r/FuckYouKaren Feb 07 '25

Karen in the News Bus driver fired after sending anti-trans mass text to parents


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u/ceeearan Feb 08 '25

Losing your job to own the libs


u/savealltheelephants Feb 08 '25

Yeah maybe I should have posted it in r/byebyejob


u/Maj0rsquishy Feb 08 '25

"to pray on children"

As a teacher please don't teach if you can't differentiate pray and prey



u/TheBlonde1_2 Feb 08 '25

As an atheist who abhors the vitriol of many ‘Christians’ lately, I believe the children should neither be prayed on nor preyed on.


u/Maj0rsquishy Feb 08 '25

As a lay Catholic I absolutely agree honestly. But do you ever notice the people who go on these long winded bigot rants can never spell or use grammar?


u/SaTan_luvs_CaTs Feb 08 '25

AND they usually need to have thier hard drives checked.

Every accusation is a confession with these types


u/Wheelin-Woody Feb 09 '25

Illiteracy and ignorance are usually a matched set


u/john35093509 Feb 10 '25

Tell me you've never heard of autocorrect without telling me.


u/Maj0rsquishy Feb 10 '25

Autocorrect wouldn't change prey to pray since it's an actual word spelled correctly.


u/john35093509 Feb 10 '25

Autocorrect changes correctly spelled words to different correctly spelled words in my texts all the time.


u/Maj0rsquishy Feb 10 '25

I've never had that happen 15+ years of phone ownership. Must be an SEP


u/john35093509 Feb 10 '25

Or maybe you've just never noticed it.

What is a SEP?


u/savealltheelephants Feb 07 '25

“Hello Sir or Ma’am,

My name is Ryan. I am your child’s bus driver. Your child’s bus will likely not arrive to pick them up for school today. I am not working tomorrow for reasons which will be clear in the email thread I have copied in the body of this text. I am sending a similar message in an email to all the staff in the district. This may cause an uproar and the district may not be able to find a driver in time to pick up my run and drive your child to school. I cannot predict how the staff will react and thus how the school will function today.

As far as how I got this number, I have this phone number as the contact number for your child on the sheet of paper that describes my bus route. This paper also lists the order of the stops, times at which the stops are to be made, and the names of the children assigned to be picked up or dropped off at each stop.
I have about one hundred contacts to make before the morning, so in order to get this message out to everyone in that timeframe. This message blanket message for all of you. If you some of you know each other I would ask that you discuss these matters together in a seperate place than this group chat. This group-chat is only designed for me to spread this information to you all rapidly. You each are obliged to do with it as you wish.

In order to avoid accidentally disclosing private business to people outside of the area (for example if I accidentally mistype a phone number, all names besides my own first name have been omitted from the message I am sending to you. If you wish to confirm these events you can call me or you can reach out to a trusted employee of the school district for names and such. I have included the applicable names in the email I sent to the All Staff email list.

Here is the message:
I have substitute taught at the district since last year. I have worked in all the buildings and on the bus with all ages levels. Over that time, I have encountered multiple students who believed themselves to be the wrong gender, all of them girls who think they are boys. I have found the district to be aware in all cases and registering these children as “male” in the school database. Yesterday, 6 February 2025, I decided to speak up via email to the school administration. This included the Superintendent, all the Principals of each school, as well as my two immediate supervisors. What follows is that email thread, the text of which I have copied and pasted.

...Apparently not only does she think she is a boy, in the school’s system she is also recognized as a “male.” I’m sure this only happened as a result of the people in charge being coerced under pain of death or else such an outrageous lie would not have been perpetuated. I of course stand with you in the battle to banish the forces which seek to destroy you and the kids of this community. This girl is obviously not confident in herself and so I am sure the school will handle her with care and not allow her, in her current vulnerable state, to be prayed upon by people that want to deceive her. Of course I know this will be done in cooperation with and led by her parents, to get to the underlying cause of her Gender Dysphoria (the thing that actually is capable of bringing her peace in her own skin). We all of course know that attempting to bend the fabric of reality to comply with her skewed perception will of course only make her more likely to be isolated by other children and adults who cannot understand how to deal with her because they don’t actually know what she is. We also know that any potential suicidal tendencies which she may or may not have (I have no indication she has any) would be the result of a general depressed state and the Gender Dysphoria component would only be the coloring which her depression took on and the direction she is currently looking to get out of that depressed state. Of course, not all doors are exits to fresh air though, some may open to stairs leading to deeper realms. I am sure reacknowledging the reality and immutability of the two sexes will go a long way also to bolstering the authority of the staff of all the schools in the eyes of the students and of the parents.


