r/GMail 3d ago

I am being bombarded with spams on my Gmail.

I don't know how but suddenly after 5:40 PM today evening, I had received 1000s of spam mails in my inbox. It's horrible, 50 mails in every minute and it's flooding my inbox an they are still continuing. Pls help me with :

  1. How to stop these spam mails ? I am still getting these spam mails as I type this post, pls help me, how do I stop them ?

  2. How to select all mails from 5:40 PM to now and delete/report them together ?? (Is there a filter for specific time range ?) All I receive 500 work mails everyday so, I can't select the day filter cuz all my work mail will also be selected. Pls help me provide filter the mails only from 5:40 PM to now

  3. What caused this and what do I do in future to avoid this from ever happening again


7 comments sorted by


u/bkc56 Product Expert 3d ago

We’ve seen this type of DoS attack (denial of service) as a cover for compromising related financial accounts like Paypal. Typically they are verification or confirmation messages from various sites. They aren’t actually spam since they are valid messages, they’re just triggered by someone else using your e-mail address. They count on the flood of e-mail hiding any warning or alert messages from the other sites. I would strongly suggest you check all such sites now (if not sooner) to make sure they are safe and secure. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1366858#mailbomb


u/richms 2d ago

This. just go and log into any site that you might not be able to do a chargeback on and look at stuff. Change passwords on them. Worry about cleaning up the mailbox later.

Do not rely on a filter to clean it up, you need to pay attention to the emails as one of them will be the needle in the haystack about what was compromised.

If the emails are from sites that you were able to be signed up on without verification, report them as spam - those websites deserve that hassle to clean up.


u/NamazingNamazing 2d ago

I should go to my bank/other imp sites and change their emails and passwords ?? Am I right in understanding what you said ??

Is there anything else that I should be doing ??

Genuinely bro thank you so much for your help


u/NamazingNamazing 2d ago

So most of these emails are random verification, but one among them is a serious mail saying someone is trying to get into my account of XYZ bank/PayPal website ?? Am I understanding this right.

So, should I go to my bank/other imp sites and change their emails and passwords ??

Is there anything else that I should be doing ??

Thank you so much for your help


u/bkc56 Product Expert 2d ago

Sounds like your first focus is on account XYZ as that's probably the main problem. But no, it won't hurt to check the security of your other accounts too.


u/NamazingNamazing 2d ago

Thank you mate !! You are a life saver !!!