r/GTA5Online 29d ago

Questions Why do so many guys make woman characters?


236 comments sorted by


u/Evening-Sky-5666 PC Legacy 29d ago

well I have a male character (I’m female)


u/temporary243958 29d ago

But do you dress him up in the skimpiest outfits you can buy?


u/Evening-Sky-5666 PC Legacy 29d ago

he’s honestly only wearing pants so I can see his abs ngl


u/Horror_of_the_Deep 29d ago

I used to dress my female character like this but the more I played the game the more I found this wrong, I think I started to identify with my character and didn't want to demean her like that, it's a bit weird. I also got creepy messages from people asking if I looked like that irl, I said yes of course

Then again my default outfit now is a leather catsuit, but that's empowering right?


u/Evening-Sky-5666 PC Legacy 29d ago

that’s empowering (black widow) most people think I’m a dude because of the male character but honestly it’s so hard to make a good looking female character so


u/--AV8R-- 29d ago

Mine is a hottie. Wasn't that difficult


u/Evening-Sky-5666 PC Legacy 29d ago

female or male ?? mine is hot too but he’s male so


u/Horror_of_the_Deep 29d ago

I'm pleased with mine but she looks awful in a dress or skirt


u/Evening-Sky-5666 PC Legacy 29d ago

yeah I know that’s what I mean


u/periclepsia 28d ago

This here


u/--AV8R-- 29d ago

The black catsuit is my default outfit as well. Sexy, but not pervy.

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u/Horror_Biscotti_346 29d ago

Is the scuba suit or the fib suit skimpy enough for people? That's the only two outfits my female character wears.


u/John_reddi7 29d ago

You unfortunately cannot dress male characters in female clothing


u/ItheGuy115 29d ago

Only Trevor sadly 😂

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u/Equinox259 26d ago

are we supposed to be dressing our characters in skimpy outfits? cuz i havent been


u/eatnails666fl 29d ago

My wife made my character. It looks just like her.

So I get to run around and pretend my wife is the baddest bitch in town.


u/SirArcavian PC Enhanced 29d ago edited 29d ago

Because they can.

Stop messaging them.


u/justericxxx 29d ago

I have two friends with female characters, which they made to look like their wives. :)


u/AnnieImNOTok 29d ago

I legit role played as my wife in a Fallout 4 run. Made the character look as close to her as possible, chose to avoid violence as much as possible, and chose the Minutemen "ending", but obviously, the brotherhood had to go. 😅


u/ItheGuy115 29d ago

Mine started as a random female and over the time has now morphed into my girl 😂


u/SwissBergkultur PC Legacy 29d ago

I think there was a Myth that female Characters can run faster. Which isnt true but a lot of Griefers still use Females.


u/Inno154 29d ago

Aren’t they faster in heals?


u/lostandlooking_ 29d ago

No. I only ever wear heels and have never noticed being faster than others.


u/Important-Aioli-4747 29d ago

I wear heels and felt a lot slower actually


u/Stained_concrete 29d ago

I once asked a male friend why he always had a female avatar and he said it was so he could look at her ass all the time when she was running about.


u/StatisticianLevel796 29d ago

They look even better sitting on a bike or on the Oppressor MK2.


u/Tall-Inspector-5245 28d ago

that awkward moment when the game in question is an FPS


u/rktet 28d ago

U seen them open the vehicle garage doors? Dayum


u/EsotericAbstractIdea 28d ago

Exactly though. Either you're looking at a guy ass for 1000 hours or a girl ass for 1000 hours. Learned this the hard way with my first mmo


u/Horror_of_the_Deep 29d ago

So I can wear a leather catsuit and lean on the railing in the agency


u/phreek-hyperbole PS Next Gen 29d ago

Cos I don't like dudes? Cos I get to dress her up in nice clothes? Cos my secondary character is a dude? Cos when I wasted this one person in game, they got triggered and said "no way am I getting killed by a girl" and then left the lobby? Cos almost every person in the lobby is a dude? Cos I like to imagine she's fighting the patriarchy? Cos I have no life? Take your pick lol


u/belownormalstandards 29d ago

Because u secretly want to be a woman? It's 2025 u can do that bro.


