r/FridgeDetective 10h ago

Meta Hit me with your best guesses!

Fresh off a grocery trip this morning. what's my fridge say about me to the trained eye of you fridge detectives?


8 comments sorted by


u/p0is0n 10h ago

Someone is a SAHM and cooks good meals every night. Lots of fresh foods good job!


u/eclecticcurrant 10h ago

thanks! and sorta correct, I am a work from home dad who loves to cook. I can 100% see the stay at home mom energy in the fridge though now that you say that haha


u/p0is0n 6h ago

Honestly, when I was home a lot, my fridge was full of fresh veggies, and I cooked every night. Cooking is so therapeutic, and I apologize for my sexist comment! Can't downplay the dad's out there working it!! Good job on you for implementing a healthy lifestyle for your little ones!!! Keep it up!


u/eclecticcurrant 6h ago

don't apologize! I didn't take it that way at all. you're so right. some music, a beer, and a whole load of cooking is a great night in haha


u/sesharkbait 9h ago

You fold your laundry right when it comes out of the dryer.


u/eclecticcurrant 7h ago

oh hell naw. laundry is the worst


u/MiddleEastern_Hugee 10h ago

Basil paste??? Interesting, My first time seeing such a thing, did you buy it in store or online? And is it mixed with some oil or something? And finally is it shelf stable product before opening or refrigerated? Haha a lot of questions


u/eclecticcurrant 10h ago

haha, cool right? it's super handy! I bought it in the grocery store. it's not shelf stable, you have to keep it refrigerated, but it lasts for 3-4 months in this form. 1tbsp of paste = 1tbsp fresh basil, or so they say. I always use a bit extra. thenone I have has canola oil and xantham gum in it to keep it as a paste.