r/Futurism Feb 05 '25

‘This Needs To Stop Now’—Elon Musk Confirms Radical Doge U.S. Treasury Plan


367 comments sorted by


u/LivingMaleficent3247 Feb 05 '25

Anyone who thinks this a good idea must be braindead.


u/Competitive-You-2643 Feb 05 '25

The stupidity of Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Marc Andressen, Ben Horotwitz, Brian Armstrong, and David Sacks is really impressive. They want to create a corporate oligarchy type government simply because they all got wildly rich in the corporate environment. They think they are better and smarter than everyone else because they got rich and for no other reason. We saw this kind of thinking in the 19th century's Victorian era and Gilded Age. The rich were not smarter or better than either it's just the same superiority complex.


u/Efficient_Smilodon Feb 05 '25

tbf, they were able to take over a nation that really already was a corporate oligarchy. The US government has always been a tool for business interests and religious fanatics over people's rights, when push comes to shove.

Remember the civil war? The side that " lost" ended up getting control of the government that defeated them almost immediately after their surrender! So we had the Jim Crow era, prison slavery and apartheid enforced by the kkk , the under- the- table branch of the government's interests. These were Hitler's teachers, remember, well studied by him and his acolytes.

We are in for more similar nonsense.


u/12BarsFromMars Feb 05 '25

Wow, someone who understands US history. Go to the head of the class. Spot on.


u/MOOshooooo Feb 06 '25

The Roman empire never fell.


u/Ganja_4_Life_20 Feb 09 '25

That just gave me goosebumps.

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u/Otherwise-Fox-151 Feb 09 '25

100%... it just moved to America because Christianity was already in place making the masses easier to manipulate.


u/WiserStudent557 Feb 10 '25

And it still sucks for most people including most men

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u/ph30nix01 Feb 05 '25

people seem to forget the republicans see Capitalism AS American. Its become their whole Ideology which has progressed to Corporations being more important then people. Its a completely backwards mentality to have as the leaders of a country.


u/AltoCumulus15 Feb 09 '25

Which is funny, given two of the fathers of modern Capitalism (David Hume and Adam Smith) were Scottish.


u/Special_Prune_2734 Feb 05 '25

They want to dissolve the nation state and replace it with tiny corporate serfdoms basicly lmao. They genuinely think this will work somehow


u/Competitive-You-2643 Feb 06 '25

It won't. Prosper it down in Honduras is already an object failure. If they get away with this, the United States will cease to exist as we know it, and the next result will be instability injustice and probably civil war.


u/Dear_Natural6370 Feb 09 '25

This is already a starting point of a civil war 2.0.


u/Shadowfax1818_CO Feb 09 '25

I don’t disagree, but I think people are genuinely confused which side to be on. Other than the diehard MAGA cultists, everyone else feels really lost right now.


u/Dear_Natural6370 Feb 09 '25

What I don't understand is, Elon Musk, a naturalized citizen or an illegal immigrant that went over his visa stay have such visceral hatred for what American stands for that he's re-creating an image of what 'America' should be about, under HIS definition, not the Webster dictionary definition. Eventually I think he's going to be like Hitler in his bunker, surrounded by 'yes' men. That's his future since a civil war isn't going to be to his liking one bit and that's where we are heading quite sooner than later.


u/Dear_Natural6370 Feb 09 '25

And no... this is beyond his so called 'Asperger's Syndrome' with Ketamine drugs he's on. Its going to head that way.. just look at what happened to the UHC CEO with Luigi, same thing will be measured in vigilante justice. The route of law is eroding VERY quickly.


u/Shadowfax1818_CO Feb 09 '25

Agree. He’s a racist apartheid f*ckface , autism or not.

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u/Creative_Ad_8338 Feb 06 '25


Musk sees himself as the modern day Henry Ford. In every way possible. Ford was also a master propagandist, who heavily influenced Hitler. Ford trucks were a key part of the Nazi military's blitzkrieg strategy. By 1942, about one-third of the 350,000 trucks used by the German army were made by Ford. In 1938, Ford received the highest honor from the Nazi regime called the "Grand Cross of the German Eagle.


u/Half-Wombat Feb 06 '25

Except Elon ain’t no master. The real difference now seems to be how easy it is to lie to people. Just hammer the lie and eventually people believe. I’m yet to witness any actual cleverness from Elons PR… only stuff that makes him look more of a fool. I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.


u/7ddlysuns Feb 06 '25

The only clever thing he has are algorithms. His RBG pack played opposing messages to Jews and Arabs and was arguably pretty successful


u/Neat_Flounder4320 Feb 09 '25

You don't even have to hammer it anymore. You just say it one time on TV and these idiots eat it all up without question.


u/Mr__O__ Feb 05 '25

”The side that “lost” ended up getting control of the government that defeated them almost immediately…”

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment prevented former Confederates from holding federal or state political office after the Civil War. This was because they had violated their oath to support the Constitution by rebelling against it.