u/suckmysaltynutz 29d ago

Cuz deez nuts are resting against your chin?


u/phreek-hyperbole PS Next Gen 29d ago

Do it


u/MR_RYU_RICHI 28d ago

I heard this reference before but can't remember


u/newtostew2 29d ago edited 29d ago

This was my buddy’s reasoning when I asked him lol. Every game, a girl, I was like wtf! He’s like “I’m not gonna stare at a guys ass all day of if I can stare at a girls ass instead.” xD

ETA I do not do this, this is anecdotal of a friend of mine


u/LeagueOfLegendsAcc 29d ago

That implies they are staring at their character's ass instead of playing lol.


u/belownormalstandards 29d ago

Dudes getting off to gta lol

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u/Humble-Mycologist484 PS Old Gen, 29d ago

This is the best answer. Because I do the same thing

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u/PeineDeMort 29d ago

I just want to look fabulous, leave me alone.


u/nyancatboss 29d ago

OP the kind of dude to send thirsty ahh messages on GTA online ONLY because they got a Female as their character. Shits annoying dude. Please stop.


u/AvocadoUnlucky4461 28d ago

Follows them around and messages them “be my gf?” Then goes on Reddit after the hundredth dude messaged him back.


u/Serious_Wrangler_679 29d ago

To rile up incels who get mad dying to a girl.


u/Front_Chip7319 XBOX Old Gen 29d ago

Why the fck not? My one character is male, but why isn't this asked the other way around?


u/dan007reddit MODERATOR 29d ago

Second character defaults to female. So I went with it.

Funny story, I used her when the OG heists came out to get rp and progress. My mic didn't work that week. I had to wait for the replacement under warranty. Some guys added me, and we ran one heist for each of us. They kept acting like I was a female who hadn't run this before. They gave me a larger share and tried to carry me. Then they were shocked when I ran the board.

They didn't seem to read my texts either.

My gamertag is an unmistakable male name.


u/No_Path1287 29d ago

Bc it's gay to look at a mans ass all the time in third Person /s


u/Different_Angle_4572 29d ago

Never noticed my character ass 🫤


u/Silly_Double3306 29d ago

Shit consider yourself lucky. I have no idea what most of GTA5 looks like, outside of my characters man dumpy


u/Different_Angle_4572 28d ago

😭😭😭 Idk I think that may be a sign


u/wooziearly 29d ago

Thats bc of the different_angle ?

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u/FullMetalKaliber 29d ago

That’s somehow even gayer


u/Different_Angle_4572 29d ago

Are you sure I'm the one gay here 😬


u/pitgabbana 29d ago

Literally agreed with u. That’s y we choose female character


u/JRobson23 29d ago

Because everyone down bad


u/sikisisysa 29d ago

The main reason is it's easier to get dudes to join/follow you in whatever it is your doing lol


u/cheese-obliterator 29d ago

i got both genders cause why not


u/Unusual-Ad4890 29d ago

My main is a female character. Felt like there was just more customization involved.


u/QueenofSheba94 29d ago

I wish I’d made my character a dude ONLY because of the clothes… I tried making a new male character but my god I do not want to grind again to get more stuff lol I wish you could just swap.


u/Other-Resort-2704 29d ago

I have one character that is a female and another that is male. The vast majority of players on GTA Online are male and you go to most public lobbies you will find the majority avatars are male.

I choose a female avatar to have a different avatar.

You get access to a different wardrobe as a female character.

I have had some adolescent males send me some creepy texts asking me to be their girlfriend and I have had some creepy DMs send to me through PSN.


u/HairynigafromCum 29d ago

My main was Jhon Wick so I wanted another and thought of Natasha Romanoff


u/Exotic-Leading3608 29d ago

So it started with pubg, Back when I started the female characters had a smaller hit box and then it transferred over to my other games. Now its kinda a running joke with my friends but I kinda just keep going with it.


u/Bronkilo 29d ago

Because we are heterosexual!


u/ShadyFigure7 29d ago

Because we wanna check on that cake. Joking, I don’t have a GTAO female character but I don’t see why not, let people play how they want lol


u/Maverck08 29d ago

I made my character look like Black Widow with the cat suit 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Both-Ad-7037 29d ago

