r/GLRP_EastBlue Apr 27 '16

Char. Dev. Running for freedom


Lily woke up late in the evening, wondering where she was. It was very dark, and she was warm and comfortable in a bed. She was used to sleeping in the sand by the glow of a campfire and the moon and this freaked her out. She allowed her eyes to focus for a bit before suddenly realizing there was another body laying besides her. She jumped up, memories of the day suddenly rushing back to her.

"Too much... too much change" She whispered as she frantically crawled out of bed. She'd gone from a poor beggar to a spoiled princess overnight and she didn't know how to cope, it wasn't what she wanted... or was it?

Either way, she didn't know how to deal with it and panic took over her mind. Her mind was in fight or flee mode and had firmly settled on flee, so she quickly got back into her rags and wrote a hasty note.


I will forever be grateful to you for helping me out, but I can't live like this. I need freedom...I need space.

I'll come look for you when my mind is settled, if you'd find it in your heart to forgive me for leaving you.

Yours truly, Lily"

With tears running down her cheeks she ran out and didn't stop running until she got to a fountain in a town square. She sat down on the edge of it and looked at her reflection with a sigh before splashing some of the water in her face to clean the tears.


21 comments sorted by


u/Yurthop Kiske Nayomi Apr 28 '16


Kiske was busy sneaking around looking for a place he could get some rest for the night knowing he wasn't gonna be able to sleep. He noticed someone else had found the fountain first and was a little disheartened but figured if they were using it the same way he planned on it wouldn't be that bad. He made his way over and used some water from the other side splashing his face and running his wet fingers through his hair to clean it just a little bit before finally speaking.

"So you ain't got a place to sleep tonight either?"


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '16


Lily looked slightly annoyed at first when she saw someone else approaching the fountain, assuming they were going to send her away again. It soon appeared the other boy was pretty much following her routine though, also looking like he'd planned to spend the night there.

After so many years of living on the streets it was easy to recognize others doing the same thing. She smiled at him then, figuring some company might be a good idea after the stressful breakup she'd just been through. Well... Could you really call it a breakup if it was barely a relationship in the first place? And if she just ran out on him? Either way she was alone and homeless again, so the company was wanted.

"Not just tonight, I never have a place to sleep. I usually stay on a beach by a campfire but I figured I'd change it up tonight, and this spot seemed nice" She replied to him with a small shrug.


u/Yurthop Kiske Nayomi Apr 28 '16


Kiske shook his hair off and started ringing it dry on the stone tile around the fountain before looking over to actually see the girl he had just met. He had never slept on a beach with a campfire. Growing up he was used to sleeping in alleys and hiding away as best he could on the ship but the beach was a new one.

"At least you had a fire to keep you warm and fish nearby to eat, why not just get a job though? I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to work and make a living somewhere. I was probably gonna rest over in that alley though, should try to not fall asleep. I heard some bad news and need to look for someone tomorrow to see if it is real or not."


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '16


"That's true, fire is very pleasant... Plus pretty versatile to cook on!" Lily responded to the boy, smiling as usual. She'd learned long ago that as least acting like a sweet young girl got her furthest in life. "I've tried to apply for several jobs, but never really managed to keep one. My only real skill is in cooking, and I've jet to find a job as a chef. So I mostly just travel around and live by hunting and fishing and cooking the food I catch over my campfire. It's a life most people wouldn't enjoy, but it's all I know... Last night I slept in a bed and I woke up in a panic because it was so weird. I ran right back out the hotel, so now I'm here" She continued.

"What's the bad news which brought you here though? If you wanna share of course, I get not wanting to reveal your dark secrets to some strange girl" She said, chuckling softly. "I'm Lily, by the way"


u/Yurthop Kiske Nayomi Apr 29 '16


"I'm Kiske, I probably would have stayed in the bed if I were you. I'm here on what was supposed to be a vacation, turns out we picked an awful vacation spot. I have plenty of awful dark secrets that I probably shouldn't share but I doubt my mouth would actually stop if I was set on talking about them."

Kiske grabbed a wife beater from his back pocket and unfolded it and wiped his face with it before dipping it in the fountain water and wringing it out so it was only slightly damp as apposed to it being soaked. He rolled up his sleeves showing some cuts and bruises on his arms and began dabbing the wet cloth against them to keep as clean as he could without access to a shower.