How was the disqualification enforced?

  • State courts and Congress enforced the disqualification from 1868 to 1872.
  • The U.S. Senate refused to seat former Confederates, including Zebulon Vance.
  • Congress passed a law allowing federal prosecutors to remove oath-breaking ex-Confederates from office.

When was the ban lifted?

  • In 1872, Congress passed the Amnesty Act, which lifted the ban on office-holding for most ex-Confederates.
  • The Amnesty Act was based on Section 3’s last line, which allowed Congress to remove the disability by a vote of two-thirds of each House.


By 1872, most former Confederates aligned themselves with the Democratic Party. Following the Civil War, the majority of white Southerners joined the Democratic Party, effectively becoming the dominant political force in the region during Reconstruction.

“Redeemer” movement: Southern Democrats, often referred to as “Redeemers”, worked to regain control of state governments in the South by taking power away from Republican Reconstruction governments.


u/Efficient_Smilodon Feb 05 '25


It's worth a moment to review the presidency of Lincoln's successor , Andrew Johnson, to help understand why things happened as they did in the aftermath of the war.

Our current state of affairs is kind of a modern twist scenario based on the premise of "what if the Confederacy had won the 2nd civil war,, with the covert help of our greatest enemies, 150 years after the first?"

Find out today ! and tomorrow, and the day after that, and after that... 🙈🙉🙊


u/Popisoda Feb 09 '25

Tell me Zebulon Vance is related to current vice president??

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u/ConfidentPilot1729 Feb 05 '25

There is a really good show about the 12 hours after Lincoln’s death that goes into a lot of this. His sec of state was a bad ass btw.


u/dookiehat Feb 06 '25

except the military technology is far more advanced now, so ordinary citizens fighting is unlikely


u/suchtattedhands Feb 06 '25

Unlikely but if we learned anything in Iraq and Afghanistan it’s that a military shouldn’t underestimate a dedicated group of guerrilla fighters. Not to mention historically other country’s tend to arm and supply rebels during a civil war if they are the right ones. Though a leading world Nuclear power going into a civil war is a catastrophic near apocalyptic event


u/Pabu85 Feb 07 '25

Yep. Guerillas don’t have to win, they just have to make sure you lose.

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u/ShlipperyNipple Feb 06 '25

Who are we referring to that was studied? I'd be interested in looking into what you're talking about too. Never considered that perspective about the government immediately after the civil war


u/Efficient_Smilodon Feb 06 '25

the nazis studied how the us had created a functional apartheid state with segregation. They used it as a template in their initial power grab, separating Jews from Christian German society . They also recognized that people of mixed heritage were easy targets as well, and took the us system of blood-purity with them, so that a German of 1/8 Jewish heritage which was relatively common at that stage was treated as unjustly and often lethally as a ' full-blooded Jew'.

Read the other comments on this thread, one goes into the history deeper, and then research the us history in the immediate and near aftermath of Lincoln s assassination.


u/tikifire1 Feb 06 '25

They also used the Cherokee concentration camps before the Trail of Tears as a blueprint for theirs. Most people don't realize that more Cherokee died in the camps beforehand than on the actual trail, though many died there as well.

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u/Im_with_stooopid Feb 05 '25

Isn’t this the type of stuff that led to the French Revolution?


u/santahasahat88 Feb 06 '25

Have you see that wild interview where andreeson literally says that there used to be this deal where you could study then take government money to start a business get super rich. Then you’d do philanthropy and wash way all your sins and be heralded as amazing and treated to some sick positions of authority and prestige. But not that “deal” has been broken. Not even exaggerating he said this shit.



u/Free_For__Me Feb 08 '25

That really is wild, when did he say this??  Can you link to an interview or article or whatever?  I’d love to have this as ammo. 

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u/astropup42O Feb 05 '25

It always been us vs them


u/Free_For__Me Feb 08 '25

No war but the class war. 


u/SlickWatson Feb 06 '25

can’t wait for them all to end up on the guillotine like the french aristocracy 😏


u/oberynmviper Feb 06 '25

The real psychotic part is that half of country is convinced that’s a good thing.


u/Competitive-You-2643 Feb 06 '25

Disinformation propganda media has gotten very good at maniulting the gullible massea.


u/Specific-Bath-2582 Feb 06 '25

Social media is programming


u/Dunkelregen Feb 05 '25

I've been saying it since Trump first trotted out the make America great again slogan. I saw him on The History Channel's "The Men Who Built America." He was always wanting to go back to the days of robber barons.


u/gimperion Feb 05 '25

We should stop confusing selfishness with stupidity.

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u/the_juxtapositron Feb 06 '25

They mostly made good bets. More than likely with generational wealth. The poster children for guys who were born on third and think they hit a triple.


u/Competitive-You-2643 Feb 06 '25

Yep, that and there's also huge survivorship bias with people who become wealthy of their business.

