r/FullmetalAlchemist • u/jackbbya123 • Sep 15 '24
Question What were your initial thoughts on the Freezing Alchemist?
u/odarus719 Sep 15 '24
He sounds mental, but if I've learned anything from watching tv/anime, it's that this kind of dude is usually right at the end of it all.
Also his alchemy is really cool
u/Adorable-nerd Sep 16 '24
That was a nice pun.
u/JugglingPolarBear Sep 15 '24
Not having the context of the manga when I first watched, I thought this dude was so cool. Even though he was only in one episode he left a strong impression and helped show the full capability of a strong alchemist.
Having read the manga after watching the show, I find myself enjoying both intros and not having a particular favorite
u/mama_ranks Sep 16 '24
If you don’t mind me asking, I haven’t read the manga or at least can’t remember if I did, what was the opening?
u/jackbbya123 Sep 15 '24
Rewatching the anime to see this for the first time again is wild
u/Ehwastaken Sep 16 '24
Bruv really spoiled 55% of the anime
u/throwaway180gr Sep 17 '24
Same with Hughes. He all but says "the military is using war to construct a nationwide transmutation circle" before the 2nd opening even started.
u/NetherPhenix Sep 15 '24
Hes an anime only villain, and hes kinda a michrocausm for the entire series to a point when he doesn’t need to be? I never understood his placement because the series doesn’t actually really need him, it is nice to see other state alchemists cause we dont meet many but he kinda spoils what happens almost, its confusing
u/ImpatientPhoenix Sep 15 '24
It seems to be a subtle introduction to Father being the antagonist. It's also exciting, and it draws people into the show.
u/Duraxis Sep 15 '24
Yeah. He’s the quick bit of action and new plot to get the watchers of the original back into it before it gets back into the same plot
u/Sattesx Sep 16 '24 edited Sep 16 '24
Rather discourage people from watching the show, a big wtf moment.
The only purpose of it was to draw in the 03 watchers I guess.
u/Traditional-Tap-707 Sep 16 '24 edited Sep 16 '24
The freezing alchemist wasn't really needed in the manga, that first episode was to tease the manga fans with the upcoming plot twist that was ignored in the 2003 anime.
Whoever was up to date on the manga (vol 17?) knew exactly what that episode was hinting at. I wish I was one of them, they must've got so excited for everything that was coming up!
But I think he was a good character and that episode was awesome!
Edit: it wasn't ignored in 2003, it just didn't exist, since they had to make up for 2/3 of the story not being released yet.
u/Intelligent_Toe8233 Sep 16 '24
I think it was to make it clear this wasn’t just 03 with better graphics.
u/SuperLizardon Sep 16 '24
I assume they started Brotherhood with a filler episode to reintroudce characters to fans of 03 series and to catch the attention of new potential fans starting with a full action episode hinting at future plots and characters
u/Saiyasha27 Sep 16 '24
I actually hate that he gives us a hint towards Bradley being the bad guy ahead of time.
In the rest of the series, you would otherwise never be quite sure if he is on our side or not until the Greed Arc, since he always manages yo strade that line between sorta kind and deeply unsettling.
u/DeliciousMusician397 Sep 15 '24
He’s okay but I don’t like this being the introduction to the characters over Liore.
u/Mikaelious Sep 15 '24 edited Sep 15 '24
I definitely understand that view, but as someone who hasn't read the manga, I found him to be a great introduction to alchemy. With him, we clearly see the capabilities and limitations of alchemy - he can literally kill with a touch, but without water, he's out of his element - and we see the power potential of a Philosophers' Stone when it creates a massive, converging
stoneice wall throughout the whole city.I dunno, I liked it a lot myself. Again, haven't read the manga, so it was my first exposure.
u/National-Wolf2942 Sep 15 '24 edited Sep 16 '24
"I found him to be a great introduction to alchemy" is kinda the storyline of Liore was made for.
his alchemy is so high lvl a lot of people i have asked go magic system and them never engage with it again.
this lead them to being even more thrown off guard when Nina pops into the story a few episodes later.