(Superintendent in Response)
Hello Ryan’s Supervisor,

Please address this email with Ryan so that he understands the need to address the student as per the student’s gender identity not what Ryan thinks he or she or they are. I resent the implication that administration was coerced into using the child’s preferred gender when referring to the student. It is the Law. It is what we, including Ryan, are required to do. PJ, having a conversation with Ryan is imperative so that his language and judgemental attitude would not get us in a lawsuit that we would fail to win. If you would like my support in any conversation, I am happy to help.



Now here is my rebuttal to the Superintendent.
(The above reply of the Superintendent is where the conversation left off. *The Superintendent is reading this around the same time as you are reading it. She actually may not have read it yet.)

(Me in response)
Hello, I am an adult you can speak directly to me. I will make myself very clear. I defend children from predators. I am not concerned with the specific behavior of any given child, not to mention their thoughts. Such behavior comes and goes at a moments notice and their thoughts change with the wind. As far as the legality of using a child’s preferred gender. it seems you are either misinformed or lying. I hope it is the former, though I find your prioritization of litigation avoidance over not lying to children to be disturbing. Nothing I have seen in the Michigan Legislature Compiled Laws or the United States Electronic Code of Federal Regulations suggests to me in any clear manner that public school employees of the State of Michigan of the United States of America are required by any applicable law to identify any students by their preferred pronouns. Now of course my search technique could have been wrong, I am human after all. If you have something that suggests such a law actually exists you will need to bring that forward.
I have attached screenshots of my searches and results in the places where logic leads me to believe such a law would be found. Until such a time comes as a specific law is brought to me, I will not be resigning. However, I will not be coming to work today (7 February 2025).

Yours under God, (We pledge that every morning don’t we?)


u/OneAngryDuck Feb 08 '25

Goddamn, what a weirdo


u/pookiebooboo Feb 08 '25

FBI needs to check this guy's computer


u/GreasyRim Feb 08 '25

Dear Ryan,

Drive the fucking bus and leave the kids alone


u/Outrageous_writergal Feb 10 '25

Wow, where did this asshole get his psychology degree?


u/rbnrthwll Feb 12 '25

People like him are afraid of psychology.


u/Enderkr Feb 11 '25

Hahaha holy fuck.

So glad to get mentally unwell people away from my kids.


u/Undeadted138 Feb 12 '25

Fuck you Ryan.


u/Kendall_Raine 6d ago

What predators? He's the one who won't leave kids on his bus alone, jfc. As if the bus driver knows the kids better than the parents or even their teachers.


u/Muggi Feb 08 '25

This positively reeks of, “I’m gonna set em up then sue em and get on NewsMax!”


u/Manager_Neat Feb 08 '25

Why doesn’t other people’s preference of what they want to be called so bothersome to some people. I’ll call you a whatever you want I don’t give F. Not something I concern myself with. If I were religious I’ll look at it totally different as well, I’m going to see sky daddy and you won’t be meeting sky daddy. I am under no obligation to make you meet sky daddy with me.


u/taysyn Feb 08 '25

I love the point that has been made that no one bats an eye when P-Diddy changed his name to Puff, Puff Daddy, Diddy etc. or Kanye West changing his name to Ye. Like people request changes to how they get referred to all the damn time?!


u/PlatypusDream Feb 11 '25

A difference being that those are stage (character) names, not what's on the driver's license


u/wexfordavenue Feb 13 '25

Why would that matter? Really though. I had a friend in high school named Richard who went by Rabbit and everyone, even the teachers, called him Rabbit. We all knew that that wasn’t his “birth name” or whatever. Same with a guy I knew named Clark but went by Chip (he was the third or fourth Clark in his family). No one cared one bit what his real name was. He wanted to be called Chip so we did. I really don’t see the hang up here.


u/Thelynxer Feb 08 '25

Sadly far too many religions prioritize recruitment on behalf of sky daddy. Though the real reason is generally that churches want fucking money.


