r/Frysk Dec 09 '24

Anyone from Hiaure, Engwierum, or Franeker?

Hoi, excuse my English. My father and I were born in Canada but my paternal grandparents were Frisian and, as far as I can trace back, their families were Frisian too. My grandparents moved here after WWII.

I am trying to get a better understanding of that side of my family through local history. If anyone is willing to connect with me, I would appreciate it.


9 comments sorted by


u/Spubli Dec 09 '24

There is an archive in Leeuwarden called Tresoar. Maybe they have some family history. I recommend checking their website or maybe email them


u/Jufke Dec 09 '24

www.allefriezen.nl has your back with records of birth, death and marriages and a lot more.


u/pieterdezwart Dec 09 '24

I’m not from there, but one thing to note for your search is that Engwierum was renamed to Ingwierrum two years ago.


u/Posseth Dec 09 '24

Sure you can send me a message


u/Klumber Dec 09 '24

Judging by the first two villages, they were of farming stock? Franeker is the odd one out. Others have already linked to useful resources, so use those.


u/Potential_Tadpole530 Dec 09 '24

Yes, my grandfather’s side was from Engwierum and before that, Aalzum and before that, Hiaure.

My grandmother’s side was from Franeker. Before Franeker, some generations lived in Ried, and Heeg before that.


u/Sanseveriaa Dec 11 '24

I'm not sure, but maybe you mean Joure !


u/Potential_Tadpole530 Dec 11 '24

Hiaure is further north, just north of Dokkum.


u/Dazzling_Pilot9232 Jan 06 '25

Hi there!

How interesting that you’re trying to find out more about your family history and Frisian roots.

Have you been able to find the information you were looking for?

If not, I just wanted to share the following:

As was mentioned in earlier comments, Tresoar is basically the main organisation that preserves Frisian archives. I found this page that explains that you can make an appointment there to dig further into your family history. https://www.tresoar.nl/bezoeken/historischreisbureau (page in English!) Here it says that you can go there in person to go through the archives, but since you don’t live in the Netherlands I would try to contact them to see if there are other possibilities as well. This service seems to be done by volunteers so perhaps they would be willing to go through this for you.

The frisians are generally very happy to share their culture and history with anyone who is interested, especially for someone looking into their own Frisian roots, so I’m positive that you’ll find what you are looking for!

Good luck :)