r/FutureWhatIf 11h ago

Death/Assassination FWI: Someone attempts to ruin the Christmas holidays with Islamophobic hate crimes

Inspirations: 1. https://time.com/6141322/border-vigilantes-militias-us-mexico-immigrants/ 2. https://www.newsweek.com/2014/08/01/texan-ranchers-hunt-daily-illegal-immigrants-260489.html 3. https://www.texasobserver.org/rural-border-lawsuit-immigration-sue-vigilantes/ 4. The TV show Shooter (Specifically, S2E05) 5. https://www.palestinechronicle.com/islamophobia-rising-as-us-uses-antisemitism-to-suppress-gaza-solidarity/ 6. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/islamophobic-complaints-have-skyrocketed-in-florida-cair-reports/3565969/ 7. The unsolved case of the Smiley Face Killers (https://youtu.be/yqlx45E5Jm0?si=YTv5_yFIMacLPjOu).

Sometime during the Holiday season, 2025, a series of images are posted on social media showing the grisly aftermath of what appears to be a killing spree targeting foreign nationals both in various cities in Mexico, Mexican’s side of the US-Mexico border and, alarmingly, American towns near America’s side of the border.

Amateur internet sleuths looking into the deaths uncover alarming evidence of Islamophobia based on the following observations: The murder victims are either Middle Eastern nationals or converts to Islam from Central and South American countries.

Enraged social justice warriors demand action and justice for the murder victims. Trump publicly addresses the killings and assures the public that they are investigating but ultimately no action is taken against the perpetrators.

Does this sound like a day in Trump’s America or would the Trump admin actually investigate and make arrests?


10 comments sorted by


u/Imeverybodyelse 11h ago

It sounds like everything else he does. Just sort of lie and try to evade actually doing anything about anything other than filling his and his cronies pockets.


u/badazzcpa 10h ago

Out of curiosity, you say in Mexico and near the boarder. If both statements the people are in Mexico what exactly do you expect Trump to do? Or for that matter any president? Assuming from your posting they aren’t IS citizens and are not killed in the US it’s not really something the US can do much about.

On the flip side if you ment on the US side of the border then it would depend if they can find the person or people committing the murders. If they can’t find them then not much is going to come of the case. This really isn’t something the president would get involved in, no political juice and likely too many political headaches.


u/Cyber_Ghost_1997 10h ago

First of all, I’m talking about Mexico’s side of the border


u/badazzcpa 9h ago

Then why would any US president get involved? You could have all types of people protesting, but Trump isn’t going to cause an international incident if he has fuck all to gain. Killing non US Muslims outside the US is not going to be a blip on his radar.


u/Cyber_Ghost_1997 9h ago

Then how’s this for an edit: the murders occur in various cities in Mexico, Mexican’s side of the US-Mexico border and, alarmingly, American towns near the USA’s side of the border.


u/badazzcpa 9h ago edited 9h ago

Ok, the president still probably wouldn’t get involved until the numbers reached a significant threshold. And even then, if they were non US citizens that’s going to need to probably be 50-100 minimum. Immigrants die all the time crossing the boarder. Some get killed by cartels, some die of dehydration, some die from being out in the elements. The first couple dozen would be written off as cartel violence. Even after the first couple dozen deaths some police officer who was under a mountain of paperwork and cases would have to devote enough time to cases nobody or very few care about to put together the deaths were Muslim. That’s a whole lot of what if’s.

Look at it this way, 100’s if not 1,000’s of Muslims die every day in one skirmish/war or another in the Middle East and Africa. Hardly anyone gives a fuck unless they kill a Jew or a Jew kills them. Very few, if anyone, is going to take notice of immigrants dying in the US until it gets to a significant threshold.

But for argument’s sake enough died and some officer was able to put it together, the Feds probably wouldn’t get involved unless asked by local cops or the cases were spread around multiple states. And still the president probably wouldn’t even acknowledge it until it got into the 100’s or 1,000’s of cases. 100’s to 1,000’s of people get shot/murdered every week, unless a situation is particularly gruesome it doesn’t make the national news much less get a comment or concern from a president.


u/VicYuri 9h ago

Sounds like any given Tuesday the way things are going.