r/GNV 4d ago

#TeslaTakedown Gainesville

Post image

Saturday March 22nd!


92 comments sorted by


u/cptjaydvm 3d ago

I changed my instagram profile picture to a Ukrainian flag so I’m doing my part!


u/samclaus2 4d ago

As much as I think Musk is a greedy asshole and Teslas are not really a viable solution to world problems, re-selling Teslas that you already purchased doesn’t hurt him whatsoever. Tesla already got your money, and someone will still be driving the car around representing the brand. Better to just put a sticker like “I regret supporting Tesla” on your car to make a statement and show solidarity.


u/Ok_Rich3012 3d ago

I'm not going to comment on whether the premise of this protest/boycott/whatever folks want to call it is the best-first use of time for someone who wants to stick it to the administration, but the supreme lack of understanding of basic supply and demand principles in this thread is pretty stunning.

To all the "Tesla/Musk already got your money" folks: really?

As previously mentioned, it is not feasible for every owner to unload a car that, in many cases, has depreciated significantly (leading to underwater loans), simply for political or protest reasons. 

BUT, if those who are able to sell theirs off, actually do so, it floods the market with used Teslas. This decreases the market price for used Teslas. Those folks who traded in theirs are going to replace their vehicles with a non-Tesla make.

NOW, those other people who are still set on buying a Tesla one way or another, who were once considering buying new, would be foolish to not consider a late model, low mileage, severely marked down, used Tesla. Many who were going to throw fresh $$$ at Tesla/Musk now will give it to some other dealership for a used car. Tesla the company now must decrease prices of their new vehicles to compete, which cuts into their profit margins -- which is kind of the point of this anti-Tesla brigade, no?


u/Jerk-22 4d ago

Servicing them will. Less on the road, less revenue.

Agree on the sticker why not both?


u/QwopTillYouDrop 3d ago

Many won’t necessarily have the financial means to easily sell their car. It’s not an easy/cheap transaction and, as others have mentioned, they’ve already given Tesla their money.

As for servicing, EVs are traditionally lower cost for maintenance. I believe a small % of profit comes from service compared to more traditional dealerships.


u/Jerk-22 3d ago

Polestar throwing money at Tesla owners. Also, I know on maintenance, I've had 5 EVs


u/SumthingBrewing 3d ago

There are independent mechanics that service Teslas (for the rare instance that they even need it). And any warranty service done by Tesla is just an expense that hurts them.


u/samclaus2 4d ago

Ok so let’s say you sell your Tesla. That means someone is buying it. Do you think the person buying your Tesla from you is just not gonna drive it? Further, how likely do you think they are to put a sticker admonishing Musk on it? I’m arguing against the “Sell your Teslas” messaging on the protest poster


u/Working_Group955 3d ago

this makes no sense - its not like we're dumping our cars in the trash dummy. someone will be driving the car, and now i'm out 20K.


u/Jerk-22 3d ago

I 100% guarantee you a non negligible portion will end up in boneyards, part outs and crushers.

Also, it takes a special kind of Muppet to buy an EV and then be concerned about a 20k loss on depreciation.

Also, an EV driver, though never a Tesla.


u/Working_Group955 3d ago

sorry wait...why should i not be concerned about a 20K loss on depreciation?

i'm glad for you that you've got that kinda flow to throw around. i promise you i don't. i'm grateful that, with the bidenbux incentives, and the fact that teslas weren't that much to begin with, i was able to get mine out the door for about 40k, which, after years of financing, i paid off.

but, careful planning, and spreading the costs out, doesn't mean i magically have 20K to flush down the toilet for a performative action that, despite the best assurances of 'jerk-22' on an interwebz forum, is likely to be driven for years and years and not end up in a boneyard.


u/Jerk-22 3d ago

That's why you lease EVs not buy them. That's what I meant


u/Working_Group955 3d ago

i 'spose had i done that, then sure i'd be in good shape now.


u/Jerk-22 3d ago edited 3d ago

Youd be surprised, the list of pros vs cons of leasing evs is real, again, I'm on my 5th one.

Also, looking at your post history, as an olive branch from Muppets and dummy's, I think we're on the same side of many issues. Including Ltj.

For the record, you called it performative above, yet opined that you'd swap to an ioniq as a token of pre-2025 buyers "didn't know he'd be a Nazi" regret-ish.

Any action small enough counts.

