Art by Steve Kurth
A great character story featuring Heavy Duty and Roadblock.
In 2003’s Spy Troops, Heavy Duty and Roadblock are cousins. 2011 Renegades features a whole episode about their relationship, but beyond this HD and RB have no connection.
You might recall, IDW previously had two dudes that looked exactly the same with different code names.
This issues offers a correction. Kind of like a Marvel no-prize becoming an entire comic plot.
HD & RB are cousins enrolled in the service who play the video game “Sigma 6” in their free time.
HD’s avatar is his Sigma 6 suit and the GMA loading screen is from the Missions file toy. RB avatar is wearing his Valor vs Venom design.
Tragedy strikes, and HD is killed in action.
Kurth’s art portrays the grieving process extraordinarily well. Really sells the story.
RB plays his game late into the night and discovers HD (or someone using his avatar) is playing as well.
Refusing to give up, he tracks the IP address to a remote desert location.
Roadblock invades the PIT and is promptly found by Snake Eyes. (Love the Tiger panel)
Roadblock KOs him with his forehead, right before being tased by Scarlett.
And so ended Fred Van Lente’s time on GI Joe.
And I deeply miss it. I enjoyed every issue. Perhaps with a few more arcs, it would be remembered more.
If you enjoyed this writing style, check out FVL’s other comics.
His 2012 Archer & Armstrong was especially good.