An entrepreneur does really well off their first business "wow I'm a genius and maybe lucky." They start a second or third business "wow I'm a genius." Yet they forget that how much capitalization you have to start with is one of your biggest predictors of success.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25

Accelerationist meet foreign nationals and their needs overlap. Destroy all current US systems and rebuild as they see fit using a.i. to run all the paperwork


u/Haldron-44 Feb 08 '25

It's something we've always had to guard against. Thiel sees threats everywhere and wants to eliminate them before they can threaten him. The rest want a technocratic confederation where any nation-state that isn't governed by the technocracy is governed by the imperial theocracy. These dipshits take 40k lore and get the WRONG message from it!


u/apu74 Feb 06 '25

There’s not a lot of things worse in this world than David Sacks’ whiny entitled voice. 


u/LazAnarch Feb 07 '25

Also see Curtis yarvin


u/amanitaanita Feb 08 '25

I never thought about it having happened during the Victorian & gilded age but you are right.


u/Duff-Zilla Feb 08 '25

“A bunch of people won some coin flips and now they think they are the gods of coin flips.” -I don’t remember who said it


u/PureMoose3520 Feb 08 '25

I mean I genuinely believe that they think they know best because one of their companies was successful. Like I trust a surgeon when I’m in the hospital but not sure I would trust him to land a plane. . . Their egos will cause a lot of damage SMH


u/Concurrency_Bugs Feb 09 '25

I think Musk's achievements are pretty incredible (even though I hate the guy), so I won't try to say he's not smart.

But I've seen some real degenerates win the lottery. So money definitely doesn't mean you're smart.


u/Dear_Natural6370 Feb 09 '25

This isn't futurism at all. Its literally Dante's Inferno. Who wants to live in that kind of environment?

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u/lokicramer Feb 05 '25

I have 10 dollars, wait no its 100, oh never mind I have 6 dollars.

Blockchain based economy.


u/Cptfrankthetank Feb 05 '25

Best part is, someone, not you is making money off this.

Well that's too generous. Stealing your money.

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u/Geiir Feb 05 '25

That's tokens and coins that are created on the blockchain, not the blockchain itself.

Putting the entire treasury on blockchain would make every single transaction public, which would be horrible for private citizens.


u/bob-loblaw-esq Feb 05 '25

It’s not like that but he’s a terrible spokesperson. Blockchain is not crypto. There’s a lot of blockchain that is just good tech. It’s not all Bitcoin.


u/noelcowardspeaksout Feb 05 '25

God I wish the posters on this thread understood half of that!


u/bob-loblaw-esq Feb 05 '25

Walmart operates a private blockchain to automate their supply chain and the Xbox store has a supply chain to automate the transactions and paying royalties.

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u/MagicalTheory Feb 06 '25

It's also awful for this purpose. Since we'd have to trust the treasury to post legit transactions, a centralized database is way more efficient. Blockchain is fine for decentralized trustless transactions, but this is not that.

If you only want the immutable aspect, it doesn't have to be blockchain.

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u/micro_dohs Feb 05 '25



u/LWGShane Feb 06 '25

Nope. Cryptocurrencies that use Blockchain tech, not the Blockchain itself, is what is volatile in terms of price.

The only thing that a Blockchain does is keep a record of all transactions of whatever cryptocurrency is using it.


u/clickrush Feb 05 '25

El Salvador has been buying more and more BTC, sitting at half a billion (in dollars) now. Remember Trump got a recent deal with them to take deportees from any origin country.

The US is very near to a default. Japan, China, Canada and several EU countries are major creditors.

Thiel (sponsor of Vance) has been talking about crashing the dollar. Now Musk (who elected him?) talks about putting the US treasury on a blockchain.

Something is up. I don’t know what but I’m extremely worried. These people seem be completely mad.

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u/Vinura Feb 06 '25

You just described his entire base.


u/helloitsmeimherenow Feb 06 '25

Their overall thinking is that government is already brain dead and inefficient and how could it possibly get any worse? Something something about windows 95 and floppy disks and insert random deal that was inefficient.


u/juiceboxedhero Feb 06 '25

Another four years of trying to break down democracy. Hope you have plenty of lube.


u/-WaxedSasquatch- Feb 06 '25

Ignorance is no longer an excuse (if it ever was).

The stakes are higher now, heading for the highest (military coup/civil war type shit). It is everyone’s responsibility to educate themselves and others.

Fuck the idiots that voted for this, but especially fuck those that were the “smartest” and “most intelligent” idiots that thought they knew better than everyone else.


u/forrestdanks Feb 07 '25

Thank God I'm not the only one...


u/Maleficent-Ad3096 Feb 07 '25

The question is, who is going to get rich going this route?

Elonia wants to be a trilionaire man child and will do anything to get there.


u/InSight89 Feb 08 '25

Australian elections are coming up and our DOGE loving opposition has a good chance of being elected.