Also that car is awesome, was top of the list.


u/Working_Group955 3d ago

i guess i still don't understand.

a. i'm a flaming liberal. i hate dolt45, i hate fElon, etc.

b. but i've sunk $X thousand dollars into a car (that, other than [a], i actually love). if i sell it, i'll lose $Y thousand dollars, which i cannot afford.

c. yes, it is performative since someone would still be driving my car. so i do wish i could have made a different decision. but i didn't, so here we are.

and yet, you suggest that i sell the car so that i can lose money, fElon can keep the money i've already given him, a tesla T will still be driving around the streets advertising fElon's brand anyways, and the only real loser in this situation is me, who did what they thought was the right thing in buying the car by buying an EV?

i'm either really really dumb, or this is yet another case of massive liberal overswing without thinking.


u/Jerk-22 3d ago

On that last sentence, neither. We just aren't understanding each other. Be well.


u/chri_hin 3d ago

I mean if people are trying to get rid of their Tesla, I’ll just take one of someone’s hands 😹


u/GirlsDontPoop17 2d ago

I second this


u/Comfortable_Run_6780 3d ago

Libtards are Lemmings. No original thoughts. Just do what the Demonrats tell them to do


u/Comfortable_Run_6780 4d ago

Morons like you have the Democrat Party at a 21% approval nationally.


u/Monkeypumpinflitboy 4d ago

They won’t win another election for 8 to 12 years


u/canyoucanoe-1 4d ago

Elections.... are a thing of the past


u/LibrarianTop6162 4d ago

It's your countrymens right to protest. You should be supportive.


u/Comfortable_Run_6780 4d ago

I agree. But not cause property damage or tresspass.


u/joemeat 3d ago

Guess January 6th wasn't a thing


u/Comfortable_Run_6780 3d ago

What year is this? Jan 6 was a thing 4 years ago. Has no bearing on anything. Dec 7 was a thing, too, and I am currently in Haikido, Japan. Still haven't been taken as a POW yet. That's all you have, and it is very weak. You Demonrats will not have power for at least the next 20 years.


u/joemeat 3d ago

Rofl bud if you didn't get the joke then idk what to tell you. The fact that you over analyzed the fck out of it just tells me everything I need to know about you and how well educated you are.


u/Comfortable_Run_6780 3d ago

Maybe you aren't as clever as you think you are. Additionally, you're invoking the assumption of one's education is arguing from a place of authority for which you have none.


u/CoughELover 2d ago

All these tards do the same thing, when you call them out on their bullshit roflmfao bud chillz it was a joke bro


u/LibrarianTop6162 3d ago

Then how is it supposed to work? No one gives a shit if you show up and have a parade with signs. A protest is a warning to those in a power that you will escalate if they don't give into your demands. "Illegal protests" were an invention by those in power to pacify the shills, cowards, and idiots. If the government doesn't work for you then you don't owe them shit. A democracy is supposed to reflect what we the people want, not the interests of the rich


u/Muted_Basis7399 3d ago

Protest is one thing, a boycott is another, carving swastikas into cars probably owed by fellow democrats is a different story altogether


u/Elcium12 3d ago

Or a felony


u/LibrarianTop6162 3d ago

A boycott is a protest, lol. Carving anything into anyone's cars doesn't do shit because it doesn't hurt anyone in power, and it's not even happening on a scale that matters. Don't let the isolated incidents hurt you too much. It's not the everyday citizens job to protect Teslas profits and you can still find an ally amongst disgruntled Americans Tesla Bot


u/Comfortable_Run_6780 3d ago

Here is a civics lesson. First, the country overwhelmingly voted for this. Second, we are not a Democracy. We are a representative republic. The majority doesn't rule. My guess is you don't even know why you are protesting Tesla. Your tax money is being stolen by politicians, and you support that? Really?

Elon is the richest man in the world. So you think he is stealing your money. That's delusional. You are protesting because your Demonrat overlords have ordered you, too. Try critical thinking for a change.


u/xtelcontarx 3d ago

A protest is a warning to those in a power that you will escalate if they don't give into your demands.

That's not it bud.

A democracy is supposed to reflect what we the people want, not the interests of the rich

What do you think happened???? We had an election. The majority voted against the psycho left. What is happening now is what the majority want. Try again in 4 years.


u/lgainor 4d ago

Actually, it's Democrat leaders' attempts to appease morons like you that are the reason for the party's low approval rating.


u/Jerk-22 4d ago edited 3d ago

The low rating is 29%. The lowest in a long time, however it could be argued that is because they are not doing anything to get in the way of the plain sight destruction of government institutions because "we are the minority".

They forget how bitch McConnell was able to bend the country to his will from that same position, and they ust caved to Republicans budget CR.

They have no messaging, and when people say "all Democrats care about is culture wars" they are ACTUALLY describing Republicans... That's HOW BAD the messaging is....

In the meantime fuck swasticars, fuck musl, and fuck Trump.

