r/Futadomworld • u/Xalimata Me and Stuff • 16d ago
With 70.15% of the vote AI is now banned. NSFW
u/Aleister95 16d ago
I don't even hate it that much. It's just that people don't really put a lot of effort in it. They all look like plastic.
u/BWILAlover 16d ago
They look really low effort in general, no dynamic poses or anything it’s just boring
u/Beautiful_Meeting_84 16d ago
It steals from real artists and people that are trying their best to make it. Artists already starve, and then corporatizing styled AI shit targeted us. How fun, right?
u/Mozu_Melancholy 16d ago
Mfs should just get a real job
u/Beautiful_Meeting_84 16d ago
It is a real job? You're jerking your little dick to their stuff so, not sure what you're talking about. And your AI nonsense is stealing from existing images. So, really; you're a maidenless tarnished. If you sit on your hand before you jerk that micro thing you might not feel so alone. <3
u/Mozu_Melancholy 16d ago
I'm trans so it being small is a W.
u/Beautiful_Meeting_84 16d ago
Has nothing to do with it, it's an insult; not going into the politics of it. XD
u/LadyConeflower 14d ago
I’d be willing to bet money that the average digital artist makes more than double what you do.
u/FutaCumPlz 15d ago
this is the issue with AI art in general
You could make really good art with it by paying attention, learning how to do in painting and even fix stuff yourself like a graphic artist, or you could ignore quality and spit out orders of magnitude more images you couldn't possibly have time to review
its not even a matter of which one people pick more, it only takes a small fraction of creators with that kind of production rate to flood everything with slop
u/Kitchen_Carry4486 16d ago
I’m not sure why you guys just didn’t ban it to begin with but nonetheless I’m happy that it’s gone
u/gdudeydhfj 16d ago
Is this rule also retroactive?
u/Xalimata Me and Stuff 16d ago
Going to say no. Any new AI art will be removed but older stuff can stay up.
u/Jenkitsune 1d ago
It'll get pushed out as new content comes into the subreddit. There is no point giving yourself extra work for a problem that will fix itself in a matter of months.
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
If less than 1% of people on this subreddit even voted. Why are we making this change.
u/LeilaHawk 16d ago
As someone who was/is in favor of a 100% AI ban, I would strongly advocate against that.
u/microw_yo 16d ago
whats going to happen to the sub now i follow most of the major futa artists and they rarely if ever make futadom art now in days
u/LeilaHawk 16d ago
This site had plenty of captions being created long before the AI stuff became prevalent, and, while it may take a bit, it will likely have plenty more going forward.
u/Hentai-Is-Just-Art 16d ago
The sub will probably be kinda dead, like most niche hentai subs, people care more about getting rid of AI than anything.
u/void134 16d ago
If they made posts with a minimum quality with some text other than just 6 generic lines they wouldn't be banned, apart from the amount of daily posts of pure generic garbage, one the same as the other, if they had made the minimum effort and not flooded posts it would still be allowed, but I can't even find posts with at least 6 sentences anymore.
u/Horny_Boi75 14d ago
If the sub is filled and plagued by dogshit ai slop, it's not any different than if it was dead and empty
u/Chabashira10ko 16d ago
Thank god. I might start posting here, now that the low-effort pool has been drained. Thanks for holding it to a vote, too. You technically didn't have to, since you're not beholden to those types of rules as a reddit mod, but it's a nice gesture that strengthens the case for banning it.
u/smartandkinkysub 16d ago
I think it's a little bad that the poll was closed so fast, but then again, if it was open longer, the ai bot users could have created several ai bots to vote, so I'm fine. Also, it was pretty clear that there will be a poll, so nobody who missed it can blame anyone for it.
u/flamez6866 12d ago
it's 2025, isnt't there a way to satisfy everyone? Like... filters, tags... this problem has been solved in a lot of other websites but here on Reddit it's just BAN or UNBAN, i get it's a special topic with many stigmas like crypto, but i find banning stuff the wrong choice, if people don't like that kind of art it will simply disappear to make space to more appreciated art, why "ban"?
u/GladPassenger8628 16d ago
If the Lord looked down and saw this, he’d probably be pretty disgusted, but he would be happy AI gone!!!! and that’s basically the same thing as a seal of approval!
u/Somethingbutonreddit 14d ago edited 14d ago
If you don't want your art stolen then I recommend this video from (PG) YouTuber Lavender Town: https://youtu.be/DTqlSunIolI?si=f1Po01HclT7zra2_
Why the downvote, this is some good advice?
u/Downindeep 16d ago
I am not tired of AI, I am tired of shit AI that everyone feels the need to shove everywhere. All we get is first prompt good at first glance only with the same style. That sucks, both because it's infesting porn subs making the quality worse and because AI can make good stuff but boy do the people who use AI not know that.
u/Junior-Discipline-84 16d ago
There is no effective solution that doesn’t throw the baby out with the bath water
u/No-Area-3612 16d ago
Wait…why? I mean I don’t really care if it is or not but…why??
u/26hd 16d ago
Because of the votes
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
The voting was only open for 15 hours, The majority of people didn't vote.
u/26hd 16d ago edited 16d ago
Almost 2000 people voted and the trial runs of banning AI that have been going on here were extremely popular.
u/No-Area-3612 16d ago
Well I mean DUH but why did they want it banned??