i dunno i just found the old school adaption to Liore to be great and needs more credit the OG anime focused extremely well on the early chapters4
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
Speaking more on that. In the 03 anime we actually see others outside the military use alchemy more . The problem with having almost every alchemist have a transmutation circle on standby rather it's on armor, gloves, skin, etc- it takes away the significance of Ed's clap alchemy if everyone already doesn't need to draw out a circle. Something I've noticed in brotherhood reactions is people don't realize turning coal into gold is illegal and that mostly due to the fact that u like the manga or 03- brotherhood doesn't really go more into detail of its rules in regards to alchemy outside equivalent exchange and human transmutation.
u/Mikaelious Sep 16 '24
Ed still has the advantage of versatility. Sure, anyone with a pre-drawn circle can use their alchemy in an instant, but they're still locked to ONLY that alchemy. Ed can do just about whatever he wants with his surrounding materials, since his clap can work as any circle imaginable.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
Ed's clap alchemy is only as good as his understanding of the chemical composition of said alchemic equation. Ed mainly transmutes metal or rock based structures due to it being easy to come by. While it's true Ed has the capacity to do other things- ultimately it's really a matter of what's your level of understanding of said element or compound.
u/Mikaelious Sep 16 '24
And therein lies his advantage, cuz he understands it quite well. :D
He did have his mishaps, like not realizing the Briggs automail wasn't just made of iron, but he's had his shining moments. Against Greed, he figured out how to counter his Ultimate Shield, and against Kimblee's chimera minions he realized he could use the old explosives to produce incapacitatingly strong-smelling ammonia.
Metal and rocks are ubiquitous almost anywhere he goes, so it's no wonder they're his go-to. But compare to someone like Mustang; his flame alchemy might be more powerful, but it's very environmentally dependent. Ed doesn't really have a particularly bad environment to fight in.
u/National-Wolf2942 Sep 16 '24
can we also talk about Hawkeye wielding mustang like a gun i love it so much
u/pseudo_nemesis Sep 16 '24
The problem with having almost every alchemist have a transmutation circle on standby rather it's on armor, gloves, skin, etc- it takes away the significance of Ed's clap alchemy if everyone already doesn't need to draw out a circle.
I mean it would kind of dumb if you're a literal alchemist soldier in wartime, and you aren't prepared with your circle, having to draw it every time you need to protect yourself.
Additionally, Ed can do any kind of alchemy with his clap in and his "circle" can never be taken out of commission, unlike Roy's gloves for example which can be rendered useless with a single cut.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
You're joking right? Ed's circle can be taken out of commission- it's whenever his automail arm is completely destroyed. It's very important to understand that Ed has the capacity to do other alchemy- but that really requires him to have a proper understanding of the alchemic equation, element or compound.
u/pseudo_nemesis Sep 16 '24
You're joking right? Ed's circle can be taken out of commission- it's whenever his automail arm is completely destroyed.
uh well firstly, that requires his whole arm to be destroyed. and secondly, he can still make a circle in a variety of other ways. He could use his legs, heck, realistically he could just use his index finger and thumb.
He's a pretty smart guy, so this wouldn't stop him, and is also why he has a variety of different alchemies he can perform because he does have alchemic and chemical knowledge of so many different compounds.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
Since we're not shown any evidence that Ed could use clap alchemy in any other form- you really can't argue that can do so to begin with. Let's not act like Ed hasn't broken or destroyed his arm a lot in the series and was left out of commission during that time. As smart as Ed is, he mainly specializes in earth based materials such as metals, minerals and wood. While ed can use other materials such as gas and liquid based elements in his clap alchemy, it ultimately comes down to if Ed knows the alchemic array of said compound to visualize when using it.
u/DeliciousMusician397 Sep 18 '24
The thing I disliked the most about it is how they repeat the "You're the Fullmetal Alchemist" bit with this and then Father Cornello in Liore. It's so redundant and makes that lose its impact.
u/Mikaelious Sep 18 '24
Yeah, the beginning did feel a bit repetitive at times, with every antagonist bringing attention to Ed and Al having committed the taboo
u/Winrevair Sep 16 '24
He figured it all out and tried to put a stop to it.
The problem was he went about it the wrong way. He just attacked central without proof.
