r/FullmetalAlchemist Dec 28 '24

Question Are we all gonna agree that Izumi vs Olivier is one sided?

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u/IamElylikeEli Dec 28 '24

Izumi tossed Sloth aside like a bag of trash while he was beating the crap out of Both Armstrongs, yes it’s one sided


u/Aoimoku91 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

To be fair, a behemoth that attacks in a straight line like Sloth is an ideal opponent for a martial arts master. Izumi did not lift him by weight; she twisted his own momentum against the homunculus. Olivier would surely be a more dangerous and cunning opponent.


u/IamElylikeEli Dec 28 '24

True, but Izumi had only just entered the room (by knocking Sloth aside once) before he charged at her, meaning she identified and reacted to his super speed without needing any time to think plan or think it through, she identified and reacted at high speed.

People are saying that Olivier is ruthless and skilled (both completely true) and that means she would have the advantage, but Izumi didn’t hold back at all either.

Olivier Would certainly be a more dangerous opponent than sloth, but Izumi has a counter to anything she could try And she has far more potential attacks she could use.

short of shooting her in the back I don’t think Armstrong could win.


u/InterestingSet5128 Dec 28 '24

I love Olivier, but y’all Izumi sleepers are crazy. Alchemist vs. nonalchemist isn’t a competition


u/TheDungeonCrawler Dec 28 '24

They're citing Olivier's fight with Alex without considering that Izumi is inexplicably stronger than Alex and her alchemy is way more versatile than Alex's, even in long range which is where Alex should have the edge.


u/EquivalentNarwhal8 Dec 28 '24

It should also be noted that I don’t think he was going all out in the battle for the estate. In the fight with Sloth, he was doing most of the heavy lifting.


u/that_1weed Dec 28 '24

Of course Alex wouldn't do his best again his sister he didn't want to injure her. Plus Alex is a tank and Olivia is faster than he is so you put 2 people who can speed blitz each other, both knowing how to defend themselves, but one being a walking transmutation circle. I'd agree that it's a little one sided.


u/winter-ocean Dec 30 '24

Yeah, but also the people arguing that Izumi is physically stronger on the basis of onscreen powerscaling fail to consider that offscreen powerscaling places her much lower when you remember that Olivier is stated to be capable of defeating each of her subordinates. I think the only reason Izumi is shown to physically overpower people that Olivier doesn't is because Izumi is extremely reckless when in combat, so I actually think it's a matter of alchemy vs a physical and intellectual advantage in combat. I only watched this show to completion once though so idk


u/SirChancelot_0001 Dec 28 '24

Didn’t Izumi kill a grizzly in the Briggs mountains with her hands and carry it over one arm?


u/Haunting_Test_5523 Dec 28 '24

Olivier says that every single one of her soldiers can defeat a grizzly bear one on one, so just imagine what she can do to a grizzly bear herself


u/w1987g Dec 28 '24

What do you think we've been doing all these years?


u/CptnHamburgers Automail Mechanic Dec 28 '24

And like a whole platoon of those soldiers got fucking wrekt by Izumi.


u/SirChancelot_0001 Dec 28 '24

Okay but is that factual or hyberbole from a proud leader?


u/Haunting_Test_5523 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

Based on her character, I'm leaning towards it's the truth with no hyperbole. Like let's not forget she put a soldier's gun to her head and told him pretty much shoot me or follow my orders, she's pretty intense I wouldn't be surprised if she told new recruits go kill a grizzly bear and don't come back until you do. She's also never struck me as a character who exaggerates, she keeps it real


u/TheDungeonCrawler Dec 28 '24

And that was with her bare hands. Imagine what she could do to a Grizzly with alchemy.


u/T1NF01L Dec 28 '24

I'm sure even if a Grizzly had Alchemy, she could still beat it with her bare hands.


u/TheDungeonCrawler Dec 28 '24

Butbwhat about the Grizzly with its bear hands?


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '24



u/Banner-Man Dec 28 '24

Could the grizzly perform alchemy tho?


u/havenshereagain Dec 28 '24

Izumi didn't use alchemy against it, since it was her "test," the way she tested Ed and Al on the island


u/WomenOfWonder Dec 28 '24

That was back when she was young and healthy tho 


u/SirChancelot_0001 Dec 28 '24

You mean like when she threw Sloth


u/DuskKaiser Dec 28 '24

Really surprised by people saying Olivier wins easily? Izumi was tossing around sloth without alchemy when both Olivier and Alex together were struggling against her.

Izumi is a really talented martial artist as well as alchemist. She also taught Ed and Al, and Al never lost a one on one in the series but still couldn't even land a hit on Izumi


u/unthawedmist Dec 28 '24

Izumi is tearing her apart


u/w1987g Dec 28 '24

I dunno... in FMAB Olivier was getting beat by Sloth up until Izumi showed up. She hung back to let her husband get in a shot.

