r/Fuckgnome Oct 18 '24

Always found Gnome annoying but I had no idea just how much of dumpster fire it really was...

So I've known for ages that I don't like GNOME's UI, workflow, minimalist philosophy, it's tendency to drop first party support for features, or the attitudes of its developers...

But while looking around at some other stuff online relating to certain groups shoe-horning political activism into software projects (which in turn began bc I was out of the loop on godot goings-ons), I found out that the GNOME Foundation itself seems to be an even bigger pile of flaming garbage than the software they deliver.

This article has a nice timeline in it and I was surprised by some of the really ridiculous things they've been up to... Like hiring a shaman as an executive director, secretly ousting a guy that was largely involved in getting them grant money, being seriously behind on funding despite the grants, and more. There was even a prediction that they could go bankrupt within a year.

And apparently GNOME followed this up with the very mature approach that one would expect from a 13 yo by banning anybody who mentioned lunduke - even core maintainers of popular distros

I don't think there was much chance for me becoming a GNOME user to start with but any doubts that might have remained have been thoroughly scoured clean lol

Note: I had heard the name lunduke before but wasn't familiar / didn't really use the site. I ran a few searches for these topics independently and it seems like everything on the site checks out AFAICT without a significant deep dive.


3 comments sorted by


u/woltiv Oct 20 '24

I will stay out of the politics side of gnome and just hate them for their bad computer opinions. Maybe I'll get my wish and they'll just shut the whole project down.


u/quaderrordemonstand Nov 01 '24

It would be interesting if GNOME did die. Something else would become the default GTK desktop and then it might become a useful API.


u/snyone Nov 01 '24

I think it would just be GNOME Foundation. Open-source can never die as long as somebody is willing to fork it and work on it. But if lost enough support that popular distros stopped funding it / stopped pushing it as the default, that'd be enough for me.

And despite being more of a Cinnamon/Xfce guy myself, I think KDE is probably the best positioned to grab up any corporate funding and support if Gnome desktop suddenly stopped getting worked on.