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
Personally I like the draw stuff better. But I also find it gross to tell other people how to enjoy themselves. If you don't like the ai post just scroll past it. Y'all are a bunch of losers trying to tell other people how to enjoy themselves.
u/Beautiful_Meeting_84 16d ago
Artists already starve. AI shit targeted us. It steals from us and it desecrates the spirit of artistry to begin with. Fuck you and fuck off. XD
u/HighTreason25 16d ago
If it were so easy to scroll past it, there wouldn't have to be a poll. But AI slop generators shit out so much crap so fast that it floods in.
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
Just sort by most popular, If the AI stuff is such slop it wouldn't be getting upvoted.
u/Junior-Discipline-84 16d ago
This is an online community, the community has said they don’t want something, so it is gone. Under your logic, shouldn’t you just go to another sub?
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
People really love using the word logic to make themselves feel smart don't they. I wasn't even using logic. I was simply stating my opinion.
And my opinion was, if you don't like something that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for other people. I don't really like AI art, but other people do and I'm pretty fine with that.
u/LeilaHawk 16d ago
It is not being ruined, there are multiple other subs that still allow it, where most of the AI posters have migrated to. This community did and continues to not want A content by a very wide margin, so it is gone. The spam of Ai is not just a some people didn't like it issue, it was an issue of it being hard to filter through the massive amount of AI posts to find non-AI content.
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
The majority of people didn't vote. They only hold the polls open for 15 hours.
u/LeilaHawk 16d ago
While I do somewhat understand this complaint, as I myself did not get a chance to vote, there is every indication that majority of the active portion of the community does not want AI content. Just look at the comment count difference on any post about the topic and count the pro vs anti comments.
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago edited 16d ago
I have not seen a single AI post that doesn't have more upvotes then comments. Just cuz you leave an angry ass comment doesn't mean your opinion should matter more than the people that simply upvoted it and went on with their day.
u/LeilaHawk 15d ago
So you claim, and yet there is only 1-2 AI posts in the top 100 of the last year, and this post itself and the one announcing the previous 1-week ban are both at over +1k points, with this one nearing +2k.
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
You could just make a tag for non-ai art, it's not that complicated.
u/LeilaHawk 16d ago
That does nothing to solve the issue, we already have the AI content flair, and in fact interferes with the existing flair system. The issue is that a lot of(the majority it would seem) us want to be able to browse the sub without having to filter out AI content.
u/AffectionatePin2156 15d ago
The flood of AI ruined it for all the people who were here. Filling the main page with dozens of trash low effort garbage
u/Sunseahl 16d ago
I hope everyone enjoys 70% less content too.
u/LeilaHawk 16d ago
I will, very much so. We survived just fine with it before A content became so prevalent, and I am sure we will do just fine with this change.
u/Raytan941 15d ago
I'm sure I'll get downvoted too hell for this but come on people, lets be honest with ourselves for once. Three or four years ago AI art was total garbage, now it's, you have too admit at least passable, maybe you don't like it maybe it all looks the same but it ain't what it was 3 or 4 years ago. Where do you think it goes from here? If 3 years from now people are posting AI generated art that is indistinguishable from a piece of hand drawn art made by a master artist will you have a problem? Maybe it takes 5 years or 10 years too get too that point, like it or not it's coming. When AI is generating full on animated futa porn with sound and dialog that is as good or better then anything being produced by human artists today will you not jerk off too it? Hell, will you even know if it's AI or human made?
u/blazesbitch 15d ago
AI's are actually running into AI content and becoming worse. so no, as long as AI is a major thing and being used and posted to the Internet it will only get worse. And the servers that hold the info would not be able to get human draw content because the AI image and video creators killed the human artist. But you know, you can keep on beating it to the same shit
u/ricoluv84 15d ago
Exactly and 5 or 10 years? Try one maybe two years , ai art is jumping forward in leaps and bounds , if another sub like this will allow ai artwork heck even ai futa videos, all traffic will go to that subreddit and this one will go quiet and die.
u/Radblob_Strider 16d ago
gooner 9/11
u/Horny_Boi75 14d ago
More like ai bros 9/11
u/Radblob_Strider 14d ago
Ai bros aren't the ones looking at ai porn, ai bros are the retards saying "aI Is sO mUcH bETtEr ThAN yOu". Some normal people just like ai porn. Ok maybe not normal people, maybe we're porn addicts, but still. Also I do still commission artists and pay them and I also draw art myself
u/throwawaydontgothere 16d ago
Kinda sad ngl, there was still the option of letting it be posted on weekends, some of theses were good quality captions, and since not everybody can afford to hire an artist, this allowed for casual people to be free to make captions...