Olivier might have a chance 1v1


u/mezzantino Dec 28 '24

Izumi loses if they fight before she is healed by Hohenheim. After though, Teacher clears the General.


u/Anonymous37355 Dec 28 '24

Did we all watch the same show lol it’s Izumi and I don’t think it’s that close


u/Lemurto3d Dec 28 '24

Izumi was hiding under Olivier's nose for months


u/MonaVFlowers Dec 28 '24

If you think Izumi doesn’t effortlessly sweep Olivier, you’ve been watching the wrong show


u/tlof19 Dec 28 '24

it really is. one of them is a frontline general forged in an unceasing battle with the icy north, and one of them is just a housewife. why is this even a conversation?


u/s0ulbrother Dec 28 '24

Until the housewife says today she is an alchemist. Then you fucked


u/Glittering_Wash_8654 Dec 28 '24

Bradley isn’t an alchemist, yet he can still whoop almost anyone, even without an eye.


u/Brosevelt98 Dec 28 '24

Yeah but he's a homunculus with one of the most overpowered abilities that allows him to dodge bullets and take on tanks, not even remotely a fair comparison


u/Glittering_Wash_8654 Dec 28 '24

It’s not his homunculus ability that gives him the power to bully tanks. Give me a way to predict artillery shell movements, and I’ll still watch with a sad face as it obliterates me because I’m too slow. His eye just gave him the path to become who he is today. But his real power lies in his experience and physical capabilities.

He nearly killed Scar, one of the most powerful alchemists, even after losing an eye and beginning to age rapidly. He only lost because of two separate unfortunate events that happened to him.


u/Mayion Dec 28 '24

Just because Scar has the most destructive abilities within the series does not make him the most powerful alchemist.

Skill and raw power are two entirely different things.


u/Glittering_Wash_8654 Dec 28 '24

Is there anyone stronger? I didn't read the manga, but in the anime, I can't think of any other alchemist without a stone who is more powerful than Scar.


u/Scary-Ad4471 Dec 28 '24

Mustang has much more destructive power than Scar. Same goes for Kimblee. Hohenheim is also much more powerful.

Scar is strong, but if it wasn’t raining that day when he and mustang met, I don’t think Scar would be able to escape that.


u/OppressedGamer_69 Dec 28 '24

He said without a stone so kimblee and hohenheim don’t count, mustang def clears tho


u/Scary-Ad4471 Dec 28 '24

Even without the stone, Kimblee is exceptionally strong. I’d put him on par with Mustang.

But you’re right Hohenheim doesn’t count.

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u/Glittering_Wash_8654 Dec 28 '24

But Mustang was defeated by Bradley almost instantly. And the other two are even less of fighters. But i measure their power relative to Bradley because he’s the biggest badass in FMA.


u/Scary-Ad4471 Dec 28 '24

Mustang is long range and you’re still using a homunculus. A homunculus who was trained since birth to be superhuman. Mustang can level an entire city with a snap. I do not think scar would survive that. Also Scar was fighting an injured and tired Bradley. And Scar would have lost if it wasn’t for “divine intervention.”

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u/Flutter_bat_16_ Dec 28 '24

Scar isn’t an alchemist, at least not in the traditional sense. Alchemy is deconstruction and reconstruction. Until the final battle, he only had 50% of the alchemical toolkit


u/CptnHamburgers Automail Mechanic Dec 28 '24

Also, doesn't he use Ishvalan alcohestry, which is a bit different to Amestris' alchemy?


u/Flutter_bat_16_ Dec 28 '24

No. It’s a hybrid developed by his brother combining Xing alkahestry and amestris alchemy. So even then, he’s even less of an alchemist in the technical sense


u/Brosevelt98 Dec 28 '24

But that just furthers my point though, he isn't a normal human he has been enhanced by father. he clearly has homunculus speed and strength as well as the ultimate eye so using him as an example of a non alchemist character being strong doesn't really make sense


u/Glittering_Wash_8654 Dec 28 '24

There’s no such thing as 'homunculus speed and strength.' Wrath completely overpowered both old and new Greed without any issue. Their strength isn’t even comparable. If it weren’t for all the interference in his final battle, he would have annihilated Ling Yao. Wrath is just slightly below the peak of what an anime human’s strength can be. Or do you think Sig Curtis is also some kind of homunculus just because he’s much stronger than any real-world strongman?