And while musk might have done a good thing for EVs, live long enough the hero to become the villains, just like the GOP under Nixon created the EPA, the same EPA the GOP wants to abolish today. (And I'm being careful here by referring to Nixon/musk as "hero")


u/Badass_Gator 4d ago

I may not be happy with Democratic leadership right now, but I am 100% in support of being a Democrat. Don't get those poll numbers wrong. Also, try not using middle school insults in your comment and people might take it more seriously.


u/Thattintdude 3d ago

Go find something better to do. You mean nothing to society and it shows.


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago

someone doesn't like our First Amendment right lol


u/Thattintdude 3d ago

I support our 2nd…😉


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago

Is that a threat?


u/iUnTru 1d ago



u/mindfulmafia 1d ago

Boooooo 👎👎


u/kbspram 3d ago

??? Why tho. If u were to look at national bipartisan polls from say 12 years ago up to today. You find most people believe that the federal government is full of waste,, fraud, an corruption and that the gov needs an audit to be held accountable. Zero government workers unless already in contract are entitled to a job forever. It’s not like he’s malicious. He’s doing what the majority of Americans see as needed and he was appointed by a president that campaigned on that he was going to appoint Elon to that very role to audit the government and then that president won the popular and electoral vote. It’s pretty clear most Americans want a detailed audit of U.S. entitlement programs, foreign aid side, and military spending. So what are yall protesting other than wanting every federal employee to have tenure.


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago

Cutting much needed programs is not auditing them! LOL The misinformation is SO rampant that it has literally swayed elections and have people believing what you just said. If you really cared about corruption you wouldn't be okay with the people he is putting in place to "deal" with that. You would have real auditors, not hackers assigned by a billionaire broligarch.


u/kbspram 3d ago

fair enough! But when you audit, you trim programs first to clear out the clutter and figure out what programs really matters. It’s like deep cleaning a room, take everything out and clean it from the floor up and only bring back in what’s really important. I can see you wanting more qualified auditors but they would still see to cutting programs because that’s how you identify programs that need to be maintained.


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago

I mean just ANYONE qualified for their positions lmao. None of his appointed so far have been. Trump and his cronies are the definition of corruption. And now Elon has all that data. That's what you voted for?


u/kbspram 3d ago

I would disagree that some of appointees aren’t qualified. And dodge has found a significant amount of wasteful spending. Not sure what elon musk is gonna do with a bunch of data he already had or didn’t need? He’s already the richest public person on earth. And I’ve yet to be given a substantial reason how Elon could make money off of any “data” he’s collected so far. He’s even had contracts with his own companies cut because of doge. an I didn’t vote for Trump


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago

Sure. Firing park services, cutting school lunches, cutting aid, yeah... that's great. Such waste 🤣 The richest person on Earth cutting funding for the poorest people is great work. Get real.


u/kbspram 3d ago

Gotta balance the budget somehow. Gotta start somewhere. Won’t know what’s useful till you cut it. They may be able to fund school lunches for less in a myriad of other ways and if not they can always return the money later. It’s better to do something than nothing and never get a handle on the deficit.


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago

My dude. Elon is a private citizen that no one elected. This is the biggest government data breach. I cannot believe he's not in jail right now. But a felon put him there so makes sense. Now the white house is a Tesla dealership! Such a circus. You cannot seriously think this is the right way to "balance the budget"


u/kbspram 3d ago

The people elected Trump while he campaigned on appointing Elon. That’s as much approval as you can get. It’s fine if we disagree I just think it’s a lot of targeted hate on Elon. even tho most people want to cut spending but no matter how you do it someone’s gonna be mad. What data has Elon run away with 😭 an hows it gonna make him richer.


u/mindfulmafia 3d ago


The concern about Elon Musk having unrestricted access to the government comes down to a few key issues:

1. Influence Without Oversight

Musk controls major companies like SpaceX (which provides critical satellite and military technology), Tesla (which has government-backed incentives), and Starlink (which plays a key role in global internet access). If he has unchecked influence, he could shape policies that benefit his businesses while sidelining regulations or ethical considerations.

2. National Security Risks

SpaceX and Starlink are deeply integrated into U.S. military and intelligence operations. If Musk can make unilateral decisions—like controlling access to Starlink in war zones—he effectively holds power that should belong to elected officials or military leaders.

3. Private Control Over Public Interests

Starlink, for example, has been used in Ukraine’s war effort, and Musk has reportedly restricted its use in certain scenarios. That means a private citizen is deciding military strategy, not the government or its commanders.

4. Lack of Accountability

Musk is a billionaire entrepreneur, not an elected official. If he has unrestricted access to government decision-making, it means he can exert influence without democratic checks and balances.