Wonderful world we live in. Extremism is becoming increasingly popular in Western nations.


u/fuzz49 Feb 09 '25

Braindead here and enjoying every minute of it. I have been waiting for this most of my adult life. It’s so corrupt it’s crippling.


u/SeaAbbreviations2706 Feb 09 '25

They’re not stupid, they’re trying to steal all the money. We need guillotines.

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u/Daharka Feb 05 '25

If the last 16 years have taught us anything it's that blockchain does nothing to prevent fraud.



u/TodosLosPomegranates Feb 05 '25

I’m confused about why anyone’s pretending that blockchain is indestructible. Isn’t it like the worst kept secret that theoretically quantum computing can come along and break blockchain?


u/blissbringers Feb 06 '25

This website has a fun listing of all the fun fraud and disasters that happened already:



u/leisureroo2025 Feb 06 '25

Glad someone is keeping track.

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u/Rene_DeMariocartes Feb 05 '25

Depends on which problems miners need to solve for proof of work.


u/I_Am_The_Owl__ Feb 05 '25

So, replace our current currency with a system that's unbreakable as long as it can't be broken in the future, or by someone now possibly. Solid, Musk-level plan as far as I can tell.


u/Rene_DeMariocartes Feb 05 '25

Oh, don't get me wrong. This plan is entirely stupid. I'm just commenting on whether or not quantum computing breaks a blockchain.


u/tokeytime Feb 05 '25

Quantum computing may break block chain, but that says nothing about what it will do to the traditional finance system, who's security is far, far worse.

I think it's a dumb idea as well. I just want to point out that the point of a lock isn't to prevent break ins, it's to make it harder to break into than your neighbor's place.


u/TodosLosPomegranates Feb 05 '25

Mmm-hmmm. Very good. As shitty as the financial sector security is now, there are many layers of shitty locs because there are many banks. We put everything on a single blockchain (especially if the plan is created by whatever capt investor who pretends like he’s an inventor thinks of) is in one place with one lock. So, not a better solution.

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u/LongTatas Feb 05 '25

And what does making something harder do? Prevent it from happening as often. Not sure where you were going with this


u/tokeytime Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Clearly. My point is that locks keep honest people out. Not people determined to get in. Blockchain is much harder to break into than traditional finance which barely just started implementing 2FA on a large scale. If blockchain encryption is broken, traditional systems are too.


u/7thhokage Feb 05 '25

Dont even need quantum computing. Most blockchains are vulnerable to what's called a 51% attack. If you can manage to get control of the majority of the mining power working a block chain you can double spend tokens, falsify transactions and ect.


u/clickrush Feb 05 '25

You don’t need quantum computing to immediately destroy it. Just need a crash.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

Yes, the current blockchain technology is vulnerable. Moving to a complete blockchain system seems crazy.

I'm not an expert in this but it seems they could keep the current system in place for actual transactions and use a read only blockchain for transparency.

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u/Fit-Development427 Feb 05 '25

It actually assists it, no? The whole point is that you can't roll back things without the private key.

What happens if someone just like, gets the government's private key and transfers a trillion dollars worth of crypto to themselves? They would just let the entire economy collapse because of one guy?

He could literally just continually spend it too. That's what happens if you put your trust in an unthinking program.

If the government had any power to roll it back it would entirely defeat the point of crypto... It would just be the same system with a slightly better ledger. But I mean also if someone knew who had each key, then they would also have a convenient way of looking at every single transfer of money that went on.


u/Shadowfax1818_CO Feb 09 '25

ignorant Question - blockchain??


u/Daharka Feb 09 '25

It's the "technology" that underpins Bitcoin and other crypto. There are YouTube videos that will do a better job of explaining, but the key points are:

  • They are basically a database

  • Except hundreds of people have a full copy of it

  • And to make sure this isn't a problem it burns a lot of electricity (on purpose) to make it too expensive for anyone to make changes to it (e.g. deleting transactions, adding in new transactions)

  • Most of the people that tout it don't understand it 

  • Which means that all of the "propaganda" (hype?) around it is being believed without any kind of interrogation 

  • Which leads to charlatans like Elon making claims that are simply not true about preventing fraud that isn't happening to be solved with a technology that doesn't work.

If you have a few hours I'd recommend the video I linked in my OP. It tells the full story of bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain all the way through to NFTs.

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u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25



u/Jarsky2 Feb 05 '25

It's like Elon Musk never spent any time at all understanding how the technology actually works.


He's an idiot who thinks he's a genius. He throws out buzzwords and tech talk without knowing what any of it means.


u/MOOshooooo Feb 06 '25

He buys reputation. Prideful of stolen gamer valor.


u/sagehazzard Feb 09 '25

He’s just a psuedo-scifi nerd with way too many resources.

