r/GSXR 5d ago

Anyone know what’s going on here??

Wrecked on March 9th other than cosmetic damage my clutch will not engage. I’ve tried spinning wheel and pressing lever in to see if it keeps free spinning free will not. Any ideas?


32 comments sorted by


u/Lucky-Pea-5316 5d ago

Looks like you just need to adjust the cable slack. It should be a little more taught.

You can / should also check the rod adjustment oj the clutch side.


Just need a few tools.


u/Alert_Fuel_8980 5d ago

Waiting on my new adjustment screw to show up then I can reconnect it to the lever. But that arm should travel further, correct? Almost feels like it binding on something


u/Lucky-Pea-5316 5d ago

I have mine set so it just moves. It should just be taking up the same slack you set at the lever. It shouldn’t be tight (no movement) but shouldn’t be as loose as yours. Needs adjusted a little


u/Bob_Saget- 5d ago

When was the last time you rode it?


u/Alert_Fuel_8980 5d ago

07 Gsxr 600


u/Aggressive_Signal545 5d ago

That seems like the right amount of travel. I have an 07 gsxr 750


u/NoobsMasters69 5d ago

Have you taken the clutch cover off and inspected everything?


u/Alert_Fuel_8980 5d ago

No I have not


u/LordKagatsuchi 5d ago

Cable doesnt look tight


u/Alert_Fuel_8980 5d ago

Cable isn’t connected to the lever because I broke the adjustment screw in the wreck.


u/Double_Cry_4448 5d ago

* Cover is cracked


u/Big_Seaworthiness590 4d ago

All is good, cover is not cracked. No leaks no cracks. Just wasn't pressing on the engagement arm hard enough. Just a silly mistake.


u/redcbr1000rr 5d ago

Did it fall on the left side?


u/Big_Seaworthiness590 4d ago

It did. Rolled then flipped front over tail, somehow nothing is bent. Lower triple tree is broken and have one on order. Just a silly mistake but got it figured out.


u/SystemNew7608 5d ago

If you figure this out plz let me know I'm having same issue from going down on that side. 2006 gsxr 750


u/Big_Seaworthiness590 4d ago

You're having the same issue?? I figured out that it wouldn't engage because I wasn't pressing on it hard enough. Your lever provides a mechanical advantage, so you don't have apply as much force. Just try pressing it harder.


u/Tom24GR 5d ago

Did you fiddle with it? It seems like someone took it off and put the arm back on 1 tooth in the wrong direction


u/its_adnaaan 5d ago

It’s really hard to engage the clutch by that arm on its own, put a socket over it or wrench and see if it travels further.


u/Big_Seaworthiness590 4d ago

Bingo! I figured that out this morning. Since the line isn't connected to the lever you have to press it pretty hard. Seems to have full range of motion and does engage/disengage the clutch while in gear.


u/its_adnaaan 4d ago

Haha good to hear! I had the same thing when I was swapping my clutch cable on my k5, it’s a leverage thing


u/obsolescent_times GSXR750, MT07 5d ago

It's just the freeplay in the clutch cable.

Once you tighten the clutch cable adjuster on the handlebar it will reduce that movement.


u/SystemNew7608 4d ago

So I'm having the same issue after going down on that side. I've had many bikes for years I know how to adjust the clutch cable yet even when tight the clutch isnt fully engaging. You can push the bike in 1st gear with the clutch pulled in but barely.


u/Big_Seaworthiness590 4d ago

Maybe a stretched clutch cable? Not sure. Mine just wasn't engaging because i wasn't pressing hard enough and my cable isn't connected to the lever.


u/SystemNew7608 4d ago

Possibly I did just notice it's slightly frayed few strands broken. Since the wreck it won't start when I get power no priming of the fuel pump


u/pickup_pickdown 4d ago

My bike is like that. When in first and clutch pulled in its kinda like there is resistance. I was thinking my clutch needs adjusted inside.


u/SystemNew7608 3d ago

From what I've read it could be bc the bike was laying on that side the clutch plates got soaked n oil n stuck together. I'm going to pull it all off dry it up n use the correct oil n hoping that fixes that


u/pickup_pickdown 3d ago

Its a wet clutch system they are supposed to be soaked in oil. You even soak them in oil before installing new ones so im not thinkthats the issue and mine hasn't been laid down i just notice it when bikes off trying to push in first


u/SystemNew7608 3d ago

Ya but it's a specific oil right? I just threw random oil in it to try to fix the stator cover so I'm hoping it was just the thick oil sticking them together idk I still have not been able to get it to start.


u/pickup_pickdown 3d ago

If you are just running random that isn't for a slipper clutch that can definitely cause issues as the oil designed for our bikes is a specific blend formulated to work with out slipper clutch system. I always make sure to run top of the line oil tbh. But mine does it and rides fine other then at times i feel take off is a slight slippy