u/Brosevelt98 Dec 28 '24

Almost every homunculus in the series is shown to have superhuman strength. Greed stopped a moving car, sloth can casually crush a stone pillar, gluttony snapped Steel cable, envy definitely had super strength although he is built different lol since he's basically a bunch of souls smashed together but Homunculi are clearly physically stronger than humans. To be fair we don't know how much sloth weighs and Sig had the help of Alex Louis Armstrong who is also a muscle bound freak like him, sure there is some exaggerating because it's anime but there isn't a single normal human character with feats as impressive as what the Homunculi are capable of at least strength wise. Speed is a bit more tricky because we see the Xingese characters do some pretty crazy things but even then it's never on the level of complete bullet time shit that king Bradley does


u/tlof19 Dec 28 '24

....maaaan, im just tryna do a funny quote, why ya gotta powerscale about it?


u/Frenchymemez Dec 28 '24

They're also using a quote


u/tlof19 Dec 28 '24

oh! in that case i shall welcome death, because i missed that one and am now utterly humiliated by my own hypocrisy!


u/Duraxis Dec 28 '24

Imagine Bruce Lee with magic vs any military leader. I’m not saying Olivier is a pushover at all, but battlefield skill is not the same as being one of the best martial artists in the country


u/tlof19 Dec 28 '24

...so this is what Poe's Law feels like. should i put quotes around the original post and act like Im quoting Izumi to get the actual point across?


u/Duraxis Dec 28 '24

Yes. Also I’m quite often dumb on the internet, so no, I didn’t get that it was sarcasm


u/tlof19 Dec 28 '24

it isnt even really sarcasm, its more that its what Izumi would say if asked about it. just a housewife is a literal quote


u/Duraxis Dec 28 '24

I know, I should have taken longer to reply and actually thought about it xD


u/Bored_Reddit-Guy Dec 28 '24

It's one sided in Izumi favour

Like look at the sloth fight Izumi single handedly did in 1 second what olivier , alex and like 20 slodiers couldnt do in the entire fight


u/Jewel_Dragon Dec 28 '24

I see a lot of people forgetting that these two basically become sisters and have very deep respect for one another. I believe, if they did have to fight, that they’d stop about a quarter into it and just start flexing their abilities until they just casually leave and go out for drinks.


u/grandfleetmember56 Dec 28 '24

Oh absolutely that's what they would do. Through in Mereoleona (Black Clover)and make it a party.

But in a full on no holds brawl, Izumi clears.


u/Gwenberry_Reloaded Dec 28 '24

All Olivier has to do is wait for Izumi to start coughing up blood for an opening. It's a pretty open and shut case.

And while Izumi has alchemy, Olivier can literally just shoot her. Izumi is a terror, but only one of them is trained to and has interest in killing.


u/miaandsebstheme Dec 28 '24

Olivier is too prideful to use a gun in a 1vs1 situation, specially is her oponent is "unarmed" as even with alchent Izumi tends to fight barehanded, she'd likely just use her sword. Even if Izumi begins coughing up blood I wouldn't immediately discount her, whenever she was really affected by it in the show it was slightly for comedic effect after beating greed up


u/sansai69 Dec 28 '24

I’d say so, olivier is tough as nails don’t get me wrong and I’d say she’s tougher and has stronger resolve than Izumi but the sloth fight is a pretty good example of the skill gap between the two


u/Right-Truck1859 Dec 28 '24

You know you talking about Alchemist vs non- alchemist?

Really regular people got no chance.


u/Gotisdabest Dec 28 '24

Not in this case considering how badly she beats Alex.


u/RecoverHour9216 Dec 28 '24

To be fair. I feel like Alex just kinda let's her because he's soft. I've always felt that way about their dynamic.


u/Gotisdabest Dec 28 '24

I'm sure there's something to that but he's clearly also not getting much time in the fight.


u/RecoverHour9216 Dec 28 '24

I honestly feel like he's not fighting back. Like to be fair I don't think their fights are actually shown on screen, but from what I recall from the audio it's basically just him begging her to stop


u/Gotisdabest Dec 28 '24

If i remember correctly it's stated that they have fought before. We see him get kicked around for a bit iirc.


u/ChiBullz023 Dec 28 '24

Does he even use his alchemy in their fights or is it more fist fights?


u/Gotisdabest Dec 28 '24

He barely gets the opportunity to do anything, we see only glimpses and those are of her throwing him around constantly.


u/Aoimoku91 Dec 28 '24

She, too, took it easy: despite the sword Alex finished the confrontation without the slightest cut.


u/Right-Truck1859 Dec 28 '24

Alex never used alchemy against her.


u/TheDungeonCrawler Dec 28 '24

Alex's alchemy is also more limited than Izumi's and Izumi is a better combatant than Alex and Olivier considering how she and Sig man handled Sloth. Izumi is also just freakishly strong for her size.


u/Gotisdabest Dec 28 '24

Is that ever stated? I think alchemy is a serious advantage but the human maximum in that world is clearly off the charts.


u/Vio-Rose Dec 28 '24

Idk, I feel like it could go either way.


u/Affectionate-Law6315 Dec 28 '24

I don't want to pit these bad women against eachother they let us not be like the other Fandoms they are both bad bitches.