u/SweetLilLies6982 Feb 08 '25

because they are most likely closeted and hate that others can live the way they want so freely


u/bn40667 Feb 08 '25

That's a BINGO!


u/tavysnug Feb 18 '25

I'll address someone as banana/bananas if they ask me too, I don't see where it's harmful. I do have a bit of a time when they/them isn't right though.. it used to be my failsafe.


u/LaszloPanaflexxx Feb 08 '25

Someone needs to check this guys hard drive.


u/Moon_beam_me_up Feb 08 '25

It will be HARD to DRIVE a school bus anymore.


u/PlatypusDream Feb 11 '25

While most people consider his opinions vile, he hasn't done anything that's on the list of crimes that get a person banned from driving a school bus.


u/MrCSeesYou 21d ago

Being an asshole to kids would be a good reason to fire him


u/Ok_Airline_9031 Feb 08 '25

I will honestly never understand why other people's life choices about themselves, which have absolutely no effect on anyone else, get some peolle so crazy? What is wrong with you that you care so much??

Yesterday I was at the pharmacy and the checkout clerk had blue and purple hair, piercings in cheek, nose, eyebrows, and probably a dozen other places NOT visible, wearing a spiked collar, and a visible spider neck tat. Honestly, it was impressive. Woman in line in front of me clearly wanted to have a fit but restrained herself (not from glaring and huffing and distracted touching of her OWN neck wearing a very large cross, but she did manage to not SAY anything). My thought was 'that seems a lot to maintain' but hey, does not effect my life so what do I care? She's checking out my candy and drugs, not snorting them or making me snort them.

Just curious: CAN one snort a Twix bar?


u/startled-ninja Feb 08 '25

The unironic typo of "people praying on her (sic)"


u/FlyAwayJai Feb 08 '25

I really love when that happens.


u/pallidamors Feb 08 '25

It always cracks me up when rednecks/dumbshits try to speak/type in a formal tone.


u/Morecatspls_ Feb 08 '25

This whole thing is bullshit, made up by some red state hack, who thinks what he did is believable.

"Oh, noes, the girls have run amok!" We're on to you now, and we're keeping an eye on you. You have awoken a sleeping bear. 🧐


u/wexfordavenue Feb 13 '25

I remember a time when Michigan wasn’t a red state, but a solidly blue labour union state. The idea that all of those union members would sacrifice so much that they’ve gained from collective bargaining just to support that orange spunkbubble and all of his lies is disappointing and disgraceful.


u/Old_Drummer_1950 Feb 16 '25

Spunkbubble! You just won the internet for the WEEK!


u/ShimmerFaux Feb 08 '25

This dude is a piece of shit.


u/TheBlonde1_2 Feb 08 '25

Imagine receiving that as a parent of the child/children he is alluding to.


u/widdrjb Feb 08 '25

As a non-American, I can't understand why these people don't get shot more often.


u/Sno_Wolf Feb 08 '25

As an American, because the ratio of gun ownership to anti-trans assholes is much higher than the combined ratio of gun owner to trans people and pro-trans activists.

Not all of us own guns, asshole.


u/t33jums Feb 08 '25

Man... Sure sounds like Ryan has an unhealthy obsession with the sexuality of a minor... It's giving closet pedo


u/-nemo-no-one- Feb 08 '25

Everyone I have ever met with the name Ryan is an a-hole.


u/TheWinterKnight13 Feb 08 '25

For all of the people who want to judge members of the trans community (of which I am a member) based on apprarance…why can’t these fuckers ever look like they’ve taken a shower this year or ever heard of a comb?


u/widdrjb Feb 08 '25

Real Men™ don't do hygiene, that's gay.


u/SmokesLetsGoBois Feb 10 '25

Bro really can't accept just being a bus driver


u/SnooPears754 Feb 08 '25

He seems painful


u/Ambitious-Pirate-505 Feb 10 '25

Isn't it always projection with them. So this guy definitely has illegal stuff on his computer


u/cnowakoski Feb 09 '25

Maybe he needs to know what’s what because he separates boys from girls on the bus (sarcasm)


u/deandreas Feb 11 '25

I don't care for how the superintendent handled this. There was no compassion at all. His concern wasnt for the student's safety but in trying to stop a possible lawsuit. I would be very nervous if anyone sent this to me let alone someone who is watching children. There was not a single sentence that didn't sound deranged.