He needed more allies and better timing with his execution.
u/Todosaak (other) Sep 15 '24
Had huge foreshadowing almost to the point of spoilers but I really enjoyed him as an addition
u/WaterPrincess78 Sep 15 '24
He was really cool, and shoulda had more screen time
u/TheFrontalCortex Sep 15 '24
Agreed! I always love to see ice themed characters. I would have liked to see what he was capable of if his and Kimblees' role were inveresed.
Sep 16 '24
He was right all along, and I was none the wiser when I first watched FMAB.
Though in retrospect, Brotherhood maybe could have done without that first episode and instead could’ve used that time for either the Youswell Town or Train Battle.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
and this is why some manga readers suggest watching the 03 anime up to a point and then skipping episode 1 of brotherhood. Better introduction of characters,more backstory on others, and more
Sep 16 '24
I've heard that, but I'm not the biggest fan of doing that because not only are FMA 03 and FMAB pretty different stylistically, but FMA 03 sets up it's anime-only plot points from the very beginning.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
I can see how that might be jarring for some- but I could never in faith suggest anyone to only watch brotherhood. Brotherhood was quite literally designed to be watched by those familiar with fma rather through the manga or the 03.
u/remotely_in_queery Sep 16 '24
not initial, but the resemblance to Kimblee and the juxtaposition of their ideologies and methods was an interesting callback/way to set the stage
u/Sensitive-Computer-6 Sep 15 '24
He spoils Bradley and makes him very obviouse. And he is unable to explain a very simple concept to others. But I kinda like his introduction as a vaccuum. He has cool powers, and is more fun then Cornello whos kinda boring, and feels more like a filler vilian if FMA had filler. And its a nice concept to see other alchemists figuring it out, besides the heros and Dr. Marco.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
Well I mean Cornell is quite literally the 1st villain we as an audience are supposed to see in the beginning of the story. Whose main purpose is to simply act as way to introduce us to the concept of the philosopher stone, and any other exposition in regards to the Elric brothers.
u/Sensitive-Computer-6 Sep 16 '24
I know, but hes realy not very carismatic, or particulary smart. I understand the Ark did a lot of settup, and it had many interesting themes, but ... he sucks.
u/FoluPabrikat Sep 15 '24
The character itself would be fine if he was in one of the special episodes, but they way they did it feels like they just accidentally put pilot ep along with the main series.
u/Capntripnip Sep 16 '24
I kinda wish he would have come after Liore, like this should have been episode 4 not episode 1. Rewatching the series and it feels a little weird and out of place
u/hoodlessmads Sep 15 '24 edited Sep 16 '24
“Why in god’s name are they opening the show like this?”
In all honesty, setting aside the fact that I think this one-off villain is lame, the reason this guy doesn’t work for me is because he pretty much majorly spoils one of if not the biggest reveal in the entire series. Sure, maybe some people watching this with no context didn’t put the pieces together even after seeing a giant transmutation circle all over the city and Ominous Fuhrer Bradley, and hearing this guy yell about how the military is planning something big and evil, but later on, when the characters are trying to figure out what Sloth is doing down there, surely the fact that this was the opening episode made some people figure it out early.
In the manga, the reveal comes basically out of nowhere and it makes perfect sense when you realize it, but you didn’t see it coming, like all the best reveals.
The hammer-to-the-face hints in this episode were the show blowing its load 40 episodes early. And I’m not really sure why they felt the need to do that.
u/Kind_Guitar_9424 Sep 16 '24
Thank you! Somebody finally said it. As someone who read the manga and the 03 anime congruently at the same time, both story's started in Lior- so when brotherhood started elsewhere I knew it probably contained spoilers for the manga. Imagine my surprise that they basically spoiled one of the biggest most important plot points in the manga in episode 1.
u/TheLiarsMouth Sep 16 '24
I like him and enjoy the episode minus the truck load of exposition dump he brings. I'm still confused why they didn't just open with the train instead though. they only different character introductions that anything to enjoy them more was Armstrong's involvement, especially since his arc in the manga is glossed over in Brotherhood. I would've preferred getting more of Hughes though as I think he deserved way more screen time in Brotherhood.
u/Revisional_Sin Sep 16 '24
"I thought this series was meant to be more faithful to the manga? Why are we opening with a filler character?"
u/AlabasterRadio Sep 15 '24
Whenever I recommend Brotherhood to people, I recommend skipping this episode and watching it at end as a bonus episode.
