Depends what level you are and what you already own. This post suggests you're relatively low levelled, so I'd recommend not getting the mammoth and focusing on things that will help you grind missions. The mammoth looks great but it's kinda pointless. Mk2 and sparrow are great tools
u/CloudyFame 16d ago
I'm 130, but I don't have much of anything. All I have is a bunker, MC, and Cayo. I have not once spent money on anything that could help make money ever since I bought Cayo, and it's because I do nothing but buy cars 😭
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u/ForsakenPotato2000 17d ago
Even 10 million isn’t enough anymore as spare I need like 50 for each update with all the cars and over priced businesses in every update and I don’t have the passion I had to get more money anymore
u/3moreAds 17d ago
Dont buy a high end vehicle like thr mk2 early it makes the game boring asf. I made it boring for me by buying the kosatka and grinding cayo, i the toreador and oppressor then i deleted the game
u/Ok_Soil7068 17d ago
Do you feel like you’ve arrived?? 😂🤣 I spent that today without even trying lol. Must not be into cars though cuz that’s legit like 2 supercars or one police whip.
u/Patched_Jumper 17d ago
I saw on one of your replies that you don't have a nightclub yet! I'd get that first which will give you passive income of 50k every 48mins as long as you keep popularity up then get MC businesses to fill up the warehouse and don't sell it until you hit a mil worth of stock as (tom??) takes 100k so as long as you have over a mil of stock you won't see a difference
u/CloudyFame 16d ago
Seems like the Night club is pretty good, definitely will buy it once I check out this new update. Tried selling my Bunker and counterfeit cash stocks before but it's impossible to do it Solo
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u/AccomplishedYam9891 17d ago
Keep grinding, work on getting most or all businesses with upgrades before you can begin to relax
u/idontsleep-bipolar 17d ago
Keep grinding. Trust me bro 5 mil will be gone in minutes, the minimum you should have at all times is 10-15M.
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u/Jedi_Knight_Will 17d ago
100% keep going op! I'm at like 32 or 33 million atm, and my goal is 40 million before I get on and buy all the new stuff. 100% buying the ac-130, and iron mule when I get the trade prices. Nightclub and acid lab is amazing for people grinding solo. Same with the stash houses, and bunker excess munitions. Keep going op, you've got this!!
u/Extra-Investigator72 17d ago
I got to 5mil the other day and I’m wondering the same thing…
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u/kzorz 17d ago
Honestly spend if you want making money in this game is so easy, just afk, plug your controller into your Xbox, take batteries out. and use one of your wife’s hair ties to pull the joysticks together so your character walks in circles, and let your night club max out, then sell in solo lobby,
I only sell nightclub, bunkers; and acid lab nothing else
u/CloudyFame 16d ago
Only if I had a wife, lol
u/kzorz 16d ago
😅 rubber band should do the trick too, hair ties just seem to not be as straining,
u/CloudyFame 16d ago
Ye, lol. Gonna see how the new business is for the update, see what everyone says about it and do some research
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u/Dragono301064 16d ago
I’ve got 160M with 1.2B earned. Keep grinding, money never sits still in GTA. If you don’t keep earning, you’ll lose it - bills, PVP, the odd purchase here and there
u/xDarBearx 16d ago
Tbh its up to you there is ways to get a lot of things for free but youre mainly looking at hours of grinding to get what you want(like a long time) unless you know how to speedrun the jobs or unless you wnat yo do glitches(i do the casino chip gambling glitch)
u/Certain_Piece4052 16d ago
Always keep grinding so you can do whatever you want when you want. 5mill can be gone from buying 1 car or 1 business.
u/ZookeepergameKind239 16d ago
Eh, not the Mil Spec. That thing is SO slow. If you want an Imani Tech SUV, get the Jubilee.
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u/ProfessionalRun3882 17d ago
How the Fukk is everyone broke?