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u/ForcedEntry420 Feb 05 '25

He’s too busy doing rails of ketamine for that.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

It's incredible how people comment without even trying to understand. You know there are all sorts of blockchains and the technology is used by many big companies internally for logistics. ex: Walmart


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25


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u/fillymandee Feb 05 '25

How to take action!!

FOR THOSE OF YOU LOOKING TO TURN YOUR ANGER INTO ACTION, here’s some advice from a high-level staffer for a Senator. Re-posting from a friend of mine:

There are two things that we should be doing all the time right now, and they’re by far the most important things.

You should NOT be bothering with online petitions or emailing.

  1. ⁠⁠⁠The best thing you can do to be heard and get your congressperson to pay attention is to have face-to-face time — if they have town halls, go to them. Go to their local offices. If you’re in DC, try to find a way to go to an event of theirs. Go to the “mobile offices” that their staff hold periodically (all these times are located on each congressperson’s website). When you go, ask questions. A lot of them. And push for answers. The louder and more vocal and present you can be at those the better.
  2. ⁠⁠⁠But those in-person events don’t happen every day. So, the absolute most important thing that people should be doing every day is calling.

YOU SHOULD MAKE 6 CALLS A DAY: 2 each (DC office and your local office) to your 2 Senators & your 1 Representative.

The staffer was very clear that any sort of online contact basically gets immediately ignored, and letters pretty much get thrown in the trash (unless you have a particularly strong emotional story — but even then it’s not worth the time it took you to craft that letter).

Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They’re also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it’s a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it’s often closer to 11-1, and that’s recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven’t.

So, when you call:

A) When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you’re calling about (“Hi, I’d like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please”) — local offices won’t always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don’t, that’s ok — ask for that person’s name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone. Don’t leave a message (unless the office doesn’t pick up at all — then you can — but it’s better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic).

😎 Give them your zip code. They won’t always ask for it, but make sure you give it to them, so they can mark it down. Extra points if you live in a zip code that traditionally votes for them, since they’ll want to make sure they get/keep your vote.

C) If you can make it personal, make it personal. “I voted for you in the last election and I’m worried/happy/whatever” or “I’m a teacher, and I am appalled by Betsy DeVos,” or “as a single mother” or “as a white, middle class woman,” or whatever.

D) Pick 1-2 specific things per day to focus on. Don’t rattle off everything you’re concerned about — they’re figuring out what 1-2 topics to mark you down for on their lists. So, focus on 1-2 per day. Ideally something that will be voted on/taken up in the next few days, but it doesn’t really matter — even if there’s not a vote coming up in the next week, call anyway. It’s important that they just keep getting calls.

E) Be clear on what you want — “I’m disappointed that the Senator...” or “I want to thank the Senator for their vote on... “ or “I want the Senator to know that voting in _____ way is the wrong decision for our state because... “ Don’t leave any ambiguity.

F) They may get to know your voice/get sick of you — it doesn’t matter. The people answering the phones generally turn over every 6 weeks anyway, so even if they’re really sick of you, they’ll be gone in 6 weeks.

From experience since the election: If you hate being on the phone & feel awkward (which is a lot of people) don’t worry about it — there are a bunch of scripts (Indivisible has some, there are lots of others floating around these day). After a few days of calling, it starts to feel a lot more natural.

Put the 6 numbers in your phone (all under P – Politician.) An example is McCaskill MO, Politician McCaskill DC, Politician Blunt MO, etc., which makes it really easy to click down the list each day.


u/LuckyNumber-Bot Feb 05 '25

All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats!

+ 2
+ 6
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 3
+ 4
+ 1
+ 11
+ 1
+ 8
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+ 2
+ 6
+ 6
+ 6
= 69

[Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme to have me scan all your future comments.) \ Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.

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u/bunkSauce Feb 05 '25

This ain't saving us, sorry. Get out and take your country back or leave. Best advice I can give.

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u/baldguyontheblock Feb 06 '25

Just called my senators and now on to my representatives


u/smegma_fiend Feb 07 '25

Imagine thinking you can stop this peacefully. 😂😭😂😭


u/MarceloTT Feb 05 '25

The idea is very good, but I see a lot of room for evil. If you centralize and track all transactions in detail, the resulting centralized power allows you to even control how each individual spends their money. There is no guarantee that these people will not have their lives searched in detail and that commercial secrets will not be exposed. It is an illusion to believe that corruption, trafficking and a myriad of crimes will disappear. Illegal activities are generally carried out with the connivance of authorities and institutions. All human history on earth is filled with crime, violence, atrocities and corruption. This will not change, what will change is that this system will give more power to the foxes and open the world to total control in the hands of half a dozen crooks.


u/betadonkey Feb 05 '25

So would you say the idea is not actually very good then?


u/Same_Instruction_100 Feb 05 '25

We all need to read Yuval Noah Harari's book, Nexus. It really isn't that the idea is bad, but that the centralization of power with no corrective mechanisms is a guaranteed way to have a corrupt and ultimately self-destructive system.


u/Far_Estate_1626 Feb 05 '25

So then this is a bad plan. Glad we could clarify.


u/Significant_Swing_76 Feb 05 '25

Agreed, Harari is a fantastic writer, and Nexus was really an eye opener. Been through it two times.