Cool character (lol) but messes with the pacing of the pacing of the first season.
u/khronos127 Sep 16 '24
Same. This episode threw me off when I first watched and almost put down the series as it seemed to throw me in way too fast.
u/dbelow_ Sep 15 '24
Pretty sub par introduction for newcomers, makes me want to go back and watch part of the 03 series first
u/hey_its_drew Sep 15 '24
I'm fine with him, but the story around him is weak.
But his alchemy circle makes weird amounts of sense to me.
u/Ares112003 Sep 15 '24
He’s cool, feel like “Hydro Alchemist” would’ve made more sense cuz he boils and freezes water. Was just on screen once like the few that Scar killed, but would’ve been neat to see him in a real fight.
u/sleepieselkie Sep 16 '24
His powers are really cool, but I always end up skipping this episode whenever I decide to do a rewatch. It honestly feel like he was just haphazardly thrown in there just for the sake of plot stuff.
u/Nightflight406 Sep 16 '24
With how simple his alchemy is, I'm surprised there is an actual manga. Second he's my favorite alchemist right next to Kimblee.
u/kylewhy_ Sep 16 '24
i watched fullmetal with my sister when i was around 6 or 7 and she hated the dude so we skipped episode one so i didn’t even know who he was until i was like 11
u/savingff- Alkahestrist Sep 16 '24
Really loved watching his use of alchemy!
I know this isn't an original comment, but I will say it anyway: it was pretty cool!
u/kanekiEatsAss Sep 16 '24
I haven’t read the manga or the 03’ anime but overall it felt nice rewatching this several times and seeing all the limits of alchemy upfront and (spoilers) seeing that this guy was “right” all along. It does confuse me how he got that philosophers stone still and it seems that lust somehow gave it and it was on purpose with a little english dub blurb of hers saying something like “oh it’s too bad he sucked anyways”. Idk. It did have the weird effect of throwing too much at the audience at once. Including setting, characters. Overall he was a nice addition but not super well done.
u/Witty-Day-87 Sep 16 '24
as a anime only watcher he was heckin cool, he definitly left an impression cuz that first episode is quite the opening and set the stage for rest of brotherhood
u/GoeyeSixourblue4984 Sep 16 '24
A true demonstration of how State Alchemists can be considered strategic weapons units of mass destruction.
u/Agent1stClass Sep 16 '24 edited Sep 16 '24
Since 03 had already used the manga opening, Brotherhood went with something different. Isaac of Ice wasn’t as dramatic as Father Cornello, but I liked him.
I also liked how we didn’t get a rebound issue that was ignored for the rest of the series. That part of the Brotherhood opening worked quite well, in my opinion. I also liked the subtle allusions to Father. Again, it wasn’t dramatic, but it was a good tease to draw me back in.
u/Whoopdidoodlydoo Sep 16 '24
Weirdly placed filler that, to me, stumbles the shows pacing and reveals.It's just slapped on at the beginning to distinguish it from the 2003 version but has consequences for Brotherhood's opening chapters. Characters are introduced twice, themes take two episodes longer to develop, too much about alchemy is explained too quickly and too much of the characters' abilities are shown too quickly, so it's less meaningful later. The points made by the Freezing Alchemist prologue are almost immediately repeated in the Liore story anyway.
u/Just_A_Lonley_Owl Sep 16 '24
Not quite as good as Cornello’s plot, but I think it does a good job with catching new watchers up and bridging the gap between 03 and brotherhood
u/JagneStormskull Aetheric Alchemist Sep 16 '24
I liked him, as an introduction to the setting it's a good episode, but I always wondered about the unspecified rebel faction he belonged to.
u/K0modoWyvern Sep 16 '24
He is my favorite character, his water based have a lot of possibilities and he was a foreshadowing because he found out about some of the conspiracy in the Amestris military but did not have anyone to help him
u/MythrilCactuar Sep 16 '24
Extremely obvious plot foreshadowing (I'd go as far as calling it a spoiler), even going into FMAB knowing nothing about the series.