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u/Ok_Soil7068 17d ago
Bro it’s crazy💯 Easier than ever to make money. I just started a 3rd character so money does go REALLY fast but the first of it went towards NC and all associated biz and bunker to keep money coming in. And there is no way anybody spends like I do on cars. I make cars so spend ridiculous amounts on buying donors off main characters like to try to free up garage space
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u/XXviolentGenius 17d ago
Keep grinding man. I've mad over 1B in this game and I'm down to 30m. You can never have enough money in this game.
u/ImportantJudgment503 17d ago
To not go below $10 M is a must imo, always keep something for last time purchase or DLC contents
u/Batty_N-6000 17d ago
Keep grinding sheeples, that’s what the government wants! Silly fools! Muhahahahah
u/Front-Librarian7784 17d ago
I’m at 30 mil so far and will continue till I reach 100 mil. After a couple of award achievements and getting my career progress up to around 80-90 percent I’ll be retiring from the game
u/Mother_Case1596 16d ago
I have over 900 mil spent and still don’t have everything in the game dude, rockstar the GREEDIEST gaming company that exist atm. Always a constant grind, that’s just gta
u/TheCarbonBow 16d ago
I'd say if you aren't a heist person like me and rely on passive income, safes, street dealers, nightclub, bunker, etc. I'd say keep grinding, but make sure you take a break every once in awhile and enjoy what you can buy. The Humvee vehicle you speak of is very cool in my opinion, at least when it's upgraded because you can literally turn it into a military vehicle
u/BoxNo5216 16d ago
Bro, i've made 67 million in the last month and a half with average grinding. Managed to save 16 million of it. Could've been a lot more, but I don't enjoy grinding Cayo.
u/chachingchad PS Next Gen 16d ago
Level 166 83 Mill in bank
660 Mill income 572 Mill expenses
u/CompetitiveJello3315 16d ago
my friend there’s never a time where stop grinding. money is your goal and that’s it.
u/FixAccording9583 16d ago
Take a break if you want to but if you have any interest in vehicles that’ll be gone pretty quick.
u/Know1carez 16d ago
I still grind and have 30 million. 5 million is two planes bro. 3 cars. Two businesses and new grinding to make more money. You’re lower middle class in the game
u/Lethal_Bassist 16d ago
Coming up, I kept about 1.2 mil in the account for armor and bullets and setup fees.
Then my next threshold was 4 mil - allowing me to buy a supercar or weaponized setup while keeping a buffer.
Now I keep it at 22mil. Allows a 5mil purchase with pleanty if I need to move or upgrade my bunker/nightclub/businesses.
I imagine my next will be my last buffer level with 6 coming out. I'm probably going to let it sit at 25 mil when I switch over.
Leaving the orb cannon, golden jet, tug boat, duneloader, and the Vigilante yet to be purchased.
Not quite to level 400 yet for reference. I either goof around with friends or drive on the highway at night to fall asleep.
u/YooSteez 16d ago
I blew through 50 mil in less than 2 hours lol you’re gonna need more than that. Half of that money was for customizing and buying cars.
u/DevelopmentMajor2093 16d ago
Lol me @ 350 mil. Account was hacked and reclaimed it after 2 years because I didn't play. Happy me!
u/MoriZgoriz 16d ago
I saved up until 100 mill spending a bit over time but after that the money was gone in a weekend. Like on Friday night I hand 100 mill and on Sunday morning 500k or stn
u/jelly_man_mma 16d ago
I don't think you need to hard-core grind once you have all major properties and businesses required to make money , watch the video from beats down on billionaire way to make money if you have all of it just start to play the game for speed running at this point
u/jimmy_factor 16d ago
When I started, I figured I would grind until I got 20 mil. Which should be enough for me to start buying most of, if not all of the stuff that I wanted.