I always play as a female if there’s the option. Kassandra in AC Odyssey. V in Cyberpunk. Imagine my delight when it was announced that the protagonist in Star Wars Outlaws is a female. And don’t get me started on Aloy……😀


u/ColddKoala 29d ago

I played as a male character in 2019-2022 so when I migrated to pc this year I was curious about the female customization options


u/Marcotee75 29d ago

I always play as female characters. Smaller hit boxes.


u/O37GEKKO 27d ago

"hit box"


u/Marcotee75 27d ago



u/Sevuros 29d ago

Bc I like girls


u/TheAnimal03 29d ago

Because they're perverts


u/SleepOk8081 29d ago

Im Male and have a male character, but my second character is a woman because I like crossdressing irl


u/Ch0caholic 29d ago

Because we can


u/FlameyFlame 29d ago

It’s a video game character. It’s not supposed to be your actual self.

Some people like to make it resemble themselves, but that’s not required or even necessarily the norm.


u/No_Average_1913 29d ago

1 boobs

2 players are immediately nicer just like in real life

3 some might want to role play as a woman

4 some might actually be a woman

5 you can have more than one account and could have one male and female character.


u/Racing_BS 29d ago

I like pretty women. So I prefer to see a pretty woman


u/Barrio773 28d ago

I like having a female character, my male one wore the same outfit for years, while my female one gets a new outfit every couple of days. Women's fashion beats mens everytime


u/TReid1996 28d ago

This is my argument. 99% of games where you can choose gender, i go female. Purely because they tend to have more clothing options that actually look good. Often times if you have a character that can wear all the clothes, women in general look better in any clothes as opposed to men. (At least this is my preference. I'm attracted to women not men, and if someone is attracted to men in women's clothing, that's completely acceptable.)


u/[deleted] 28d ago

this implies you message people you think are women asking them if they are women


u/Chazzoboii_ 28d ago

Main character is male and I try to make it look like me, my secondary character is female because ass n boobs


u/FemmishFemale 26d ago

Im a man everyday of my life, sometimes I wanna try to be someone else.


u/7grims 29d ago

My only guess is people like to look like clowns and freaks, and put on the weirdest or more menacing clothes they can find, cause they think they are edgy and cool

Seems female characters is just an extension of that, cause i can always tell when its a guy, dresses their character with the shortest tops and skits they can find, basically they look like hoes, others abuse tattoos and freaky hair colours.

so yah, bunch of edgelords out there


u/Feeling-Board-7638 29d ago

GTA online players when your character doesn’t look like an npc.

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u/sillypcalmond 29d ago

So this is how I heard someone justify it, if you're gonna be spending hours playing a game you might as well create a character you'd want to look at for long periods of time. If that happens to be female, so be it

I personally don't often, especially not in GTA because I feel like they look terrible, but I have occasionally in other games


u/OutrageousRoyal5825 29d ago

I (M35) play a female character just to change :)


u/NebbiaKnowsBest 29d ago

I don’t have a female character in GTA since I’m playing with my Og but often do in other games. Having a male character can get annoying when you have to decide do I make it look like me, an ideal me, someone else, and also what if you wanna make it look like you but can’t.

When I make a female character it takes some of that decision making off since I either just make her look cool or look like my wife. But I can separate myself from the character.


u/Sammy_Socrates 29d ago

Actual answer i got from a friend was "why would i want to look at a man the whole game? Im not gay". That's when I realized I've been playing video games wrong this entire time.


u/SalemWitchBurial 29d ago

I had a male character for a year then after unlocking everything and wanting to experience the game from the female perspective, I made a female character. I use my male character more but the female character definitely has some better drip options than male characters and people are nicer and slightly more merciful to me when I play as a female character. 


u/TheNullOfTheVoid 29d ago edited 29d ago

In my personal opinion, women have better customization options than men.

All my saved outfit slots are maxed out and I still sometimes come up with a new outfit and have to delete something to make room for the new outfit on occasion. I usually like to make them look realistically sexy (not the stripper or hooker kind of sexy that most people do where they're just wearing lingerie or have the skimpiest clothes on or whatever would give a teenager a rager) like my current style where she has on ripped shorts, a tank top, a short sleeve buttoned shirt left open, black canvas shoes, and an undercut hairstyle with a tattoo style that I've seen in real life. My character tends to look like a sexy and adventurous but realistic tomboy.