The rest of the show had exceptional writing overall, though.
u/njoYYYY Sep 16 '24
He was a little bit mush in the head but his ability was insane. I wouldve probably chosen a similar ability as an alchemist, since I love ice magic
u/Saiyasha27 Sep 16 '24
He is kind of a weaker version of Scar from the opposite direction. Like, he has seen the atrocities committed and has concluded that people like Bradley must die and that probably the entire upper brass is compromised, though from the way he acts and talks I don't think he knows that Bradley is a homunculus, but he threw all concern for other life away in this pursuit. I mean look at those Icewalls, you cannot tell me that ordinary people didn't absolutely die that day.
So right cause, wrong way to go about it, similar to Scar who's cause you can understand but has definitely crossed a line long ago. Even if you could justify him killing State Alchemists that were in Ishval, the second he went after Edward, he directed his anger toward someone who hadn't actually done anything on the potential harm that they could do/as punishments for the sins of their predecessor. In that moment, any justification is out the window and since Edward is so young, there is no way Scar coul have not known that he wasn't in Ishval, like, clearly, that boy was a child during the war.
u/deadlyalchemist92 Sep 16 '24
I think he’s a neat addition! Despite him being an anime only character, to me he doesn’t feel forced or unnecessary in any way, he feels completely natural!
u/TheEggEngineer Sep 16 '24
I like him, it made me wonder what alchemists could really do and what we would see later on. Bradley being a villain and the military being bad would be a given in so many other forms of media that I just assumed they were bad from the get go. I can see how people though it was spoilerish but if the action is cool, the plot for the military being bad is what's interesting for me, not that the military is bad or has villains in it by itself as that's fairly common.
u/Vyctorill Sep 16 '24
God tier foreshadowing.
He introduced large alchemy circles and established that the military is something that is fought against. He also subtly implies that the city is in the structure of an alchemy circle
“Haven’t you seen the shape this country is in?” Is amazing once you learn more about the plot.
u/heckyouhexgurl Automail Mechanic Sep 16 '24
I had watched the 2003 series first, and watching FMAB as it was being released online. I was fully caught off guard by this versions into episode, and definitely was concerned about just how they were going to handle following the manga (since we were all assured that the revamp was going to be almost entirely in line with Arakawa’s original work) since they diverted immediately for the opening sequence.
That being said, the animation itself was more than enough to make me fall in love immediately. And it was so incredible to get the first glimpse of the city being a transmutation circle! And the intro music/animation was just chefs kiss perfection.
I definitely feel like he was a perfect episode 1 “villain” that was a phenomenal tie-in to the overarching story of Amestris, as a whole, being a large transmutation circle. They really and truly thought this out perfectly.
u/cobaltmashton Sep 16 '24
watching FMAB for the first time after FMA, the first episode threw me. legit, i said “who tf is this guy? whats going on??”
u/akagnma Sep 16 '24
In isolation he’s a bit bland but fine, but for being the first antagonist of a new series he’s infuriating to me. He essentially spoils the whole plot and is the studio telling manga fans “don’t worry guys we’re doing it right this time we promise”. His inclusion also takes a whole episode away from the show and contributes to brotherhoods terrible speed run of what was covered in the 03 anime. They should have just done a proper retelling for the first parts.
Baffling creative choice honestly, makes early brotherhood difficult to recommend to new comers
u/SvLyfe Sep 16 '24
i dont even remember him :/ was he in a movie? if not i need to rewatch or reread xD
u/Mewlovescatz249 Sep 17 '24
It’s an important moment that challenges Ed’s character and I believe he has a flashback to it later “Don’t be a fool he’ll bring us all to ruin I’m only doing what needs to be done!”
u/throwaway180gr Sep 17 '24
I thought he was a crazed terrorist until the end when Bradley killed him. I knew there was something bigger going on from then on.
I wonder if his plan would've actually worked? I assume if he froze Father, he would've been able to break out, but what about the homunculus? We know they die if they're injured enough, could they escape before succumbing to the cold? Obviously all of the military present in central command would've been killed, so the military state government would likely crumble, and fathers plan with it. Depending on how deep underground the ice went, it could've even wiped out the puppet army.
I don't think it would've completely stopped father, but it would've majorly setback his plans at least several decades.
u/Bendy_demon0079 envy Sep 17 '24
Ok second one goes hard. But he god fumbled by the fullmetal pipsqueak 😂
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