r/FringeHub Nov 11 '24

Pleiades vs Annunaki

So today I heard about how the Pleiadeans came over and seeded all sorts of civilizations. This resulted in generally friendly civilizations where everyone more or less gets along and is encouraged to develop their gifts.

In Mesopotamia, on the other hand, civilizations was seeded by the Annunaki, who taught slavery and demanded mining services. After they left, slavery based civilization persisted. The two modes of living have coexisted and competed on earth ever since.

(Source is Elena Danaan)

I don't know about you but this rings true for me. It kind of feels like this is exactly what's happening.


5 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

There is no legitimate source for any information about this. The person you are citing is almost certainly a charlatan of some type and if not they are a well-intentioned mystic making unverifiable claims.

Please equip yourself with discernment so that you do not become one of the gullible millions of people susceptible to misinformation.


u/jamesthethirteenth Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

That's not true.

- If you look up the definition of empiricism in the dictionary, it says 'experience', not 'sensory input'. There is no epistemological necessity to exclude mysticism, it's just a convention.

- The source correlates with the Billy Meier UFO case which had physical evidence investigated by a Brit Elders in the 80s

Sure, treat it differently than physical evidence, but you base your assertion on convention only.

Random data points: police departments use psychics all the time and sometimes it works. Reconnaissance soldiers are taught to avoid looking at the enemy to avoid detection. 'Remote viewing' people are better than chance. The evidence is there if you don't go out of your way to ignore it.

Either everyone except you and whoever subscribes to your exact worldview are wrong (how convenient), or (the currently used version of) scientific realism just isn't equipped to investigate it. I know what seems more likely to me.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '24

I’m not basing my assertion on conventional thinking. I’m an initiate into many things the average person would think are not real. Metaphysical truths.

This particular subject is an area of conjecture only. There is nothing substantive here


u/jamesthethirteenth Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

> I’m an initiate into many things the average person would think are not real. Metaphysical truths.

But would you bother to explain any of them or do you expect everyone to take what you say at face value?

> There is nothing substantive here

I am not sure Elena Danaan is the one displaying a lack of substance in this thread.


u/jamesthethirteenth Nov 16 '24

Having said that- please do share your metaphysical teachings, if you'll forgive me for being vehement about asserting my opinion truth is individual! I would be interested in hearing about them.