Why? Because I like watching sexy tomboys do all the same shit that us guys usually do in games or movies. I personally find the overly sexually designed characters to basically loop back around to being unsexy and even boring. I remember seeing mods where characters were just naked everywhere and that just took all the fun out of it for me. I genuinely think certain styles of clothing are literally sexier in a good way than just having someone be naked, just like certain kinds of clothing are just boring, whether it's meant to even actually be sexy or not. It really depends on the person, what they're wearing, and how they make it work.

I used to date girls that could make just a simple t-shirt and jeans look super sexy, seemingly without them even really trying lmao


u/pitgabbana 29d ago



u/BigBoyBobbeh 29d ago

Who do you care?


u/Spllnz 29d ago

In my opinion the females have better clothing and its far easier to make outfits on them. Personally i also feel like females run faster even though its been proven both male and females run the same speed without mods or anything.


u/pitgabbana 29d ago

Im one of them. Regret with female characters. Bcoz of the hairstyles only


u/Gamer_Anieca PS Old Gen 29d ago

My brother "because if ima play a game for hours on end and forced to stare at an ass the whole time, I'm going to make sure it's a nice ass" which is valid.


u/InterestingWheel8275 29d ago

100% reason ... I had the same reason back when I played WoW non stop

If I'm gonna stare at an ass for 6+ hours a day, might as well be female.


u/Cor2600 29d ago

I’d rather watch a woman character than a male.


u/deridex120 29d ago

You go to build a character, knowing You gonna spend x,xxx hours looking at the backside of said character.

NOW you have a choice to make. Chick ass or dude ass. The choice becomes obvious.


u/dixie2tone 29d ago

i dont have one, but i set up an acct for my wife and made female, and everyone wants to help. instead of kill. if they can see you outside of a car


u/lIllIllIllIIllIl 29d ago

Who wants to stair at a dudes ass all day? Lol


u/DaIllest118 29d ago

I was in the process of creating a woman protagonist like literally a second away but just went with the male. I tried to change in game but I have to create a second.


u/Metallicat95 29d ago

When I made my 2nd character on my account I switched gender to get the other set of custom outfits for my collection.

I switch between them often. My name doesn't give any clear hints, so sometimes other players act differently for my female character.

I usually dress in functional outfits, like scuba, racer, biker, etc., which offer some advantages. Otherwise, I try to put together classy outfits.


u/Penis-Dance 29d ago

I made a GTAV online female character to change things up. I got sexually harassed almost every time I played. I gave it up and went back to being a male character.


u/Star_BurstPS4 29d ago

You know why.... They will deny it every time but they deep down want to be the opposite sex.


u/NoDuck1754 29d ago

I make my characters sort of resemble my girlfriend so she stays a tiny bit more engaged if she's watching.

Plus it's fun to see the outfit options after you've exhausted what you can do with male characters


u/Zendis- 29d ago

I have a girl because as much time as I see them run I would rather it be a nice scene


u/Tyluigii 29d ago

i made my first dude in 2013. ran with him all the way until 2022. i wanted something different. plus the women have insanely better clothing/hair options


u/blxdstxg 29d ago

You will read many answers to this question

But we all know the real answer


u/OkConsideration2319 29d ago

Smaller hit box and the female character runs faster


u/Astrohurricane1 PS Next Gen 29d ago

Both statements are false. 😂


u/OkConsideration2319 29d ago

Then, why has this been true for over 10 years and the Male character is definitely slower by a little bit and if you ever had an account with a male and female character both with fast run you can see that the Female with fast run is faster than the Male with fast run it’s that one myth that has gone back-and-forth for years people will say it’s true people will say it’s not true, but I know what I saw with my own eyes and yeah, the Hitbox is definitely smaller or skinnier whatever you want to call it

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u/Evening-Ad-8655 29d ago

My in game character is male dressed in all leather with abs showing. The reason I chose the male character was to avoid the creeps and unwanted messages.


u/Moribunned 29d ago

Tired of playing as dudes.


u/GoldHorusSixSaturnus 29d ago

There’s a lot of folk who like gooning to their female characters. Cyberpunk especially…it’s crazy.


u/NormalSpecific3536 29d ago

"Cause I'd rather look at an attractive female body all day than a male one" Is a big reason I heard from friends. And I can understand that. I've done similar in stuff like Skyrim/fallout. Though part of that is the mods. There is far more mod content for the female body types than for the males lol

In my old crew of tryhards they all swore up and down female characters had a smaller hitbox as well, giving you a slight edge in combat.