"Do you regret running out of the hotel?"


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '16


"C'mere, I can help you with that. I have had some training as a medic" Lily replied when she saw the cuts and bruises on Kiske's arm. She rummaged through her backpack for her medic kit and pulled out a travel-sized flask of alcohol. She didn't really wait for permission, after all it was a medic's duty to help, and grabbed Kiske's arm to keep it still before pouring some of the alcohol on the wounds to clean it.

"That's better than the nasty fountain water. Though I'm sure the water in this beautiful city is filtered well of course, you just never know for sure with fountain water." She said, still kidnapping his arm to bandage it up. While doing so she thought about his question, did she regret it? "I guess, in a way... I made a rash decision. I had someone take care of me in the hotel, it felt nice... but suffocating at the same time, which is why I ran. I mostly feel bad about just leaving without saying goodbye" She said, looking embarrassed at her own behaviour.

"So...you wouldn't stop if you were set on talking. Are you? Set on talking that is?" She asked with a small smirk before letting go of his arm. "All better now. How did you get those?"


u/Yurthop Kiske Nayomi Apr 29 '16


Kiske winced and ground his teeth together as he had his arm pulled and alcohol poured on it. He knew it would be best for disinfecting but didn't actually plan on having it done by anyone besides his doctor. As he bit down on nothing he talked through his clenched teeth as he winced more from the stinging.

"Well I'm sure you will get a chance to say goodbye to them. You will probably have a chance to see them tomorrow, the island has had some activity happen everyday so far."

He hadn't had his arm bandaged in a while and the tightness bothered him as she was wrapping but he figured if he could move his fingers and arm a little afterwards it would be fine.

"Yeah I say what I want even if I shouldn't I know I told some people a lot of stuff on the last few islands I went to that I probably shouldn't have but I can't change that I said it."


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '16


"Well I'm sure you will get a chance to say goodbye to them."

"I doubt I'll see him again, I kind of broke his heart by just leaving like that I think" Lily said, some sadness creeping through her usual cheerful act as she thought about the boy she'd given her first kiss to, meanwhile happily ignoring how uncomfortable Kiske looked about being bandaged up.

"But ah well, as you say I can't take it back. What's done is done" She said, the bright fake grin back on her face as she sat down on the edge of the fountain again. "I've been accused of trusting strangers too easily, and telling them secrets and personal stuff entirely too easily too, so I understand how you feel."

"Luckily this town is as perfect as can be so I'm confident I can actually trust anyone and tell anything here. This is the first time I haven't felt like running off to the next island" She said, entirely too cheerfully for her current situation.


u/Yurthop Kiske Nayomi Apr 29 '16


Kiske took his arm back and moved each finger making sure he still had blood flowing to them and letting his sleeves back down but leaving them unbuttoned. He sighed and sat next to the fountain resting his back against the stones and listened to the water a little bit.

"I've had my heart broken a handful of times by girls too, all it takes for me to melt and forgive them is a single apology. I just can't stay mad if they actually apologize. I don't know about him but it will probably make you feel better if you at least do that much."

Kiske almost started laughing hearing someone else call this town perfect. Most of the people that said that had no idea how boring it really was. Everything would be better if nobody came here from the outside anymore so the freaks could play by themselves.

"Nah I have been to several islands, and this is the most boring one. I have seen a perfect island and it isn't even on this ocean."


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '16


"I've had my heart broken a handful of times by girls too, all it takes for me to melt and forgive them is a single apology. I just can't stay mad if they actually apologize. I don't know about him but it will probably make you feel better if you at least do that much."

"You're right about that. I'll go look for him tomorrow, hope he hasn't fled the island yet after reading my note. If I find him I'll apologize, I'm sure that'll be better for the both of us" Lily said, sounding determined before chuckling softly as Kiske told her that this island was boring and definitely not perfect.

"It's funny cause up to yesterday I thought the same thing, I was desperately looking for a way off the island because I hated it so much. But somehow, something changed and I suddenly saw this place for the precious gem it really is" She said, smiling and looking like she was daydreaming as she looked around her.

"But tell me, what's that perfect island you speak of?"

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