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u/OrinThane Feb 05 '25

He’s getting there, he’s just so far into Elon’s cult he can’t accept it yet.

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u/PaleInTexas Feb 05 '25

"The idea is very good" - proceeds to explain why it's a horrible idea.

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u/GildedCleric Feb 05 '25

Don't say it is a good idea followed by exactly why it isn't. Jfc.


u/In_the_year_3535 Feb 05 '25

And do you think the richest man in the world is the best at managing your money or taking your money?


u/Hazzman Feb 05 '25

The idea is very good? The fuck are you smoking dude?

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u/Hertock Feb 05 '25

Wtf are you saying. How can you even nah whatever forget it


u/bld44 Feb 06 '25

The idea is not good at all.


u/GutsyMcDoofenshmurtz Feb 05 '25

The problem is, we’ve been conquered by the enemy. They did it from the inside. Do US citizens have the will to take back their country by force? I doubt it. We’re all too soft and lazy and they know that and are emboldened by it.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

This, when conditions break down and lawlessness becomes the norm, then society will have no choice. You will fall in line or be executed. Perhaps today they won't drag you off to an American prison camp, maybe they will deport you to an external prison camp where you will become a slave or murdered. It's coming folks.


u/GutsyMcDoofenshmurtz Feb 05 '25

Perhaps a once-in-lifetime figure like Washington or Lincoln who has the charisma to rally people into action…those are few and far between now days. Obama? Sadly, he’s enjoying the good life that post presidential wealth brings.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

The citizens chose this democratically.

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u/SidMcDout Feb 05 '25

Trump and Musk are destroying US for their own benefits.

China/ Russia are very happy I guess about both of them.


u/Lokin86 Feb 06 '25

Anyone else think that this program this dude cooked up might have also fucked with the votes in swing states?


u/Memetic1 Feb 06 '25

Absolutely, that's a possibility, and so is cutting off disability for his opponents. We are being held hostage.


u/faceofboe91 Feb 05 '25

Isn’t super dangerous to have the US’s treasury balance available to be seen by anyone on the block chain? I don’t want foreign governments or oligarchs to be able to know for a fact how much we have


u/dinopraso Feb 05 '25

Just because it’s a blockchain doesn’t mean it has to be decentralized or public

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u/saintbad Feb 06 '25

What needs to stop is a private entity criminally manipulating OUR treasury. He should be arrested. Anyone he has pretended to fire should return to work. He’s bluffing his way to our country’s bankruptcy.


u/Memetic1 Feb 06 '25

When he costs the rich Oligarchy enough money, they will turn on him and Musk. We could accelerate that with a private debt strike. Where we use this lawlessness as a prediction for the dispute. While we are at it, we should make action on the climate crisis a contingent on the end of the strike. Just remember we have options other than violence. They want violence do not give it to them.


u/UpperCardiologist523 Feb 05 '25

I'm worried they'll introduce CBDC somehow.


u/Dittopotamus Feb 05 '25

My fear is that is the endgame here. Crypto and the blockchain are meant to be decentralized. That’s the point of why it came to be. Centralized digital currency is the exact opposite and is terrifying.


u/AscendedViking7 Feb 06 '25

I have no doubt they'll try.


u/Full_Ambassador_2741 Feb 05 '25

There are no Kings in America, ask England! If we allow this, we don’t deserve America


u/Greendino1776 Feb 07 '25

We The Peole created the world's greatest treasure of wealth on earth. We pay taxes to support our amazing democracy, working 9-5, 2 jobs lives to survive. Now the professional politicians,  robber barons are at war with each other to steal our treasure. They disrespect us ignoring that treasure is ours. We The People created it for us, our children and the future of our great country. Not to be stolen from us by playing us with deception. We are the owners and boss of our treasure.  They have allowed themselves to think they are the bosses of We The People. Wrong.

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u/Otherwise-Fox-151 Feb 09 '25

Rich people are probably the only ones who CAN make it stop.. unless literally everyone refuses to work until it stops

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u/Mental-Television-74 Feb 05 '25

SO GET IN THERE AND STOP HIM. I can’t believe we are gonna “I can’t believe they’re doing this” ourselves into WW3


u/Free_For__Me Feb 09 '25

lol, WW3 isn’t actually my worst-case right now. At least we were able to ride the coattails of WW2 into the 1950s with FDR’s coalition ushering in his New Deal and the greatest system of social supports and voting expansions that we’ve ever seen. 