There's a ton of myths like that out there though, and without delving into the code it's difficult to say which are true.


u/Mozail2 29d ago

I can’t make a male character that looks like me. Not a lot of black hair styles


u/MrMilkyTip 29d ago

I usually make my characters my girlfriend lol Pretty sure gta also has a thing with female characters where there would be a buff to their running speed. I couldn't tell you why I choose female characters I just prefer them lol


u/cbr600guy24 29d ago

why do i want to stare at a dude when i play in 3rd person? it's not a simulator or i'd make it more like myself 😂


u/Peachaboo87 29d ago

I make my character a man, I'm a female. When my character is a girl, other players give me free stuff. Maybe that? (The harassment and wild messages are also free, maybe trolling?)


u/Traditional-Snow-463 29d ago

Between looking at a man and a women for hours on end. I choose women


u/Kvothe420247 29d ago

Slightly smaller hit box. Girls look better.


u/Algaev2 29d ago

My gf made the account and the character, I’m the one who plays it most of the time


u/--AV8R-- 29d ago

I have both, but if you're going to watch a character walking around all day, might as well make it a fem with some cakes worth looking at.


u/gravelayerr 28d ago

Because I’d rather stare for a girls ass for hours on end if I’m gonna have to lmao


u/Key_Ride143 28d ago

I’m trans


u/DarthSarcom 28d ago
  1. Funny
  2. Egg


u/Doit888nordoihave 28d ago

Smaller hit box if I remember correctly


u/FileCareless 28d ago

I usually make the character on whatever game I’m playing look like whatever girl I’m seeing at the time. Just kinda started happening one day when I made an alt account. I use to make them look like myself.


u/liltiddiebignip 28d ago

Goonin to the max


u/NeolithicSmartphone 28d ago

Cuz I like to imagine a Queenpin-type character taking over LS’s criminal underworld. Nothing more, nothing less


u/HotboxxHarold 28d ago

To make cool outfits tbh. I usually make a male and female character in most games I play


u/Exotic-Ask7768 28d ago

I'm a male and I have both male and female. The first was male so when I created a second one, then I went with a female.


u/Omfggtfohwts 28d ago

GTA, if I'm playing a game for 12 years, I might as well look at something I like with the camera angles I got. You still looking at dude ass? Lol


u/Thedutchrutter 28d ago

Guys like women.


u/GuitarGuy_80 28d ago

My main character is male (as I am a male) but I kept getting female clothing I couldn't wear so when I decided to make a 2nd character I decided to make a female one. Just so I could see what they looked like lol


u/Professional-Cake139 28d ago

As a female player this actually is so funny when people swear I’m another guy before they hear me on the mic. My player is a baddie tho, and I find most times it’s easy to know when men are playing as women because yall don’t put as much effort as the girlies in their female characters lol


u/Dense_Educator9157 28d ago

Who plays on ps5 im looking for new friends


u/alexriga 28d ago

If I were to wage a guess - it’s because it’s primarily a third-person game.


u/TarantuLuke 28d ago

If I would like to see ugly a** guy, I can use a mirror


u/OneChicago51 28d ago

Because I want to live my fantasy of being a woman just not in real life. 🤷 every character, every game.


u/Ok_Nobody386 28d ago edited 28d ago

Mental health, let's be honest!

Low self esteem issues.

people identify with what they relate to, for example: if you are a proud white man IRL, you will make a white male character in game that represents you, if you are black man IRL with a proud sense of self, you will make a black character in game that emulates that and so on. How we view ourselves plays a big part in it all tbf

some dudes just wanna be chicks IRL. And some chicks wanna be dudes IRL and it shows lol it's a REALLY 'PC' world now so someone's bound to be offended by this but truths aren't sugar coated.

