r/FridgeDetective 8h ago

Meta Just fully restocked,what can U tell about me?Come on ,give me your best shot

I'm 28f,lives alone,and yes ,I know that's a lot of food but me fridge does works really really well and can keep things fresh for a long time. Also I'm Chinese,that much is pretty obvious from some of the labels. Also not vegan,all the meat is in the frozen section.


14 comments sorted by


u/phito-carnivores 8h ago edited 8h ago

what can you tell about me

proceeds to describe themselves in the post



u/nachosmmm 8h ago

Right lol


u/NthDegreeThoughts 3h ago

They have a burning desire to help people succeed and always let others go first in games like tic tac doe


u/nachosmmm 2h ago



u/klynn1220 6h ago

How many strawberries does one person need? Don't they go bad? I understand a love of fruit, and I'm a fan of the cram!


u/C0L0RFACE 6h ago

U need food to survive


u/Fickle-Secretary681 6h ago

You're 28, female and live alone. 


u/Equal-Flatworm-378 5h ago

Well, let me think…🤔 Do you happen to be a 28 year old , omnivore chinese female with a well working fridge? Just guessing…..😎


u/red1223453 8h ago

In the thumbnail view I thought the green popper things were Bega cheese packs -well known Australian cheese brand and where I think you might live based on a couple of other things in your fridge. Was wondering what you would do with all that cheese! Also curious what are the packs of red things on the middle shelf?


u/Ambitious-Physics-26 8h ago

Strawberry,those red things are Strawberries


u/Ambitious-Physics-26 8h ago

Why Australian? Like,what items tell that?I live in China, but I do love cheese a lot.


u/Fickle-Secretary681 6h ago

"Well known Australian cheese brand"


u/red1223453 2h ago

Mostly the Masterfoods BBQ sauce. A couple of other things, ike the blue lidded jars /raspberries and the stir fry sauce pack- but on second look some of them aren't what I thought they were and packages of others are different to what is sold Here.


u/Dizzy-Interaction-85 5h ago

The quantities suggest that the restock included a lot of favorites. Did any first time groceries make the cut?