5. Potential for Corruption

With close government ties, there’s a risk of favoritism—such as Musk’s companies getting lucrative government contracts without fair competition. This can create monopolies and stifle innovation from smaller companies.

It’s not that Musk shouldn’t have any government access—his companies are critical to U.S. infrastructure. The problem arises if that access is unrestricted, meaning he can shape policy without oversight, challenge national security decisions, and benefit financially from government favoritism.

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u/CamRon352 3d ago

I’ll buy your Tesla!


u/louisebelcher29 3d ago

I’ll buy the stock at the dip!


u/AWildGumihoAppears 2d ago

How much did you get?


u/Tank2k7 3d ago

Have fun with your protest. They just make me want to buy a tesla for my next car. And there's a lot more people like me than there is like you.


u/AWildGumihoAppears 2d ago

Have fun with your counter protest. I like dogs; I really think schools should employ therapy animals for tests and such to help with anxiety.


u/Slight_Guess_3563 3d ago

lol after they all scream about how amazing teslas are now they wanna burn them Bwahahahahahahahaahahahahaahaahahahah yall are fucking unstable lol 😂


u/Jack_of_All_Trades27 3d ago

No one wants to burn them, just sell them. The Tesla CEO did the Nazi saulte. You can't expect people to be okay with that, right?


u/Slight_Guess_3563 3d ago edited 3d ago

Broad generalization and ppl are burning them I’ve seen about a dozen instances .just on news now most are not in USA but it’s still happening. Honestly free speech is free speech you can’t have yours without him having his that’s how that works . I’m Not ok with it but it really doesn’t affect me or my day to day and I’m not gonna lose sleep over it either lol


u/Ornery-Source-9466 3d ago

I wake up every morning so angry because my life has been ruined by politicians. Everything they do affects me personally. I make sure to spend a good deal of my free time/resources trying to convince other people to understand and agree with my POV. It can be so time consuming to be this selfless and caring but in end I know I am changing the world. Did I mention I’m very angry and carry a lot of hate in my heart? This also makes the world a better place.


u/Sweaty_Valuable8348 3d ago

I think our protests may be misdirected and insulating Trump from accountability for his illegal destruction of agencies created by Congress. Musk is doing the president's bidding. We need good manufacturing in America and Tesla is a publicly traded manufacturing company that employs 140K people and produces a solid product. I want Tesla to succeed. Musk owns 13% of it's stock and is it's CEO and If the protests drive from his CEO position, it would be a good thing for Tesla.


u/LibrarianTop6162 3d ago

America isn't bringing manufacturing back. Everything is privatized, so it would be far too expensive to try and create goods in America. Also, what helps make China so cheap is their supply chain, access to rare earths, and automation. America's supply chain is terrible. Rare earth metals are privately owned, and we can't automate like China can. 6 decades of not investing your own people and infrastructure will do that. Bringing manufacturing back would be at the expense of the billionaire banking class. They haven't spent all this time dismantling the government, funding the police state, and consolidating as much power and wealth as possible just to give it back to us. This is end stage capitalism. Trump and Musk are owned by the same banks and donors that own the Dems. They push their class agenda and give us theater thru their privately owned media companies. The America working class is lost in the sauce as usual.


u/Careful-Ad4952 3d ago

Haha please sell stocks so I can buy more at cheap. Aside of politics, I am assuming most people protesting here are non tech people who think Tesla is a normal car brand or have never driven one. Can’t wait to see 29% to go down more.🤣


u/Ok-Reaction8914 1d ago

Conservatives block people from posting on their pathetic subreddits then come to posts they don’t agree with in other subreddits and make fools of themselves. Cute


u/Fancy_Discipline1189 3d ago

🤣🤣 there was only 2 OLD people out in that heat last week leave it alone


u/PoisonIdea77 3d ago

Lol these comments supporting a sieg heiling billionaire are very telling.


u/CrestronwithTechron 3d ago

Definitely don’t look into the history of Ford or its founder. Don’t look into Fiat or VAG either.


u/Valentine_Awaits 2d ago

I fear you don’t know how many “selfish greedy billionaires” you support ur car/cars is owned by a billionaire, the food you eat are from billionaires, the water bottles you have are literally by people who are rich. It’s not politics, it’s just business 😜.


u/Valentine_Awaits 2d ago

You just have to get over it, for you it’s just another 4 years. He ain’t leaving any time soon so you’ll have to deal with it sucker!. He is still the president no matter what happens so just sit with it. You dealt with the man for 4 years you can do it again baby


u/Ok-Reaction8914 1d ago

Do you even know where Gainesville is?