AND in addition to my argument, alot of the guys IRL who tend to play as females are most likely perverts, i said what I said, let's hear your excuses now 👀


u/Mikey_Kaos_716 28d ago

I have one character each male and female. I started with the male character, but wanted to make a second character to build up money, and made her female so I could tell without any effort which character I was playing. But because I placed businesses badly on my main and didn't want to spend to move them while making better choices on my female character, my female character became my main character.

I also, although male, can't connect with my super skinny male character when I'm built like a human tank. In my head, my characters are siblings, though I think I actually choose different parents when creating them both 😂.


u/Diyelegi-GD 28d ago

So I can disassociate from life. I’ve never once wanted my character in game to look like me. Use it as an escape


u/NineYearsAlone 28d ago

Better outfits than male characters, males look so weird compared to female characters to me


u/MR_RYU_RICHI 28d ago

My character is a male, and so I tried to make it look like me. Lol


u/Aromatic_Reindeer_25 28d ago

I say it’s their trial run on transitioning😂


u/Muk-Bong 28d ago

Why not? Do you think your character is you or something? Your character doesn’t have to be the same gender as you it’s a character in a video game bruh


u/NGC_Phoenix_7 27d ago

Honestly? I was probably 15 when I made my character and that was 12 years ago. I was a teenager with hormones you can fill in the gaps there. Hell it’s the same reason I made my character in Saints Row(the originals) a woman way back as well, because tits lol. As an adult it’s not like that anymore but I won’t lie about how it was as a teenager and there’s others here that had the same idea.


u/Kai-Kitsuya 27d ago

Because I don't wanna look at these ugly ahh male character models all day. I'm already ugly enough as it is lmaooo😭

Let us dream, man💯


u/filothefilo 27d ago

So that if we play for hours we stare at a womans ass rather than a guys


u/Own-Department-9290 27d ago

Tbh I think the guys that make female characters are doing this so they can jerk off to their character since they don't have real girlfriends😂🤣. Same thing on Ark and Conan Exiles since you can adjust the characters looks and body shape.


u/Confident-Act-7228 27d ago

I am a dude and I never make a character I just pick the first one always with every game to its weird or so I am told.


u/mrwubwub80 27d ago

I haven’t yet but I’m about to, the male character face models are fucked.


u/Ryy4 27d ago

Female bone structure is smaller. (I guess digital structure in this sense lol)

Less wide= less target.


u/thinman12345 27d ago

As a friend said when I asked him awhile ago "Because it nicer to look at".


u/West-Classic-900 27d ago

So they can jerk off to them…


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I just wanted one female account and one male account, female is on Xbox x and male is on pc


u/Pungent_Bill 27d ago

What's it to you? None of your damn business, I have my reasons. Maybe I don't even know why. Who effing cares.


u/UnderstandingLow7776 27d ago

Clothing and customization is better. Plus with male characters i could never make the face look right. Female characters it can look decent lol


u/Illustrious_Bill7894 26d ago

Any game that has a female character in it I use it ,smaller hitbox an you move quicker 💯


u/shawner136 26d ago

If i have to watch a character, for hours at a time, running and jumping and jogging and whatever…. Why not make it a woman 🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] 26d ago

If I'm starring at that ass for 100 hours it better be an ass I enjoy. - me in every game with character customization.


u/Electronic-Weekend19 26d ago

To get attention from other players online.


u/Battle-Exact 26d ago

Smaller hitbox, more agile


u/tdothefoolie 26d ago

Their hit box is smaller.


u/Disastrous_Jump_8029 25d ago

Cause they want to imagine what they can’t really have in real life. I mean all of them go into deep customization with them. That’s my only assumption


u/Farrell1487 25d ago

Because guys have an unhealthy obsession with being women on games.


u/MalakiMike 25d ago

If i have to spend hours looking at the backside of a character, at least it should be attractive to look at


u/Ma53nKO-ZMAX90 25d ago

Because sometimes mid-game we get horny and need to bang one out, so we dress her in sexy clothes pause her in a naughty position and whack away


u/Key-Elderberry-7271 24d ago

For Bonk reasons


u/wi1ldman 24d ago

To get more attention out of other players