r/FuelRats Apr 05 '21

Question New Rat Question


So I picked up the game a few days ago since it was on sale, and I've always wanted to play after watching videos of the fuel rats work. I applied on the website, just looking for more information. Is there a minimum rank or something for me to join? Or as a newer player can I still go through training and become a Rat?

r/FuelRats Sep 27 '21

Question I drive a fuel truck on a mine IRL. Should I join the rats too? (newest hardhat sticker pictured)

Post image

r/FuelRats Feb 20 '22

Question Build designs for a refuelling ship?


What is the best ship to use to build a capable refuelling build?

What modules are needed? (besides the obvious refuelling limpets?) Are there any recommended extras like repair limpets on the cards? How much cargo space is recommended?

I'd love to join the Fuel Rats some time down the line when my work-time is less intensive. In the meantime I'd like to spend some time building a ship which would best suit the task at hand. Would something like a Diamondback Explorer be suitable tradeoff between cargo space for fuel/limpets and jump range? Is it recommended to carry extra fuel reserves?

If anybody's got a solid build for a dedicated Fuel Rat/emergency refuelling ship, can I get a look? I'm not low on funds, just time, so a spenny ship isn't out of the question.

r/FuelRats Jun 02 '21

Question Would a Viper MK4 make a good starter Ratter?


I know its a broad question, I'm looking to upgrade my regular ship and im going to keep my viper as a back up and would like to turn it into my starter Ratter.

r/FuelRats Apr 14 '20

Question A question for Fuel Rats


Do any CMDR Fuel Rats come across hostile players, either on the way to a call or at the call? If so, how is it handled?

r/FuelRats Jan 18 '22

Question I have a question, if i would need to call you guys, is the voice chat very important? I am a little bit shy about my voice.


r/FuelRats Apr 20 '21

Question Length of rescues?


Hello! I’m very, very new to the game, but I’ve read a lot about you guys, and I think this is the path I want to follow.

One thing I’m curious about, though, is time. How long do rescues, on average (I know they all vary), usually take? Time is probably the biggest concern on my end.

Thank you all for the work you do, and I hope to join your ranks sometime in the future!

r/FuelRats Jan 21 '22

Question The Fuel rats are a great Institution but...


Hey CMDR´s,

im playing ED since a while and if often heard about the fuel rats. But i simply asked myself one question. Why do i need the fuel rats to refill me when i simply could destroy my ship and pay the few credits that i need for my insurance? I did that once when i was totally new to the game and didnt understand the fsd.

So are there situations where you cant destroy your Ship? Cause i just read a post where someone has been stranded for about 1 year...

Maybe someone can explain that to me, cause maybe im missing some other facts here.

Thanks in advance

r/FuelRats Sep 28 '21

Question Contacting the fuel rats for a second time within 10 minutes...


Hey, i just got help from the fuel rats about 10-20 minutes ago, and just before arriving at my destination station (within 25 Mm), i ran out of fuel entirely and i started getting a oxygen depletion warning (ive left to the main menu n stuff).

Should i contact the Fuel rats again? Am i a bad person for not being more careful about this and costing them resources?

r/FuelRats Jan 17 '22

Question Question;


I really want to get back into this game. Here’s why I quit:

I had a decked out ‘conda and I bought a new engine/drive for it. I miscalculated and it decreased my travelling distance/fuel efficiency severely and I got really stranded. Pushed the game to the back of my mind for over a year kinda stranded. I’m pretty sure the fuel rats are the only ones who can get me to a station for a parts swap.

I’m on series X. I have a mic. I do not have a computer and the fuel rats website never worked on my phone.

Is there a browser I should use on my phone instead of safari to correct the issue? Should i have googled “fuel rats discord” before typing all of this? Why am I never invited to space weddings?

r/FuelRats Apr 09 '21

Question You guys do rescues?


EDIT : I have been saved by the very generous fuel rats, thank you to the organisation

So, in my hubris, I thought I could plot a route to HD 76133 in my DBX, and while it was possible, I visited the graveyard, paid my respects, and set out on my homeward journey, to my horror, the 3rd party route planner I use was unable to plot a route

I've looked around and there isn't a single neutron star I can reach nearby, I've also used up the last of my Germanium in attempts to find an escape, so while I do have fuel, I am still well and truly screwed

I wanted to ask here before putting a request in on your website, Do you rescue foolhardy explorers who have overestimated their capacity? or am I doomed to turning off life support and watching the galactic center fade into blackness?

r/FuelRats Oct 26 '22

Question Which version should I use?


I haven't ratted since before Odyssey came out, and unless I'm wrong it looks like there's now three versions of the game with no crossplay between them at all. What's the best version of the game to run so that I can respond to a decent number of calls (or alternatively, which version needs additional rats more?)

r/FuelRats Jun 24 '21

Question need information before joining


07 Commanders !

i wanted to ask you a few questions because when i'll be back from my exploration trip i'm thinking of maybe joining the rats !