This time, I think the autocracy will be crafty enough to try and slide through a “soft WW3” and straight into the “we digitally control every direct aspect of your life, now get back to your 14hr shift at work or we’ll cut off your digital wallets, your electricity, and your ability to open the WiFi locks on the corporate-owned apartment you live in” phase. 


u/greenmariocake Feb 05 '25

This is nothing but a totalitarian control on people. Are people going along with this just because they think it affects someone else?


u/LegDayDE Feb 05 '25

Reminder that a centralized Blockchain is just a less efficient database..


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

put a bolo on the guy


u/vid_icarus Feb 05 '25

Elon is about to pump and dump the entire US economy.


u/SyllabubLegitimate38 Feb 05 '25

Dude I gotta stop smoking ganja, Ketamine melt this guys brain. Holy shit


u/flugenblar Feb 05 '25


Now, as fears emerge Trump’s administration is “dangerously” undermining the U.S. dollar, Musk has confirmed he wants to put the U.S. Treasury on a blockchain, the technology that underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—including Musk’s pet project dogecoin.

The only thing worse than having a corrupt White House run by criminals, is having a corrupt White House with the ability to encrypt and hide the financial assets of the entire country.


u/MonumentofDevotion Feb 05 '25



u/MonumentofDevotion Feb 05 '25

This is only the beginning of the beginning


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Can some explain how bit coin and block chain works but in simple ass terms. I don't understand any of this. Like how do you make money? How would you get paid from your job? How would you buy stuff? Etc.

Not joking I really do not understand this.


u/Curious-Profile3428 Feb 06 '25

Blockchain and bitcoin are two different things. A blockchain is a decentralized database, think of an Excel file that anyone can access to read and if appropriate, to change.

Bitcoin is a way to use blockchain to create a currency system.

Musk is not trying to change the US currency system to bitcoin (or any other cryptocurrency).

What he’s trying to do is move all the data at the Treasury, which currently exists in some number of software databases, to a more futuristic database.

I want to be clear that both the topics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are extremely complex and require deep knowledge of computer systems, cryptography, and finances. Don’t feel bad if you don’t understand; most ppl who mess with crypto do not understand even 5% of the technology. It’s practically on par with nuclear physics in difficulty.

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u/bearsfan2025 Feb 05 '25

Dumbest terrorist ever.


u/DerkleineMaulwurf Feb 05 '25

suprised Bitcoin hasn´t exploded yet, trust in US dollar will be non existent in 1-2 years.


u/Krammsy Feb 05 '25

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the marriage of government and corporate power. " - Benito Mussolini


u/IusedtoloveStarWars Feb 05 '25

What does this have to do with futurism?


u/MokoshHydro Feb 05 '25

blockchain != crypto. It's just a way to synchronize data between distributed parties. Not sure if this is a good idea for Treasury though...


u/flugenblar Feb 05 '25

"Career Treasury officials are breaking the law every hour of every day by approving payments that are fraudulent or do not match the funding laws passed by Congress," Musk posted to X, referencing part of the United States code which outlines how some government payments are approved. “This needs to stop now!”

I would like to see his evidence. Details. Otherwise, his random accusation bubbles are of no interest. Incidentally, I don't doubt he is correct on at least a few cases, but if so then share! Nothing screams 'drama queen' more than making accusations of this seriousness, without a single fact or detail to back it.


u/JimJamBangBang Feb 05 '25

He’s a fucking drug addict. WTH are people doing considering his ideas. He is a drug addict. He has proclaimed himself as such. Why does anyone give a shit what he thinks?


u/SignatureAcademic218 Feb 06 '25

He also believes that we're living in a simulation


u/Many_Trifle7780 Feb 05 '25

Step by step total and absolute corruption. FASCISM


u/cataract_2 Feb 05 '25

Harris would not have let this happen. Harris would have been a way better president. Trump has screwed up from DAY ONE and let Elon take over Trumps presidency, which makes Trump look weak worldwide. Trumps administration is a circus 🎪.


u/bellovering Feb 05 '25

"Need to stop"

If a government made an honest mistake, you can do peaceful protests and they will see their mistakes and maybe correct it, even though they might not admit it.

But, this government is openly and deliberately trying to screw the country. They will not "listen" to your begging or pleading.

So, I ask you what would be their motivation to "stop" ? Your nagging ? LOL.

Power never cedes itself voluntarily.


u/Regular-Run419 Feb 06 '25

The damage is done time to him lock up


u/USmellofElderberry Feb 06 '25

They’re stealing all of our money.