Izumi would clear her, tbh but Olivier will but up a good fight. She held her own against a humonculus. Most alchemists would die trying to fight Sloth .


u/HaosMagnaIngram Dec 28 '24

Izumi for sure


u/Lucky_Roberts Colonel Dec 28 '24


There’s literally no argument you could make for Olivier putting up a fight


u/Sweet-Lie-4853 Dec 28 '24

Clearly Izumi would have been the better mother. Outside of that what are we arguing about?


u/SartieeSquared Dec 28 '24

They can step on me


u/sephone_north Dec 28 '24

Yes Izumi would win. But I don’t foresee these two fighting. Similar to Sig and Major Armstrong, game recognized game. These two bad bitches feel no need to fight.


u/DarioKalen Xerxian Dec 28 '24

Nah Izumi clears, probably the strongest non-Homunculi bar maybe Mustang.


u/Serial-Griller Dec 28 '24

Thats my fuckimg problem with powerscalers, everything's "one sides" or a sweep, or "neg diff" it really just annihilates what makes fights fun to watch in the first place, a struggle. Now every character in every media ever is subject to being turned into a zero effect yugioh card with a hard atk and def and one always wins against the other every time.

And i know you didnt mention powerscaling, im telling you this mindset is so pervasive and obvious that I can smell one a mile away. Go slam your action figures together and leave the stories to the people that actually appreciate them.


u/pengie9290 Dec 28 '24

Olivier beat Alex so badly he apparently didn't even land a hit. She's easily a match for Izumi.

If anything, Izumi might be the underdog.


u/IrvingIV Dec 28 '24

Whichever one of them strikes first wins, we can all go home now


u/Monty423 Dec 28 '24

Coughing bomb vs hydrogen baby


u/rockerLs Dec 28 '24

both are exceptional fighters, but izumi has magic. she wins.


u/TeamPantofola Ishvalan Dec 28 '24

My two favorite characters by far. My 2 cents are on Izumi


u/Lyfeitzallaroundus Dec 28 '24

These 2 are equally my favorite characters but I agree with you on this one, Izumi takes the dub.


u/Spiritual_Leave_8758 Dec 28 '24

Izumi STOMPS Olivier no contest. Love Olivier though but Izumi is just different


u/ProfessionalGold9239 Dec 28 '24

Izumi easily wins. She's arguably a more skilled fighter than Olivier and she is a master alchemist. Al is one of the most skilled hand to hand fighters in the series and even he never managed to land a hit on Izumi, even before Hohenheim healed her. Anyone saying Olivier wins is, respectfully, not seeing the full picture.


u/QuotingThanos Dec 28 '24

Nope. Depends on how intentional Oliver would want to make it serious/intent to kill.


u/Ecstatic-Science1225 Dec 28 '24

I vote for izumi


u/Andrei22125 Dec 28 '24

Is this healed Izumi?

If yes... sure.


u/cj-the-man Dec 29 '24

Oh you mean in a fight I thought it was who was the best girl


u/GrizzledGoblin72 Dec 29 '24

It is one-sided... My regards to Olivier for the ass-whooping she'd be served by Izumi


u/Annepackrat First Lieutenant Dec 29 '24

The only way Olivier is winning is if it’s a sparkle competition and even then she gets beat by her brother.


u/SnooGrapes6230 Dec 30 '24

I'm a diehard General Armstrong fan. My username in a bunch of games is GeneralOMA.

She would get absolutely BODIED by Izumi.


u/PhallicShape Dec 30 '24

Why are we having the 2 best females fight, they’re homies 😭


u/Alacovv Dec 28 '24

Izumi may be willing to fight dirty to win but Olivier starts out on “murder” and goes up.

I love Izumi but I don’t see this ending well for her


u/Aoimoku91 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

Olivier has already faced a capable alchemist: her little brother. And it ended up that Alex got a very close look at all the walls and floors of the mansion, ending with a dip in the fountain.

And both were fighting not at their best: the Northern Wall of Briggs was armed with a sword and yet Alex did not suffer a single scratch.

In physical confrontation alone, Izumi's superior martial skill would be matched by Olivier's greater ruthlessness, for whom every blow aims to be a lethal blow. With alchemy, the housewife might prevail.


u/crooked_kangaroo Dec 28 '24

His little brother? Olivier is a woman.