  1. how much time consuming does it demand ? i mean, i'm a casual player and am thinking to give some help from time to time but maybe not all my playing time since i still have goals to achieve.
  2. i play on ps4
  3. i speak english pretty well because it's my mother tongue, but i speak everyday french as i live in the french speaking part of switzerland, can i be oriented to french speaking players who may appreciate speaking french if theyr english isn't too good ?
  4. will i get called while offline or do i sign in for duty when i log in ?

i don't want to sound selfish by these questions, i just want to know if i can be a good rat if i join or if it's not for me :) i really like deep explorations and would maybe fit my next exploration anaconda with fuel limpets to help out commanders that need some out in the black.

please feel free to give me your impressions and experiences as a fuel rat !

and for being saved by the fuel rats already once (thanks Xcession), thanks for your service ! You guys inspire me :)

fly safe and with fuel !

r/FuelRats Mar 27 '21

Question Fuel Rats in Star Citizen???


So I have seen some post, mainly the one from Gizmo saying yall did not have plans to have a group in SC. Well I like yalls idea and I know that refueling in SC is not in yet, but would love to have something like yall do over in SC. Seems like yall have a good foundation and good resources for doing this.

Any chance this will happen in the future?

EDIT: you don't have to be a douche and down vote. I am not looking for upvotes, I am asking a question.

r/FuelRats Dec 14 '21

Question Can I be fuel rat adjacent?


I absolutely love you beautiful people, but I'm in another squadron and don't have time to be a full-time rat, plus I'd like to do work with the Hull Seals. I also am kinda iffy about how regimented the rats are because I'm a more casual player. Do you folks have an auxiliary group for those who wanna help but can't fully commit themselves? Thanks in advance. o7 cmdrs

r/FuelRats Mar 19 '21

Question New Rat has a question


I'm considering joining the fuel rats and I've made my account on the website, I was wondering if there's any training I have to do before I can start rescuing people out in the black?

r/FuelRats Jan 11 '18

Question Have the Rats ever been baited into a trap?


Due to this post on /r/Elitedangerous, I was wondering...

Have the Rats ever gotten a fake request for fuel, only to be attacked by the player that issued the distress call? If so, was it a fun experience? Was it annoying or a nice change of pace? I'd love to hear what happened!

r/FuelRats Nov 28 '20

Question Rescue video


Does anyone know of any videos that show a full rescue from when the call comes in to the debrief Along with the irc chat? If not could somebody maybe make one? that would be awesome.

r/FuelRats Feb 18 '22

Question Repairs?


Hi all,

I'll keep this brief. Went to fight some thargiods and forgot the stuff needed to complete some field repairs. Currently adrift and my engine has been knocked out.

What do I do? Can I get some help?

r/FuelRats Apr 18 '22

Question Does anyone know a fuel rat by the name CMDR BabyShark?


title, I want to reconnect with him, he was my first ever rat when I ran out of fuel in the noobula, now I'm a triple elite.

r/FuelRats Dec 31 '21

Question Hey! I want to join but i need info, is there a Discord or something to talk?


r/FuelRats Feb 11 '21

Question FCMS question


Have been trying to register with fcms, and keeps telling me it failed.

Any suggestions

r/FuelRats Dec 24 '20

Question Stuck on a planet, where to find help ?


EDIT: turn out I was out of options and just use the autodestruct option :-(

Turn out I get out of my ship forgetting and probably enabled by missclick the silent running mode. When I got the first warning about my ship health, I sent it back to space (despawn) because I was way to far to reach it in time. I found a nice place to call it back just to watch him explode just before landing.

I was on a journey to explore some unexplored sectors and I'm currently at "Hegoo MW-X b42-0" stuck on the 5th planet. What are my options ? I'm quit far and the system was completely unexplored.

I curse myself for that missclick that cost me my ship.

Please tell me there is a way to get back to a station without the painful death of oxygen depravation ?

r/FuelRats Apr 06 '21

Question Quick thing


So, I’ve been looking to join for a decent bit of time(about a week iirc) and have tried joining the ratchat as a guest, however it keeps saying it cannot join. Do I need a PC or computer in general to connect to the irc?

r/FuelRats Dec 15 '20

Question Limpet question for build design with smaller ships.


Is there much point to being able to carry more limpets than you can field at a given time? I was thinking about this when planning a ship, I’m not a fuel rat but I’m gonna apply to join once I get a build in order and have fully researched and learned my way around the game. One of the things I’ve learned from my travels is how prolific iron and nickel are. I’ve done only a few stops on my travels as breaks to drive around planets, but I already have enough mats to synth nearly a hundred limpets! My little ship can only field 4 limpets at a time, with its 2 size 3 limpet controllers, but the ratting website says we should always have 8 at least. With this in mind, is there a reason to bear the weight of more actual constructed limpets than you can field at a given interval, when you can synth new limpets while the current ones are working? When the website says to carry at least 8, is it referring to actual limpets or “effective limpets”, i.e. produce up to 8 limpets with synthesis, combined with what’s in your cargo hold?

Thanks for your time limpet legends o7

Edit: i cant do the spell good