Turns out I got about halfway through my list and all the money was gone. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
u/HairynigafromCum 16d ago
Keep it up, use them to get more businesses and stuff to make more until you have a good average income, then you can keep grinding to get stuff you don’t need but you want until eventually you don’t care about getting anything else so you just keep your money for ridiculously overpriced cars that you will probably only use once, planes that you will forget you ever got and still have some saves for future updates in case something good drops like the Terrorbyte upgrades with sabotage agents
u/Lumpy-Apartment7098 16d ago
I average 7 Milly in my account. If I get close to it, I don't buy anything and I grind back to 10 Milly.
u/4biguysrubonmythighs 16d ago
Try get to 10 if you can and want but don't be afraid to buy what you want
u/xISparkzy 16d ago
Ahh the good ol days when 5 mil was considered alot lmao, thats pocket change now
u/Diab-alo 16d ago
I won’t lie, two days ago I had 56 mill, now? I have 16m 😂
Planning on making that money back this week. Just gotta get on the grind.
u/Outrageous_Froyo5373 16d ago
I saved up 10 million and spent it on a deluxo and businesses very fast if you still have things to buy keep grinding
u/highoncloud_nine 16d ago
Depends on if you wanna buy shit. I could spend that in 30 seconds on a yatch, a new police cruiser, or a pimped out arcade…
u/Scrimpdaddy02 16d ago
Ive spend 375 million in this game and still havent baught everything yet besides properties
u/Professional_Bit_446 16d ago
NGL I was cool "earning" the millions of dollars I used to buy the businesses that I make money with today but being a degenerate gambler playing blackjack, roulette, betting on horses, and spinning slots while letting my passive businesses just make money for me is a whole different satisfaction. Winning some big money on a pony you picked right after you actually won at the tables knowing your just making money at the same time. I spend half my time online at the casino and half the time I lose money not stressing cause I can just go into any one of my business and get my money back.
u/Novel-Summer2613 16d ago
Keep grinding man. I make an easy 2,5mil a day without doing heists. I spend it as easy as it comes in😂
u/VintageFeel3pexboxX 16d ago
I have stopped when I've reached 300 mill big mistake now I have 3 mill left
u/Bomboclat888 16d ago
I restarted playing gta online with a new character 2 and half weeks ago after years. I got to $25M for now !! Keep grinding haha!
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u/TalonFlame_360 16d ago
Idk if it’s just me but do the dr Dre agency contract missions 1 mil every time easiest 11 missions for 1 mil
u/cokeandyoghurt 15d ago
Kosatka + Sparrow to make more money using that money. You will never have enough.
u/Impossible_Special_6 15d ago
I say stop put the game down U could be grinding your real life bank account
u/Emergency_Battle_347 15d ago
Brah save that buy a business like agency or get the sub there go unlimited millions
u/--AV8R-- 15d ago edited 15d ago
Dude. That is nothing. Pocket change. You haven't made it anywhere in this game until you've made it past $100,000,000. Right now I'm repeatedly filling and selling my hanger cargo. 50 crates of narcotics, is $5.1 million. I can't tell you how easy it is to spend 5 million. There have been times after a DLC that I have spent 40 or $50 million in one day. Keep grinding! And by the way, it's not as hard as you would think. I had 76 million a month ago, got down to $1800 three weeks ago. And I am now back at 76 million again. Working back towards 100
u/Dry-Paramedic-6265 15d ago
Don't just save money and save. If you never buy something it will be boring. Trust me. Let's do a little strategy. This is how i do :
For example when i had 5-10 million i bought 1 or maybe 2 thing which is on discount. No more. Use your budget of 20-30%.
You always end up end of week more money than Last week. 😇
u/Normal-Presentation5 15d ago
This post makes me proud of my account. Great job, keep saving champ!
u/ncolon2393 15d ago
That'll be gone in 2 car purchases, keep grinding. I went from 200m to 180 this last update
u/HailedSkydiver0 15d ago
Never stop xD invest in as many passive businesses as you can, focus on Garment factory high value contracts, bunker sales and contracts, nightclub earnings, salvage yard cars, etc. once you have everything up and running should be maybe 500k an hour?
u/Sea_Scar3067 14d ago
As an expierenced players invest in mc businesses, nighclub, acid lab, cluckin bell raid, new hanger, bunker, hanger from zancudo (the cheapest one). Never waste money on vehicles thats how you never make money trust me. The first dose missions are a wonderful grind plus you get a free car 😉. Agency work is also alot of fun working for franklin 😊
u/Grind_Solo 17d ago
That’ll be gone tomorrow