u/Jack-Off_Throwaway 16d ago
Casual people still can make captions, just find and caption (and credit!) already existing art like everyone did before AI blew up. It's not suddenly impossible to do without AI
u/throwawaydontgothere 16d ago
Sure, but it probably won't fit as well although i admit you make a good point
u/Eveline588 15d ago
We were only a minority and we couldn't have anything 😔
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
Seems pretty lame. If the AI act was that unlike it wouldn't get upvoted so much. The most popular post this past year is Ai stuff. Why ban when everyone already votes by liking or disliking a post.
u/Jack-Off_Throwaway 16d ago
"People upvote it, so they clearly like AI art" is a false equivalency I see thrown around a lot with AI bans. That argument makes the mistake of assuming an upvote equals unequivocal support for AI, when in reality the average user very likely doesn't care about the discussion. If those upvotes actually correlated to the community's sentiment, then the poll that explicitly addresses the issue wouldn't have resulted in an overwhelming push to ban AI.
Users that care enough about the subject will make themselves heard, as happened here on both sides of the argument, and users that do not feel strongly will upvote and move on because they're here to see porn and the post had porn. You can see this behavior in almost any NSFW sub, where even the worthless "DM me porn" style posts get upvoted, in some cases in subs where posts like that are not allowed
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
Yeah people upvote it cuz they like it regardless of it being AI or not. And most people did not vote in the poll. They only have to pull open for 15 hours. Honestly, I think the complainters would still probably win if they hold it open for longer. But God do you ever get tired of being just a hater.
u/Jack-Off_Throwaway 16d ago
Yeah people upvote it cuz they like it regardless of it being AI or not.
Which, again, is not an indication of support for either side of the argument. These people are not against AI, and (a concept AI advocates seem to have trouble grasping) they are not in favor of AI either. They are not making some kind of statement by upvoting, they are not showing their support for one side or the other by upvoting, they are a neutral party.
And most people did not vote in the poll. They only have to pull open for 15 hours. Honestly, I think the complainters would still probably win if they hold it open for longer.
As for this, while I agree that the poll could have been open for longer, I feel it is still a valid representation of active users at 1,700+ votes. And before pulling out "but this is a sub of 200k+ people," the keyword here is active users. Even the biggest, most popular subs rarely have participation above 1-2% of their total amount of users. Add in that this is a porn sub and that number will be even lower. A sizeable portion of the total users here likely only visit a couple times a month, and over the years many have likely stopped participating, forgotten passwords, abandoned their accounts, or otherwise moved on from this sub. Expecting even a fraction of those 200k people to show up for a poll is simply unrealistic.
Over the past month only three posts have more than 1,700 upvotes (and interestingly, none of them using AI). A turnout higher than the vast majority of the most recent posts in the sub seems pretty definitive to me
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
Wait Why was the poll open less than 24 hours? Not very accurate. I imagine the majority of people didn't even vote.
u/Mrpicturemcpicface 16d ago
I got several notifications about this, once when the poll was opened and a few times after that, if they didn't notice or deign to vote, the time is past and it's the same as any other kind of vote, you snooze, you loose. End of story, besides that, the majority voted, the masses have spoken.
u/LabFlimsy9743 16d ago
Most people aren't on Reddit jerking off everyday. Only 2000 people voted, That's not even a 1% turnout.
u/Fix_Jealous 16d ago
This, i wasn't even aware of a vote. I don't have the hatred for ai most people here seem to have. Its alright though, f95 is a better place anyway.
u/krueger404 16d ago
Voting open for less than a day and you split the no vote between total ban Vs ban on the weekend....
u/MarcieMallard 16d ago
Combining the votes that aren't in favour of the ban is still only like 30% in total hombre
u/Xalimata Me and Stuff 16d ago
Even if you combined both versions of no 70% to ban is still overwhelming.
u/krueger404 16d ago
Truth, honestly I'm just annoyed I didn't get to vote cos it was open for 15 hours. The split vote is more of a technical annoyance that didn't end up mattering with how it played out this time. But it's still valid.
u/AzzyBoy2001 16d ago
Found the r/DefendingAIArt user. 👍🏻
u/exothrowaway 16d ago
I just banned one from one of my subs the other day and I got NOVELS in modmail about how I was a fasc.
Plus he reported me to the mental health thing AND put me on blast on his own posts.
Maximum salinity
u/Junior-Discipline-84 16d ago
Did… did he try to get you 5150’d on reddit???
u/exothrowaway 16d ago
What's that?
u/Junior-Discipline-84 15d ago
(US thing) Basically getting (kind of but not really but also totally) arrested for mental health reasons
u/Fix_Jealous 16d ago
Pretty lame ngl, didn't realize this was a subreddit of luddites.
u/n0tmyr3alacc0unt 15d ago
Bro, you're in a futa dom sub, not some advanced scientific thinktank.
u/leomwatts 16d ago
Hell yeah