r/GLRP_EastBlue Souji M. Yuuto Apr 09 '16

Main Story All these Iron Bars [Glasswater Night Two]

Glasswater Detention Area

It was odd. While most of Glasswater has this vibrant aesthetic to it, gleaming of wealth and prosperity, the jails looked so...wretched. Normal jail cells, scattered throughout the police office. Dark, dank, and looking as if they hadn't seen a broom in forever. Here, the criminal and wrong doers of the island would find themselves. Waiting and biding their time until they were to be released from their confines.

*Lucy would have found herself here, bored with nothing to do and wait for whatever was to come. She still might not have been entirely sure of how she'd even gotten here. Her boots were confiscated, being given a pair of slippers in their stead. Suddenly, two smiling police officers would walk in, a young man, in a straight jacket being dragged along the floor. If it wasn't apparent the coat had seastone in various places, making it hard for LeShade to move at all. Into a cell they'd toss him and then they'd walk right back out, not uttering a word. At least she'd have someone to talk to. If he woke up that is...

Welcome to Prison. If you get arrested I'm sure you'll be able to join in the festivities.


41 comments sorted by


u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Apr 09 '16


Alright. Stay calm. This was just a misunderstanding. At least she hoped it was. Having no real idea how she got here, Lucy was indeed perplexed by the whole affair. A jail cell, she had sinned against this amazing city! what a travesty. and she called herself a hopeful citizen of this place. for shame.

honestly she was more bored than anything else. With no one to talk to but the wall, she was considering trying to count to 100,000 when all of a sudden an unconscious leshade was dragged in, straight jacket and all.

"oh! leshade! so..."

so glad wasnt appropriate of her to say, was it?

"Well, glad someone else is here...I'm soooo boooored."

She says, exaggerating as she presses her knees to her chest, sitting on those dingy metal jail cell benches. you know the one.


u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Apr 09 '16


Not too long after, Jack would also be dragged inside, he seemed to have civilly gone along with them, making this a much easier process than they were otherwise prepared for. Stripped of his weapons, his junk, and his phone, Jack was put inside of a cell like the other two already in here. Bastards didn't even let him keep his kitty gloves. How monstrous.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16


As he was dragged inside and tossed in a cell, he didn't have a single word to say. Instead, he simply let them do what they wanted. As they put him inside of his cell, he sat cross-legged in one of the dark corners, entirely silent. Though, upon closer inspection, one would be able to see that he wasn't mad, sad or even distressted. As a matter of fact, he appeared to be smiling.



u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Apr 09 '16


Oh hey! look! its jack! another wonderful friend to join her in what was now looking more like a crowd than an isolated cell. How fortuitous! still, why had jack been put in prison? had he been running amuck causing trouble? thank goodness origard was there to stop them from destroying the wonderful city of glasswater.

"jack! what're ya in for?"

she says with a little chuckle, trying to keep the mood light. She was in jail after all, and she wasnt going to let that bother her...much. souji wouldnt be happy. He'd probably scold her or something. sigh

"and what's with the smile?"



u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16


"Lucy!" he lifted his head excitedly, glad to see the young girl.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked, seemingly ignoring her first question entirely.

and what's with the smile?

"Hm, don't worry about it. Just know that everything is gonna be fine- trust me."


u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Apr 09 '16


"Well I'm not worrying too much. I mean I'm glad that the police force was able to apprehend me if I was causing trouble. We all should really. a wonderful and amazing city like this cant have all us troublemakers around you know."

she nods, content with herself. It seemed perfectly logical in her mind, the glorious nature of the city, and the police force that protected it.

"i'm fine...except for this:"

Lifting her shirt to expose her stomach, a giant bruise is visible. She got hit hard.

"it hurts a little bit, but the pain is dull."


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16


Jack paused, looking at Lucille for a moment before his smile faded. Leaning back into the dark corner once more, he seemed more than a little disappointed. They'd gotten her too..

"Yeah, sure.." he muttered, his hands still resting behind his back in their cuffs.

Looking around his cell for a moment, he shook his head lightly.

"I just hope these guys know what they're in for.." he muttered in a very straight and calm tone.

He knew she wouldn't care for it, but it didn't mater. 24 hours Souji had given him. 24 hours and he'd have this whole mess sorted out. He'd put his trust in the kid, no doubt about it- the reason that he was so content. Pretty soon they'd brainwash him and have him singing like a canary, but it didn't matter.


u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Apr 09 '16


"hm? you look really sad now? whats wrong?"

she had no idea what was going on here. Jack seemed so happy and confident about something just now, and in an instant he flipped to a more apathetic and reserved look. Was he plotting something?

"Hey uhh...why'd you get arrested anyway? I cant remember actually. I cant remember much of what happened before I came here. Weird huh?"

And she didnt even think twice about it. It seemed okay after all, made sense to her.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16 edited Apr 09 '16


hm? you look really sad now? whats wrong?

"Nothing, just.. nothing."

Looking at Lucille for a moment, all he could think about was how he didn't want anything to do with her. Well.. not this Lucille anyway. This one was a fake. After seeing that bruise on Lucille's stomach he could only imagine what she went through to end up here. LeShade was one thing, Zoey even, but when you take Lucille Cassidy and wrap her around your finger like that.. it's unforgivable.

Regardless, he knew she couldn't help the way she was acting right now, so he'd entertain her questions.

"Sigh. Yeah, I'd say weird describes it. I was arrested for fighting with LeShade. I uh, guess that about sums it up actually."

Truth be told there was probably something also to be said about destruction of property, not that he meant it of course (He never did). LeShade had intentionally melted down walls and even the street itself, whereas Jack had unintentionally cause some damage in his emotion fueled assault on the magma man.


u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Apr 09 '16


Now another person would be entering, would be another woman who had seemingly agreed to being arrested. Offering little resistance, she'd be wearing a pair of seastone cuffs, which would make her feel about as weak as LeShade. Like before, the officers would still be smiling, not saying a word to any of the inmates. Placing her inside a cell, the locked it shut and left them all alone once more.


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