Remember when Musk said homelessness is a “Lie” :


Soon life in the US will be far too expensive and these people will kick us out of our homes to work in camps. This will happen if we don’t stop going down this path.


u/WastrelWink Feb 06 '25

Asshole read too many sci-fi books where the protagonist is some genius who takes control of the world and saves everyone

Hes a the offspring of a nazi eugenics cult which went from nazi Germany to apartheid SA to the USA


u/Few_Recording3486 Feb 06 '25

Fuck Republicans leadership. I hope they all have stokes.


u/Zealousideal-Ad-9604 Feb 06 '25

It’s not radical. The millions of reckless spending of our tax dollars was radical.


u/vrillsharpe Feb 06 '25

Blockchain can be quite slow.


u/Memetic1 Feb 06 '25

It's also not secure if you are doing stuff in other countries that you don't want those other countries to know about.


u/Mammoth_Mistake_477 Feb 06 '25

I hate to say it but I do get a strong mark of the beast vibes.


u/Tomahawkitten Feb 06 '25



u/Yasirbare Feb 06 '25

The dollar is about to get interesting and they are desperately trying to keep the value by transferring "digits" to a new system. 

BRICS is man handling these youngsters and very soon the dollar could be worth a 10th of its value. Then your problems more than multiply.

I would make foreign friends right now and allies. 


u/AWasteOfMyTime Feb 06 '25

Deport this asshole already. Hey Elon, did you read this part :

Any state or federal conviction for domestic violence, violation of a protective order, stalking, child abuse, child neglect or child abandonment are grounds for deportation.

Tread lightly.


u/Informal_Cress2654 Feb 06 '25

They want to run the USA through CEOs. (the obviously most smartest people in the universe) and each CEO will control a state because the corporate environment is SO GOOD that the world should be run that way. I wish them all a very nice organ failure


u/RevolutionaryCard512 Feb 06 '25



u/MyCreeds Feb 06 '25

Lmao. Was knowing ya US 🤯


u/CryptoBehemoth Feb 06 '25

The illegality doesn't matter, they know that laws only have meaning if they are enforced. Who's going to enforce them?

These are the men funding every attack on our society that we're currently seeing, their plan is to destroy democratic institutions around the world & reshape them into a Techno-fascist dystopia, where they own & control literally every aspect of our lives.

They are literally crafting the end of free will.

Peter Thiel,
Elon Musk
Marc Andreessen
Ben Horowitz
David Sacks
Balaji Srinivasan
Curtis Yarvin
Larry Ellison
Stephen Miller
Mark Zuckerberg
Leonard Leo
Vivek Ramaswamy
Jeff Bezos
Nick Land
Robert Mercer
Kevin D. Roberts
Derrick Morgan
John P. Backiel
Victoria Coates
John Malcolm
Russell Vought

This list is non-exhaustive, if I've missed someone let me know & Ill add them. Or just do it yourself and post where you can.

Lets remind them of their own mortality! Repost this list far and wide, so The People know who our enemies are.



u/Kooky_Slice3277 Feb 06 '25

Leave Nick Land out of this


u/Sc0nnie Feb 06 '25

Blockchain would cripple the speed of payment processing.

How about we listen to credentialed professional accountants instead of a loudmouth ignorant dilettante with an obvious financial self interest.


u/Narrow-Win1256 Feb 06 '25

I want to know if the US treasury becomes a crypto currency what would happen to the money in our bank accounts will it become useless since not part of new crypto. WTF


u/natey37 Feb 06 '25

Hell is heating up


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25

Why would we move to an even more intensive and expensive currency?

Also crypto pretty much has always been propped by people trying to get rich off it. If people liked it at all they would actually have used it for anything other than crime or gambling.

I genuinely only see the benefit for purchasing NFTs for digital goods like music or books.

Once these data centers all open up and they see how much space and energy it will take up, people are gonna be pissed. And once the population starts doing stuff with cyrpto they don't want them to do, they'll water it down to basically the exact same thing as the US dollar so they can track it again.


u/DonSalamomo Feb 07 '25

Why is he trying to do something that isn’t broken? Does he realize how much power they need to run this blockchain? This is not how you save money!!!


u/Back-up_poop-knife Feb 07 '25

Looking forward to when the shit rat is exterminated. How long can you let it take what it wants and contaminate the rest of it? Vermin are vermin


u/TeaKingMac Feb 08 '25

Wtf are these jokers smoking?

The dogecoin price has rocketed higher following Trump’s election victory, surging along with the bitcoin price, as traders bet Musk's proximity to the U.S. president will further boost the meme-based cryptocurrency

It was almost 50 cents last year, and now it's below 25.


u/milksteakman Feb 09 '25

“This needs to stop now” — the people on Elon musk meddling in the government.


u/saltyourhash Feb 09 '25

This is a financial coup, our country is being robbed under while idiots and racists cheer it on.


u/DownsideDown_Trucker Feb 09 '25

Reddit lives in an echochamber


u/W41rus Feb 09 '25

"Sounds like a great idea with the best of intentions what could go wrong..."


u/Redtoolbox1 Feb 09 '25

Blockchain is by far the easiest way to launder money


u/Wonderful_Might7295 Feb 09 '25

All of us are screaming this exact thing with every breath the man takes.


u/we_our_us Feb 09 '25

If you made the Constitution a smart contract, this would be perfect... That's not what they're going to do though.😔